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Black Chiper 6 + By Pass Sem DC + Video Aula e Print. (Aprovado)

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Descrição: Eae Pessoal Aki é o ƒίrє đrαgσŋ e Hoje eu Trouxe a Atualização do Hacker Para Combat Arms... Entao Vamos Lá


Categoria : Hacker


Hospedagem : Multiupload




Baixe e Abra o Programa By Pass 1.0 clique em Avançar -> Avançar -> Start -> Avançar -> Sair.

Entre na Pasta do Seu Combat Arms: C:\Level Up! Games\Combat Arms.

Vá na Pasta Ronaldo Injetor e Abra o Injetor Ronaldo 2.4 como Adiministrador se o seu Pc for Windowns 7.

Em Processo Coloque: Engine.exe

Forma de Injecção Coloque: Automático

Depois clique no botão Procurar e selecione a DLL que veio Junto com o By Pass.

Abra o Combat Arms e Se Divirta


Download e Scan By Pass



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Download e Scan Black Chiper 6



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Video Prometido a VCS !!!



É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.


OBS : Arquivos Mais de 20 mb sem Scan

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Black Chiper 6 + By Pass Sem DC + Video Aula e Print e Funçoes . (Aprovado)




Obrigado por Responder eu vou Bota-las Agora !!:calma:




Descrição: Eae Pessoal Aki é o ƒίrє đrαgσŋ e Hoje eu Trouxe a Atualização do Hacker Para Combat Arms... Entao Vamos Lá


Categoria : Hacker


Hospedagem : Multiupload




Baixe e Abra o Programa By Pass 1.0 clique em Avançar -> Avançar -> Start -> Avançar -> Sair.

Entre na Pasta do Seu Combat Arms: C:\Level Up! Games\Combat Arms.

Vá na Pasta Ronaldo Injetor e Abra o Injetor Ronaldo 2.4 como Adiministrador se o seu Pc for Windowns 7.

Em Processo Coloque: Engine.exe

Forma de Injecção Coloque: Automático

Depois clique no botão Procurar e selecione a DLL que veio Junto com o By Pass.

Abra o Combat Arms e Se Divirta


Download e Scan By Pass



É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.


Download e Scan Black Chiper 6



É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.


Video Prometido a VCS !!!



É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.


OBS : Arquivos Mais de 20 mb sem Scan


Funçoes em Ingles



Agora tem o REMOTEKILL que permite matar de longe so ao ativar, ele é melhor que o multi telekill.


O rapidfire dele causa DC em alguns windows, aconselho a nao usar para nao levar DC.


outro que causa DC as vezes é o Rage Kill.


O Ghost Aim era um dos hacks que muitos esperavam, porque ele permite matar os inimigos que estiverem em sua frente de forma despercebida, eles vao pensar que é um tiro normal e na verdade é o Ghost Aim que estara mirando automaticamente e você só precisa atirar, ele funciona independente do Aimbot, ou seja vc escolhe para acertar em determinada possição ou atirar automaticamente, ele não vai atirar sozinho e sim quando vc apertar o botao de atirar.


Em Equipe Armada ative o multi telekill ou life taker e ele vai posicionar a camera para a posicao dos zumbis e matar automaticamente.


O Rage Kill ao ser ativado, ira acessar a sala automaticamente e matar os inimigos rapidamente e logo em seguida sair da partida e retornar a sala e desligar o Rage Kill, não é recomendavel usar essa função se vc não deseja levar Ban, uma boa utilidade para essa função é entrar em salas de elite e ficar ativando, quando ele retorna a sala, ative novamente ate cansar, o elite pode sair da partida e voltar a sala e tentar te kikar, se vc continuar ativando rapidamente ele não vai conseguir te kikar, vc precisa ser bem rapido ou ele te kika.


Dica para o Aimbot:


Em Aim Angle deixe em 5 e mire no inimigo desejado, ele vai funcionar como a função Crosshair do T.K.O matando o inimigo que estiver na posição de sua mira.


O Super Pickup permite trazer as armas que estiverem no chão ate você, aperte o E e as armas virão ate vc, ele tambem funciona para as caixas do super soldado, caixas do espião e tudo que for possivel trazer, ela é uma função excelente para quem não tem muito GP ou Cash.


Black Cipher Scrolling Menu

Detailed Explanation for Hack Features

Use INSERT to minimize and maximize the Black Cipher Scrolling Menu.

Use UP and DOWN to switch between items.

Use LEFT AND RIGHT to switch between options.

Clock on right side of the title bar shows time based on the 24 hour clock.

There are 16 items shown on the menu out of the total 42.


Auto Aim


This group grouping deals with aimbot and settings that go with aimbot. The aimbot does not work in fireteam, cabin fever, desert th-under, or any other mode that involves NPCs (like Hired Guns).


Aim Key

Options: Off, Auto, LClick, RClick, MidClick, Alt, Ctrl

Auto- This option will activate the aimbot automatically. Using this option ensures you will not have to hold a key to activate the aimbot.

LClick- This option will activate the aimbot when you Left Click using your mouse.

RClick- This option will activate the aimbot when you Right Click using your mouse.

MidClick- This option will activate the aimbot when you click the Middle Mouse Button on your mouse. The middle mouse button is what you use to scroll with. Not every mouse will have a scroll wheel. Laptops will not be able to use this option unless you plug in an external mouse or have a clickable scroll wheel on your touch pad.

Alt- This option will activate the aimbot when you hold the ALT key on your keyboard.

Ctrl- This option will activate the aimbot when you hold the CONTROL key on your keyboard. Please note that default Combat Arms key configuration binds CONTROL to crouch your player.

Aim Bone

Options: Nuts, Chest, Neck, Head

Nuts- The aimbot will check for the visibility for nuts and aim at them.

Chest- The aimbot will check for the visibility for chest and aim at it.

Neck- The aimbot will check for the visibility for neck and aim at it.

Head- The aimbot will check for the visibility for head and aim at it.

Auto Fire

Options: Off/On

This feature will shoot your gun after the aimbot has locked onto its target. Auto Fire will not work for pistols or snipers.

Aim Angle

Options: 360, 180, 150, 120, 90, 60, 30, 10, 5


Each angle is in degrees. If you choose 360, you will aim at people who are behind you and will show lots of twitching. 180 will only aim at players on your screen. As the angles go down, the aimbot will appear more legit. Choose wisely.

Aim Thru

Options: Off/On


When this feature is on, the aimbot will aim for players without checking for visibility.

Ghost Aim

Options Off/On


This feature is INDEPENDENT from aimbot options. You cannot change Ghost Aim settings using the above settings for aimbot. Unlike the aimbot, Ghost Aim will work on teammates, enemies, and NPCs. This feature uses an aim angle of 15, checks for visibility, and automatically scans for bones. You do not twitch when you use ghost aim. This hack is also known as the 'always hit' hack or the 'enlarged hit box' hack. You can see this hack in action in the Preview Video.



ESP stands for Extra Sensory Perception. ESP hacks show you extra information about the world or players.


Name ESP

Options Off/On


This feature draws the enemy's name above his/her head.


Options: Off/On


This feature draws a bounding box around enemies.


Line ESP:

Options: Off/On


This feature draws a line from the middle bottom of your screen to the middle bottom of the enemy.


Health ESP:

Options: Off/On


This feature draws health bars above enemies. The bar changes color based on HP level.


Wireframe Chams:

Options: Off/On


This feature draws a skeleton of the enemy. If a joint of the skeleton is visible, the line that connects to that joint will be green. Otherwise it will be blue. You can see this hack in action in the Preview Video.


Explosive ESP:

Options: Off/On


This feature shows the name of the explosive in the world. This ESP picks up missles from launchers, mines turrets, and more.


Weapon ESP:

Options: Off/On


This feature shows the name of the weapon on the ground as a green square. This ESP also picks up Hi-Sec cases, Papa Boxes, and gold bars.



Options: Off/On


This feature draws a box around NPCs. This also works for NPcs in Hired Guns mode.

Console Commands


This group deals with hacks done through the console in Combat Arms.


Sattellite Chams:

Options: Off/On


This hack turns on chams from the sattellite scanner. These chams are blue and work for enemies and teammates.


Far Pickup:

Options Off/On


This hack lets you pick up guns, hi-sec cases, papa boxes, and gold bars from far away as long as you are looking at the pickup.


No Smoke:

Options: Off/On


This hack makes smoke, flash, fire, and gas not show up on your screen. However, you will still be damaged by fire and gas.


No Fog:

Options: Off/On


This hack disables fog on the map.


Fly Mode:

Options: Off/On


This hack makes you fly up in the air when you hold the space bar and fall back down when you let go of the space bar.


Speed Boost:

Options: 1x-20x


This hack makes you move faster based on the speed you choose.


Jump Height:

Options: 1x-20x


This hack makes you jump higher based on the height you choose.



This group deals with hacks that make changes to your weapons.


No Recoil:

Options: Off/On


This hack stops the camera from shaking while you shoot. Also works while you are scoped in.


No Spead:

Options: Off/On


This hack makes all your bullets go in a perfectly straight line. This also works with no scopes on snipers. This hack also removes sway from all scopes.


Rapid Fire:

Options: Off/On


This hack makes your weapon shoot faster. Works with knife too. Warning: This hack has a high chance of disconnecting you from game. Disconnecting from the game due to rapid fire you will show a message dialog from Combat Arms saying "The connection to the server has ended".


Shoot Thru Walls:

Options: Off/On


This hack makes your bullets and your knife go through walls. This hack is also known as "Super Bullets". Will not work for explosive weapons.


Infinite Range:

Options: Off/On


This hack makes the extends the gun range. Useful for knife. Useful for sniping too.


Gun Silencer:

Options: Off/On


This hack is client sided and makes your gun shoot silently. Other players will still hear normal gun shooting. Useful for people with headsets who listen for footsteps.


D3D Crosshair:

Options: Off/On


This hack draws a crosshair in the middle of your screen. The design of the crosshair is like putting a + inside an O.



This group has hacks that are unique and do not fit other categories.


Multi Telekill:

Options: Off/On


This hack will teleport to enemy players. This hack against NPCs. When using this hack against NPCs, this hack will automatically aim for the head.


Life Taker:

Options: 90HP, 80HP, 70HP, 60HP, 50HP, 40HP, 30HP


This hack will teleport to enemy players until their HP is below the option you chose. This hack automatically aims at nuts. If you use aimbot settings to auto fire enemies, use the Life Taker option of 90HP. If you manually shoot enemies slowly, you can choose options as low as 30HP. The goal of this hack is not to kill the enemy but rather to knock the HP of the entire enemy team to a certain level. Use this hack where winning the game for your team is vital.


Rage Kill:

Options: On/Off


You turn this hack on in lobby. The hack will automatically start the game for you. In game, it will telekill all enemy players and kill them, when every enemy is dead, it will exit to lobby and rage kill will be turned off. From there you can turn it on again to continue frustating players in game. This hack works well in elite mod rooms to the extend that the elite mod must kick you from lobby because they cannot kick you in game fast enough.


Super Pickup:

Options: Off/On


This hack will teleport to anything you can pickup. This includes weapons on the ground, gold bars, Hi-Sec cases, papa boxes, bombs in search and destroy. When the hack is on, keep hitting E to pickup weapons. Once you can tell every gun is teleported to you just turn super pickup off and you will have a pool of weapons in front of you that teammates can use. You can use this hack in Hired Guns to pick up gold even before the vault opens.


Ghost Mode

Options: 1x-20x


This hack has 20 speeds. Ghost Mode moves your camera but keeps your player standing still. This hack uses the keys I J K L. <I> moves you foreward. <J> moves you left. <K> moves you backwards. <L> moves you right. Use this hack to plant the bomb in search and destroy, capture the point in search and seizure, open the vault in Hired Guns or mess around and plant mines in the enemy spawn. You cannot pickup the flag using ghost mode in CTF.



Options: 1x-20x


This hack has 20 speeds. You cannot go through walls with glitcher but you can move through open air with glitcher. See "Ghost Mode" for details on which keys to activate the hack. If you go too fast, you will fall. This hack may seem obsolete to "Fly Mode" but glitcher can keep you standing in mid air or can put you in better spots where it may appear that you are standing on a ledge, but you really are not.



Save Settings


Use this feature to save current menu settings. This feature may have problems with computers that do not have administrator rights.


Load Settings


Use this feature to load menu settings.


Olha Gente eu Acho que ele ja Abre sozinho mas se nao Abrir e Insert ou Delete

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tem algum botao para abrir o menu ?


Puta que Pariiu cara, Olha parabens, axei q nunca veria um noob a ponto de fazer essa\ pergunta, mais enfiim.. Tem Sim é o botão "INSERT" ELLE ABRE E FECHA O MENU




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