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[Updated]Machida-ZOMBIE- HACK-2Versions-rapidfire!...and MORE]


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Hack Is Undetected!!

I'm keeping up to date with the *****s, I will request close myself if it's detected,

so If it is detected for u then clean your game and windows.












Hello, Finlay here is the hack, with 2 New versions for Zombie Mode . NO NEED to use any bypasses and its pretty simple to use.

I hope you like !There is 2 languages in my program, English and Brazilian.

You can choose the proper one when you open the program.

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this is how it looks after u start the New Version In English Language






Don't use any BYPASSES or you will get banned!

If you get "Hack Tool Detected" press DELETE or END

Read the whole program / topic before posting anything!




[GUIDE] Starting The Hack:


--- Click Show To View The Guide




1- Make Sure that Crossfire folder is not containing any previous or detected hacks, (always delete the file sxs.dll before using a new hack)

--- make sure that no injectors running in background (use task manager



2- Start Machida Loader.exe which has a green Icon (run as administrator, just for precaution)

--- and click the flag on the right for English language, or click the flag on the left for Brazilian.


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3- This is the main window of the hack, with lots of Versions, It's all for CF-NA only, but It's divided into Sections/Versions so You can select what features u want to play using,

--- Select Your Version and click Activate:



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4- A Small Window Appears asking for the location of Crossfire Folder.

--- navigate it to the folder of Crossfire and click OK (just like the Image):


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5- After you click OK in the previous step You Will see a pop up saying that the hack is Successfully activated,

--- Click Ok and the hack will Will close:


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6- After Activating the hack, u r supposed to see a file named sxs.dll this means that hack will be Injected and Auto-Enabled once you open the game


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7- Now Run The Game by double clicking the file patcher_cf.exe (it's name might be patcher_cf without .exe for some users depending on windows File Options' configurations).

--- run as administrator, if applicable,:


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8- while the game loading, a black window (Command Prompt) pops up,

--- Ignore it:


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9- the Black Window in the previous step opens a web site ( link), just close the website or w8 for 5 seconds before closing it in order to support the ***** of this hack:


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10- Now I've started the game and joined a zombie-Mode game, and In this screenshot I'm holding down the Left Shift Key so I can See Through Walls and of course I can shoot though walls:


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11- Now In This Screenshot, I'm Just Showing Off the hack 1 hit, No World, Shoot Though walls: xD


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12- I Got a Score of 147914 In 9 Waves lol:


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