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Cabal online bypass


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Eu axei isso aki em um site nao tinha nem um comentario como nao entendo nada eu nem arrisquei em fazer e tentar executar se alguem souber da uma olhada






Pois bem eu estou aq para encinar porque realmente fuimciona e eu testei aq em casa em 3 jogos q usao ele!









Posi bem vamso ao q entereça!



1°Primeiramente você tem q copiar tudo isso aq sem deixar nada para traz!


/************************************************** ********************* XTrap Bypass ************************************************** ************************ Hacking Detected **** ---------------- **** 00435FA6 EB 35 All referenced text string, 'Hacking detected' **** One line, up, change JNZ to JMP **** 0043CE36 EB 35 All referenced text string, 'Hacking detected' **** One line, up, change JNZ to JMP **** 0043DCF0 EB 35 All referenced text string, 'Hacking detected' **** One line, up, change JNZ to JMP **** 0043DCD1 EB 1F All referenced text string, 'Hacking detected' **** Jump #1 change JNZ to JMP **** 0043DCE9 EB 07 All referenced text string, 'Hacking detected' **** Jump #2 change JNZ to JMP **** **** IsDebuggerPresent **** ----------------- **** 00499517 90 Go to IsDebuggerPresent, do down and NOP first JNZ **** **** ZCheckHackProcess **** ----------------- **** 00441E35 EB 34 All referenced text string, 'Hacking Detected' **** go up till start of function (PUSH -1), **** go to the local call, under it theres a **** TEST AL,AL, go down one more line, (JNZ) change **** it to JMP (Do this for all 3 'Hacking Detected' **** 00441E62 EB 2C **** 00441EBD EB 09 **** **** Abnormal Behavior **** ----------------- **** 00440353 E9 8A 00 00 00 All referenced text strings, **** 'An abnormal behavior is detected.', **** go up 2 lines, change the JE to JMP ************************************************** *********************/#include <windows.h>#define HackDetect1 0x00435FA6BYTE HD1[] = {0xEB, 0x35};#define HackDetect2 0x0043CE36BYTE HD2[] = {0xEB, 0x35};#define HackDetect3 0x0043DCF0BYTE HD3[] = {0xEB, 0x35};#define HackDetect4 0x0043DCD1BYTE HD4[] = {0xEB, 0x1F};#define HackDetect5 0x0043DCE9BYTE HD5[] = {0xEB, 0x07};#define IsDebuggerPresent 0x00499517BYTE IDP[] = {0x90};#define ZCheckHackProcess1 0x00441E35BYTE ZCHP1[] = {0xEB, 0x34};#define ZCheckHackProcess2 0x00441E62BYTE ZCHP2[] = {0xEB, 0x2C};#define ZCheckHackProcess3 0x00441EBDBYTE ZCHP3[] = {0xEB, 0x09};#define AbnormalBehavior 0x00440353BYTE AB[] = {0xE9, 0x8A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};//Write To MemoryDWORD OldProtection;void WriteToMemory(DWORD Offset, DWORD Pointer, DWORD Length){VirtualProtect((void *)Offset, Length, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &OldProtection);RtlMoveMemory((void *)Offset, (const void*)Pointer, Length);VirtualProtect((void *)Offset, Length, OldProtection, &OldProtection);}void ModifyMemory( BYTE *Offset, BYTE *ByteArray, DWORD Length){for(DWORD i = 0; i < Length; i++)WriteToMemory((DWORD)Offset + i, (DWORD)ByteArray + i, 1);}void Bypass(){ModifyMemory((BYTE*)HackDetect1, HD1, 2);ModifyMemory((BYTE*)HackDetect2, HD2, 2);//ModifyMemory((BYTE*)HackDetect3, HD3, 2);ModifyMemory((BYTE*)HackDetect4, HD4, 2);ModifyMemory((BYTE*)HackDetect5, HD5, 2);//ModifyMemory((BYTE*)IsDebuggerPresent, IDP, 1);//ModifyMemory((BYTE*)ZCheckHackProcess1, ZCHP1, 2);//ModifyMemory((BYTE*)ZCheckHackProcess2, ZCHP2, 2);//ModifyMemory((BYTE*)ZCheckHackProcess3, ZCHP3, 2);ModifyMemory((BYTE*)AbnormalBehavior, AB, 5);}bool APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved){if(dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH){DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hMod ule);Bypass();return true;}return true;


2°deposi de copiar va ate Iniciar/Todos Pogramas/Acessorios/Bloco de Notas!


3°Cola Tudo isso la dentro!


4°Agora e so você ir ate arquivo/salvar como/e tem q ter esse nome aq certinho (.bat) e Salva ele no Descktop!


5°agora faz a msm coisa so q no lugar de .BAT você poe (.exe)!


6°Ai você vai ate sua area de trabalho e executa os 2 e pronto e so ir se divertin usando o CE!


Bom galera ta ai meu topico quem puder agradescer estaremos ai!




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