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PCF and UCF ProSkill UNDETECTED July 18,2011

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UnrealSkill Version


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PCF ProSkill Version






Crosshair (1 and 2)

No Recoil

No Spread

No Weapon Weight

No Grenade Damage

One Hit Kill

Shotgun Spread

Instant Reload

Weapon Range

Rapid Fire-NotWorking

Speed Hack-NotWorking

Fly Hack -NotWorking

Shoot Through Wall

Walk Through Wall

Super Jump

Invisi Ghost

Silent Clip (Assault, Sniper)

Fire Mode (Single Fire, Repeat Fire, Shrapnel Fire, Delay Fire, Alternate Fire)

Anti Flash

Player Name Esp (Enemies, Team, Both)

Player Distance Esp (Enemies, Team, Both)

Player Health Esp (Enemies, Team, Both)

Player Box 2D (Enemies, Team, Both)

Player Box 3D (Enemies, Team, Both)

Radar (Enemies, Team, Both)


Aimbot FOV (90°, 180°, 360°)

Aimbot Bone (Head, Chest)

Aimbot Visibility Check

Aimbot AimKey (L. Button, R. Button, L. Shift, R. Shift, L. Alt)

Show Ghost




Open the menu - INSERT

Navigate and toggle menu items - ARROW KEYS

Fly Hack - F


This new version MUST be executed under administrator privileges (Vista / 7 > Right click "Run as Admin...")

You only need to download the exe file, run it then run CF.

It auto delete itself to prevent detection.

It also auto delete Prefetch / Temp files.


Few of the features are still causing "client error"












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