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Combat Arms EHF-Gaming Pub Unpatchable Chams Download


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EHF CA NA & EU Unpatchable Chams

Created By flameswor10. Thread Content By Amandeep619.

These chams are unpatchable so have fun and enjoy this epic release by while it’s still around. As well, please take some time to press the “thanks” button. It doesn’t take that long and it shows your appreciation towards my work.




•The reason why the “.exe” file is so over-sized is because I shoved a “.mp3″ file in the loader for the heck of it. You can get it if you want, you’ll just need to find a way to extract it.

•You must have the “.dll” file with the “.exe” file when you download.

•You will have to run this everytime you want to use the chamz. Don’t worry, it doesn’t download anything.

•The Loader is EHF Edition, so don’t be a noobs and leech because if you leech, I will notice.

•Delete all “.rezbak” files you have in your Combat Arms Game folder.






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