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TibiaBot NG(8.71) cracked


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When looking through guides in the forum, I saw a tutorial on how exactly this bot. The guide was not sharp, nor any effects of writing, the type of color czicionki, etc ... I remembered that I once I wrote the guide to the bot. I decided to write it here to help other users, who use the bot.




* Aim runes at players from battle window.

* Attack combo, multiple players shooting runes or arrows at a singl player at the same time.

* Automatic fast hands.

* Automatic fishing with fish stacking.

* Automatic healing with spells or runes.

* Automatic logout with buddylist when Player/GM detected or moved.

* Automatic mana drinker.

* Automatic script based responder.

* Battle and healing hotkeys.

* Customizable light intensity.

* Display player guild, vocation, level and max/current hp underneath name.

* Full light all the time with one button.

* Macro recorder for custom actions.

* Multi-level cavebot with customizable looting. Goes up and down rope holes, ladders and stairs!

* Play sound alert when damaged, full mana, Player/GM on screen, messaged or moved.

* Reduce CPU usage to zero while game is minimized.

* Relogin after server save.

* Rune maker and mana trainer. Multiple options when out of runes, alert, logoff or train.

* See through floors, walls and ceilings.

* Show experience needed for next level.

* Single click multi-shot runes and fishing.

* Trade channel helper.

* Professional GUI with many skins available! (available offsite)


Running NG

* - Launch Tibia

* - Enter the passes, and then press Enter and show us our list of the form (do nothing)

* - Turn TibiaBot NG

* - Select figure




Properly included in NG look like, and getting just a description of the function.




Main settings


Load Setting ... [Loads the settings you previously saved]


Save Settings ... [saves the settings that you can then load that does not set back the same]


Show Titile [TibiaBot NG Instead, we have an inscription Tibia]


Show Name [instead of TibiaBot NG / Tibia, we saw our nickname]


Tray Icon [shows the bot icon, next to the clock in the Trial]


Skin Change [Changes the appearance of the skin]


Exit [Exit the bot without any record of the game]






Quest Slover [select the map stamps, in which we can describe the various quests. Some quests can be downloaded from the website (eg, from bot official site)]


Alerts [Alerts are various commands you want the alarm to be activated]


Damage - [The alarm is activated when we get the insult, no matter what or whom. (Damage - damage)]

Disconnected - [When you hang up your Internet connection, or automatically log you out of tibia after 15 minutes of inactivity]

Full Mana - [When your mana level reaches the maximum level]

GM Detected - [When the program detects when the GM on the screen]

Message - [When someone tells you something on the channel Defalut]

Moved - [When you move someone]

Player Attack - [Then when you attack a player]

On Screen Player - [someone appears on the screen]

Private Message - [Then when you get a private message]


Audio Alarm - [Alarm sounds]

Costume Sound - [Custom alarm sounds.]

Text To Speech - [The figure corresponds to the words set in AutoResponderze.]


Logout [wylogowywuje form if:]


GM Detected - [On the bot sees GM].

On Screen Player - [On the bot will see another player]

Moved - [Our character will be transferred]


Safe List [You can add to this letter characters, monsters, at which the program will not activate an alarm or wylogowywał character]

[To add a character or monster to Safe List, click:]

[Options] -> [safe List] -> [Add]


Clear - [Clears all the Safe List]


Save GM [Disables all the functions of the program when you see the Game Master]



Save Player [Disables all the functions of the program when you see the player]


Anti-Idle [This feature prevents a logout when you pass 15 minutes of inactivity]


Experience [in addition to the upper string Tibia shows the amount of experience needed for the next level, it shows a rounded amount of experience per hour, and calculate how much time is needed to achieve a given level]


Hotkeys [Enable / disable the option "hot keys"]


F12 - [shows / Hides the program.]

Pause - [Activates / Deactivates Cavebota.]

Home - [Toggle full of light.]


Information [show Info / / Monster without clicking on a player]


Name - [Name Player / Monster]

Level - [Level Player]

Guild - [Guild Player]

Health - [shows exact number of hit points HP (hit points) Player / Monster]

The first two letters show the profession of the player. For example, EK - Elite Knight, S - Sorcerer


X-Ray [The program examines all the levels where you are and see what monsters are below you or above you. Just press the button on the keyboard "+" or "-"]


Aimbot [This feature allows you to easily aim to run at people and monsters]


Players [Aim for the people of the run: SD (Sudden Death), Explosion, Hmm (Heavy Magic Missile). When you enable Aimbot -> Players / Monsters next to your nick, or there will be a monster number from 1 to 9 You can select the type of runes:

Delete - Sudden Death (SD)

End - HMM (Heavy Magic Missile)

Page Up - Explosion

After selecting the type of rune, press 1-9 and then automatically launched ground to a player who had a ticket in the nick]


Classical Aimbot [To use the ditions must first attack the player, and then press given a web shooter. Fleece is automatically launched and the direction of the victim player]


Click Reuse [This feature does not need to click on Use With such the rod every time you want to try something to catch. Just click Use With the rod and select Click Reuse. Since then, the program will automatically select the Use With, and you only have to click for example on water]


Fremate [This option reduces Fremate Limit (Tibia -> Options -> Graphics -> Advanced -> Adjust Fremate Limit), when minimizing the Tibia.

In this way, when you minimize the Tibia, all programs will go faster because it uses minimal CPU Tibia]


Reconnect [Automatically logs on to the tibia after a reboot the server]


Light [Automatically illuminates the screen without the use of many of Tibia]


Torch - [Light intensity Torch (Torch)]

Utevo Lux - [Light intensity spells Utevo Lux (Light)]

Utevo Gran Lux - [The light intensity of Gran Lux Utevo spell (Greater Light)]

Utevo Vis Lux - [The light intensity of the spell Utevo Vis Lux (Light Ultimate)]

Full Light - [full light. Illuminates the entire screen]






Combo Attack [This feature gives you the opportunity to do Comba (Group udeżenie at the same time) on a single Player]



Combo Leader: We give a party a few people, each of them the nickname fits Party Leader (Chairman)

Select Attack Type:


Weapon - [When a player attacks the Leader, members of the party attacked him as well]

SD Rune - [When a player strikes Leader rune SD (Sudden Death), party members will attack him too the same rune]

HMM Rune - [When a player strikes Leader rune HMM (Heavy Magic Missile), party members will attack him too the same rune]

EXP Rune - [When a player strikes Leader Explosion rune, party members will attack him too the same rune]


Auto Fishing [Auto fishing, catching bot that you have in your backpack, "rod, worms, and stand beside the water]


Cave Hunting [This feature allows you to program the program to automatically went about killing monsters and collecting items from the bodies of dead monsters]


The program comes after the so-called. Waypointsach

To add a waypoint to stand in a place where you want to add a waypoint, then click on the white box under the words Current Waypoints, right-click Add -> Ground.

There are 8 common waypoint:


Ground - [Earth on which we stand]

Hole - [Hole. (To select the CaveBocie hole you must first enter it, and then select Add -> Hole)]

Ladder - [Ladder. (To be added to stand on it, and then select Add -> Ladder)]

Rope - [Field for Linę.Należy stand on the spot on a line and select Add -> Rope. Warning! You need to have a rope in a backpack]

Shovel - [stand on the hole and buried select Add -> Shovel] Attention! You need to have a shovel in a backpack.

Ramp - [We face the ramp and check the direction in which she runs]

Upstairs - [go up the stairs and then select Add -> Upstairs]

Downstairs - [descend the stairs, and then select Add -> Downstairs]

Delay - [set the time in which the figure is expected in the Waypoincie. Served time in seconds]


However, the latest NG has a "record" and no longer have to suffer so do the WPT.

Simply enter the [CAVE HUNTING] and the white box and click again ppm [LEARN].

We can begin to walk around the map, and indicate how botowi way to go.


Macro Recorder [This function repeats the first recorded acts]


First, click the Record, after recording click Stop.

When you want to play press play.


Cure Posion [When you select this function, the program will automatically heal you after infection with poison.

Runa Antidote to choose or spell Exana Pox.

Of course, you have 30 mana or Antidote rune]


Mana Training [Program automatically terminates the spell when the man reaches the level registered in the program window [Man Needed]

Spell of the type in the box [Training Spell]


Restore Mana [bot uses mana spell which we'll]


Rune Maker [This option allows you to automatically capture run]


Rune Spell - [Here enter the rune spell]

Mana Needet - [Number needed to perform many runes]

Soul Needet - [Number SoulPointsów (SP) needed for the implementation of the runes]

No Runes / Soul - [options you choose to do the program after completing a clean run and not soul points]

Make Runes - [The program does rune]

Eat food - [The program will automatically be eating from the bag]


Trade Helper [This option allows you to automatically speak to the issues listed on the Trade channel and the channel Defalut]



Trade Message - [Here enter the message to be spoken]

Message Delay - [interval (in seconds). For example, message to be spoken every 120 seconds (on the Trade channel)]

Message Yell - [The text also says the channel Defalut]


Responder [Autoresponder will automatically answer the questions, the return of other players]


Loot bag kicker [This feature allows you to automatically carry lootbagów (things that came out of the monsters gathered in the bag.) Just click on Kick Toggle Item, then stand on the bagua, and normally go. You can also click on the location on the screen where you can throw bag, and the program automatically will throw there bags and go there]


Play "fast hand" [This option allows you to flip through items in the super fun Fast Hands. To use it, press the right mouse button on the cabinet next to the Depot and select Toggle Fast Hands.

Then put a thing on Depocie and move the cabinet door. The program will automatically return the item to the Depot and will move all items on this shelf which will be found]


Remember if you're afraid that this is keylogger don't download and don't write stupid posts.



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If somebody wants i can upload file on zippy or other website.

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