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Gb Hacks

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Hacker para o silent(gb pirata gringo)


ele tem:

ss hack

delay hack

itens hack


1 hit to k.o.


tudo funfa :!:

Antes ta ai o scan(naum sei tirar ss de windows mas ta ai)


Jotti's malware scan 2.99-TRANSITION_TO_3.00-R1

File to upload & scan: Virus



Service load:

0% 100%



MIGHT BE INFECTED/MALWARE (Sandbox emulation took a long time and/or runtime packers were found, this is suspicious. Normally programs aren't packed and don't force the sandbox into lengthy emulation. Do realize no scanner issued any warning, the file can very well be harmless. Caution is advised, however.) (Note: this file has been scanned before. Therefore, this file's scan results will not be stored in the database)

MD5 21547203dced72696e4876076e7088f5

Packers detected:


Scanner results


Found nothing


Found nothing


Found nothing

AVG Antivirus

Found nothing


Found nothing


Found nothing


Found nothing

F-Prot Antivirus

Found nothing


Found nothing

Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Found nothing


Found nothing

Norman Virus Control

Found nothing


Found nothing


Found nothing


Found nothing


Powered by

images/antivir.png images/arcabit.png images/avast.png images/avg.gif images/bitdefender.png images/clamav-logo1.png images/drweb.gif images/f-prot.png images/fortinet.gif images/kaspersky.png images/nod32.gif images/norman.png images/una_logo.jpg images/virusbuster.gif images/vba32.png


This service is by no means 100% safe. If this scanner says 'OK', it does not necessarily mean the file is clean. There could be a whole new virus on the loose. NEVER EVER rely on one single product only, not even this service, even though it utilizes several products. Therefore, We cannot and will not be held responsible for any damage caused by results presented by this non-profit online service.


Also, we are aware of the implications of a setup like this. We are sure this whole thing is by no means scientifically correct, since this is a fully automated service (although manual correction is possible). We are aware, in spite of efforts to proactively counter these, false positives might occur, for example. We do not consider this a very big issue, so please do not e-mail us about it. This is a simple online scan service, not the university of Wichita.


Scanning can take a while, since several scanners are being used, plus the fact some scanners use very high levels of (time consuming) heuristics. Scanners used are Linux versions, differences with Windows scanners may or may not occur. Another note: some scanners will only report one virus when scanning archives with multiple pieces of malware.


Virus definitions are updated every hour. There is a 15Mb limit per file. Please refrain from uploading tons of hex-edited or repacked variants of the same sample.


Please do not ask for viruses uploaded here, unless you work for an anti-virus vendor. They are not for trade. This is a legitimate service, not a VX site. Viruses uploaded here will be distributed to antivirus vendors without exception. Read more about this in our privacy policy. If you do not want your files to be distributed, please do not send them at all.


Sponsored by donations (in random order) from: Stormbyte Technologies LLC, The ClamAV project, James Love, Gideon Pertzov, Malcolm Murray, Nigel Thomas, Wendy Dickerson, Anthony Midmore, "ethereal", Mark Rubins, Steve S., Eric Johansen, Eric Schechter, Paul Bokel, Wilders Security, Wilfried Lilie, Prevx, SonicWALL, Lance Mueller, Ewido networks, and some people who prefer to remain anonymous... many thanks to all!



Last file scanned at least one scanner reported something about: svchost.exe, detected by:


Scanner Malware name

AntiVir Trojan/Agent.UV.3

ArcaVir X

Avast Win32:Small-AKI

AVG Antivirus X

BitDefender BehavesLike:Win32.ExplorerHijack

ClamAV X

Dr.Web Trojan.DownLoader.10866

F-Prot Antivirus X

Fortinet Adware/Small

Kaspersky Anti-Virus Trojan-Clicker.Win32.Small.kj


Norman Virus Control X


VirusBuster X




You're free to (mis)interpret these automated, flawed statistics at your own discretion. For antivirus comparisons, visit AV comparatives

We are not affiliated with any third parties that conduct tests using this service.




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Copyright © 2004-2005 Jordi Bosveld <>







Agora o link de domwload


creditos:Naum sei

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barretos o scan naum eh editado naum

pra vc ter noÃĤao ele copio a pgina toda


mas tb tem outros topicos desse aki no forum

e Gb Hacks

na proxima evita postar o site do forum

eu sei q o killer666 pediu, mas tenta por soh o nome de kem fez o post ou soh OnGame Cheats

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killler ele nao merece levar warn pq ele assumio q nao sabe quem fez pelo menos ele nao ripou ele disse q creditos a num sei entao nao dÃĻ warn se nao vou falar com o Horus para ele tirar o warn motivos bestas e sobre o hack muito legal mesmo axei rox testado e aprovado.

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