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suPixel GBWC s2

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suBot in mode Pixel


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1. When you run the file suPixel.exe and you will see some texts on the screen with your license name,

2. that means that everything is working fine.

3. Now enter to gunbound, enter a room, choose Armor, and start a game.

4. When you and your enemy are both on your screen (adjust the camera if not), put your mouse arrow on the enemy. Press the "Print Screen" key located at your keyboard near the F12 button. (do that each time that you want to get an aim). The aimbot will find you and the target on the screen and will draw a line at your current angle to the direction of the target and will draw a marker at the power bar of how much power you need to put in order to hit the target.

5. Use dragshot (or slice) to put the currect power. Note: You need to tell the aimbot which mobile do you use,

6. press PageDown until you find its name. (Armor is default) That is all you need to know for an easy use. The rest are advanced modes.


Hot Keys



PrintScreen - Draw shot line and calculate power needed to hit the target

PageUp - Change target mode (AutoTarget / MouseTarget)

PageDown - Change mobile

Ctrl+Delete - Backshot mode (on/off)

Ctrl+Insert - LongShot mode (on/off)

Ctrl+F12 - Quit Program


LongShot Mode

With LongShot mode you can hit a target outside the screen. To be able to calculate the power needed to hit a target outside the screen the program must know where is the player and where is the target. Since they are not in the same screen, you need to take 2 'screen shots', and the program will combine them. It may sound complicated, but after you master this, you will be able to do

this in a very short time. So... how can you do it?


1. Press PrintScreen when you are on the screen (find your position)

2. Press Ctrl+Insert (enter LongShot mode)

3. Move the camera exactly 1 screen to the side

4. Press PrintScreen again (find the target)

5. Shoot

6. Press Ctrl+Insert (exit LongShot mode)


When you move the camera [step-3], be sure that it will be exactly 1 screen

away from the first PrintScreen [step-1]. You can use landmarks and ground holes to know where is exactly 1 screen away.

Notice: Be sure that the camera will stay on the same height, don't move it up or down, move it only to the side. In order to tell the program to what side are you going to move the camera:

If you are aiming to the left side, then in the first PrintScreen [step-1] you need to target something in the left side of yourself. If it is for the right side, then target something in the right side of yourself.

Tip: Use mouse targeting mode, it will be easier.


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O retorno é de jedi, pro império contra-atacar

Proibido não é o vacilo, proibido é vacilar"

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