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Bot Atualizado + comandos


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Aqui ta o BOT completamente configurado, tem um tutorial dentro da pasta.

O BOT ta configurado pra usar uma White Potion semrpe q seu hp estiver =>60

(Igual ou menor que 60 )


aki ta o Link:(Megaupload)


É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.


e aki ta o link do Scan: (Se alguem achar q é vírus '-' ):fuck:


É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.



OBS: O Perl ja ta contido na pasta e ele funciona no Windows 64x e 32x



E Aqui estão os comandos do BOT:


#Here are the command descriptions stored.


#[command] -is the name of the command

#the first line is a short description

#<key> description


#option description they are divided by tabs

#You can use as many tabs as you want



Attack a monster.

<monster #> attack the specified monster



Enable/disable AI.

Toggles AI on/off.

on Enables AI.

off Disables AI.

ai_v Displays the contents of the %ai_v hash, for debugging purposes.

clear Clears AI sequences.

print Displays detailed info about current AI sequence.



Display current AI sequences.



Display the status of your vending shop.



Create Arrows.

Lists available arrow-crafting items.

use Use the Archer's Arrow Craft skill.

<arrowcraft #> Create arrows using an item from the 'arrowcraft' list.

forceuse <inventory item #> Craft arrows immediately from an item without using the skill.



Stop attacking a monster.



(Un)authorize a user for using Kore chat commands.

<player name> <flag> authorize <player name> if <flag> is 1, unauthorize if 0



Initiate auto-buy AI sequence.



Initiate auto-sell AI sequence.



Initiate auto-storage AI sequence.



Does a bangbang body turn.



Does a bingbing body turn.



Buy an item from the current NPC shop

<store item #> [<amount>] buy <amount> items from the 'store' list



Chat in the public chat.

<message> send <message> to public chat



Card compounding.

list lists cards in the inventory

use <card #> initiate card compounding using the specified card

mergelist lists items to merge card with

mergecancel cancel a card merge request

merge <card merge #> merge card with item and finalize card compounding

forceuse <card #> <inventory item #> instantly merge the card with an item



Cart management


add <inventory item #> [<amount>] add <amount> items from inventory to cart

get <cart item #> [<amount>] get <amount> items from cart to inventory

desc <cart item #> [<amount>] displays cart item description



Chat room management.

list lists chat rooms on screen

join <chat room #> join a chat room

info displays info about the current chat room

leave leave the current chat room

create \"<title>\" [<limit #> <public flag> <password>] create a chat room

modify \"<title>\" [<limit #> <public flag> <password>] modify the current chat room

bestow <user #> bestow admin to chat room user

kick <user #> kick a chat room user


Display last few entries from the chat log.

display last 5 entries

<number> display last <number> entries


Clear the item log.


Clear the chat log.


Close your vending shop.


Change a configuration key

<key> displays value of <key>

<key> <value> sets value of <key> to <value>

<key> none unsets <key>


Damage taken report

displays the damage taken report

reset resets the damage taken report


Trade items with another player.

accept an incoming deal/finalize the current deal/trade

<player #> request a deal with player

add <inventory item #> [<amount>] add items to current deal

add z [<amount>] add zenny to current deal

no deny an incoming deal/cancel the current deal


Toggle debug on/off.

<level> sets debug level to <level>

info displays debug information


List items in the current deal.


Does a doridori head turn.


Drop an item from the inventory.

<inventory item #> [<amount>] drop an item from inventory


Dump the current packet receive buffer and quit.


Dump the current packet receive buffer without quitting.


Show emotion.

<emotion> show specified emotion (see tables\emotions.txt)


Equip an item.

<inventory item #> equips the specified item

<slotname> <inventory item #> equips the specified item on the specified slot

slots lists slot names


Evaluate a Perl expression (developers only).

<expression> evaluate a Perl expression


Experience report.

displays the experience report

reset resets the experience report


Follow another player.

<player name|player #> follow the specified player

stop stop following


Friend management.

lists friends

request <player name|player #> requests player to be your friend

accept accepts a friend request

reject rejects a friend request

pm <friend #> pm a friend

remove <friend #> remove a friend from friends list


Chat in the guild chat.

<message> send <message> to guild chat


Get the name of the object with specified ID

<player ID> show the name of the specified ID (needs debug 2)


Guild management.

request guild info

info displays guild info

members displays guild member info

request <player name|player #> request player to join your guild

join <flag> accepts a guild join request if <flag> is 1, deny if 0

leave leave the guild


Help displays commands

lists available commands

<command>* displays detailed information about a command

Display inventory items.

display all inventory items.

eq lists equipped items

neq lists unequipped items

nu lists non-usable items

u lists usable items

desc <inventory item #> displays inventory item description


Identify an unindentified item.

lists items to be identified

<identify #> identify an item


Ignore a user (block his messages).

<flag> <player name> ignores a player if <flag> is 1, unignore if 0

<flag> all ignores all players if <flag> is 1, unignore if 0


Display items on the ground.


Displays last few entries of the item log.

display last 5 entries

<number> display last <number> entries


Use item on monster.

<inventory item #> <monster #> use item on monster


Use item on player.

<inventory item #> <player #> use item on player


Use item on yourself.

<inventory item #> use item on yourself


Attack another player (PVP/GVG only).

<player #> attack the specified player


Look in a certain direction.

<body dir> [<head dir>] look at <body dir> (0-7) with head at <head dir> (0-2)


Look at a certain player.

<player #> look at player


Save current position for warp portal.


List monsters that are on screen.


Move your character.

<x> <y> [<map name>] move to the coordinates on a map

<map name> move to map

<portal #> move to nearby portal

stop stop all movement


List NPCs that are on screen.


Open your vending shop.


Chat in the party chat.

<message> send <message> to party chat


Party management.

displays party member info

create \"<party name>\" organize a party

share <flag> sets party exp sharing to even if flag is 1, individual take if 0

request <player #> request player to join your party

join <flag> accept a party join request if <flag> is 1, deny if 0

kick <party member #> kick party member from party

leave leave the party


#Pet management.

#s displays pet status


List pets that are on screen.


List players that are on screen.

lists players on screen

<player #> displays detailed info about a player


Control plugins.

lists loaded plugins

load <filename> loads a plugin file

reload <plugin name|plugin #> reloads a loaded plugin

unload <plugin name|plugin #> unloads a loaded plugin

help displays plugin help


Send a private message.

<player name|PM list #> <message> send <message> to player through PM


Quick PM list.


List portals that are on screen.


Exit this program.


Reload source code files.


<module names> reload module files in the space-separated <module names>


Reload configuration files.

all reload all config and table files

<names> reload config files in the list of <names>

all except <names> reload all files except those in the list of <names>


Log out then log in again.

logout and login after 5 seconds

<seconds> logout and login after <seconds>


Respawn back to the save point.


Display character status.



Sell items to an NPC.

<inventory item #> [<amount>] Put inventory items in sell list.

list Show items in the sell list.

done Sell everything in the sell list.

cancel Clear the sell list.



Send a raw packet to the server.

<hex string> Sends a raw packet to connected server.



Sit down.



List area effect spells on screen.



Show skills or add skill point.

Lists available skills.

add <skill #> Add a skill point.

desc <skill #> Displays skill description.



Use skill on location.

<skill #> <x> <y> [<level>] Use skill on location.



Use skill on monster.

<skill #> <monster #> [<level>] Use skill on monster.



Use skill on player.

<skill #> <player #> [<level>] Use skill on player.



Use skill on self.

<skill #> [<level>] Use skill on self.



Display stats.


Stand up.


Add status point.

str|agi|int|vit|dex|luk add status points to a stat


Handle items in Kafra storage.

lists items in storage

eq lists equipments in storage

nu lists non-usable items in storage

u lists usable items in storage

add <inventory item #> [<amount>] adds inventory item to storage

addfromcart <cart item #> [<amount>] adds cart item to storage

get <storage item #> [<amount>] gets item from storage to inventory

gettocart <storage item #> [<amount>] gets item from storage to cart

close close storage

log logs storage items to logs\storage.txt


Display shop items from NPC.

lists available shop items from NPC

desc <store item #> displays store item description



Switch configuration file.

<filename> Switches configuration file to <filename>.



Take an item from the ground.

<item #> Take an item from the ground.

first Take the first item on the ground.



Manually talk to an NPC.

<NPC #> talk to an NPC

cont continue talking to NPC

resp lists response options to NPC

resp <response #> select a response to NPC

num <number> send a number to NPC

text <string> send text to NPC

no ends/cancels conversation with NPC


Send a sequence of responses to an NPC.

<x> <y> <NPC talk codes> talk to the NPC standing at <x> <y> and use <NPC talk codes>


Tank for a player.

<player name|player #> starts tank mode with player as tankModeTarget

stop stops tank mode


Teleport to a random location.


Show what your vending shop would sell.


Set a timeout.

<type> displays value of <type>

<type> <second> sets value of <type> to <seconds>


Unequp an item.

<inventory item #> unequips the specified item


Buy items from vending shops.

<vender #> enter vender shop

<vender #> <vender item #> [<amount>] buy items from vender shop

end leave current vender shop


Toggle verbose on/off.


Display the version of openkore.


List nearby vending shops.


Open warp portal.

list lists available warp portals to open

<warp portal #|map name> opens a warp portal to a map


Gives a report about your inventory weight.

displays info about current weight

<item weight> calculates how much more items of specified weight can be carried


Shows your current location.


Display the number of people on the current server.


Display your character and account ID.


Move 5 steps north.


Move 5 steps south.


Move 5 steps east.


Move 5 steps west.


Move 5 steps northeast.


Move 5 steps northwest.


Move 5 steps southeast.


Move 5 steps southwest.


Creditos Finais:





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