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NeoBot 8.71 [ NEW ]


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NeoBot 8.71 [ NEW ]

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It's UNDETECTABLE. It's done by the same programmer who made ElfBot and has a big team of active moderators willing to help you any time you need. Neobot works with mouse/keyboard events (what makes it undetectable), while every other bot (such as ElfBot) in the market works with packet sending.


What do it mean?

All this can be done transparently, which means you can run multiple Tibia clients and work or do whatever you want while botting. Neobot on work:



This is how ElfBot and every other Tibia bot works:


2. How powerful is NeoBot?


Neobot is as powerful as ElfBot.

It has most of ElfBot features, such as Healer, Hotkeys, Cavebot, Targeting, Screen Displays, Alerts and lots of new features, such as pathfinding, that allows you to personalize how your character will walk while cavebotting; the most advanced scripting system, all the scripts are written in Lua, what makes scripting much more complete; an easy chat with many player willing to help you in real time, and much more!


3. Getting Started.


For you who is used to ElfBot, you will figure it out easily. You just need to learn how Neobot trees works. So I'll make a tour trought Neobot and make a basic settings to demonstrate how it works. First click in File -> Settings and make the settings window open.


The most important feature in botting is the Healer, so you make sure your char doesn't die. Click the image for a more detailed tutorial

"The settings below will heal yourself with Exura Gran if your HP goes under 60% or heal yourself with Exura if your health goes under 960 or heal yourself with Mana Potion if your mana goes under 80%"


Now I want to setup a mana training, to make sure I don't lose any mana while playing.

"The settings below will cast Utani Gran Hur whenever my mana goes around maxmana-2 and maxmana-10"


So, lets make a simple hotkey, to keep me eating food.

The first thing we need to make a hotkey script is to know the scripting events/functions/variables. It will take lots of scripts till you memorize all of them, so we can do the following: In the main window of bot, click in Help and check Script Functions, Script Variables, Script Events and also the Script Libraries, there are some users dedicating their time to create scripting functions and make scripting easy, all the functions created by other players can be found there.

So I have found a function to eat food. eatfood(), which will eat one food or eatfoodfull(), which will eat food until I get full, I'll pickup the second one. I want it to eat food until I get full when I press end key.


Okay, it's working fine, but I want it to be done automatically!

Lets make it automatic.


Yeah! I want to make it display on screen if my hotkey is enabled, I want also to see my spell timers.

Lets enable Active Hotkeys and Spell Timers on HUD.


This is how my screen looks after activating it and casting 'Utani Hur'.


I need to go AFK, I'll leave my char on, I want to log out if someone appears my screen.

Use Alerts.


Okay, I'm back. I'll cavebot now.

First I need to make disable the Disconnect alarm.


Now lets make waypoint. Go to the main window, click in Views and Waypoint add.


I want the bot to loot items.

Lets set this up. To add a new item you just have to rename the new entry to item's name, the bot will automatically convert the item ID. If the ID wasn't found, it will print a red message, so you need to get the ID by yourself or you need to write the correct name.


Now lets setup the Targeting and turn cavebot on.


As the Targeting and Cavebot is working fine, I'll set my input to Simulated mode, so I can do other things while I cavebot and bot will work faster.


And that's all. I guess after reading it any user comming from ElfBot can figure out how Neobot works.





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