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TRAINER UPDATE WITH AIMBOT Gunbound Brasil Update 01/26

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Gunbound Brasil

Update 01/26


Hack of 227 GPs Added


YouTube Video - Geeksxd



First of all explain that there have been some changes to the commands of the trainer, and that to some others just froze them and then worked a while longer, so cleaned up the source code to make it more lightweight and functional.


As you can see in the picture even further up the design has changed, to use the aimbot Look how the left side of the trainer to the bottom there is a button that says "OPEN TUXBOT" first pressing that button and within GB using the "DELETE / SUPR on your keyboard to activate the aimbot.


To use the commands is very easy, for most of them now use CTRL + SHIFT + a letter or a number depending of it you want to use.






For active press ALT + W after anybody make damage (can be used in every room as Master only)




This can be activated at any time during the game, only activate once and preferably after any shot. To use it press ALT + D (can be used in every room as Master or not)




It's used to teleport to anywhere on the map, is activated at any turn and it is best to use the map metamine preference side A (longer). To use first put your mouse in any plances and after press ALT + T. (can be used in every room as Master or not)




To use press ALT + C then you die (can be used in every room as Master or not)





Actived wating room


Steeps for Win 46 GP


* Active before Creating a room

* Bonus active GP (in room jewel) or GP Bonus (in other rooms if you master)

* If active in Jewel Jewel you need to kill one in 5 or 10 and turn AUTOWIN after the first round

* If you are in any room and you are Master, active AUTOWIN after someone has been hurt



Steeps for 227 GPs Hack


* Create a Room jewel 1 vs 1

* In the Game press ALT + B and kill a jewel

* Press ALT + C for suicide

* You win 14 GPs and no master player win 227 GPs

* Only work in Closed Server

* No master player win 227 GPs



This Hack can be used for win GP, but only win the no master player.


To use within the GB FULL item1 press the key combination CTRL + SHIFT + A (used to enable all item1 so the master of the room's been blocked)


To use within the GB Wind crazy press the key combination CTRL + SHIFT + B (used to go crazy wind)


To use within the GB FULL SERVER press the key combination CTRL + SHIFT + C (used to be able to enter or busy servers with many users)


Flooding command and enabled by default (used to talk many times in the chat without getting out gb abuse by flooding)


For use within the GB GOD MODE press the key combination CTRL + SHIFT + E


To use KEEP KEY first put the number of the room and then into the GB press the key combination CTRL + SHIFT + F (used to take care of your room, not too useful against GT or against the TuxVip)


To use KEEP KEY 2 GB in the press the key combination CTRL + SHIFT + G (good for taking care of your room, not too useful against GT or against the TuxVip)


SWEAR command is already enabled by default (good for cursing in GB without getting restricts the server)


The other commands continued as before ... its use is the same


To use the boteador the same anymore ....




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