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(Ca-BR)Gameanarchy Loader Trial!!! (Aimbot - Chams - Speed Hack - Jump Hack E MT +)

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1 - Abra o loader, faça login com os dados que eu lhe forneci.

2 - Clique no COMBAT ARMS - FREE e depois em stream, espera carregar toda a barra e abra o combat arms br.

3 - Aperte o delete para alterar as funções.




Aimbot Menu



Visible Only: Only aim at targets that are visible, ignore those behind walls and obstacles

Friendly: Aim at your teammates

Autofire: Fires your weapon automatically when locked onto a target

Auto Aim: Automatically aims for you so you don't need to hold down the aimbot key

Spawn Check: Ignores all players who are still under the 3 second spawn protection

Aim Method


Distance: The aimbot will target enemies based on which enemy is closer to you

XHair: The aimbot will target enemies based on how close they are to the center of your crosshair (the middle of your screen)


Max Target Distance: Select the maximum distance you want the aimbot to scan for enemies. Enemies farther than the distance set here will not be targeted until they are within the maximum distance.


Bone Selection

Head: Aimbot will target the enemy's head

Chest: Aimbot will target the enemy's chest


Weapon Mods

No Reload: Removes weapon recoil

No Spread: Removes bullet spread

No Scope Sway: Removes sway when looking down a scope

Instant Zoom: Removes the zoom animation and instantly zooms in



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Visuals Menu



Chams: This enables "satellite" chams

Name Tags: This will display player's nametags.

Health: This will display players' health bars.

Tracers: This will show the path that your bullets take

No Fog: This will remove the fog from your game

Full Bright: This will make everything brighter

Frag Impact: This will show where your grenades will land

Show FPS: This will display your FPS in the upper left corner

2D Box: This will draw a box around players. You can set the color for infront and behind walls.

Lines: This will draw lines from the players to the center of your screen.



Projectiles: This will mark all projectiles with the chosen color

Pickups: This will mark everything that you can pick up with the specified color

Aimbot Target: This will circle the aimbot's next target. You can set the color for infront and behind walls.



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Config Menu



Master: This key is like an emergency killswitch, it will disable ALL features until you press it again. It is used to enable/disable the whole hack.

Menu: The menu key will bring up the clickable menu to allow you to change your settings.

Aimbot: The aimbot key is the key that will trigger the aimbot. Press and hold the selected key to use the aimbot, release it to stop.


Speed Hack: This will adjust your player's speed


Jump Hack: This will adjust the height that your player jumps



Clock: This will display a clock on your screen so you can easily check what time it is.

Track Information: This will display the currently playing song information for winamp.

Lock Menu: This will Lock your view when using the menu so you don't aim all over the place while changing your settings

Pickup Hack: This will allow you to pick up/interact with most items from any distance




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