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Todos os ID's de Tibia ~~~~ CzarShadowW


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Fala Galera, depois de muito trabalho, consegui arrumar todos os IDs em cores para melhor intendimento de vocês.

Espero ter ajudado .

Quase 2 horas editando as cores . =D





[3393]Amazon Helmet

[3022]Ancient Tiara


[9103]Batwing Hat

[3408]Beholder Helmet

[3354]Brass Helmet

[3394]Ceremonial Mask

[3352]Chain Helmet

[3407]Charmer's Tiara

[11674]Cobra Crown

[11700]Coolie Hat

[3385]Crown Helmet

[3391]Crusader Helmet

[3226]Damaged Helmet

[5924]Damaged Steel Helmet

[3384]Dark Helmet

[3387]Demon Helmet

[3356]Devil Helmet

[3400]Dragon Scale Helmet

[3396]Dwarven Helmet


[11689]Elite Draken Helmet

[3406]Feather Headdress

[5903]Ferumbras' Hat

[3230]Full Helmet of the Ancients

[7458]Fur Cap

[829]Glacier Mask

[3365]Golden Helmet / Helmet of the stars

[3210]Hat of the Mad

[3229]Helmet of the Ancients

[5460]Helmet of the Deep

[3390]Horned Helmet

[3405]Horseman Helmet

[3353]Iron Helmet

[10451]Jade Hat

[894]Jester Hat

[7461]Krimhorn Helmet

[3355]Leather Helmet

[3374]Legion Helmet

[828]Lightning Headband

[7992]Mage Hat

[3573]Magician Hat

[827]Magma Monocle

[9399]Mighty Helm of Green Sparks

[875]Mining Helmet

[3574]Mystic Turban

[6577]Party Hat

[6096]Pirate Hat

[3576]Post Officers Hat

[7462]Ragnir Helmet

[3392]Royal Helmet

[6531]Santa Hat

[5741]Skull Helmet

[3375]Soldier Helmet

[3351]Steel Helmet

[3373]Strange Helmet

[3376]Studded Helmet

[830]Terra Hood

[3403]Tribal Mask

[3367]Viking Helmet

[3369]Warrior Helmet

[3368]Winged Helmet

[9653]Witch Hat

[8864]Yalahari Mask

[10385]Zaoan Helmet


[Armors/Coats/Jackets etc.]


[3394]Amazon Armor

[3570]Ball Gown

[8044]Belted Cape

[3567]Blue Robe

[3359]Brass Armor


[3358]Chain Armor


[3381]Crown Armor

[8050]Crystalline Armor

[3383]Dark Armor

[8037]Dark Lord's Cape

[3888]Demon Armor

[8057]Divine Plate


[8039]Dragon Robe

[3386]Dragon Scale Mail

[3397]Dwarven Armor

[8054]Earthborn Titan Armor

[11651]Elite Draken Mail

[8064]Ethno Coat

[8053]Fireborn Giant Armor

[8043]Focus Cape

[8059]Frozen Plate

[8048]Girl's Dress

[824]Glacier Robe

[3360]Golden Armor

[3563]Green Tunic

[8041]Greenwood Coat

[8045]Hibiscus Dress


[3370]Knight Armor

[8049]Lavos Armor

[3361]Leather Armor

[3404]Leopard Armor

[825]Lightning Robe

[3366]Magic Plate Armor

[7991]Magician's Robe

[826]Magma Coat

[7463]Mammoth Fur Cape

[8060]Master Archer's Armor

[8058]Molten Plate

[3402]Native Armor

[3380]Noble Armor

[8056]Oceanborn Leviathan Armor

[11701]Old Cape

[8063]Paladin Armor

[6095]Pirate Shirt

[3357]Plate Armor

[3571]Ranger's Cloak

[3566]Red Robe

[3564]Red Tunic

[8038]Robe of the Ice Queen

[8062]Robe of the Underworld

[11686]Royal Draken Mail

[11687]Royal Scale Robe

[3377]Scale Armor

[3568]Simple Dress

[8061]Skullcracker Armor

[10438]Spellweaver's Robe

[8042]Spirit Cloak

[3378]Studded Armor

[8046]Summer Dress

[8052]Swamplair Armor

[811]Terra Mantle


[8040]Velvet Mantle

[8051]Voltage Armor

[3569]White Dress

[8055]Windborn Colossus Armor

[7993]Witchhunter's Cloak

[8863]Yalahari Armor

[10384]Zaoan Armor

[10439]Zaoan Robe



[Legs/Pants etc]


[3560]Bast Skirt

[645]Blue Legs

[3372]Brass Legs

[3558]Chain Legs

[3382]Crown Legs

[3389]Demon Legs

[3363]Dragon Scale Legs

[823]Glacier Kilt

[3364]Golden Legs

[3371]Knight Legs

[3559]Leather Legs

[822]Lightning Legs

[821]Magma Legs

[7464]Mammoth Fur Shorts

[5918]Pirate Knee Breeches

[3557]Plate Legs

[8095]Ranger Legs

[3362]Studded Legs

[812]Terra Legs

[8863]Yalahari Leg Piece

[10387]Zaoan Legs




[3079]Boots of Haste

[3246]Boots of Waterwalking

[11690]Broken Draken Boots


[9017]Coconut Shoes

[3556]Crocodile Boots

[10200]Crystal Boots

[10201]Dragon Scale Boots

[4033]Draken Boots

[9019]Firewalker Boots

[9018]Firewalker Boots [being weared]

[7457]Fur Boots

[819]Glacier Shoes

[3555]Golden Boots

[10323]Guardian Boots

[3552]Leather Boots

[820]Lightning Boots

[818]Magma Boots

[6529]Pair of Soft Boots

[5461]Pirate Boots


[3554]Steel Boots

[813]Terra Boots

[10386]Zaoan Shoes




[3437]Amazon Shield

[3432]Ancient Shield

[3413]Battle Shield

[3418]Beholder Shield

[3429]Black Shield

[3423]Blessed Shield

[3441]Bone Shield

[3411]Brass Shield

[3435]Castle Shield

[3430]Copper Shield

[3419]Crown Shield

[3421]Dark Shield

[3420]Demon Shield

[3416]Dragon Shield

[3425]Dwarven Shield

[8078]Fiery Rainbow Shield

[3422]Great Shield

[3433]Griffin Shield

[3415]Guardian Shield

[8079]Icy Rainbow Shield

[3414]Mastermind Shield

[351]Meat Shield

[3436]Medusa Shield

[6432]Necromancer Shield

[6390]Nightmare Shield

[7460]Norse Shield

[3424]Ornamented Shield

[3439]Phoenix Shield

[3410]Plate Shield

[8077]Rainbow Shield

[3427]Rose Shield

[3445]Salamander Shield

[3440]Scarab Shield

[3444]Sentinel Shield

[xxxx]Shield of Care

[11688]Shield of Corruption

[3417]Shield of Honour

[xxxx]Shield of the White Knight

[8080]Sparking Rainbow Shield

[3409]Steel Shield

[3426]Studded Shield

[3442]Tempest Shield

[8081]Terran Rainbow Shield

[xxxx]The Shield Nevermourn

[6131]Tortoise Shield

[3428]Tower Shield

[3443]Tusk Shield

[3434]Vampire Shield

[3431]Viking Shield

[3412]Wooden Shield





[11691]Snake God's Wristguard


[8090]Spellbook of Dark Mysteries

[8072]Spellbook of Enlightenment

[8075]Spellbook of Lost Souls

[8074]Spellbook of Mind Control

[8073]Spellbook of Warding

[8076]Spellscroll of Prophecies



[Axe Weapons]


[7436]Angelic Axe


[3317]Barbarian Axe

[3266]Battle Axe

[3344]Beastslayer Axe

[7412]Butcher's Axe

[3328]Daramanian Waraxe

[8098]Demonwing Axe

[3275]Double Axe

[3302]Dragon Lance


[7419]Dreaded Cleaver

[3323]Dwarven Axe

[783]Earth Barbarian Axe

[787]Earth Headchopper

[786]Earth Heroic Axe

[785]Earth Knight Axe

[788]Earth Waraxe

[801]Energy Barbarian Axe

[804]Energy Headchopper

[803]Energy Heroic Axe

[802]Energy Knight Axe

[805]Energy Waraxe


[665]Fiery Barbarian Axe

[668]Fiery Headchopper

[667]Fiery Heroic Axe

[666]Fiery Knight Axe

[669]Fiery Waraxe

[3320]Fire Axe

[7454]Glorious Axe

[3306]Golden Sickle

[3303]Great Axe

[3315]Guardian Halberd


[3268]Hand Axe



[8096]Hellforged Axe

[7389]Heroic Axe

[684]Icy Barbarian Axe

[687]Icy Headchopper

[686]Icy Heroic Axe

[685]Icy Knight Axe

[688]Icy Waraxe


[3318]Knight Axe

[7455]Mythril Axe


[7456]Noble Axe

[3313]Obsidian Lance

[3316]Orcish Axe

[7411]Ornamented Axe

[3331]Ravager's Axe


[7420]Reaper's Axe

[3346]Ripper Lance

[7434]Royal Axe

[6553]Ruthless Axe

[xxxx]Scythe of the Reaper


[8097]Solar Axe

[7773]Steel Axe

[3319]Stonecutter Axe

[7413]Titan Axe


[3335]Twin Axe

[7388]Vile Axe

[3342]War Axe

[10406]Zaoan Halberd


[Club Weapons]


[7414]Abyss Hammer

[7426]Amber Staff

[3341]Arcane Staff

[3348]Banana Staff

[3305]Battle Hammer

[7429]Blessed Sceptre

[3337]Bone Club


[7379]Brutetamer's Staff

[7427]Chaos Mace

[3311]Clerical Mace


[xxxx]Club of the Fury

[7415]Cranial Basher


[3333]Crystal Mace

[3327]Daramanian Mace

[8099]Dark Trinity Mace


[7387]Diamond Sceptre

[3322]Dragon Hammer

[7430]Dragonbone Staff


[789]Earth Clerical Mace

[791]Earth Cranial Basher

[790]Earth Crystal Mace

[792]Earth Orcish Maul

[793]Earth War hammer

[3321]Enchanted Staff

[806]Energy Clerical Mace

[808]Energy Cranial Basher

[807]Energy Crystal Mace

[809]Energy Orchish Maul

[810]Energy War hammer

[670]Fiery Clerical Mace

[672]Fiery Cranial Basher

[671]Fiery Crystal Mace

[673]Fiery Orcish Maul

[674]Fiery War hammer

[7432]Furry Club

[3208]Giant Smithhammer

[xxxx]Glutton's Mace

[3325]Golden Mace

[3332]Hammer of Wrath

[3340]Heavy Mace

[689]Icy Clerical Mace

[691]Icy Cranial Basher

[690]Icy Crystal Mace

[692]Icy Orcish Maul

[693]Icy War hammer

[3310]Iron Hammer

[7422]Jade Hammer

[3343]Lich Staff

[7424]Lunar Staff


[7381]Mammoth Whopper

[3282]Morning Star

[8100]Obsidian Truncheon

[7421]Onyx Flail

[7392]Orcish Maul

[7410]Queen's Sceptre

[7437]Sapphire Hammer


[7451]Shadow Sceptre

[3312]Silver Mace

[3324]Skull Staff


[7452]Spiked Squelcher


[3336]Studded Club

[7425]Taurus Mace

[8101]The Stomper

[3309]******* Hammer

[3279]War Hammer



[Sword Weapons]


[7404]Assassin Dagger


[7406]Blacksteel Sword

[11693]Blade of Corruption

[7416]Bloody Edge

[3338]Bone Sword

[3295]Bright Sword


[3283]Carlin Sword

[3292]Combat Knife

[7385]Crimson Sword

[7449]Crystal Sword


[7382]Demonrage Sword

[3339]Djinn Blade

[7402]Dragon slayer

[782]Earth Blacksteel Sword

[783]Earth Dragon Slayer

[781]Earth Mystic Blade

[780]Earth Relic Sword

[779]Earth Spike Sword

[8102]Emerald Sword

[797]Energy Blacksteel Sword

[798]Energy Dragon Slayer

[796]Energy Mystic Blade

[795]Energy Relic Sword

[794]Energy Spike Sword


[663]Fiery Blacksteel Sword

[664]Fiery Dragon Slayer

[662]Fiery Mystic Blade

[661]Fiery Relic Sword

[660]Fiery Spike Sword

[3280]Fire Sword

[3281]Giant Sword

[7407]Haunted Blade

[7405]Havoc Blade

[3330]Heavy Machete

[3284]Ice Rapier

[682]Icy Blacksteel Sword

[683]Icy Dragon Slayer

[681]Icy Mystic Blade

[680]Icy Relic Sword

[679]Icy Spike Sword

[9396]Incredible Mumpiz Slayer

[7774]Jagged Sword





[3278]Magic Longsword

[3288]Magic Sword

[7386]Mercenary Sword

[7384]Mystic Blade

[7418]Nightmare Blade

[3334]Pharaoh Blade

[3299]Poison Dagger


[7383]Relic Sword

[6101]Ron the Ripper's Sabre

[7417]Runed Sword




[3297]Serpent Sword

[3294]Short Sword

[3290]Silver Dagger

[3271]Spike Sword


[3345]Templar Scytheblade

[7391]Thaian Sword

[6527]The Avenger

[7390]The Justice Seeker

[10392]Twin Hooks

[3265]Two Handed Sword

[3296]Warlord Sword

[7408]Wyvern Fang

[10390]Zaoan Sword


[Distance Weapons]


[7368]Assassin Star


[8022]Chain Bolter

[8027]Composite Hornbow


[7438]Elvish Bow

[7367]Enchanted Spear

[3347]Hunting Spear

[8021]Modified Crossbow

[8023]Royal Crossbow

[7378]Royal Spear


[1781]Small Stone



[8024]The Devileye

[8025]The Ironworker

[3298]Throwing Knife

[3287]Throwing Star

[7366]Viper Star

[8026]Warsinger Bow





[3073]Wand of Cosmic Energy

[3072]Wand of Decay

[8093]Wand of Draconia

[3075]Wand of Dragonbreath

[3071]Wand of Inferno

[8092]Wand of Starstorm

[8094]Wand of Voodoo

[3074]Wand of Vortex

[3046]Magic Light Wand

[3068]Crystal Wand






[3067]Hailstorm Rod

[3070]Moonlight Rod

[3069]Necrotic Rod

[8083]Northwind Rod

[3066]Snakebite Rod

[8084]Springsprout Rod

[3065]Terra Rod

[8082]Underworld Rod

[3483]Fishing Rod



[Ammunition/projectiles for distance weapons]




[3449]Burst Arrow

[774]Earth Arrow

[763]Flaming Arrow

[761]Flash Arrow

[6528]Infernal Bolt

[7365]Onyx Arrow

[7363]Piercing Bolt

[3448]Poison Arrow

[3450]Power Bolt

[762]Shiver Arrow

[7364]Sniper Arrow




[3092]Axe Ring

[9394]Claw of 'The Noxious Spawn'

[3093]Club Ring

[3007]Crystal Ring

[6299]Death Ring

[3097]Dwarven Ring

[3051]Energy Ring

[9585]Engraved Wedding Ring

[3063]Gold Ring

[3052]Life Ring

[3048]Might Ring

[3050]Power Ring

[3098]Ring of Healing

[3245]Ring of Wishes

[3006]Ring of the Sky

[349]Signet Ring

[3049]Stealth Ring

[3091]Sword Ring

[3053]Time Ring

[3004]Wedding Ring



[Amulets & Necklaces]


[3057]Amulet of Loss

[3025]Ancient Amulet

[10457]Beetle Necklace

[3080]Broken Amulet

[3056]Bronze Amulet

[3009]Bronze Necklace

[3008]Crystal Necklace

[3019]Demonbone Amulet

[3085]Dragon Necklace

[3082]Elven Amulet

[9802/9803]Friendship Amulet

[3083]Garlic Necklace

[815]Glacier Amulet

[3013]Golden Amulet

[7532]Koshei's Ancient Amulet

[9303]Leviathan's Amulet

[816]Lightning Pendant

[10476]Lucky Clover Amulet

[817]Magma Amulet

[3102]Paw Amulet

[3055]Platinum Amulet

[3084]Protection Amulet

[3016]Ruby Necklace

[9302]Sacred Tree Amulet

[3021]Sapphire Amulet

[3018]Scarab Amulet


[3054]Silver Amulet

[3015]Silver Necklace

[3014]Star Amulet

[3081]Stone Skin Amulet

[3045]Strange Talisman

[814]Terra Amulet

[10412]Wailing Widow's Necklace

[xxxx]Wolf Tooth Chain








[5942]Blessed Wooden stake


[5479]Cat's Paw

[3482]Closed Trap

[646]Elvenhair Rope

[5467]Fire Bug




[5865]Juice Squeezer

[5710]Light Shovel

[7889]Lock Pick



[5908]Obsidian Knife







[3462]Small Axe

[9594]Sneaky Stabber of Eliteness

[9107]Special Polish

[9596]Squeezing Gear of Girlpower


[6118]Treasure Map

[5706]Treasure Map(Pirate)

[6091/6092]Very noble-looking watch


[650]Watering Can

[9598]Whacking Driller of Fate


[3459]Wooden Hammer

[5941]Wooden Stake




[Light Sources]



[2911]Candelabrum [off]

[2912]Candelabrum [on]



[2919]Candestick[out of candle]

[8827]Charged Ghost Charm

[6489]Christmas Branch

[3249]Frozen Starlight

[8822]Ghost Charm



[2916]Lamp[out of oil]



[5812]Skull Candle

[5813]Skull Candle[off]

[3058]Strange Symbol

[2934]Table Lamp[off]

[2935]Talbe Lamp[on]







[2926]Torch[small,out of use]



[Creature Products/Addon items]



[9632]Ancient Stone



[5883]Ape Fur

[10299]Badger Fur

[11445]Bamboo Stick

[11511]Banana Sash

[5894]Bat Wing

[11447]Battle Stone

[5896]Bear Paw

[5930]Behemoth Claw

[5898]Bonelord Eye

[9645]Black Hood

[11448]Black Wool

[11449]Blood Preservation

[9633]Bloody Pincers

[5912]Blue Piece of Cloth

[9667]Boggy Dreads

[10404]Bone Shoulderplate

[10277]Bony Tail

[10320]Book of Necromantic Rituals

[9646]Book of Prayers

[11702]Brimstone Fangs

[11703]Brimstone Shell

[11451]Broken Crossbow

[11660]Broken Draken Mail

[9656]Broken Gladiator Shield

[10418]Broken Halberd

[11453]Broken Helmet

[11652]Broken Key Ring

[11452]Broken Shamanic Staff

[11661]Broken Slicer

[5913]Brown Piece of Cloth

[9689]Bunch of Troll Hair

[9688]Bundle of Cursed Straw

[10300]Carniphila Seeds

[10275]Carrion Worm Fang

[10301]Centipede Leg

[5890]Chicken Feather

[9634]Cobra Tongue

[11514]Colourful Feather


[10409]Corrupted Flag

[7882]Cockroach Leg

[10272]Crab Pincers

[9638]Cultish Mask

[9639]Cultish Robe

[11455]Cultish Symbol

[10410]Cursed Shoulder Spikes

[9657]Cyclops Toe

[10303]Dark Rosary

[5906]Demon Dust

[5954]Demon Horn

[6499]Demonic Essence

[9647]Demonic Skeletal Hand

[11456]Dirty Turban

[11684]Downy Feather

[6546]Dracola's Eye

[5919]Dragon Claw

[10444]Dragon Priest's Wandtip

[11457]Dragon's Tail

[11658]Draken Sulphur

[11659]Draken Wristbands

[5900]Dwarven Beard

[10276]Elder Beholder Tentacle

[11465]Elven Astral Observer

[11464]Elven Scouting Glass

[9635]Elvish Talisman

[5891]Enchanted Chicken Wing

[10306Essence of a Bad Dream

[11671]Eye of Corruption

[6098]Eye Patch

[9636]Fiery Heart

[5884]Fighting Spirit

[5895]Fish Fin

[9109]Fish Flakes

[11466]Flask of Embalming Fluid

[9648]Frosty Ear of a Troll

[9661]Frosty Heart

[9658]Frost Giant Pelt

[9649]Gauze Bandage

[9655]Gear Crystal

[8775]Gear Wheel

[11458]Geomancer's Robe

[11463]Geomancer's Staff

[10449]Ghastly Dragon Head

[9690]Ghostly Tissue

[11467]Ghoul Snack

[10280]Giant Eye

[5879]Giant Spider Silk

[11443]Girlish Hair Decoration


[9054]Glob of Acid Slime

[9053]Glob of Mercury

[9055]Glob of Tar

[11539]Goblin Ear

[9233]Golem Part

[5877]Green Dragon Leather

[5920]Green Dragon Scale

[5910]Green Piece of Cloth

[11446]Hair of a Banshee

[10283]Half-Digested Piece of Meat

[9659]Half-Eaten Brain

[6539]Handmaiden's Protector

[5925]Hardened Bone

[9683]Haunted Piece of Wood

[9637]Hellhound Slobber

[10304]Hellspawn Tail

[10415]High Guard Flag

[10416]High Guard's Shoulderplates

[3024]Holy Falcon



[5892]Huge Chunk of Crude Iron

[11469]Hunter's Quiver

[4839]Hydra Egg

[10282]Hydra Head

[6534]Imperor's Trident

[5880]Iron Ore

[11470]Jewelled Belt

[11471]Kongra's Shoulderpad

[10455]Lancer Beetle Shell

[10417]Legionairre Flags

[9691]Lion's Mane

[11680]Lizard Essence

[5876]Lizard Leather

[5881]Lizard Scale

[11454]Luminous Orb

[9692]Lump of Dirt

[10305]Lump of Earth

[5904]Magic Sulphur

[10321]Mammoth Tusk

[11489]Mantassin Tail

[10298]Metal Spike

[11472]Minotaur Horn

[5878]Minotaur Leather


[5943]Morgaroth's Heart

[6537]Mr.Punish's Handcuffs

[9662]Mutated Bat Ear

[10308]Mutated Flesh

[9668]Mutated Rat Tail

[9660]Mystical Hourglass


[11475]Necromantic Robe

[10314]Nettle Blossom

[11486]Noble Turban

[5804]Nose Ring

[11479]Orc Leather

[10196]Orc Tooth

[xxxx]Orc Tusk

[11477]Orcish Gear

[5808]Orshabaal's Brain

[6126]Peg Leg

[11481]Pelvis Bone

[5893]Perfect Behemoth Fang

[10420]Petrified Scream

[11483]Piece of Archer Armor

[10279]Piece of Crocodile Leather

[9663]Piece of Dead Brain

[5889]Piece of Draconian Steel

[9664]Piece of Hellfire Armor

[5888]Piece of Hell Steel

[3110]Piece of Iron

[6540]Piece of Massacre's Shell

[5887]Piece of Royal Steel

[9641]Piece of Scarab Shell

[xxxx]Piece of Sead Srain

[11482]Piece of Warrior Armor

[9693]Pig Foot

[11484]Pile of Grave Earth

[11485]Poison Spider Shell

[9640]Poisonous Slime

[9650]Polar Bear Paw

[11444]Protective Charm

[11473]Purple Robe

[11491]Quara Bone

[11488]Quara Eye

[11490]Quara Pincers

[11487]Quara Tentacle

[5948]Red Dragon Leather

[5882]Red Dragon Scale

[10289]Red Lantern

[5911]Red Piece of Cloth

[3254]Roc Feather

[11492]Rope Belt

[10291]Rotten Piece of Cloth


[11493]Safety Pin

[10456]Sandcrawler Shell

[11673]Scale of Corruption

[9631]Scarab Pincers

[9651]Scorpion Tail

[11510]Scroll of Heroic Deeds

[10312]Scythe Leg

[9666]Sea Serpent Scale

[10407]Shaggy Tail

[11478]Shamanic Hood


[10310]Shiny Stone

[10292]Silky Fur

[11480]Skull Belt

[10274]Skunk Tail

[11512]Small Flask of Eyedrops

[11450]Small Notebook

[11513]Small Pitchfork

[9694]Snake Skin

[5875]Sniper Gloves

[5944]Soul Orb

[5809]Soul Stone

[8031]Spider Fangs

[10408]Spiked Iron Ball

[9642]Spooky Blue Eye

[10278]Stone Wing

[10309]Strand of Medusa Hair

[10293]Striped Fur

[10315]Sulphurous Stone

[9686]Swamp Grass

[11672]Tail of Corruption

[10281]Tarantula Egg

[9684]Tattered Piece of Robe

[396]Technomancer Beard

[11666]Tentacle Piece

[10454]Terramite Legs

[10452]Terramite Shell

[10273]Terrorbird Beak

[6535]The Plasmother's Remains

[10307]Thick Fur



[5899]Turtle Shell


[10450]Undead Heart

[10316]Unholy Bone

[5905]Vampire Dust

[9685]Vampire Teeth

[9654]War Crystal

[10405]Warmaster's Wristguards

[5885]Warrior's Sweat

[10318]Warwolf Fur

[10397]Weaver's Wandtip

[10317]Werewolf Fur

[5909]White Piece of Cloth

[10411]Widow's Mandibles

[10313]Winged Tail

[10295]Winter Wolf Fur

[9652]Witch Broom

[5897]Wolf Paw



[9665]Wyrm Scale

[9644]Wyvern Talismanx x

[5914]Yellow Piece of Cloth

[10413]Zaogun Flag

[10414]Zaogun's Shoulderplates


[Plants and Herbs]


[3734]Blood Herb

[3659]Blue Rose

[8763]Bowl of Evergreen Flowers

[2988]Exotic Flowers


[649]Flower Bouquet

[2983]Flower Bowl

[7248]Frostbite Herb

[3674]Goat Grass

[2981]God Flowers

[3661]Grave Flower

[5921]Heaven Blossom

[5922]Holy Orchid

[2984]Honey Flowerz

[7250]Hydra Tongue


[3655]Moon Flower

[3673]Orange Star

[7245]Piece of Cactus

[2985]Potted Flower

[3739]Powder Herb

[7249]Purple Kiss Blossom

[3658]Red Rose


[3740]Shadow Herb

[3738]Sling Herb

[3736]Star Herb

[3735]Stone Herb

[3741]Troll Green


[3660]Yellow Rose






[8020]Baking Tray(With dough)


[6574]Bar of Chocolate





[3602]Brown Bread

[3725]Brown Mushroom

[8197]Bulb of Garlic

[10328]Bunch of Ripe Rice



[3599]Candy Cane





[8019]Chocolate Cake


[11584]Coconut Shrimp Bake

[6543]Coloured Egg(Blue)

[6544]Coloured Egg(Green)

[6545]Coloured Egg(Purple)

[6542]Coloured Egg(Red)

[6541]Coloured Egg(Yellow)




[10219]Crocodile Steak


[3728]Dark Mushroom

[6278]Decorated Cake

[11587]Demonic Candy Ball

[3583]Dragon Ham


[11681]Ectoplasmic Sushi


[3731]Fire Mushroom




[3732]Green Mushroom

[7159]Green Perch


[7377]Ice Cream Cone(Blue-Barbarian)

[7375]Ice Cream Cone(Chilly Cherry)

[7372]Ice Cream Cone(Crispy Chocolate Chips)

[xxxx]Ice Cream Cone(Venorean Dream)

[8016]Jalapeño Pepper


[6276]Lump of Cake Dough

[8018]Lump of Chocolate Dough

[3604]Lump of Dough





[3580]Northern Pike



[3726]Orange Mushroom

[6279]Party Cake






[11586]Pot of Blackjack



[7158]Rainbow Trout


[3585]Red Apple

[3724]Red Mushroom

[10329]Rice Ball



[xxxx]Scarab Cheese


[3730]Some Mushrooms

[3729]Some Mushrooms(Brown)


[11588]Sweet Mangonaise Elixir

[10453]Terramite Eggs


[5678]Tortoise Egg

[6125]Tortoise Egg from Nargor

[6392]Valentine's Cake


[3723]White Mushroom

[3727]Wood Mushrooms

[8177]Yummy Gummy Worm



[Vials,Potions,Drinks,Liquids etc]


[7644]Antidote Potion

[7439]Berserk Potion

[8758]Bottle of Bug Milk

[7443]Bullseye Potion

[6559]Concentrated Demonic Blood

[239]Great Health Potion

[238]Great Mana Potion

[7642]Great Spirit Potion

[266]Health Potion

[268]Mana Potion

[7440]Mastermind Potion

[9016]Rust Remover

[7876]Small Health Potion

[236]Strong Health Potion

[237]Strong Mana Potion

[7643]Ultimate Health Potion



[Magical Items]


[3147]Blank Rune

[3251]Blood Orb

[3076]Crystal Ball


[5668/5669]Enigmatic Voodoo Skull

[3061]Life Crystal

[3062]Mind Stone


[3215]Phoenix Egg

[5884]Spirit Container

[10343]Spiritual Charm




[Party Items]


[653]Bag(Common costume)

[655]Bag(Deluxe Costume

[654]Bag(Uncommon Costume)

[6574]Bar of Chocolate

[6576]Fireworks Rocket

[6575/6577]Green Balloon

[6578]Party Hat

[6572/6573]Party Trumpet

[2995]Piggy Bank

[2996]Piggy Bank[broken]


[6575/6577]Red Balloon

[6570]Surprise Bag(Blue)

[6571]Surprise Bag(Red)

[235]Suspicious Surprise Bag

[900]Yellow Pillow(Supersoft)





[3027]Black Pearl

[3041]Blue Gem

[6526]Christmas Token

[6536]Countess Sorrow's Frozen Tear


[3043]Crystal Coin

[3068]Crystal Wand

[9028]Crystal of Balance

[9027]Crystal of Focus

[9067]Crystal of Power

[3010]Emeral Bangle

[282]Giant Shimmering Pearl (Gold)

[281]Giant Shimmering Pearl (Blue)

[3031]Gold Coin

[9058]Gold Ingot

[3040]Gold Nugget

[3038]Green Gem

[3023]Holy Scarab

[5021]Orihalcum Pearl

[3035]Platinum Coin

[3039]Red Gem

[3042]Scarab Coin

[3017]Silver Brooch

[3033]Small Amethyst

[3028]Small Diamond

[3032]Small Emerald

[678]Small Enchanted Amethyst

[677]Small Enchanted Emerald

[676]Small Enchanted Ruby

[675]Small Enchanted Sapphire

[3030]Small Ruby

[3029]Small Sapphire

[9057]Small Topaz

[8192]Vampire Lord Token

[3036]Violet Gem

[3026]White Pearl

[3037]Yellow Gem


[Rusty Equipment]


[8894]Rusty Armor [Common]

[8895]Rusty Armor [semi Rare]

[8896]Rusty Armor [Rare]

[8903]Rusty Boots [Common]

[8904]Rusty Boots [semi Rare]

[8905]Rusty Boots [Rare]

[8906]Rusty Helmet [Common]

[8907]Rusty Helmet [semi Rare]

[8908]Rusty Helmet [Rare]

[8897]Rusty Legs [Common]

[8898]Rusty Legs [semi Rare]

[8899]Rusty Legs [Rare]

[8900]Rusty Shield [Common]

[8901]Rusty Shield [semi Rare]

[8902]Rusty Shield [Rare]

[8891]Rusty Sword [Common]

[8892]Rusty Sword [semi Rare]

[8893]Rusty Sword [Rare]




[3104]Banana Skin

[3116]Big Bone


[2892]Broken Bottle

[2894]Broken Brown Glass

[3117]Broken Flask

[3118]Broken Green Glass

[2996]Broken Piggy Bank

[3113]Broken Pottery

[3119]Broken Sword

[3124]Burnt Scroll

[3122]Dirty Cape

[3105]Dirty Fur

[284]Empty Potion Flask(Large)

[283]Empty Potion Flask(Medium)

[285]Empty Potion Flask(Small)

[5951]Fish Tail


[3120]Moldy Cheese

[3106]Old Twig

[3125]Remains of a Fish

[3112]Rotten Meat



[3129]Some Leaves

[3107]Some Wood

[3121]Torn Book


[2913]Used Candelabrum

[2919]Used Candlestick

[3135]Wooden Trash [Lightbrown]

[3136]Wooden Trash [Drawer lookalike]

[3137]Wooden Trash [Chest lookalike]

[3138]Wooden Trash [Chair lookalike]

[3139]Wooden Trash [Darkbrown]

[3140]Wooden Trash [Dark Chest lookalike]

[3141]Steel Trash [statue lookalike]

[3142]Stone Trash [Pot lookalike]

[3143]Steel Trash [Gold lookalike]

[9020]Worn Firewalker Boots

[3123]Worn Leather Boots

[6530]Worn Soft Boots




[3203]Animate Dead

[3153]Antidote Rune



[3177]Convince Creature


[3148]Destroy Field

[3149]Energy Bomb

[3164]Energy Field

[3166]Energy Wall


[3192]Fire Bomb

[3188]Fire Field

[3190]Fire Wall


[11614]Golden Rune Emblem [Animate Dead]

[11624]Golden Rune Emblem [Avalanche]

[11634]Golden Rune Emblem [Chameleon]

[11632]Golden Rune Emblem [Desintegrate]

[11640]Golden Rune Emblem [Destroy Field]

[11628]Golden Rune Emblem [Energy Bomb]

[11636]Golden Rune Emblem [Energy Wall]

[11608]Golden Rune Emblem [Explosion]

[11622]Golden Rune Emblem [icicle]

[11650]Golden Rune Emblem [Fire Field]

[11618]Golden Rune Emblem [Fireball]

[11644]Golden Rune Emblem [Firebomb]

[11616]Golden Rune Emblem [Great Fireball]

[11606]Golden Rune Emblem [Heavy Magic Missile]

[11626]Golden Rune Emblem [Holy Missile]

[11648]Golden Rune Emblem [Light Magic Missile]

[11612]Golden Rune Emblem [Magic Wall]

[11630]Golden Rune Emblem [Paralyze]

[11646]Golden Rune Emblem [Poison Bomb]

[11638]Golden Rune Emblem [soulfire]

[11610]Golden Rune Emblem [sudden Death]

[11620]Golden Rune Emblem [*******storm]

[11604]Golden Rune Emblem [ultimate Healing]

[11642]Golden Rune Emblem [Wild Growth]

[3191]Great Fireball

[3198]Heavy Magic Missile

[3182]Holy Missile


[3152]Intense Healing Rune

[3174]Light Magic Missile

[3180]Magic Wall


[3173]Poison Bomb

[3172]Poison Field Rune

[3176]Poison Wall

[11613]Silver Rune Emblem [Animate Dead]

[11623]Silver Rune Emblem [Avalanche]

[11633]Silver Rune Emblem [Chameleon]

[11631]Silver Rune Emblem [Desintegrate]

[11639]Silver Rune Emblem [Destroy Field]

[11627]Silver Rune Emblem [Energy Bomb]

[11635]Silver Rune Emblem [Energy Wall]

[11607]Silver Rune Emblem [Explosion]

[11621]Silver Rune Emblem [icicle]

[11649]Silver Rune Emblem [Fire Field]

[11617]Silver Rune Emblem [Fireball]

[11643]Silver Rune Emblem [Firebomb]

[11615]Silver Rune Emblem [Great Fireball]

[11605]Silver Rune Emblem [Heavy Magic Missile]

[11625]Silver Rune Emblem [Holy Missile]

[11647]Silver Rune Emblem [Light Magic Missile]

[11611]Silver Rune Emblem [Magic Wall]

[11629]Silver Rune Emblem [Paralyze]

[11645]Silver Rune Emblem [Poison Bomb]

[11637]Silver Rune Emblem [soulfire]

[11609]Silver Rune Emblem [sudden Death]

[11619]Silver Rune Emblem [*******storm]

[11603]Silver Rune Emblem [ultimate Healing]

[11641]Silver Rune Emblem [Wild Growth]


[3179]Stalagmite Rune

[3175]Stone Shower

[3155]Sudden Death


[3160]Ultimate Healing Rune

[3156]Wild Growth Rune


[Quest Items]


[10025]Almanach of Magic

[xxxx]Ancient Rune

[xxxx]Animal Cure


[10026]Baby Rotworm


[xxxx]Bale of White Cloth

[xxxx]Bale of Yellowed Cloth

[xxxx]Barrel of Beer

[xxxx]Beer Bottle


[11695]Black Jade Cobra

[xxxx]Blank Poetry Parchment

[xxxx]Blessed Ankh

[xxxx]Blood Crystal

[xxxx]Blue Note

[4867]Botanist's Container

[11699]Botany Almanach


[xxxx]Bread (Garlic)

[xxxx]Bricklayer's Kit

[xxxx]Brutus Bloodbeard's Hat

[xxxx]Burning Heart

[xxxx]Butterfly Conservation Kit

[9698]Carrying Device

[xxxx]Cask of Brown Ale(Item)

[xxxx]Ceiron's Waterskin

[xxxx]Ceiron's Wolf Tooth Chain

[xxxx]Ceremonial Ankh

[xxxx]Charged Ghost Charm


[xxxx]Cobrafang Dagger


[xxxx]Cough Cyrup

[xxxx]Crystal Arrow

[xxxx]Crystal Ring(Eleonore)

[xxxx]Damaged Logbook

[xxxx]Damaged Steel helmet

[xxxx]Deadeye Devious' Eyepatch

[xxxx]Deed of Ownership

[xxxx]Disguise Kit

[xxxx]Document of the Follower

[xxxx]Document of the Leader

[xxxx]Document of the Officer

[xxxx]Dwarven Pickaxe

[xxxx]Easily Inflammable Sulphur

[xxxx]Ectoplasm Container

[xxxx]Elane's Crossbow

[xxxx]Elven Poetry Book

[xxxx]Empty Beer Bottle

[xxxx]Empty Flower Pot

[xxxx]Energy Soil

[946]Eternal Flames

[xxxx]Exploding Cookie

[xxxx]Explorer Brooch

[11545]Exquisite Silk

[xxxx]Exquisite Wood

[11544]Faded Last Will

[xxxx]Fake Dwarven Beard

[xxxx]Family Brooch

[xxxx]Family Brooch(Dwarven Family)

[xxxx]File AH-X17L89

[9699]Filled Carrying Device

[xxxx]Fine Sulphur

[xxxx]Fine Vase

[10009]Flask of Crown Polisher

[11364]Flask of Plant Poison

[10183]Flask With Beaver Bait

[xxxx]Flask With Paint

[xxxx]Flawless Ice Crystal

[11550]Flexible Dragon Scale

[xxxx]Frost Charm

[xxxx]Frostbite Herb

[xxxx]Funeral Urn

[xxxx]Gem Holder

[xxxx]Gemmed Lamp

[xxxx]Ghost Charm

[xxxx]Ghost Residue

[xxxx]Ghost's Tear

[xxxx]Giant Ape's Hair

[941]Glimmering Soil

[xxxx]Hallowed Axe

[xxxx]Hat for Eclesius (Dark)

[xxxx]Hat for Eclesius (Pink)

[xxxx]Hat for Eclesius (Wooden)

[xxxx]Heavy Package

[xxxx]Helmet (Morik)

[xxxx]Helmet Adornment

[xxxx]Helmet Ornament

[xxxx]Helmet Piece

[xxxx]Ice Pick

[xxxx]Iced Soil

[xxxx]Icicle(Item,not the rune)


[11541]Jean Pierre's Cookbook II

[xxxx]Jerom's Family Necklace

[xxxx]Jewel Case (Nomad)

[xxxx]Jug (Ants)

[xxxx]Jug of Embalming Fluid

[xxxx]Julius' Map

[xxxx]Left Horn

[xxxx]Letter to Chantalle

[xxxx]Letter to Eremo

[xxxx]Letter to Markwin


[11552]Magic Crystal

[xxxx]Magical Watch

[10011]Map to the Unknown

[11328]Marked Crate

[xxxx]Matrix Crystal

[xxxx]Mead Horn

[9307]Mechanical Fish

[xxxx]Memory Crystal

[xxxx]Memory Stone

[9615]Midnight Shard

[xxxx]Mining Helmet (Budrik)

[947]Mother Soil

[11551]Mystic Root

[xxxx]Nature Magic Spellbook

[xxxx]Neutral Matter

[xxxx]Nilsor's Waterskin


[11549]Old Iron

[4831]Old Parchment

[xxxx]Old Piece of Paper

[xxxx]Old and Used Backpack (Sam's old backpack)

[xxxx]Ornamented Ankh

[xxxx]Package of Potions

[xxxx]Parchment(Arito's Deathlist)(Nomad Parchment)


[xxxx]Picture(Mina Losa)

[xxxx]Piece of Broken Amulet

[xxxx]Piece of Cactus

[8762]Piece of Royal Satin

[9696]Plans for a Strange Device

[xxxx]Poem Scroll


[xxxx]Present Bag

[948]Pure Energy

[xxxx]Purple Kiss Blossom

[9697]Rare Crystal

[11362]Replica of the Sceptre

[xxxx]Research Notes

[xxxx]Resonance Crystal

[xxxx]Right Horn

[xxxx]Ring (Rerun)

[xxxx]Rotten Heart of a Tree

[xxxx]Sample of Sand Wasp Honey

[8759]Sample of Venorean Spice

[xxxx]Scale from a Frozen Dragon

[xxxx]Scarab Cheese

[11426]Scribbled Piece of Paper

[xxxx]Secret Letter

[10199]Serpent Crest

[xxxx]Signet Ring

[xxxx]Simon the Beggar's Favorite Staff

[10159]Skull of a Caveman

[xxxx]Skull of Ratha

[xxxx]Snake Destroyer

[11371]Snake Sceptre

[xxxx]Some Special Leaves

[10028]Soul Contract

[xxxx]Special Flask

[11546]Spectral Cloth

[xxxx]Spectral Dress

[xxxx]Sprectral Stone

[xxxx]Spellbook of Dragha

[xxxx]Spool of Yarn

[xxxx]Spy Report

[4838]Strange Powder

[xxxx]Striker's Favourite Pillow

[11548]Strong Sinew

[xxxx]Sword Hilt

[3233]Tear of Daraman

[xxxx]The Dust of Arthei

[xxxx]The Dust of Boreth

[xxxx]The Dust of Lersatio

[xxxx]The Dust of Marziel

[xxxx]The Dwarven Emperor's Beard

[6100]The Lethal Lissy's Shirt

[xxxx]The Ring of the Count

[11367]The Tail of the Keeper

[xxxx]The Witches' Grimoire

[123]Toy Mouse

[xxxx]Tracing Paper

[10027]Universal Tool

[xxxx]Valuable Vase

[9041]Vampiric Crest

[xxxx]Waldos Posthorn

[xxxx]Whisper Beer

[xxxx]Whisper Moss

[xxxx]White Flower(Item)

[xxxx]Whoopee Cushion

[xxxx]Witches' Cap Spot

[xxxx]Wrinkled Parchment




[2830/2845]Big Blue Demona Book

[2821/2838]Black Book

[2829/2844]Blue Book

[2850]Blue Tome

[2816/2837]Brown Book

[2826/2841]Brown Square Book

[2825/2840]Brown Thin Book


[2832/2847]Fat Green Book

[2842]Gemmed Book

[2831/2846]Green Book

[2849]Green Tome

[2824/2839]Grey Small Book

[2851]Grey Tome

[8155]Heavily Bound Book

[2836]Holy Tible

[xxxx]Nature Magic Spellbook

[2828/2843]Orange Book

[2848]Purple Tome

[2827]Red Square Book

[2852]Red Tome

[7874]The Witches' Grimoire

[8149/8174]Tibiacity Encyclopedia

[6103]Unholy Book

[7879]Your Student Book





[10817/10818]Bag of Oriental Spices

[6491]Bat Decoration [not on wall]

[2975]Bird Cage [no bird]

[2976]Bird Cage [with bird]

[9056]Black Skull

[8531]Blood Goblet

[8532]Blood Skull

[6504]Blue Christmas Garland [not on wall]

[2394]Blue Pillow

[10244]Bonebeast trophy

[10244]Bonebeast trophy [on wall]

[7371]Bronze Goblet

[8737]CM Token

[6502]Christmas Branch

[6505/6506]Christmas Bundle(Red)

[6507/6510]Christmas Bundle(Blue)

[6508/6509]Christmas Bundle(Green)

[6501]Christmas Wreath

[xxxx]Clay Lump

[2664/2668]Cuckoo Clock

[xxxx]Disgusting Trophy

[2933]Djinn's Lamp

[9039]Dracoyle Statue [enchanted, facing right]

[9034]Dracoyle Statue [enchanted, facing south]

[9040]Dracoyle Statue [normal, facing right]

[9035]Dracoyle Statue [normal, facing south]

[10398]Draken Trophy

[10477]Dragon Goblet

[xxxx]Dragon Tapestry

[10347]Dragon Tapestry [on the wall, facing east]

[2635]Edged Mirror [not on wall]

[9606]Egg of the Many

[xxxx]Elven Brooch

[xxxx]Elven Vase

[10798/107899]Ferumbras Doll

[896]Firlefanz [not on wall]

[325/326/327/328]Flower Pot [Dieing plant]

[306/316/324/330]Flower Pot [Empty, plant is dead]

[306/316/324/330]Flower Pot [just planted]

[321/329]Flower Pot [growing, but unrecognizeable]

[333/334]Flower Pot [Dryad's Heart Flower, still growing]

[341/342]Flower Pot [Dryad's Heart Flower, fully grown]

[331/332]Flower Pot [Lizard Tongue Fern, still growing]

[339/340]Flower Pot [Lizard Tongue Fern, fully grown]

[335/336]Flower Pot [Midnight Bloom Flower, still growing]

[343/344]Flower Pot [Midnight Bloom Flower, fully grown]

[337/338]Flower Pot [Ember Queen Flower, still growing]

[345/346]Flower Pot [Ember Queen Flower, fully grown]

[xxxx]Flower Pot [Finger Snapper Plant, still growing]

[xxxx]Flower Pot [Finger Snapper Plant, fully grown]

[xxxx]Flower Pot [Fairy Dancer Flower, still growing]

[xxxx]Flower Pot [Fairy Dancer Flower, fully grown]

[3249]Frozen Starlight


[8148/8175]Golden Falcon

[5749]Golden Figurine

[7369]Golden Goblet

[9212]Golden Trophy of Excellence

[5928]Goldfish Bowl(Empty)

[5929]Goldfish Bowl(With Goldfish)

[2396]Green Pillow

[2393]Heart pillow

[7441]Ice Cube [Raw]

[7442]Ice Cube [1x used]

[7443]Ice Cube [2x used]

[7444]Ice Cube [3x used]

[7445]Ice Mammoth

[7447]Ice Statue(Bird)

[7446]Ice Statue(Fish)

[895]Jester Staff

[8150]Key of Numerous Locks

[xxxx]Lizard Trophy

[5783]Medal of Honour

[5802]Message in a Bottle

[2994]Model Ship

[8146/8147]Oracle Figurine

[10800/10801]Orc's Jaw Shredder

[2638]Oval Mirror [not on wall]



[26406]Piece of Marble Rock

[xxxx]Pigeon Trophy

[2995]Piggy Bank

[10425]Pretty Clay Statue


[2978]Pumpkinhead [Lighted]

[2395]Red Pillow

[xxxx]Rotten Heart of a Tree

[10432]Rough Clay Statue

[10423]Rough Clay Statue [Player can use serious improvement]

[10427]Rough Marble Statue

[2398]Round Blue Pillow

[2632]Round Mirror [not on wall]

[2400]Round Purple Pillow

[2399]Round Red Pillow

[2401]Round Turqoise Pillow

[9045]Royal Tapestry

[9046]Silky Tapestry

[7370]Silver Trophy

[6525]Skeleton Decoration [not on wall]

[2389]Small Blue Pillow

[2387]Small Green Pillow

[2933]Small Oil Lamp

[2390]Small Orange Pillow

[2386]Small Purple Pillow

[2388]Small Red Pillow

[2391]Small Turqoise Pillow

[2392]Small White Pillow

[10207]Snowman Package

[3020]Some Golden Fruits


[2644]Tapestry [purple/pink, not on wall]

[2647]Tapestry [green, not on wall]

[2650]Tapestry [yellow, not on wall]

[2653]Tapestry [orange, not on wall]

[2656]Tapestry [red, not on wall]

[2659]Tapestry [blue, not on wall]

[5615]Tapestry [pirate, not on wall]

[8152]The Mexcalibur

[8151]TibiaHispano Emblem

[xxxx]Tibiora's Box

[8923]Velvet Tapestry [not on wall]

[2974]Water Pipe

[xxxx]Wolf Whistle

[2397]Yellow Pillow


[Dolls and Bears]


[3213]Annihilation Bear

[7183/7184]Baby Seal Doll

[3001]Cute Teddy


[xxxx]Epaminondas Doll

[8778]Jester Doll

[10290]Mini Mummy

[3078]Mysterious Fetish

[10277]Nightmare Doll

[8154/8157]Norseman Doll

[5080/6568]Panda Teddy

[8781]Part of a Jester Doll(Left Arm)

[8783]Part of a Jester Doll(Left Leg)

[8782]Part of a Jester Doll(Right Arm)

[8784]Part of a Jester Doll(Right Leg)

[5810]Pirate Voodoo Doll

[6567]Santa Doll

[10338]Santa Teddy

[10339]Snowman Doll

[5791/6566]Stuffed Dragon

[10294]Stuffed Toad

[2993]Teddy Bear

[8779]The Head of a Jester Doll

[8780]The Torso of a Jester Doll

[10217]Tome of Knowledge

[123]Toy Mouse

[8178]Toy Spider

[10198]Tribal Crest

[8191]Vampire Doll

[3002]Voodoo Doll (Dworcs)

[3209]Voodoo Doll (King)

[2989]Wooden Doll


[Kitchen Tools]


[3464]Baking Tray


[3474]Bowl(Pirate, green)

[3475]Bowl(Pirate, white)

[3476]Bowl(Pirate, yellow)






[3479]Jug (Pirate, Blue)

[3478]Jug (Pirate, Gold)

[3480]Jug (Pirate, Green)

[3477]Jug (Pirate, Silver)

[3469]Kitchen Knife


[2884]Mug (Pirate)

[3472]Oven Spatula



[3473]Rolling Pin


[3470]Wooden Spoon




[7396]Behemoth Trophy

[xxxx]Bonebeast Trophy

[7398]Cyclops Trophy

[7397]Deer Trophy

[7393]Demon Trophy

[10421]Disgusting Trophy

[7399]Dragon Trophy

[xxxx]Draken Trophy

[9626]Golden Fafnar Trophy

[7400]Lion Trophy

[xxxx]Lizard Trophy

[902]Marlin Trophy

[7401]Minotaur Trophy

[xxxx]Orc's Jaw Shredder

[7395]Orc Trophy

[9613]Sea Serpent Trophy

[9627]Silver Fafnar Trophy

[11679]Souleater Trophy

[7394]Wolf Trophy





[3253]Backpack of Holding



[5949]Beach Backpack

[5950]Beach Bag

[2869]Blue Backpack

[2861]Blue Bag


[2473]Box (Brown)

[8860]Brocade Backpack

[8861]Brocade Bag

[2872]Camouflage Backpack

[2864]Camouflage Bag



[9605]Crown Backpack

[xxxx]Demon Backpack

[10326]Dragon Backpack

[10324]Expedition Backpack

[10325]Expedition Bag

[7342]Fur Backpack

[7343]Fur Bag

[2871]Golden Backpack

[2863]Golden Bag

[2865]Green Backpack

[2857]Green Bag

[2870]Grey Backpack

[2862]Grey Bag

[10202]Heart Backpack

[6104]Jewel Case

[5801]Jewelled Backpack

[5801]Key Ring [Doesn't exist anymore on RL tibia, Jewelled Backpack has same ID.]

[xxxx]Lizard Backpack

[10327]Minotaur Backpack

[9604]Moon Backpack

[3244]Old and Used Backpack(Sam's old backpack)


[xxxx]Pile of Bones

[5926]Pirate Backpack

[5927]Pirate Bag


[2868]Purple Backpack

[2860]Purple Bag

[2867]Red Backpack

[2859]Red Bag

[10346]Santa Backpack

[3504]Stamped Parcel

[2866]Yellow Backpack

[2858]Yellow Bag


[Fluid Containers]




[2885]Brown Flask


[9083]Cocktail Glass

[9232]Cocktail Glass [Empty]



[2903]Golden Mug

[2877]Green Flask


[3479]Jug [Pirate, Blue]

[3478]Jug [Pirate, Gold]

[3480]Jug [Pirate, Green]

[3477]Jug [Pirate, Silver


[2884]Mug [Pirate]


[5552]Rum Flask





[Documents and Papers]



[2813]Blank Paper

[2817]Blank Poetry Parchment


[6387]Christmas Card



[6522]Gingerbread Recipe

[8153/8176]Golden Newspaper

[6087]Hymn #1 [First Verse]

[6088]Hymn #2 [second Verse]

[6089]Hymn #3 [Third Verse]

[6090]Hymn #4 [Fourth Verse]



[5957]Lottery Ticket




[641]Old Piece of Paper



[xxxx]Research Notes


[3506]Stamped Letter

[6538]Valentine's Card

[5958]Winning Lottery Ticket





[9064]Crystal Pedestal [blue]

[9065]Crystal Pedestal [Cyan]

[9066]Crystal Pedestal [Green]

[9063]Crystal Pedestal [Red]

[xxxx]Trophy Stand



[Musical Instruments]






[xxxx]Horn of Sundering




[2957]Post Horn

[2956]Royal Fanfare

[2954]Simple Fanfare

[2951]War Drum

[xxxx]War Horn

[2948]Wooden Flute

[xxxx]Wooden Whistle




Créditos :



ID's :

Organização e Cores : CzarShadowW:amor:





By : CzarShadowW:amor:

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