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-- helmets --


ancient tiara=2139

damaged steel helmet=5924



ferumbras hat=5903

jester hat=7957

leather helmet=2461

hat of the mad=2323

magician hat=2662

party hat=6578

post officers hat=2665

santa hat=6531

chain helmet=2458

charmers tiara=3971

feather headdress=3970

helmet of the deep=5461

studded helmet=2482

tribal mask=3967

batwing hat=10016

brass helmet=2460

fur cap=7458

mage hat=8820

pirate hat=6090

legion helmet=2480

viking helmet=2473

damaged helmet=2339

glacier mask=7902

iron helmet=2459

lightning headband=7901

magma monocle=7900

soldier helmet=2481

terra hood=7903

yalahari mask=9778

dark helmet=2490

dwarven helmet=2502

horseman helmet=3969

krimhorn helmet=7461

ragnir helmet=7462

steel helmet=2457

strange helmet=2479

amazon helmet=2499

beholder helmet=3972

crown helmet=2491

devil helmet=2462

crusader helmet=2497

helmet of the ancients=2342

warrior helmet=2475

ceremonial mask=2501

dragon scale helmet=2506

royal helmet=2498

skull helmet=5471

demon helmet=2493

winged helmet=2474

full helmet of the ancients=2343

horned helmet=2496

golden helmet=2471





-- legs --


bast skirt=3983

mammoth fur shorts=7464

leather legs=2649

pirate knee breeches=5918

studded legs=2468

chain legs=2648

ranger legs=8923

brass legs=2478

plate legs=2647

blue legs=7730

crown legs=2488

glacier kilt=7896

knight legs=2477

lightning legs=7895

magma legs=7894

terra legs=7885

yalahari leg piece=9777

demon legs=2495

golden legs=2470

dragon scale legs=2469



-- boots --


boots of haste=2195

boots of waterwalking=2358


soft boots=6132


leather boots=2643

crocodile boots=3982

firewalker boots=9933

fur boots=7457

glacier shoes=7892

lightning boots=7893

magma boots=7891

patched boots=2641

pirate boots=5462

terra boots=7886

steel boots=2645

golden boots=2646



-- armor --


girls dress=8876

hibiscus dress=8873

simple dress=2657

summer dress=8874


ball gown=2659



green tunic=2652


red robe=2655

white dress=2658


red tunic=2653

pirate shirt=6095

leather armor=2467

studded armor=2484

chain armor=2464

magicians robe=8819

ethno coat=8892

native armor=2508

rangers cloak=2660

brass armor=2465

spirit cloak=8870

focus cape=8871

leopard armor=3968

scale armor=2483

belted cape=8872

dark armor=2489

dwarven armor=2503

mammoth fur cape=7463

plate armor=2463

blue robe=2656

dark lords cape=8865

glacier robe=7897

lightning robe=7898

magma coat=7899

noble armor=2486

terra mantle=7884

witchhunters cloak=8821

dragon robe=8867

greenwood coat=8869

knight armor=2476

paladin armor=8891

robe of the underworld=8890

serpent coat=8866

amazon armor=2500

crown armor=2487

crystalline armor=8878

divine plate=8885

frozen plate=8887

lavos armor=8877

swamplair armor=8880

voltage armor=8879

golden armor=2466

skullcracker armor=8889

dragon_scale mail=2492

earthborn titan armor=8882

fireborn giant armor=8881

master archers armo=8888

oceanborn leviathan armor=8884

windborn colossus armor=8883

demon armor=2494

yalahari armor=9776

magic plate armor=2472




-- shields --


wooden shield=2512

studded shield=2526

brass shield=2511

plate shield=2510

black shield=2529

copper shield=2530

bone shield=2541

steel shield=2509

ornamented shield=2524

sentinel shield=3974

viking shield=2531

battle shield=2513

dark shield=2521

scarab shield=2540

dwarven shield=2525

salamander shield=3975

tortoise shield=6131

ancient shield=2532

rose shield=2527

tusk shield=3973

beholder shield=2518

castle shield=2535

norse shield=7460

griffin shield=2533

guardian shield=2515

rainbow shield=8905

dragon shield=2516

amazon shield=2537

crown shield=2519

tower shield=2528

medusa shield=2536

shield of honour=2517

phoenix shield=2539

vampire shield=2534

demon shield=2520

fiery rainbow shield=8906

sparking rainbow shield=8908

tempest shield=2542

mastermind shield=2514

necromancer shield=6433

nightmare shield=6391

terran rainbow shield=8909

great shield=2522

icy rainbow shield=8907

blessed shield=2523



-- spell books --


spellscroll of prophecies=8904


spellbook of dark mysteries=8918

spellbook of mind control=8902

spellbook of enlightenment=8900

spellbook of lost souls=8903

spellbook of warding=8901





-- ammo --



burst arrow=2546

earth arrow=7850

flaming arrow=7840

flash arrow=7838

onyx arrow=7365

poison arrow=2545

shiver arrow=7839

sniper arrow=7364

crystal arrow=2352



infernal bolt=6529

piercing bolt=7363

power bolt=2547





-- amulet --


bronze necklace=2126

crystal necklace=2125

ruby necklace=2133

silver necklace=2132

wolf tooth chain=2129

dragon necklace=2201

garlic necklace=2199

ancient amulet=2142

demonbone amulet=2136

golden amulet=2130

paw amulet=2218

sapphire amulet=2138

scarab amulet=2135

star amulet=2131

platinum amulet=2171


amulet of life=2196

amulet of loss=2173

bronze amulet=2172

elven amulet=2198

glacier amulet=7888

kosheis ancient amulet=8266

protection amulet=2200

silver amulet=2170

stone skin amulet=2197

strange talisman=2161

terra amulet=7887




-- weapons --


-- axe --




golden sickle=2418


steel axe=8601

earth_barbarian axe=7859

energy_barbarian axe=7874

fiery barbarian axe=7749

icy barbarian axe=7768

orcish axe=2428

battle axe=2378

earth knight axe=7860

energy knight axe=7875

fiery knight axe=7750

fire axe=2432

icy knight axe=7769

barbarian axe=2429

ripper lance=3964

dwarven axe=2435

knight axe=2430

earth headchopper=7862

energy headchopper=7877

fiery headchopper=7752

icy headchopper=7771

obsidian lance=2425

beastslayer axe=3962

double axe=2387

earth heroic axe=7861

energy heroic axe=7876

fiery heroic axe=7751


icy heroic axe=7770

daramanian waraxe=2440

earth war axe=7863

energy war axe=7878

fiery war axe=7753

icy war axe=7772


noble axe=7456

dreaded cleaver=7419

glorious axe=7454

butchers axe=7412


ornamented axe=7411

titan axe=7413

vile axe=7388

angelic axe=7436

heroic axe=7389


twin axe=2447

guardian halberd=2427

reapers axe=7420

dragon lance=2414

royal axe=7434

war axe=2454

ravagers axe=2443

ruthless axe=6553

stonecutter axe=2431


hellforged axe=8924

great axe=2415

solar axe=8925

demonwing axe=8926





-- club --






studded club=2448


bone club=2449


iron hammer=2422

daramanian mace=2439

earth clerical mace=7864

energy clerical mace=7879

fiery clerical mace=7754

icy clerical mace=7773

battle hammer=2417

giant smithhammer=2321

banana staff=3966

morning star=2394

clerical mace=2423

mammoth whopper=7381

taurus mace=7425

earth crystal mace=7865

energy crystal mace=7880

fiery crystal mace=7755

furry club=7432

icy crystal mace=7774

dragon hammer=2434

diamond sceptre=7387

brutetamers staff=7379

dragonbone staff=7430

earth orcish maul=7867

energy orcish maul=7882

fiery orcish maul=7757

icy orcish maul=7776

earth cranial basher=7866

earth war hammer=7868

energy cranial basher=7881

energy war hammer=7883

fiery cranial basher=7756

fiery war hammer=7758

icy cranial basher=7775

icy war hammer=7777

skull staff=2436

sapphire hammer=7437

crystal mace=2445

enchanted staff=2433

shadow sceptre=7451

lich staff=3961

lunar staff=7424

silver mace=2424

spiked squelcher=7452

orcish maul=7392

amber staff=7426

queens sceptre=7410

chaos mace=7427

cranial basher=7415

onyx flail=7421

war hammer=2391


jade hammer=7422

abyss hammer=7414

blessed sceptre=7429

golden mace=2437


hammer of wrath=2444

heavy mace=2452

******* hammer=2421

sprite wand=2453

obsidian truncheon=8928

dark trinity mace=8927


the stomper=8929




-- sword --




combat knife=2404


silver dagger=2402


short sword=2406



bone sword=2450


carlin sword=2395

heavy machete=2442


poison dagger=2411


serpent sword=2409


earth spike sword=7854

energy spike sword=7869

fiery spike sword=7744

icy spike sword=7763

jagged sword=8602

templar scytheblade=3963

fire sword=2392

spike sword=2383


crimson sword=7385

double edge sword=2377

wyvern fang=7408

earth relic sword=7855

energy relic sword=7870

fiery relic sword=7745

icy relic sword=7764

crystal sword=7449

earth dragon slayer=7858

energy dragon slayer=7873

fiery dragon slayer=7748

icy_blacksteel sword=7766

icy dragon slayer=7767

bright sword=2407

earth mystic blade=7856

energy mystic blade=7871

fiery mystic blade=7746

icy mystic blade=7765


djinn blade=2451

assassin dagger=7401

haunted blade=7407

pharaoh sword =2446

blacksteel sword=7406

earth blacksteel sword=7857

energy blacksteel sword=7872

fiery blacksteel sword=7747

ice rapier=2396

relic sword=7383

bloody edge=7416

mercenary sword=7386

dragon slayer=7402

mystic blade=7384

runed sword=7417

thaian sword=7391

giant sword=2393

nightmare blade=7418

demonrage sword=7382

the justice seeker=7390


magic sword=2400

emerald sword=8930

havoc blade=7405

the avenger=6528

warlord sword=2408

magic longsword=2390




--_distance_weapons --




elvish bow=7438


small stone=1294



throwing knife=2410

viper star=7366

hunting spear=3965

royal spear=7378

silkweaver bow=8857

enchanted spear=7367

modified crossbow=8849

composite hornbow=8855

elethriels elemental bow=8858


assassin star=7368

the ironworker=8853

warsinger bow=8854

the devileye=8852

royal crossbow=8851




--_wands --


wand of cosmic energy=2189

wand of decay=2188

wand of draconia=8921

wand of dragonbreath=2129

wand of inferno=2187

wand of starstorm=8920

wand of voodoo=8922

wand of vortex=2190




--_rods --


hailstorm rod=2183

moonlight rod=2186

necrotic rod=2185

northwind rod=8911

snakebite rod=2182

springsprout rod=8912

terra rod=2181

underworld rod=8910




--_rings --


death ring=6300

life ring=3168

ring of healing=2214

might ring=2164

stealth ring=2165

crystal ring=6093

gold ring=2179

ring of wishes=2357

signet ring=7708

wedding ring=2121

ring of the sky=2123

the ring of the count=8752

dwarven ring=2213

axe ring=2208

club ring=2209

sword ring=2207

power ring=2166

energy ring=2167

time ring=2169


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