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Todos os mods e skins do C.A.


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MediaFire M16A3 to M4A1 SOPMOD

MediaFire M16A3 to Dragonuv SVDS Ghillie

MediaFIre M416 CQB to Scorpion Mod




MediaFire M92FS to Scorpion Mod Inject into GUNS_M_PV_Pistol

MediaFire L96A1 to Dragonov SVDS Ghillie Inject into GUNS_M_PV_SR

MediaFire AK47 to MTAR21 includes texture edit which you can if u want inject it in to GUNS_T_PV_AR.rez

MediaFire M14 to AUG A3

MediaFire M4A1 to M416 CQB

MediaFire M16A3 to AUG A1

MediaFire G36E to SG556 better ROF, less recoil, more portibility

MediaFire FAMAS to TAR21

MediaFire Mk.48 to RPK74 Inject into GUNS_M_PV_MG

MediaFire UMP to P90TRSE Inject in to GUNS_M_PV_SMG

MediaFire L96A1 to M39 EMR Inject into GUNS_M_PV_SR

MediaFire L96A1 to M24 Inject into GUNS_M_PV_SR

MediaFire L96A1 to M11 Inject into GUNS_M_PV_SR

MediaFire M16A3 to L85A1

MediaFire M16A1 Mine to AK47 Inject into GUNS_M_PV_Throwing

MediaFire AK47 to M416 CQB

MediaFire AK47 to SG556

MediaFire M14 to Mac 10

MediaFire M16A3 to G36E

MediaFire M16A3 to G36KE

MediaFire M16A3 to L115A3

MediaFire M16A3 to REC 7





MediaFire G36E to G36KE Package

MediaFire SCAR L to SCAR L Trispear Package

MediaFire M4A1 to M4A1 SOPMOD Package

MediaFire M92FS (Defult Pistol) to DEAGLE GOLD Package

MediaFire FAMAS to L85A1 Mod package

MediaFire FAMAS to FAMAS G2 package

MediaFire M16A3 to MP7 MOD package

MediaFire Ak47 to M416 package

MediaFire FAMAS G2 to M14 SE package

MediaFire M14 to M14 SE package

MediaFire M16A3 to MP7 MOD package

MediaFire M107CQ to L115A3 package



SUPER GUN MODS: NOTE: Super mods are downloaded as .rezNew files so you just fave to take the New off and put in your game folder.

MediaFire M16A3 to SCORPION MOD







M16A3 to AUG A1 Black

MediaFire M14 to AUG A3 SE (camo)





MediaFire Acog Scope to Itech Scope turns the look of the acog scope (displays distance, working on the one that displays HP and Ammo) into a itech NOTE: when you go to inject this file you need to inject it into GUNS_M_PV_OPTION.rez

MediaFire Dot Reticle to AUG Reticle changes the normal red dot reticle into the AUG reticle, inject into UI_HUD_Info.rez

MediaFire Dot Reticle to TriShot HoloSight changes normal red dot reticle into the TriShot HoloSight reticle. Inject into UI_HUD_Info.rez

MediaFire Dot Reticle to Itech Reticle changes normal red dot reticle into the Itech reticle. Inject into UI_HUD_Info.rez

MediaFire Dot Reticle to Reflex Reticle changes normal red dot reticle into the Reflex reticle. Inject into UI_HUD_Info.rez



MediaFire Black Cap (Defult) to Bullet Proof Helmet inject in to CHARS_M_HEAD.rez


MediaFire RezInject for injecting the .ltb files to the .rez files




M14-AUG A3 w/texture (camo SE)

M14-AUG A3 w/o texture


M92FS-Scorpion Mod

M16A3-AUG A1

L96A1-Dragonov SVDS Ghillie







VirusTotal M92FS to Scorpion Mod

VirusTotal M14 to AUG A3

VirusTotal L96A1 to Draginiv SVDS Ghillie

VirusTotal Ak47 to MTAR21

VirusTotal M16A3 to AUG A1

VirusTotal G36E to SG556

VirusTotal FAMAS to TAR21

VirusTotal MK.48 to RPK74

VirusTotal Acog Scope to Itech Scope

VirusTotal Dot Reticle to AUG Reticle

VirusTotal UMP to P90TRSE

VirusTotal RezInject

VirusTotal M14 to AUG A3 SE (texture)

VirusTotal Cap to Bullet Proof Helmet

VirusTotal G36E to G36KE Package

VirusTotal M4A1 to M4A1 SOPMOD Package

VirusTotal SCAR L to SCAR L Trispear Package

VirusTotal M92FS (Defult Pistol) to DEAGLE GOLD Package

VirusTotal FAMAS to L85A1 MOD package

VirusTotal FAMAS to FAMAS G2 package


VirusTotal M16A3 to SCORPION MOD

VirusTotal Red Dot reticle to TriShot HoloSight reticle

VirusTotal Red Dot reticle to Itech reticle

VirusTotal M16A3 to MP7 MOD package

VirusTotal L96A1 to M39 EMR

VirusTotal Red Dot reticle to Reflex reticle




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accolade fonts

Liquidforce's hell fonts



how to edit .rez files

how to take out map textures

how to make a kirby M67 frag grenade

tutorial on model chanching

basic skinning with photoshop



My Combat Arms Chars V2! (texture)

My Combat Arms Chars (texture)

Riceking's chars (texture)

corndog's players mod (texture)

Headsup (texture)

white faces (texture)

pink and yellow players (texture)

super sexy viper (texture)

Zombie heads (texture) new



Machine Gun's

M60 or MINIMI to MINIGUN with increased RoF (texture and model)


Sub Machine Gun's

------------------------------------- M16A3

M16A3 to MINIGUN (texture and model)

M16A3 to G36E (texture)

M16A3 to black Scar-L with sounds (texture and sound)

M16A3 to AK-47 gold (texture and sound)

M16A3 to M416CQ (texture and model)

M16A3 to M417 with increased RoF (texture and model)

M16A3 to colored G36E (texture and model)

M16A3 to AUG-A1 black (texture and model)

M16A3 to PP-19 MOD (texture and model)

M16A3 to G36E valkyrie with sound (texture and sound)

green M16A3 (texture)

M16A3 Urban warfare (texture and model)

------------------------------------- G36E

G36E (texture)

Black G36E (texture)

G36E blood (texture)

white G36E valkyrie (texture)

G36E to G36E Black Steel SE (texture)

G36E skull flames (texture)

G36E to G36KE (texture and model)

bloody G36E again (texture)

G36E to G36E valkyrie (texture)

G36E chinese (texture)

------------------------------------- AK-47

AK-47 silver (texture)

AK 47 to AK47 gold (texture)

AK-47 blood (texture)

blue AK-47 (texture)

AK-47 to K2 mod (texture and model)

AK-47 to G36E (texture

------------------------------------- UMP and UZI

Golden UMP (texture)

UMP toxic waste (texture)

UMP to UZI with increased RoF (texture and model)


------------------------------------- M416

M416 to M416 CAMO (texture)


------------------------------------- FAMAS

FAMAS TO l85A1 (texture and model)

energy FAMAS

FAMAS to AUG 3 (texture and model

FAMAS to M16CQB with increased RoF (texture and model)

FAMAS with yellow camo? (texture) the point of camoflage is not to be seen? or am i wrong?


------------------------------------- MP-7, MP-5

Mp-7 to M16A3 (texture and model)

MP5A4 to MAC 10 with increased RoF (texture and model)


------------------------------------- M4A1

M4A1 black and red (texture)

M4A1 white and black (texture)

M4A1 to M4A1 sopmod camo (texture)

M4A1 TO M4A1 SOPMOD (texture and model)

M4A1 To L85A1 Camo Mod (texture and model) new

golden M4A1 (texture)

M14A1 to GIANT G36E with increased RoF (texture and model)

M4A1 to M4A1 desert warrior (texture)

------------------------------------- SCAR-L

silver SCAR-Ll

SCAR-L to SCAR-H (texture and model)



K2 (texture)

Purple AUG A3 (texture)

MP-7 MOD alien (texture)

colored MK16 SCAR -L (texture)

UMP mod with sound (texture and sound)

Vorpal Scar-L (texture)

Purple MK16 SCAR-L (texture)

P90 phsycadelic steel LE (texture)

TAR21 to MTAR21 with increased RoF (texture and model)

R870 to R870 MCS MOD with increased RoF (texture and model)

PP-19 MOD to SKORPION MOD (texture and model)


Sniper Rifle's

L96A1 to arctic wolf (texture)

Blue L96A1 (texture)

L96A1 tiger skin (texture)

Dersert dingo L96A1 sniper skin (texture)

L96A1 ying and yang (texture)

L9A1 Blue Camo (texture)

L96A1 to SR25 with increased RoF (texture and model)

L96A1 to L96A1 GHILLIE (texture)

L96A1 desert camo (texture)

Black Arctic Wolf (texture)

L96A1 Black Magnum (texture)

L9A1 ghost camo (texture)

Gold Plated L96A1 wiht increased RoF (texture and model)

L96A1 christmas (texture)

random colored L96A1 (texture)

L9A1 leopard (texture)

L96A1 christmas (texture)

L96A1 firey death (texture)

L96A1 to Arctic Wolf (texture)

L96A1 to SR 25 again (texture and model)

L96A1 to Arctic wolf again (texture)

L96A1 to M107CQ (texture)

dragounov to psg1 (texture, sound and model)

DRAGONOUV Desert camo (texture)

Rainbow Dragounov (texture)

M16 To M14SE LongBow (texture)

camuflaged M16A3 (texture)

M24 to L96A1 GHILLIE (texture)

M24 (texture)




R870 to R870 CAMO (texture and sound)

SPA12 to SPA12 gold (texture and sound)

M590 military to SPAS (texture)

M590 Military Matrix edition (texture)

M590 military hello kitty (texture)

M590 military with increased RoF (model)

M590 military to M59SE (texture and sound)

Mossberg m590 shotgun to m590 Mariners (texture)




pimped Desert Eagle (texture)

Golden Desert Eagle (texture)

Desert Eagle to Gold Desert Eagle (texture)

G23 to G23 Chrome (texture)

G23 fatility pistol (texture)

G23 and Desert Eagle (texture)

M92FS to gold M92FS (texture)

M92FS to G18 (texture and model)

M92FS black and white )texture)

M92FS (texture)

Ganaconda (texture and model)

Anaconda black to Anaconda silver (texture)



RPG7 to M32 (texture and model)

M67 Don Vito grenade (texture)

LAW to M136 (texture and model)

LAW to M32 (textures and model)

LAW to Snowgun (texture and model)

rainbow colored LAW MOD (texture)

LAW skull mod (texture)

yellow M67 (texture edit)

M67 christmas mod (texture)

M67 Pikabomb (texture)

M67 planet earth grenade (texture)

M67 Smurf grenade (texture

M67 COCA COLA grenade (texture)

M67 blue swirl grenade (texture)

M67 skull grenade

M67 8-Ball grenade

M67 eyeball grenade (texture)

M67 pokebomb (texture)

green nades (texture)

M69 Kirby with pink explosion (texture)

M69 tenis ball (texture)

GAS to Monsterdrink (texture)

GAS grenade to Heineken (texture)

Coca Cola SMOKE (texture)



my Shovel to M11 with increased RoF and portability (model)

Shovel to M9 with increased RoF (model)

M9 to M11 (texture and model) GRRR he released it first

M9 to strider axe with increased RoF (texture and model)

M9 to golden M11 (texture and model)

M9 (Texture)

M9 (texture)

M9 chritmas (texture)

M9 to MARK 2 (texture)

M9 to red lightsaber (texture and model)

M9 canada (texture)

M9 Liquidforce's BLOOD KNIFE! (texture)

M9 to ninjato (texture)

M9 to Katana (texture and model)

lightsaber updated (texture and model)

newest lightsaber mod (texture and model)

Kukri mod(texture)

sickle to haloween sickle (texture)

Bloody Sickle (texture)




reddot to airstrike scope

Sniper Scope on almost any gun

reddot scope to reflex scope

L85A1 scope for almost all guns

Dragounov scope on G36E

Itech scope for any gun (texture)



Sand Valley

Water Valley

WOOD valley and WOOD seed

Junk Flea Super Mario Mod (texture)

Blood valley (texture)

Super Mario Death Room MOD (texture)

BLOODY death room

Liquidforce's UFBdeathroom (texture)


Mod Pack's

Heghogies weapon pack (texture)

linuxandmegasrulz mega mod v0.1.1 (texture and model)

some gold plated mods (texture)

G36E flag mods (texture)

melee pack (texture)

some face mods (texture)

civil war M16A3 mods (texture)

some green guns (texture)

assult rifle mods (texture and model)

Tsukasa's modpack (texture, sound and model)

Nerf Launchers (texture)

The M9 package

Teckaufman's modpack

NX pistol pack (textures and models)

69klash skinpack (texture)

kevvsky modpack (textures, sound and model)

Gun mod pack (texture and model)

Ashoon's modpack (texture and sound)

blodyr9's green mods new



hacksheild grapichs (texture)

Pokemon cursor (texture)

Costum CTF flag mod (texture)

white cursor (texture)

MPGH loading screen (texture)

MPGH christmas loading screens (texture)

christmas loading screen and cursor (texture)

christmas loading screen (texture)

christmas damge indicator (texture)

another christmas loading screen (texture)

and just 1 more christmas loading screen (texture)

Louder FOOTSTEPS (sound)

Paint bullets (texture)

mine to misiles (textures and model)

santas backpack (texture)

another christmas loading screen will it never end? (texture)



Liquidforce's costum accolades V2 (texture and sound)

Liquidforce's costum accolades (textures and sound)

Unbeliveable mod (texture and sound)

new silencer sound to old silencer sound (sound)

Unreal accolades (texture and sound)

Quake Accolades

Smartys accolades



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