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[lol] spray porn [lol]

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[NOVIDADES] Eae Homens Punheiteiros voces que ama bater uam e joga Crossfire

Vai adorar ve isso aqui. Saka só.




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Vai na Pasta do Z8Games/Crossfire/Rez/UI/Spray.

- Cole e Susbstitue tudo se voce quise.

- Se voce acha que essa PORAFAKE! faça um Backup dos TGA.

- Pronto so você loga-se na sua CONTA do CrossFire, entra em qualquer sala e pressionar "T"







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VIU? isso prova que esse TOPICo nao eh puro FAKE!






[Creditos] - VINIHs-iNeGo - Membro da TC


[x] Chegar em 15 Agradecimento para um novo Spray

[ ] Chegar em 30 Agradecimento para dois novos Spray

[ ] Chegar em 40 Agradecimento para tres novos Spray

[ ] Chegar em 50 Agradecimento para cinco novos Spray



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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Caraio amei esse Post do VINIH *--*

Poha as vezes morro pq to gozando na frente do PC XD (mau pela frase)


Eu so amigo desse muleke se voces fizerem 15 agradecimentos nesse topicos


15 Agradecimento : 1+ SPRAY PORN

30 Agradecimento : 2+ SPRAY PORN

40 Agradecimento : 3+ SPRAY PORN


100 Tranks: Voce pode me invia um FOTOPORNO e faço o Spray para voce *-*




Entao plz se conseguir funfa ai Agradeça para mais punheta CF XD



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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To fazendo um video aula ai colega pera ae :D



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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aki funcionou ..vlw levo meu agradecimentos


UHASUHSAUHSAUHASUHAUSH esse SPRAY e muito phoda fala a verdade XD

Vai publicando pelo msn, comunidade, PORFAVOR nao esqueça de colcoa creditos '-'








Que conseguiu funfa deixa se quise um SS (ScrenShoo) :D



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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Prontinho veey se voce nao conseguiu , eu nao sei que ta acontecendo :/

Todo mundo ta conseguendo mesmo voce O.O




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O priemiro ta em formato FLV, transforme em AVI. como? baixe o Format Factory



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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Vlw vo tenta *-* '


aff , como baixa essa @#$%

eu fui nesse site ae , abriu nada S:

cliquei em tudo u.u '

aff so nooob mesmo aklsaksl , oia meo nik '-'

aparece isso aqui ;


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BUCETA! caraio nao sabe baixe no 2shared O.O

vou invia essa pora no Youtube xD porfavor nao vai fala que nao sabe acessa X.X



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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Conseguir coloca o Spray XD

Avisa amigos seus virem o Topico e agardece por que quando esse topico chega com 15 Agradecimento


Um novo Spray Porn *-----------------------*



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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Nobzinho6 evite de fazer FLOOD, para que o TOPICO nao seja fechado.

Faça mensagem mais objetiva ;9


Calma ae caraio! ele esta processando...


@edit [Video-AUla] ja postado ele esta localizado no comeco de topico (MENSAGEM)



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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Quem for HOMEM e Punheteiro vai se amarra nessa PORA X.X

Se viu que deu mesmo certo? entao ... avise seus amigos que joga CF virem baixa e agradecer no TOPICO . Pq?


Quando eu chegar em 15 agardecimento : mais um Spray Porn vai se Postado *-*

30 Tranks : +2

40 Tranks : +3

50 Tranks : +5




Olha , nao foi nao , se voce poder me falar qe programa

usa pra fazer video aula eu te mostro :D


Caraio O.O ainda nao deu cero PORA! nopssa seu PC dev te Voku!

Ou um tipo de macunba que nao faz essa merda FUNFA O.O


Eu uso Camtasia Studio 7



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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Uma nova SPRAYP0RN foi colocada no topico baixe novamente se gostarem da segunda Image.

PORFAVOR continuem agradecendo quando chegar em 30 Tranks eu HAHAHAHHA

Mais duas novas SPRAYP0RN *---------------------*





Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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