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[Off] Qual o melhor hack?

O melhor hack para C.A  

  1. 1. O melhor hack para C.A

    • Rule de game :
    • O outro(nao revelado) :

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Galera, achei uns sites que vendem hack agora : Qual é o melhor?


Ai vai :


Rule-de-game :


Adjustable Nade Sphere- Show a sphere around explosives, adjust the size yourself

Aimbot- Automatically aims at enemies for you.

Aim FOV- Set the field of view of the aimbot

Aim Key- Set the aimbot to only activate by a key

Aim Speed- Adjust the speed at which you aim

Anti-Kick- Prevent's the user from being kicked from a game

Unlimited Respawn- Lets you Respawn in game modes such as Elimination Pro.


Bone Scan- Allows the aimbot to scan an enemy for a visible body part

Boxes- Draws a Box around the player and can be seen thru walls.

Bullet Tracers- When someone shoots/knifes/throws something, a line will be "trace" the object.


Chams- Colors Players and can be seen thru walls.

Closest by distance- Aims at whoever is closest to you

Closest to crosshair- Aims whoever is closest to where you're aiming

Crosshair- Draws a Crosshair at the center of your screen.


Distance ESP- Show player distance


FireTeam Teleport- Teleports you to the FireTeam bomb place.

Friends List- your aimbot won't target the people on your Friends' List

Force Hit- Regardless of where you shoot, this is where you will hit!

Full Bright- Makes the map brighter.


Infinite Stamina- Freezes your stamina so you can sprint forever.

Ingame Menu- Hack menu

Instant Respawn- Removes the 3 second Respawn wait.



Ghost Mode- Leaves your body behind, and you become a "ghost" that people cant see.

GhostAim- Aimbot without aiming

Glitch Key/Glitcher- Lets you go through objects.


Highest threat- Aims at whoever is the most likely to kill YOU.

Hostile Kick- Kick anyone even with anti kick, but they have to have been vetoed in a kick beforehand.


Knife Usage: Rockets, RPG, AirStrike, Mines, Grenades, Flashbangs, HE grenades, Flamethrowers, AirStrike



LifeGiver- Using knife you get your HP restored

LifeTaker- Brings opponent's hp to 000 without killing them


Name Tags- Draws your enemy’s name tags so you can locate the enemy.

No Clip- Walk thru walls

No Fall- When you walk off a high place, you dont "fall" down, you will be "walking on the air" or you dont take damage.

No Fog- Removes Fog so you can see farther.

No Gravity- Gravity is reduced.

No Recoil- Removes the recoil of your gun.

No Reload- Reloads instantly.

No Spread- Removes the "spread" of the bullets, so that the bullet will go where you aimed it.

No Sway- Removes any swaying from the gun.

No Bounds- Cross into the outer bounds of the map without fear of death.

No Flash- Disables the flashing effect of a Flash Grenade. Other effects still may apply.

No Smoke- See through smoke as if it isn't there. Smoke grenades have no effect.


Pickup Hack- Picks up weapons from a distance


Off After Kill- Determines whether the aimbot will turn off automatically after someone is killed, or if it'll flick to the next person.

OPK- Packs enemies in one place, but only you can see them.

OSK- One Shot Kill


Radar- Draws a 2D Radar on your screen.

RapidFire- Increases Weapon's attacking speed.


Satellite Chams- Like the Specialist Satellite Scanner

Server Crash- Crashes Game Server

Smooth Aim- Look legit, almost like nto even having aimbot

Speed Hack- Increases your Movement speed.

Shit List- your aimbot will automatically target anyone on your Shit List

Show FPS- Your Frames Per Second will be show.

Show Time- Displays the current time on screen

Super Bullets- Bullets can go thru walls.

Super Knife- Knife can "go thru walls".

Super Jump- Increases the height of your jump.

Super Low Gravity- Decreases gravity so that you can jump higher and float around for a longer period of time.


Telekill- Teleports you to an enemy, they can not see you.

TriggerBot- Shoots when your crosshair is over an enemy.


Ultimate SuperBullets- Kills entire enemy team 1 with one bullet

Unlimited Ammo- This gives you infinite ammunition. With Zero Delay, and No Reload, this becomes your best friend.

Unlimited Stamina- Perform as many stamina related feats without having to wait for your stamina to be refilled.


Visible- aims at the MOST damaging visible body part (usually head or upper torso)

Visible Chams- Changes colors when a player is visible


Wallhack- Players can be seen through walls.

Warning- Shows you who is aiming at you and how close they are to your body

Windowed Mode- Makes Combat Arms into a Window for easy access too other programs and items.

WireFrame- Draws "wires" on players.


XHair- Your aimbot will target the enemy closest to your crosshair

Zero Delay- Fire bullets consecutively, with no waiting time after firing a shot. This can unload an entire clip in a second.



Surpresa(nao irei revelar esse site) : Bom o de cima é caro e é por 30$(dollars) 2 meses, agora esse é para Sempre(Vida toda ate morre).


Ai vai :


* Show FPS: Your FPS will be drawn in the top left corner of your screen. Useful if you want to see when you are FPS lagging.

* Windowed Mode: Windows the game in the centre of your screen. After enabling, minimize Combat Arms and maximize the window again for the Windowed mode to take effect. Unfortunately, the window is forced in the centre of your screen and cannot be moved so it’s not very useful.

* No Fog: On maps such as Snow Valley, there is fog. Fog reduces your ability to see far distances in front of you. No fog removes the fog on the map enabling you to see what was hidden by the fog previously.

* No Recoil: Different guns have different recoils. Recoil can be described by the jolt you feel when you fire a gun. This jolt makes it difficult to always a hit a target. No recoil removes weapon recoil so you can control your weapon much easier.

* No Spread: When you fire a weapon, you will notice that your bullets do not all hit the same spot. There is a spread with regard to where your bullets hit. No spread makes it so that your bullets all hit in the same spot.

* Infinite Stamina: When you run, you use up stamina. After using up all your stamina, you can no longer run. Infinite stamina freezes your stamina at 100 (maximum) so that you can run indefinitely. The infinite stamina effect is client sided.

* Box ESP: Box ESP draws a white outline of a box around each player’s model as well as around other things such as weapons dropped on the ground or bullets falling. Enables you to locate players or weapons from anywhere on the map.

* ASUS Wall Hack: enables you to see actual player models through walls. It's sort of like chams but without the colors.

* Chams: There are two types of chams included in this hack.

o Version 1: Chams turns people into whatever colors you select, and can be seen through walls. You can select the colors with the config utility.

o Version 2: Chams is 'satellite chams.' You get the same effect as in Spy Hunt.

* No Sway: When you walk around or run around, your player “sways.” For example, your player will move left and right to exemplify movement (i.e. swinging the weapon because it is heavy). No sway removes this “sway” so that you run smoothly.

* Action Tracer: When you fire a weapon, swing a knife, or throw a grenade, your action affects the environment (i.e. a bullet cuts through air). Action tracer draws a colorful line to represent your action – e.g. if you shoot a bullet, a colorful line will be draw showing the path of your bullet.

* Super Jump/Fly Hack: There are 2 versions of super jump included in this hack.

o Version 1:Increases the height of your jump by 1700 units (from 330 to 2030). Note: It will only increase by 1700 units if you have Ghost Mode enabled. If you do not have Ghost Mode enabled, then Super Jump will increase the height of your jump by 60 units (from 330to 400). This is a safety precaution to reduce the likelihood of you dying when Ghost Mode is disabled.

o Version 2: Acts like a fly hack. Holding space will fly you upwards and letting go will cause you to fall back down to the ground.

* Super Low Gravity: Decreases gravity so that you can jump higher and float around for a longer period of time (gravity is reduced from -1100 to -100). Note: Gravity will only be reduced to -100 if you have Ghost Mode enabled. If you do not have Ghost Mode enabled, then Super Low Gravity will reduce the gravity level from -1100 to -550).

* Name Tags: Draws your enemy’s name tags so you can locate the enemy.

* Move Speed: Allows you to increase/decrease your players run and walk speed. First press the enable/disable hotkey for move speed and then use the increase/decrease hotkeys to increase/decrease your move speed.

* No Clip: Adjusts your players physics flags such that you can walk through obstacles. With this hack on, you can walk through walls, fall through floors, etc. Best used with no gravity hack because certain objects that you walk through may not have a bottom which means you would normally fall to the bottom of the map. If you use no clip with no gravity then you can fly through obstacles without falling down.

* No Gravity/No Fall: Zero gravity hack sets your players fall velocity to zero. So, you can walk off an edge and you will notice that you will be floating in air – you will not fall back down to the ground. However, you should note that there will be a very very minor gradual decline in your players z-coord. In other words you will be flying downwards but so slowly you will not really notice it, it is like you aren’t falling at all. This hack is better then the public no fall hacks because you will not see other players flying – they will be moving as they should. This hack is also good if you use it with no clip since you can pretty much fly through walls. You can hide in obstacles and shoot people. In junk flea for example you can fly behind the enemy’s base, turn off no gravity and walk around there shooting them. Be careful though, there are some areas where you might die if you fly into them (e.g. if you fly into a crate in junk flea you will die).

* Ghost Mode: This hack enables you to walk around the entire map as a "ghost" if you will. Simply enable the hack and then walk around (your "real" body will stay where you activated ghost mode). To disable, just simply press the ghost mode hotkey and you will go back to where your real body is.

* Fly Up/Down: This hack was designed for use with Ghost Mode. It will only work when ghost mode is enabled. The purpose of this hack is to enable you to fly upwards or downwards when in ghost mode. The reason for using fly up or fly down is because you may fall off the map (if you are using no clip) and land at the bottom with no way of getting up. By flying upwards, you will be able to make it back to map level and continue playing.

* Telekill: The purpose of this hack is allow you to kill all enemy players in a game room quickly. When activated, you will be able to teleport onto other players in the game room and kill them. There are three options for my telekill - "stick", "non-stick", and "rape bot."

o Stick telekill teleports you to other players and you stick to them - when they move, you move with them.

o Non-stick telekill teleports you to other players but you don't stick to them - you can kill them and then run off. For maximum kills, combine telekill with rapidfire and switch to knife. Then just aim at the ground and hold your attack key and watch as you massively rape the entire room.

o Rape Bot telekill auto activates rapid fire, auto looks at the ground, auto teleports from player to player, auto kills. Only thing you need to do is switch your weapon to knife every time you respawn.

* Rapid Fire: This hack drastically increases your attack speed. For guns, you'll empty a clip in a matter of seconds. For knives, it will be like you are swinging thousands of them at once (like a lawnmower). I am not sure whether bullets register very well with guns, however with knives, you will pretty much be able to 1 hit ko people if you hit them. Just hold down your left click and watch how fast you attack.

* Panic Hotkey: All your hacks will be disabled after pressing the panic hotkey. Note, as previously mentioned, if you have low gravity or god mode enabled, you must return to the lobby and then rejoin the game for those two hacks to deactivate. Also, if you are using windowed mode, you must return to the lobby for the window to maximize myself.

* Show Menu Hotkey: Pressing the show menu hotkey will display the in game menu. You will be able to enable/disable any hacks that are shown in the menu. Navigating through the menu is easy. In the main menu list you see 3 sub menus: Visual Menu, Weapon Menu, and Misc Menu. Selection one of the 3 sub menus by using up/down arrow keys and use right arrow key to enter into one of the submenu's that you selected. Then use up/down arrow keys in the sub menu to navigate through the hacks in that sub menu. Use left/right arrow to enable/disable a hack in that sub menu. To exit a sub menu and go back to the main menu list, use the show menu hotkey (insert).

* Crosshair Hack: Draws a nice looking crosshair in the center of your screen. Helps with aiming. *This hack is enabled and disabled via the menu*

* Full Bright: Makes the map brighter so you can see in dark areas more easily. *This hack is enabled and disabled via the menu*

* Self-Bypassing: This hack does not require a Hackshield bypass. It is fully undetected to Hackshield and will not result in your disconnecting after 5 minutes.

* Auto Updating Feature: This hack has been coded in such a way that all pointers, addresses, and offsets are automatically found during run time making the hack dynamic with respect to game updates.

Bom, vote no vip que vc mais quer. E de sua opniao



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Sim, mais o segundo é para sempre dai vem o dificil.

Paga a minha vida toda por um hack muito bom ow pagar uma bixaria e ficar para sempre um hack mais ow menos??


= *

Obs: LEmbre the votar!!!!!!!!!!!!

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