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mi ajudem com main.exe



Em primeiro lugar,o pessoal da WC ta de parabens finalmente conseguiram fazer um auto-kill,meus agradecimentos...



por favor alguem poderia postar o main.exe zipado pra mim...

pq aki é 3G e o main.exe não passa...



MI AJUDEM!!!:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

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Por enquanto vou te passar um não compactado pra ver se pega, depois passo o compactado!

"Well over there there's friends of mine

What can I say? I've known 'em for a long, long time

And they might overstep the line, but I just cannot get angry in the same way.."

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Desculpa, é porque deu erro de espaço, mas já configurei!

"Well over there there's friends of mine

What can I say? I've known 'em for a long, long time

And they might overstep the line, but I just cannot get angry in the same way.."

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Graças a DEUS consegui! Criei uma conta no 4Shared e ta aê

É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

"Well over there there's friends of mine

What can I say? I've known 'em for a long, long time

And they might overstep the line, but I just cannot get angry in the same way.."

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Dei uma compactada ai agora tou fazendo upload!

"Well over there there's friends of mine

What can I say? I've known 'em for a long, long time

And they might overstep the line, but I just cannot get angry in the same way.."

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Hahahah, nada a ver!


Ah tá beleza Lukas vou te passar o compac por preocaução


Toma o Main para Lukas.rar"]compac aê![/url]


Ah man, os sorrisos foram flood, cuidado!

"Well over there there's friends of mine

What can I say? I've known 'em for a long, long time

And they might overstep the line, but I just cannot get angry in the same way.."

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Sim, 3G é ruim mesmo e eu já botei o download!


Relaxe que eu posto, mas vai demorar muito!

"Well over there there's friends of mine

What can I say? I've known 'em for a long, long time

And they might overstep the line, but I just cannot get angry in the same way.."

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Hehe gostei!

"Well over there there's friends of mine

What can I say? I've known 'em for a long, long time

And they might overstep the line, but I just cannot get angry in the same way.."

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Meu main tbm não atualizar ele carrega até qualse no final e para ai fik la pra sempre... eu li o poste aki nun vi download do main, tem como coloka o main pra download pois quero jogar mas ta conrropendo :(

Há detalhe minha net é 3g ¬¬


Esqueci acabei de conseguir atualizar ^^ :cool:

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Vou por no Rapidshare!


Obs: Precisa ser compactado???

"Well over there there's friends of mine

What can I say? I've known 'em for a long, long time

And they might overstep the line, but I just cannot get angry in the same way.."

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