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Trickster V2.10.2 HackPack

TiTiO SnoOp

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<div align=\'center\'>Kiki Engine 1.4.1 [unpacked] Settings(Confugração)</div>


Pergunta : Para que?

Resposta : Para que seu Kiki Engine funcione perfeitamente com o risco de reiniciar seu computador reduzido...



<div align='center'>tutoriallg5.png



General Setting


[x]show undo button

[x]show advanced options

[ ]update the list of found adresses even after scaning

[ ]Center Kaspersky Engine when bringing to front

[ ]Hide some/all....




[ ]show values as...

[ ]show and work with...

[ ]simple copy/paste


confiqure hotkeys


update interval 10 ms

freez interval 10 ms

found address list update interval 10 ms




Search Setting


[x]Fast scan on by fefault

[x]Enable hypersearch when its possible

[ ]Don't search memory that is protected with the no Cahe option

[x]Keep low memory usage when doing an "Unknown Initile Value search"


Search the following memory






[x]Run scan in seprate thread


Code Finder


(O) Use debug Register

( ) Memory Acsess Exceptions

[x] Try to prevent detection

[x] Handle BeakPoints not caused by CE





Todos [x] menos a opção "int3"







[x]Query memory...


[x]Open proccess


[ ] Undo CE

[ ] Force memory....


[x]enable use of procces watch..

[x] use kernal debugger option...


[ ] stealth mode(usermode)

[ ] stealth mode (kernelmode)[/b]


extensao1hc8.png (.CT)

idioma1vs7.png Inglês/Português

data1fu0.png 20/01/2008

categoria1it4.png Cheat/HackPack




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