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RFO Hacks, 4.5


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[note]This is the final version of this tool, it only works with the CM version, though you may be able (with the .ct file) to make it for other versions.


This tool has been used by a select few in aid to playing RFO. I know that there are some other sites which have created a ultimate zoom hack or whatever but this is my version.


This tool will allow you;

-> Lock your zoom level [for those who go crazy on the mouse wheel or left click a lot]

-> Unlock the max zoom level [for unlimited zoom out]

-> Port in pvp [locks your pvp status to blue (though it changes to red like it should)]


With the 'Unlock Port' you can easily port in pvp; though if its laggy you may have to spam your port slot for a few extra seconds.


I also helped in dev. to create a hack which allowed you to walk over / under walls and terrain. I WILL NOT be releasing that hack, though the person who took over dev. of it may later on. The same person also continued dev. on a auto targeting program, though he later found out episode 2.2 adds this feature to the game anyhow.



Because Codemasters will no longer be doing updates, this version is safe until they touch the bin file.


Every time the .bin file is changed, you must find the memory addresses again, so be warned this version will only last until they update. [which could be never..]


I have included the .ct file also, for those who know how to use cheat engine. This is so you can understand how i found the values and how to re-find them when and if the .bin is updated.


When looking for the port hack memory addresses, look for:

code : d9 98 14 4c 00 00 - fstp [eax+00004c14]

code : d9 98 10 4c 00 00 - fstp [eax+00004c10]

replace code with NOP (90 90 90 90 90 90)


I will no longer be updating this, and with that i said i would release it to everyone.



Also, i was the person behind the RFwindower english version. phoenik is a close friend, and though i asked him not to leak it, it was to late. I hope you enjoyed that while it was useful.


How to use: Run hack in background, start RFO. press the key combo, or alt-tab to the hack and click on whatever you want to enable. press the key combo again, or click again to disable it.


Good luck to anyone whos left in NA/UK RFO.


Download link:

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Creditos: Shotacat

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  • 2 semanas atrás...

Tah aki o scan...nao sei c esses virus sao inofencivos mas o Scan axou packets....

Mas eu q num so doido de executar aki no meu PC pra testar... xD




MD5: e0c6a8f7220a06c8c3ee0eb21f58a58c

Packers detected: PE_PATCH.UPX, UPX

Bit9 reports: File not found


A-Squared Found nothing

AntiVir Found TR/Drop.Agent.dha

ArcaVir Found nothing

Avast Found nothing

AVG Antivirus Found HackTool.AID

BitDefender Found nothing

ClamAV Found nothing

CPsecure Found nothing

Dr.Web Found nothing

F-Prot Antivirus Found nothing

F-Secure Anti-Virus Found nothing

Fortinet Found nothing

Ikarus Found

Kaspersky Anti-Virus Found nothing

NOD32 Found nothing

Norman Virus Control Found nothing

Panda Antivirus Found nothing

Rising Antivirus Found Hack.Delf.fv

Sophos Antivirus Found Troj/CheatEng-A

VirusBuster Found nothing

VBA32 Found nothing

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Caras eu tenho aqui no Rf addction funciono belezinha mais esqueçam na lug não funciona. o exc pra funcionar preciza ser RFA.exe


obs: Muitos nbs aqui do forum falam que não funcionam mais muitos pelo que vi nem sabe como faiz ¬¬"

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nao baixa nao galera

acredito q esse virus ai nao eh inofencivo nao

n tenho ctza

mais aconselho a nao baixar

meu pc volto do conserto hj deu virus nele e teve q formata

tinha 15 tipo d trojan diferente dos quais 10 começavam com o nome win32

otra coisa esse forum eh br se kise posta cheat q vc acha em forum gringo

1º traduza

2º poste scan

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sabe formata eu ate sei

mais nao so 1 nerd q anda com uma bolsinha cheio de cd do windows etc

e otra meu pai paga 100 reais por mes pra loja de informatica dar assistencia diaria em 15 computadores da empresa ou seja qualquer coisa q precisa ser arrumada no meu pc n eh cobrado intao prefiro gastar meu tempo com otra coisa mais util doque arruma o pc

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