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Combat arms [HACKS VIPS]


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Ae galera estou trazendo hoje os dois melhores hacks vips:




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O que contem no Hack:


Aimbot: Bone aim; head, torso, pelvis, arms, legs, etc. Human, accurate, visible.

Human: aims as if it's a human (random body parts, not the MOST damaging, most legit)

Accurate: aims at random body parts, but the most damaging (head, torso, pelvis); less legit

Visible: aims at the MOST damaging visible body part (usually head or upper torso)

Force Hit : Regardless of where you shoot, this is where you will hit!

Aim Mode: No preference, closest by distance, closest to crosshair, highest threat

No preference: Aims at anyone anywhere

Closest by distance: Aims at whoever is closest to you

Closest to crosshair: Aims whoever is closest to where you're aiming

Highest threat: Aims at whoever is the most likely to kill YOU.

Off After Kill: Determines whether the aimbot will turn off automatically after someone is killed, or if it'll flick to the next person.

GhostAim: Aimbot without aiming

Smooth Aim: Look legit, almost like nto even having aimbot

Tele-Kill: Teleport behind your enemy and shoot! (BEING UPDATED)

Aim Key: What key you need to push to activate the aimbot

Aim angle: How much you turn when aiming at another person (in

degrees, IE: 42 will mean that you will only aim at someone 42 degrees from where you're currently aiming).

Aim Prediction: Calculates many factors to aim in front of the person or wherever they're most likely to move next so that your bullets will hit it.

Visible Only: Determines whether the aimbot will shoot through/at walls or only if you SEE the person.







Chams: Material, light, wallhack

Material: turns people into whatever colors you select, and can be seen through walls

Light: Tints people with the colors you choose, but you can still see the character models

Wallhack: Shows people through walls without any color changes

NoFog: Turns off the fog, so you can see infinite distances.

Crosshair: Choose between 5 different crosshairs that will be on your screen and not change no matter what gun you have.

2D radar: Puts blue dots for friends and red dots for enemies in a place of your choice on your screen, similar to the CoD radar, for any CoD players out there. D:

ESP: Engine tags, Engine esp

Engine tags: Shows their name through walls

Engine ESP: Shows their name, location, HP, and armor through walls (including if they're still spawn protected).(BEING UPDATED)

Warning: Shows you who is aiming at you and how close they are to your body

Boxes: Outlines players with a white box, good for people who lag with chams

Skeletons: Turns all players into skeletons so you can see their bones

Draw Weapon/Gun: Hide your gun for more screen space

Statistics: Displays your kills and whether Killcam is on at the top of your screen

Show FPS: Displays your FPS and framerate at the top of your screen








Super Nospread: Disables spread on EVERYTHING.

NoRecoil: Disables recoil.

SuperBullets: On, projectiles, ULTIMATE.

On: Allows you to shoot through walls with regular guns.

Projectiles: Allows you to shoot rockets and throw grenades through walls.

Ultimate: Kills everyone on the other team in 1-2 shots.

Trigger Bot: Automatically fires when you're aiming at someone.

Superknife: Knifes over 9000 times per second.

Rapidfire: Increases the speed of your gun.

Knife Usage







HE grenades


AirStrike Bomb

Life Giver: Heal Yourself

Life Taker: Kill a person without them respawning.

Suicide: Self explanatory.



Fly: Fly, Hover

Fly: Makes you float up.

Hover: Locks your elevation so you can go wherever without falling

SuperJump: Makes you fly up, then fall back down.

Enemy OPK: Moves all enemies to right in front of you for the killing (BEING UPDATED)

Glitcher: Allows you to go through walls.

Speedhack: Makes you run faster.

Instant respawn: Makes you respawn instantly instead of waiting a few seconds.

Always respawn: Lets you respawn in game types like Quarantine and Search & Destroy.






Allows you to configure the AFKbot. The AFKbot automatically joins games for you and fires every once and a while to prevent you from getting kicked for inactivity. The idea is to get experience while you're gone.


To Use the afk bot, Go to the "AFK bot" menu, and turn it on. You can also turn on or off other features, like KDR guard (which prevents you from respawning).


Game anarchy



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É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.


O que contem no Hack


Head - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Aimbot Tab) and choosing HEAD under the bone selection Menu. (What this does: This will make your Aimbot lock on at the head of your enemy)


Chest - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Aimbot Tab) and choosing CHEST under the bone selection Menu. (What this does: This will make your Aimbot lock on at the chest of your enemy)


Advanced - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Aimbot Tab) and choosing ADVANCED under the bone selection Menu. (Then select the bones you want under it) (What this does: This will make your aimbot lock on at the bones of your choice.)




Visible Only - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Aimbot Tab) and choosing Visible Only under the Options Menu. (What this does: Ticking this option will make your aimbot only lock on at VISIBLE enemies)


Friendly - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Aimbot Tab) and choosing Friendly under the Options Menu. (What this does: Ticking this option will make your aimbot lock on at friendlies. [This is good if friendly fire is on and you want to piss off a lot of people])


Auto Fire - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Aimbot Tab) and choosing Auto Fire under the Options Menu. (What this does: Ticking this option will make your Aimbot automatically fire at enemies. NOTE: You must have auto aim enabled to use this)


Auto Aim - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Aimbot Tab) and choosing Auto Aim under the Options Menu. (What this does: Ticking this option will make your aimbot automatically aim at the enemy without an aimkey)


Off after lock - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Aimbot Tab) and choosing Off after lock under the Options Menu. (What this does: Ticking this option will mean Once you have killed someone with the aimbot. This will tell your aimbot not to automatically aim at another enemy. Instead you must press your aimkey again)


Spawn Check - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Aimbot Tab) and choosing Spawn Check under the Options Menu. (What this does: Ticking this option will mean that the aimbot will not aim at enemies with the 3 second spawn shield)


No Kill Mode - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Aimbot Tab) and choosing No Kill Mode under the Options Menu. (What this does: Ticking this option combined with telekill will take all your enemies to 5HP.)


Lead Prediction - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Aimbot Tab) and choosing Lead Prediction under the Options Menu. (What this does: This will predict where your locked on enemy is walking with your aimbot.)

Aim Method.


Distance - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Aimbot Tab) and choosing Distance under the Aim Method menu. (What this does: Ticking this option means your aimbot first priority is to lock onto the enemies closest to you)


XHair - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Aimbot Tab) and choosing XHair under the Aim Method menu. (What this does: Ticking this option means your aimbot first priority is to lock onto the enemies closest to your in game crosshair)


FOV - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Aimbot Tab) and choosing FOV under the Aim Method menu. (What this does: Ticking this option means your aimbot first priority is to lock onto the enemies in the FOV [Field of View] you specify [This is the best option if you want your aimbot to look LEGIT;])


FOV Modifier - This is automatically on by default and you don't need it unless you have chosen FOV as your aimbot selection. In that case. Move the slider to adjust your Field of View.


Distance - This is automatically on by default. Move the slider to adjust the Distance your aimbot sees and locks on to.




Super Weapons - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Weapons Tab) and choosing Super Weapons under the Mode Menu. (What this does: Ticking this option will mean that all of your guns will kill enemies in just ONE SHOT)


Super Bullets - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Weapons Tab) and choosing Super Bullets under the Mode Menu. (What this does: Ticking this option will mean that your gun will be able to shoot at enemies though walls - [Disable visible only in the aimbot menu])


Tele Kill - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Weapons Tab) and choosing TELE KILL under the Mode Menu. (What this does: When you hold down your aimkey, this hack will teleport your game camera to the closest enemy. And you will be able to fire at him without even moving from your original position)



No Recoil - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Weapons Tab) and choosing No Recoil under the Modifications menu. (What this does: This will disable your gun recoil


No Reload - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Weapons Tab) and choosing No Reload under the Modifications menu. (What this does: This will increase your reload speed by 10x so it takes little-to-none time to reload)


No Spread - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Weapons Tab) and choosing No Spread under the Modifications menu. (What this does: This will disable your gun's spread so your bullets will cluster and it will make it easier to aim)


No Scope Sway - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Weapons Tab) and choosing No Scope Sway under the Modifications menu. (What this does: This will make it so your sniper scope doesn't move around when you are scoped in.)


Instant Zoom - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Weapons Tab) and choosing Instant Zoom under the Modifications menu. (What this does: This will make it so your gun zooms instantly)


Lock Crosshair - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Weapons Tab) and choosing Lock Crosshair under the Modifications menu. (What this does: This will lock your game crosshair into one place)


Always Crosshair - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Weapons Tab) and choosing Always Crosshair under the Modifications menu. (What this does: This will make it so you always have your in game crosshair)


Knife Hack:


Knife - Turn this hack on by simply selecting a weapon from the dropdown box (What this does: Allows you to change your knife into any weapon that is specified)




Unlimited Ammo - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Weapons Tab) and choosing Unlimited Ammo under the Modifications menu. (What this does: This will allow your weapon to have unlimited ammo)



Mega Kill - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Weapons Tab) and specifying a hotkey for mega kill. (What this does: When you press the hotkey specified. All enemies in the game will be killed.)


RapidFire - Turn this on by going to the GA menu (Weapons Tab) and Specifying a hotkey for rapidfire. (What this does: When the hotkey is held down. Your gun will fire at a super-fast speed)




Pode agradecer não custa nada :D




Augmentedskills25$ 1 mês:

GameAnarchyNA e EU:25$ 1 mês.

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Game anarchy


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Pocha ShinOb nao e querer me entrometer no seu trabalho mas nao creio que merece fixo ate pelo fato de o topico nao estar tao bom assim e tbm esse bagulho ta tudo em ingles quem vai entender isso? parece ate um Ctrl+C

Nada contra mas nem merece fixo nenhum

e alias tem uma quick list justamente para nem terem posts fixados este topico deveria estar la pelo menos

eu acho..

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concordo completamente com o Revolucinariio

o Bonomo(ou HardStyl3Jump) deu apenas um crtl+c crtlr+v nos tópicos do MandaChuvA

e alem do mais, não são apenas esses VIPs que existe

ten da InstantSkills, Coded Minds, etc...

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Realmente os VIP's existem varios VIP's e nem tem nem a metade dos hack VIP's nesse topico


ai sempre tem um ou dois que penssa

--Ta ruim ? pq nao fez antes?


Ai eu respondo

--Porque nao iria ter a menor atençao o topico ai so pq o cara e staffer e amigo do/os staff/ffers tem privilegios e os outros que se empenham nessa area tem apenas seu topico adicionado na kick list que nao e ruim mas nao e a mesma coisa

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