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Como fazer o bot dar KS?



Bom eu vi vários tópicos sobre isso mas pareceram meio desatualizados '-'

eu baixei vários arquivo "misc" alguns deram erro no openkore outros não deram erro mas também não deram ks.

obs: uso openkore SVN 2.0.7 / server BRo-thor (não sei se influencia mas ta ae)

alguem pode me ajudar??

agradeço a quem postar :D

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Bom antes de tudo gostaria de avisar que o uso deste método é por sua conta e risco...

1 - Localize a pasta src dentro da pasta do seu OK.

2 - Dentro da pasta src possui um arquivo chamado

3 - Abra ele usando o notepad.

4 - Encontre estas linhas :



sub checkMonsterCleanness {

return 1 if (!$config{attackAuto});

my $ID = $_[0];

return 1 if ($playersList->getByID($ID));

my $monster = $monstersList->getByID($ID);

# If party attacked monster, or if monster attacked/missed party

if ($monster->{dmgFromParty} > 0 || $monster->{dmgToParty} > 0 || $monster->{missedToParty} > 0) {

return 1;


if ($config{aggressiveAntiKS}) {

# Aggressive anti-KS mode, for people who are paranoid about not kill stealing.

#If we attacked the monster first, do not drop it... Cause WE are being ks'd

return 1 if ($monster->{dmgFromYou} || $monster->{missedFromYou});

# If others attacked the monster then always drop it, wether it attacked us or not!

return 0 if (($monster->{dmgFromPlayer} && %{$monster->{dmgFromPlayer}})

|| ($monster->{missedFromPlayer} && %{$monster->{missedFromPlayer}})

|| (($monster->{castOnByPlayer}) && %{$monster->{castOnByPlayer}})

|| (($monster->{castOnToPlayer}) && %{$monster->{castOnToPlayer}}));


# If monster attacked/missed you

return 1 if ($monster->{'dmgToYou'} || $monster->{'missedYou'});

# If we're in follow mode

if (defined(my $followIndex = AI::findAction("follow"))) {

my $following = AI::args($followIndex)->{following};

my $followID = AI::args($followIndex)->{ID};

if ($following) {

# And master attacked monster, or the monster attacked/missed master

if ($monster->{dmgToPlayer}{$followID} > 0

|| $monster->{missedToPlayer}{$followID} > 0

|| $monster->{dmgFromPlayer}{$followID} > 0) {

return 1;




if (($monster->{statuses} && scalar(keys %{$monster->{statuses}}))

|| objectInsideSpell($monster)) {

return 0;


# If monster hasn't been attacked by other players

if (scalar(keys %{$monster->{missedFromPlayer}}) == 0

&& scalar(keys %{$monster->{dmgFromPlayer}}) == 0

&& scalar(keys %{$monster->{castOnByPlayer}}) == 0

# and it hasn't attacked any other player

&& scalar(keys %{$monster->{missedToPlayer}}) == 0

&& scalar(keys %{$monster->{dmgToPlayer}}) == 0

&& scalar(keys %{$monster->{castOnToPlayer}}) == 0

) {

# The monster might be getting lured by another player.

# So we check whether it's walking towards any other player, but only

# if we haven't already attacked the monster.

if ($monster->{dmgFromYou} || $monster->{missedFromYou}) {

return 1;

} else {

return !objectIsMovingTowardsPlayer($monster);



# The monster didn't attack you.

# Other players attacked it, or it attacked other players.

if ($monster->{dmgFromYou} || $monster->{missedFromYou}) {

# If you have already attacked the monster before, then consider it clean

return 1;


# If you haven't attacked the monster yet, it's unclean.

return 0;



Feito isto ficará assim :



sub checkMonsterCleanness {

return 1 if (!$config{attackAuto});

my $ID = $_[0];

return 1 if ($playersList->getByID($ID));

my $monster = $monstersList->getByID($ID);

# If party attacked monster, or if monster attacked/missed party

if ($monster->{dmgFromParty} > 0 || $monster->{dmgToParty} > 0 || $monster->{missedToParty} > 0) {

return 1;


if ($config{aggressiveAntiKS}) {

# Aggressive anti-KS mode, for people who are paranoid about not kill stealing.

#If we attacked the monster first, do not drop it... Cause WE are being ks'd

return 1 if ($monster->{dmgFromYou} || $monster->{missedFromYou});

# If others attacked the monster then always drop it, wether it attacked us or not!

return 1 if (($monster->{dmgFromPlayer} && %{$monster->{dmgFromPlayer}})

|| ($monster->{missedFromPlayer} && %{$monster->{missedFromPlayer}})

|| (($monster->{castOnByPlayer}) && %{$monster->{castOnByPlayer}})

|| (($monster->{castOnToPlayer}) && %{$monster->{castOnToPlayer}}));


# If monster attacked/missed you

return 1 if ($monster->{'dmgToYou'} || $monster->{'missedYou'});

# If we're in follow mode

if (defined(my $followIndex = AI::findAction("follow"))) {

my $following = AI::args($followIndex)->{following};

my $followID = AI::args($followIndex)->{ID};

if ($following) {

# And master attacked monster, or the monster attacked/missed master

if ($monster->{dmgToPlayer}{$followID} > 0

|| $monster->{missedToPlayer}{$followID} > 0

|| $monster->{dmgFromPlayer}{$followID} > 0) {

return 1;




if (($monster->{statuses} && scalar(keys %{$monster->{statuses}}))

|| objectInsideSpell($monster)) {

return 1;


# If monster hasn't been attacked by other players

if (scalar(keys %{$monster->{missedFromPlayer}}) == 1 # <--- Aqui tbm tem que mudar p/ 1

&& scalar(keys %{$monster->{dmgFromPlayer}}) == 1 # <--- Aqui tbm tem que mudar p/ 1

&& scalar(keys %{$monster->{castOnByPlayer}}) == 1 # <--- Aqui tbm tem que mudar p/ 1

# and it hasn't attacked any other player

&& scalar(keys %{$monster->{missedToPlayer}}) == 1 # <--- Aqui tbm tem que mudar p/ 1

&& scalar(keys %{$monster->{dmgToPlayer}}) == 1 # <--- Aqui tbm tem que mudar p/ 1

&& scalar(keys %{$monster->{castOnToPlayer}}) == 1 # <--- Aqui tbm tem que mudar p/ 1

) {

# The monster might be getting lured by another player.

# So we check whether it's walking towards any other player, but only

# if we haven't already attacked the monster.

if ($monster->{dmgFromYou} || $monster->{missedFromYou}) {

return 1;

} else {

return !objectIsMovingTowardsPlayer($monster);



# The monster didn't attack you.

# Other players attacked it, or it attacked other players.

if ($monster->{dmgFromYou} || $monster->{missedFromYou}) {

# If you have already attacked the monster before, then consider it clean

return 1;


# If you haven't attacked the monster yet, it's unclean.

return 1;



Nenhum creditos a mim estou apenas repassando.


ABS ~~

Sweater Weather


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