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//ChangeLog MuEmu by louis//Muserver Season 4,6,8

- Add CustomMove
- Add Rei do MU Event
- Fix CustomJewel in Main
- Active MHP

- Add HpBonus System
- Add Kill Message System
- Add MessageBox Yes/No on Close Gameserver
- Add MasterSkillTree Reset
- Fix Duel DC (s8)
- Fix Pentagram jewel(remove before put in ware) (s8)

MARCH 2017
- Fix Duel Trade (s8)
- Add Main Memory reduction
- Add Guard CustomMessage
- Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingDevilSquare
- Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingBloodCastle
- Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingChaos Castle
- Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingIllusionTemple
- Add Colunn WinScore_semanal in RankingDuel
- Add in DataServer update semanal colls

APRIL 2017
- Add BotBuffer System
- Add SD/HD bar in Character (S4/S6)
- Add Command Clear Inventory
- Active Encrypt in Client/Server.
- Fix Friend Message Title Inject (DataServer)

MAY 2017
- Add OpenWare Command
- Add SetVip Command
- Add Marry System
- Change HP/SD Bar Interface
- Fix BotBuffer Power
- Fix Store Dupe
- Fix Duel MinLevel

JUNE 2017
- Add Reload Command
- Add Reward Command
- Add ChangeClass Command
- Add OnlineLottery Event
- Add Disconnect User in GameServer Menu
- Add Start OnlineLoterry GameServer Menu
- Add OffStore and OffAttack count in GameServer Title Bar

- Add Itens Level +15 (Season 4)
- Add Info Command   
- Add Change Name Command
- Add BanAcc Command   
- Add BanChar Command   
- Add DynamicEffect in Main (S4/S6/S8)
- Add Max Use Time in Attack command
- Add Option to disable Online User/GM Message   
- Add Event Hide and Seek   
- Add Event Run and Catch   
- Add option to disable exp message on kill mob   
- Change MaxCustom Wings to 100
- Fix Money remove when use ResetTable system.
- Fix Socket jewel aplly in no socket item   
- Fix CustomEffect problems in Main.dll
- Fix remove BC,DS,IT invite
- Fix Skill elf on /attack
- Fix Clear Effects on change class   
- Fix /store bless Crash (Season 6)
- Add Custom Summon on Kill Mob   
- Evento Veloz   
- /openevent /join   
- Disable/Enable Skill Effect (Ex:Cyclone)   
- Add Custom exp on Offattack and Autoreset   

- Add MakeSet Command
- Add Drop Command
- Option to Remove Offstore/offattack in OnlineLottery   
- Jewel of socket Aply in pentagram (Season8)   
- ADD gift command   
- Add Custom Quest System   
- Add Russian Roulette Event   
- Add Max Use Time in Store command
- New King of Mu Event   
- Add Reward Coins in BC,DS,CC   
- add /toprr /topmr etc   
- Somente gm fazer o casamento   
- Disable Wing Mix Class   

- Remove Class in Main (RF,SU,DL)   
- Custom Auto Quiz Event   
- Need ticket to change name Option (S6/S8)   
- Custom WingMix (Chaos Mix)   
- Custom Death Message   
- Custom Npc Collector (trade items per Coins)   
- Readd point command   
- Advanced Make itens (/make, /drop, /makeset)   
- Custom Rank User System (S4,S6)   
- Disable HP Bar of Monster or User Option   
- Updated JoinServer to fix dupes   
- Allow Pk enter in events (BC,CC,DS)   

- New Gamserver Interface
- Message Box on Close JS, DS
- Option TimeToEnter in new events
- Show Duel Message (S4)
- Add Delay Option in Custtom Attack
- Add Delay to Use Potions in Custom Attack
- Add Auto buff em Custom Attack
- Attack command disable when set /attack again
- Add Custom Attack per Map
- Add Custom attack skill
- Add Auto Pick command
- PK drop
- On login disconnect online account
- Fix when kill Kundun in k6 move to k7
- Fix PcPoint Value (Season 4)

- Show time to start events in GS   
- Start Blood Castle Option in GS menu   
- Start Devil Square Option in GS menu   
- Start Chaos Castle Option in GS menu   
- Start Illu. Temple Option in GS menu   
- New Procedures WZ_RankingBloodCastle   
- New Procedures WZ_RankingDevildSquare   
- New Procedures WZ_RankingChaosCastle   
- New Procedures WZ_RankingIllusion Temple   
- Combo skills for all class   
- Enable Cs Skills in All Maps   
- Add shop to buy vip   
- Custom ranking in game   
- New command /remaster   
- New command /ajuda (help)   
- New command /startbc (help)   
- New command /startds (help)   
- New command /startcc (help)   
- New command /startit (help)   
- Released 10 custom maps   
- Released 10 custom bows/crossbows   
- Disable Reflect Effect   
- Auto reward run and catch event   
- Auto reward hide and seek event   
- Auto reward russian roulette event   
- Auto reward quickly event   
- Auto reward Online Lottery event   
- Fix Set item drop in event item bag   
- Fix Pc Point value 2 (S4)   
- Fix Put Custom Wings in Chaos machine(S6)   
- Fix RF skill Client Crash(S6)   

- Print screen with logo   
- RankUser by MasterReset or Reset   
- Command/description system   
- New Command.txt system   
- Require coins to use commands   
- New Command disablePVP
- New Command Lock/Unlock   
- Fix Active MuHelper + CustomAttack at same time
- Fix duel level message   
- Fix dead gates of custom mapas   
- Fix Start Events crash   
- Improvements events times   
- /pick best performace   
- Fix Open Multi-game lag

MARCH 2018
- New Command MoveAll   
- New Command MoveGuild   
- Event Time Window   
- Commands Window   
- New PvP Event(x1)   
- New Event KillAll   
- New Custom Menu   
- BuyVip - Add vip types qtd   
- Add triple shot skill in /attack   
- Fix DarkSpirit Attack in offpvp   
- Update in events time in GS   

MARCH 2018
- New Command MoveAll   
- New Command MoveGuild   
- Event Time Window   
- Commands Window   
- New PvP Event(x1)   
- New Event KillAll   
- New Custom Menu   
- BuyVip - Add vip types qtd   
- Add triple shot skill in /attack   
- Fix DarkSpirit Attack in offpvp   
- Update in events time in GS

APRIL 2018
- Common Shop with Socket/Ancient Options   
- Advanced ZenDrop System   
- PcPoint Shop with Socket/Ancient Options(S4)   
- Custom Store wich Cash/gold(S4)   
- New Command /SetCoin   
- New Command /Pack jewel   
- New Command /spot   
- New Command /startquiz
- New Command /startdrop
- New Command /startking
- New Command /startvt
- Custom Item Description(S4)   
- Custom Sell/Buy Value in Common Shop   
- Bloc word in change name   
- Add MasterReset required in CustomMove   
- Add New Dl/Elf Skills in /Attack   
- CustomCombo improvements   
- New Team vs team Event   
- Removed RankUser in Chaos Castle   
- Removed disabled events in EventTime
- Fix Kriss lag   OK
- Fix RankUser Reward   
- Fix HpBonus Descrease life   
- Fix Reload Event time   

MAY 2018
- Add Fog effect   
- Add Smoke effect   
- Custom disable effects   
- New MiniMap
- Fix Kalima + OffPvp
- Fix CommandDescription with %   
- Fix Store with time
- Fix Pack Jewels(S4)   
- Fix Conqueror wing glow(S8)   
- Fix Angel and Devil wing glow(S8)   
- Fix visual skills in attack   
- Fix Repair All in BlackSmith   
- Fix DarkSpirit in Offpvp   

JUNE 2018
- Add infinity arrow auto buff   
- Add /attack auto resume   
- Add Tvt Event Min/Max Users   
- Add command notice if need coin to use   
- Add Expire Date/Message in /banacc command   
- Add Expire Date/Message in /banchar command   
- Add auto remove ban   
- Disable MiniMap with TAB (S6)   
- Guild Warehouse   
- Custom Monster/NPC   
- Custom NPC name   
- Custom Shops with same NPC   
- Fix trade events with /re off   
- Fix full zen bug trade+command   
- Fix Gameserver maximize layout   
- Fix PvP Event Respaw   

JULY 2018
- Custom NPC move OK
- CustomCommandInfo (v2)   
- Custom RankUser OverHead   
- Custom Party Icon(s4/s6)
- Trade Value   
- Party Disable PK   
- New Anti SpeedHack Skill System   
- Update TvtEvent new requistes   
- Add Auto Heal Skill in /Attack   
- Add Global Password System   
- Option to show Rankuser in all places   
- Option to Hide Reset in Rankuser   
- Option to Hide MReset in Rankuser   
- Option to Change MReset name in Rankuser   
- Disable Party HpBar option   
- Increase CustomShops to 100   
- Fixes in custom buy vip windows   
- Others fixes   

- GS and GSCS new interface   
- MasterReset remove fixed resets   
- Command Start Invasion   
- Command Start Custom Arena   
- Custom Quest Command (v2)   
- Custom EventTime (v2)   
- Custom Npc Quest   
- Custom Npc Name up to 100   
- Custom Pick (v2)   
- Add Custom Pick Excelent   
- Add Custom Pick Socket   
- Add Custom Pick SetItem   
- Enable Lucky item trade   
- Disable Duel Restore HP   
- Disable Duel Restore SD   
- Require Reset/MResets to enter in room   
- Add Reset/MasterReset Requisite on Create Character
- Fixes in MapServerMove   
- Other fixes   
- Custom RF Gloves (S6)
- Custom Start Item
- Custom Interdace (S6)
- Speed SkillHack auto bloc account
- Add PK disable shop option
- Add PK disable trade option
- Add SummonMonsterRate in CustomMonster.txt
- Show ping in game option
- Show Fps in game option
- Stop Auto Reset when vip is over
- Fix auto move from Icarus if dinorant/fenrir died
- Fix Custom CommandInfo (S8)
- Fix DL Summon Party Skill (PK)
- Fix Pk Item drop to PkLevel 3 only
- Fix BuyVip + CustomStore
- Fix GuildWareHouse + Lock command
- Fix Reset remove zen
- Fix OffPvp command in Events
- Fix RankUser in GameMaster
- Fix Start event option
- Fix in Disconnect Accounts
- Fix Npc Quest Add Buff

- Add Duel MaxScore Option
- Add CustomMove to CustomNpcCommand
- Add CustomExchangeCoin to CustomNpcCommand
- Add Pk Drop Item by map Option
- Add Berserker buff(SUM) in Custom Attack
- Auto Reward Online Users System
- Auto Party buff Mana shield in Custom Attack
- Custom Exchange Coin Command
- Custom Duel Bet
- Custom Mix
- Custom disable item glow
- Guils vs Guils Event
- Skill Summon enable PK Move Option
- MapManager.txt updated
- Skill Damage System
- Guild Assistant/Battle Master can get Cs Crown
- Fix S6 Duel Score with Custom Interface S1/S2/S3
- Fix update MasterReset/Reset in rank user
- Fix Master Reset check in Custom Move
- Fix Guild Warehouse Dupe



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