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Knight and paladin guide 1 - 200 + lvl complete scripts !

Shumi Dharel

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Hello. Nice to see you there. Let's start.



Guide for Knight and Paly.

From level 1 to level 8.

Hunt at Premium Rats - It's like 1.5k/1h with some profit. On 8 lvl you will have like ~1.5k in cash so you can buy any weapon spells on Main.


Level 8 to level 15 - Hunt at Trolls Edron/Ab'dendriel(Palys can not loot cash becouse trolls drops spears so they can hunt there without leaving the spawn).



From level 15 to level 25 - Hunt at Darashia Rotworms or Ankrahmun Larvas. There is a nice exp and some profit.


From level 25 to level 30(Knight) - Liberty Bay Rotworms.



From level 25 to level 30(Paly) - Tomb Penisula -2 with royal spear relifer.


At this moment you should have like 50k in cash botted for all those lvl-s.

Now you can buy some EQ and Promotion.


From level 30 to level 50(Knight) - Hunt on Dworcs. Remember to take some brown mushrooms on you and anty paralyze scripts.


From level 30 to level 60(Paly) - You can easly hunt on Tar Tomb After Scarab Coin. There should be some profit and like 50k/h. Till 60 lvl paly is better to get money.



From level 50 to level 80-90(Knight) - Buy better EQ and go on Port Hope Tortoises/Chakoyas/Apes/Lizards or even Barbarians.



From level 60 to level 90(Paly)- Now you should make ice island Quest and go on Helheim. There will be like 70k/h with some profit or same like Knight Barbarians/Apes/Lizards.


Level 90+ From now both profesions can bot on Edron/Venore Dragon Lair. For sure to have a profit you need to have soft boots there. Exp is like 90k/1h.


Level 110+ Draggons will be boring after some lvl-s. So now you can change your exp spot on Yalahar Heros/Necros or GS banuta on Paly.


From now both vocations should have Softs and Full Sets.

In the way from 1 till 200 lvl you will have some bonus cash from quests like:

-Demon Helmet Quest.






Level 130+ - Now your chars will be able to Bot on many Tibia Spots.

I will discribe about few of them.

-Frost Dragons. Exp: 110-120k/1h no profit on Knight till 150 LvL.

-Quaras. Exp: 90k/1h both voc have profit here.

-POI/Fenrock DL-s with firewalker boots. Exp: 150k/1h i think waste without big luck.

- Worker/War Golems. Exp: 100k/1h Big Profit.



Remember to stand diagonal to monster which attac are waves/beams.



I will add some usefull places to bot in a future.




I've made this script to level my pally, and decided to sell them all together at a cheap price.

My pally is level 130 and I am still leveling, making scripts in other places to get more level in my pally, and I will send free ones to those who already bought the old scripts.


Its not ONLY a script that do everything (Dont takes 20th to 130) are several scripts, one for each place of those that I will mention below





My Scripts Features:

* Depositor

* Soft Refiller

* Spear Refiller

* Hp/Mp Refiller

* Easy configurable BP's System


My scripts start at level 20, then make sure you are level 20, with good skills (I particularly trained to 60/xx before starting to use these scripts).




Below will tell you that my scripts will hunt, giving a prior notification of each place.




Level 20 to 30 - Ankrahmun - GS Tomb- 12~18K/Hour Bonus

Level 20 to 45 - Yalahar Cemetery Quarter

My script goes hunting ghouls and crypts in the cemetery of the quarter, and a great exp to level, about 20 ~ 25/hour, and will make a profit, taking several life rings and brown poc. you will need food.


Level 25 to 45 - Yalahar Foreign - Fenrock Barbarian - 15~20K/HourBonus

Level 30 to 45 - Yalahar Foreign - Fenrock Tortoises - 20~25K/HourBonus



Level 40 to 65 - Ankrahmun - Scarabs- 25~30K/HourBonus

Level 40 to 65 - Ankrahmun - Peninsula Tomb- 23~27K/HourBonus

Level 45 to 65 - Yalahar Alchemist Quarter[/b]

My script will hunt mutated humans, and some mutated rats, and those new slimes. the exp will also be good, ranging between 40 ~ 50k/Hour, the money will also be very good if you're lucky, you may get tower shields. needed some food.


Level 65 to 85 - Svargrond - Helheim -3

My script will hunt demon skeletons and bone beasts in heleim, on the 3rd floor of the basement, here's good that people will rarely hunt, the money is quiet, good or bad, at least not waste. the exp will be between 45 ~ 60k/Hour. You will also need food.



Level 85 to 110 - Edron - Bog Raiders - 70K/HourBonus


Level 85 to 110 - Svargrond - Ice With Tower - 70K/HourBonus

Level 85 to 110 - Yalahar Foreign Quarter

My script will hunt dragons in Yalahar, the exp here is good, ranging from 70 ~ 90k/Hour, the problem is that people always have these spawns, but if you get the spawn, stay for a long time!


Level 110 to 130++ - Helheim -5

Level 110 to 130++ - Cults Goroma

Here begins the good thing, never have people hunting these spawns, then you can put ON your bot, and leave it there all day without problems, here's always a nice profit, dropping rares and items of addon.A exp is practically the same in both places, ranging from 90 ~ 110k/Hour. You will need food in both places.





If you know other good places to hunt, post here and you i'll help me.



if you are out of cash just bot at PoH in cyclops you will take a rly nice exp while you're just making money.


Here you can download one package with most of those scripts:








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180k exp h without exp bonus in 160~ek






the script will hunt until 200 of cap, 120 manas, 50 ghp, or when u have no soft boots, it will kill mutated tigers, death blob, nightmares, scions and bog raiders, when u dont have softs, mana, ghp or cap it will go yalahar, open gate, go to depot, deposit items, sell vials, deposit, refill mf and ghp, refill soft if needed and back hunt.

bps setup:









lvl 130+ knights, pall will work fine too.

skills 80+ [?]


loot: boh, paladin armor, knight armor/legs, alot of crown helmets and demoniac essences, 5k gp hour~ life rings and more







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See you on exp ;)


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