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funcional Macro para Grand Chase [Xpadder + PPJoy] by: ESTAROSSA

Predator !

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  Em 31/07/2021 em 17:49, Pedroxdok disse:

eu vi que no kgc é nerfado isso 



tu nao conseguiu aquelas config do post do starossa nao :(? 


Consegui mas não tão funcionando... as config dele de teclado são dif das minhas e tem algumas teclas q eu n faço IDEIA de oq foi q ele colocou tlg? Ai não ta rolando... ainda tentei configurar algumas coisas e tal, otto funcionou mas rocket, guan, flash+lotus, zero...

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  Em 01/08/2021 em 19:01, wallacecemo disse:

Gente quem conseguir configurar o macro pra terceira classe do lass, entra em contato comigo, até compro, se tiver igual a config do Estarossa, Discord: Wallace#2035 vlw!


Tmj, também quero!


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  • Velha Guarda Ex-Staffer

Então gente, não fiz as configurações eu mesmo porque no momento só estou acessando a WCvia mobile ou no computador da empresa.

Mas não é difícil de se configurar não, vejam tutoriais no YouTube, eu aprendi assim, depois é só melhorar conforme seu uso kk



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  Em 31/07/2021 em 14:53, Predator ! disse:

Os video tutoriais são antigos, mas nada mudou, o modo é o mesmo.

Olá galera mais uma facilidade para todos, o classico Xpadder + PPJoy que tanto amamos, primeiramente faça o download e instale:





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Instale primeiro o PPJoy, depois de instalado abra o Xpadder




Depois configure ao seu modo





Encontrei umas configurações antigas na net, podem usar elas também



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como voce fez pra abrir 2 gc?

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Hello, a non-br person coming through and I'm here to help those who are having problem with xpadder/ppjoy. 
If you download the folder you will see Xpadder + PPJoy Inside. Open "PPJoy0846.exe" then install the program. It will tell you to restart if you're using windows 10 and it will boot you in test mode (not harmful). From there you can open the "PPJoyKey2.exe." You will have to set up the keys manually. For instance, the configs inside the xpadder program uses button 5,6,7,8; You will have to set a key for a certain button. Press "Scan" then press any key you want.

Xpadder - This doesn't work for windows 10 but you can right click xpadder and run the compatibility mode as windows 7.  Then it will run as intended.


Configs - As the poster said, you have to make your own config but it's quite simple; You can look up videos and make configuration on your own. I personally don't understand BR language so I can't make lire guan, vingador, retalhador. But I did make otto, mush, and tchogon.


If you intend on using the configuration inside the folder you downloaded, you have to change it manually especially if you use different configuration like <^>v, 8456 (numpad). 


Don't be an ignorant and say it doesn't work. 

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  Em 03/08/2021 em 05:15, Painter disse:

Hello, a non-br person coming through and I'm here to help those who are having problem with xpadder/ppjoy. 
If you download the folder you will see Xpadder + PPJoy Inside. Open "PPJoy0846.exe" then install the program. It will tell you to restart if you're using windows 10 and it will boot you in test mode (not harmful). From there you can open the "PPJoyKey2.exe." You will have to set up the keys manually. For instance, the configs inside the xpadder program uses button 5,6,7,8; You will have to set a key for a certain button. Press "Scan" then press any key you want.

Xpadder - This doesn't work for windows 10 but you can right click xpadder and run the compatibility mode as windows 7.  Then it will run as intended.


Configs - As the poster said, you have to make your own config but it's quite simple; You can look up videos and make configuration on your own. I personally don't understand BR language so I can't make lire guan, vingador, retalhador. But I did make otto, mush, and tchogon.


If you intend on using the configuration inside the folder you downloaded, you have to change it manually especially if you use different configuration like <^>v, 8456 (numpad). 


Don't be an ignorant and say it doesn't work. 


E dando aulas

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