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The Complete Node.js Developer Course 2.0

Learn Node by building production applications using the latest Node version (v6).

Course Description

Are you looking to create real-world Node applications? Maybe you want to switch careers or launch a side-project to generate some extra income. Either way, you’re in the right place.


I’ve designed this course around a single goal: Turning you into a professional Node developer capable of developing, testing, and deploying real-world production applications.


There’s no better time to dive in. According to the 2016 Stack Overflow Survey, Node is in the top ten for back-end popularity and back-end salary, with an average salary of $85k. This means more jobs and more opportunities for you!


“Andrew Mead is perhaps the best instructor in Udemy’s portfolio. His explanations are clear, his pace is great, and he is super responsive to questions. I highly recommend his courses.” Bert McLees


This is a course for the doer.


This course is entirely project-based. From the very beginning you’ll be programming every single app and completing various challenges I’ve designed to help test and reinforce what you’ve learned. There’s no copying-and-pasting here. This course is about writing code and building projects.


You’ll be programming and launching four Node apps:


  1. A note-taking app to get your feet wet
  2. A weather application that interacts with Google Maps and Dark Sky
  3. A todo REST API complete with user accounts and authentication
  4. A real-time chat app with a client-side companion

During eight chapters you’ll learn:


  1. Node
  2. Npm
  3. Asynchronous programming
  4. MongoDB
  5. Express
  6. Socket.IO
  7. Authentication with JWTs
  8. Mongoose
  9. Deploying apps with Heroku
  10. Version control with Git
  11. GitHub
  12. Code testing
  13. Application debugging
  14. Awesome new ES6 features
  15. Mocha
  16. And more!

Up-to-date. In-depth.


The Complete Node.js Developer Course 2.0 is built from the ground up around the latest version of Node.js (version 6.x.x). Everything in the course has been completely recreated based on the feedback from the {‌{13,000}} students enrolled in the first version of this course. You’ll be learning all the cutting edge features available only in the latest software versions.


Everything you need comes in one easy-to-use package. You can stop worrying if you’re learning the right skills to build an app or land a new job. I’ve curated all the tech that’s essential to building real-world apps. I’ve mapped out everything in a comprehensive, easy-to-follow package designed to get you up in running in a few weeks.


I guarantee this is the most up-to-date and engaging Node course available, and it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.


Access to fast support and a community of like-minded students.


I offer fast and friendly support. You won’t have to sit around hoping someone will actually reply. I answer every single question that students post in a timely manner.


Don’t take my word for it. It’s one of the things students like Nick and Pak love most about my courses.


“The real value in this course is Andrew; he is not just a great teacher, but also he’s quick to answer questions and provide feedback.” Nick Hester


“The is amazing. What’s even better is the instructor answers all the questions student asked.” Pak Chu


Andrew is a great instructor and a great person too. He responds to every question in the forum within 24 hours and really makes the effort to solve the problem other students are facing. The course content is really good and the videos are highly interactive with small challenges in almost every video. This is not a rushed up course and it is great. Keep up the great work” – Rajat Bansal


“Andrew is a very good teacher and the videos are very clear. Any questions people seem to have are answered swiftly, clearly, and often with examples posted on gist hub. Even when the questions asked are out of the scope of the course Andrew seems to come up trumps.” – Adam Tait


What are the requirements?

  • A computer on which you can install software (Windows, MacOS, or Linux) is required
  • A basic understanding of vanilla JavaScript (variables, if statements, basic functions, basic objects)

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Launch their own Node applications, switch careers, or freelance as Node developers
  • Create Node apps that support user accounts and authentication
  • Use awesome third-party Node modules like MongoDB, Mongoose, SocketIO, and Express
  • Create real-time web applications



[spoiler=Servidor do Download : Depositfiles (23 partes de 514mb cada)]

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É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

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