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• Vá em Iniciar >>Todos os Programas >> Microsoft SQL Server >> Query Analyzer • Será aberto um recorrente que diz conectar ao SQL Server, em seguida entre com seu [B]Loguim[/B] e [B]Senha[/B] do SQL. • Após entrar no Query analyzer irá abrir um grande espaço para inserir um texto, neste espaço cole o seguinte código: if exists(select * from dbo.sysobjects where type='p' and name='WZ_GetItemSerial') drop procedure WZ_GetItemSerial go CREATE procedure WZ_GetItemSerial as BEGIN DECLARE @ItemSerial int set nocount on begin transaction update GameServerInfo set @ItemSerial = ItemCount = (case when ItemCount < 0x7effffff then ItemCount+1 else 1 end ) if(@@error <> 0) begin rollback transaction select-1 end else begin commit transaction select @ItemSerial end END GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[trg_CheckSameID]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsTrigger') = 1) drop trigger [dbo].[trg_CheckSameID] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[AllItemsLog]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[AllItemsLog] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[CopyLog]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[CopyLog] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AllItemsLog] ( [items_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [items_type] [binary] (1) NOT NULL , [items_serial] [binary] (4) NOT NULL , [items_acid] [varchar] (10) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CopyLog] ( [copy_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [copy_acid] [varchar] (10) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL , [copy_whdata] [binary] (1200) NOT NULL , [copy_date] [datetime] NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AllItemsLog] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_CT_ITEM_item] DEFAULT (0) FOR [items_type], CONSTRAINT [DF_CT_ITEM_itemid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [items_serial], CONSTRAINT [DF_CT_ITEM_itemrole] DEFAULT ('\') FOR [items_acid] GO CREATE INDEX [IX_CT_ITEM] ON [dbo].[AllItemsLog]([items_type], [items_serial]) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[CopyLog] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_CopyLog_copy_date] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [copy_date] GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trg_CheckSameID] ON [dbo].[character] FOR UPDATE AS BEGIN IF UPDATE(inventory) BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @wh_acid varchar(10), @wh_data binary(1200), @wh_type binary(1), @wh_serial binary(4), @cr_user varchar(10), @cr_acid varchar(10), @cr_data binary(760), @cr_type binary(1), @cr_serial binary(4), @al_acid varchar(10), @j int, @k int, @FinD bit SELECT @cr_acid=i.accountid, @cr_data=i.inventory FROM inserted i SET @j=0 SET @find=0 WHILE @j<76 AND @cr_data IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @cr_type=SUBSTRING(@cr_data,@j*10+1,1) SET @cr_serial=SUBSTRING(@cr_data,@j*10+4,4) IF @cr_type<>0xFF AND @cr_serial<>0x00000000 BEGIN SELECT @al_acid=items_acid FROM allitemslog WHERE items_type=@cr_type AND items_serial=@cr_serial IF @al_acid IS NULL INSERT INTO allitemslog (items_type,items_serial,items_acid) VALUES (@cr_type,@cr_serial,@cr_acid) ELSE BEGIN UPDATE allitemslog SET items_acid=@cr_acid WHERE items_type=@cr_type AND items_serial=@cr_serial SELECT @wh_data=items FROM warehouse WHERE accountid=@al_acid SET @k=0 WHILE @k<120 AND @wh_data IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @wh_type=SUBSTRING(@wh_data,@k*10+1,1) SET @wh_serial=SUBSTRING(@wh_data,@k*10+4,4) IF @wh_type=@cr_type AND @wh_serial=@cr_serial SET @find=1 SET @k=@k+1 END END END SET @j=@j+1 END IF @find=1 BEGIN INSERT INTO copylog (copy_whdata,copy_acid,copy_date) VALUES (@wh_data,@al_acid,getdate()) -- this is wer u can add more punishment like ban or lock characters UPDATE Character SET CtlCode=1 WHERE accountid=@al_acid END SET NOCOUNT OFF END END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO DECLARE @al_acid char(50) set @al_acid = 'ASUS' UPDATE Character SET CtlCode=1 WHERE accountid=@al_acid go select * from AllItemsLog select * from CopyLog • Presione F5 e depois Ctrl+N. • Irá abrir outra tela, nesta outra tela cole o seguinte código: select * from AllItemsLog select * from CopyLog • Dê F5 e Ctrl+N novamente e mais uma vez irá abrir outra tela, cole o código abaixo: select * from CopyLog • Pressione F5 e está pronto, em seguida feche todas as janelas abertas salvando os "logs" aonde desejar. Obs: O Sistema funciona apenas com os players Online. [RIGHT]Créditos : ViciadosMU[/RIGHT]

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