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Dear player-to-be!

The word of introduction ... The server is already opened for a last month with the closed beta tests. We tested

server in a small group and thought the way in which the server should work.

We came up with a lot of new ideas, new invasions, and many other interesting

concepts that have been created especially for you.

I invite you to read the presentation of the server.

I would like to announce a "BETA TESTER" event - what I mean?

Any person who will reach 10 resets on one character during the week-long-time open BETA tests,

will receive a VIP BETA TESTER status. (VIP status will be available only for testers, NO VIP will be available to purchase on the server)

Exp will be increased to 340x and drop up to 50% for 48h hours from start on a selected account.

Beta testing will be open from the date of 02.09.2016 to 09.09.2016.



BYgPolK.pngStart date: 09.09.2016 at 18:00 (GMT+1) !

Registration & download available from 12:00!

Server Name: PrestigeMU

Files Version: Season 6 Episode 3

IP & Port: main.exe


É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.


Exp: 300%

Drop: 40%

The maximum character level:400

Possibility to remove characters to a maximum of 50 character level

Reset system: 400 level and 50kk zen required, 500/550 bonus stats * reset

Maximum number of resets per 24 hours = 4


Characters available on the server are: DK / DW / ELF / DL / MG / SUM / RF

DL/MG/RF available from 200 main character level


Max item level is +15+28+3opt from Lord Mix (+2 opt drop only from BOSS monsters and boxes)






Reconnect system - the system which keeps the player in the game when the server is down, the server is reset or simply when a player got the disconnect caused by breaking the connection with the Internet


Auto party - by typing / re on, player can freely go afk. The player who will come to the spot and add us to the party will be automatically added to the party. The ideal option for people who do not have the possibility of spending whole days in front of a computer.


Web market - a special store on the server side, where we can list items for WCoinC / credits / Jevel / Zen. Using it will allow trading even outside the house, we issue the item and we do not have to wait, or write on / post to be sold.


No WEBSHOP - we play only what we get in the game, there are no Grand Resets.

Reducing the daily performance of 4 resets is a good option.

It seems to me that this is the boundary between the well-known Nolife and a player who plays just for pleasure at afternoons.


Completely different drop - what we mean by that? We have created a project, in which to get the whole set for your class, you will have to toil a little. Why? From each available Boss / Event on the server, you will get just a part of an inventory.


Invasions - as always on Prestige, there have been added specific invasions, at which we can win valuable prizes.


1. Shadow Master - is a special boss, who will respawn on Aida1 / 2. Drops 2 random boxes +3/4/5. Respawns every 6 hours.


2. Princess in Devias4 - 1 random item drops:



Small wings for each class


- Demons

- Jewel bundles

- And much more

Respawns every 4 hours.



3. Golden Invasion will occur every 6 hours every day - 6/12/18/24.


4. Red Dragon Invasion - will occur every 4 hours - the amount of dragons which will respawn is 4 at 3 different maps Lorencia, Noria, Devias. The creatures drop 3 random Jevels


5. Illusion of Kundun in Icarus!


Professional help from the AT - we provide assistance almost that 24/7, every problem is being solved individually, if necessary we will help by using the team viewer or looking for solutions on the network for you.





The required level to make a reset is 400


For each completed reset, the character gets 500/550 points (reset * 500/550)

No reset limit










- Pad Set


- Leather Set


- Bronze Set


- Bone Set


- Vine Set


- Mistery Set


- Silk Set





- Rapier

- Katana

- Sword of Assassin

- Elven Axe

- Morning Star

- Light Spear

- Short Bow

- Elven Bow

- Skull Staff

- Angelic Staff

- Serpent Staff

- Small Shield

- Skull Shield

- Kite Shield

- Horn Shield


Heart of Love will drop items +4/+7 with 50% chance of Luck and Opt




- random jewel ( Bless/Soul/Life/Joc/Chaos ) ( 10 % chance)

- imp

- angel

- BC invitation

- DS invitation

- IT invitation

- Evil Spirit

- Twisting Slash

- 10 000 000 zen ( 5 % chance )


vS7ARXN.pngItems +4/+5/+6Sets:


- Scale Set

- Spinix Set

- Plate Set

- Brass Set

- Wind Set

- Spirit Set

- Light Plate Set

- Mistery Set

- Red Wing Set





- Legendary Sword

- Helical Sword

- Double Blade

- Lighting Sword

- Elemntal Mace

- Red wing Staff

- Mistery Staff

- Battle Scepter

- Master Scepter

- Arquebus

- Golden Crossbow

- Tiger Bow

- Silver Bow

- Skull Shield

- Plate Shield

- Tower Shield

- Dragon Slayer Shield



Awo6CmY.pngItems +5/+6/+7Sets:


- Dragon Set

- Legendary Set

- Guardian Set

- Storm Crow Set

- Adamantine Set

- Ancient Set

- Sacred Set



- Sword of Destruction

- Lighting Sword

- Rune Blade

- Great Scepter

- Lord Scepter

- Legendary Staff

- Resurrection Staff

- Ancient Staff

HW14wBR.pngTmusuv3.pngThe winner will get:


&Level 1

- random jewel ( Bless / Soul / Life )

&Level 2

- two random jewels ( Bless / Soul / Life )

&Level 3

- three random jewels ( Bless / Soul / Life )

&Level 4

- four random jewels ( Bless / Soul / Life )

&Level 5

- chaos card

&Level 6

- chaos card

&Level 7

- chaos card

&Level 8

- chaos card

BKjJ2C4.png- Taking part in various events on our server we can get a "chaos card" reward. It is the object which we exchange with Chaos Master Card NPC, which stands in front of a bar on the map called Lorencia. Inserting the card into the NPC, we can obtain the following items:



All sets starting box of Kundun + 1 until box of Kundun + 5

- All weapons starting box of Kundun + 1 until box of Kundun + 5

- Jewel bundles packed in 10 or 20 pieces (for this kind of awards we have only 10% chance)


uQsmB8b.png- On the maps starting from Losttower, there will drop on each spot objects called "Lucky Coin", this event is to collect the right amount and change at the NPC Delgado to get rewards. The information what we can get and at what amount is below:There are three levels of awards - for 10 LC / 20 LC / LC 30 - you choose yourself!



For 10 LC you will obtain a random jewel (Bless / Soul / Life / Joc / Chaos / JOH / JOG)

For 20 LC you will get 4 random jewels (Bless / Soul / Life / Joc / Chaos / JOH / JOG)

For 30 LC you will obtain:

- Item exe + 1/2 options from k1 to k3

- Chaos card (low chance to drop)

- Package Jevel (low chance to drop)

- Panda pet (1%)

- Skeleton pet (1%)

- Demon (5%)


- Event well known to all, we are teleported to a special map where we need to overcome several levels of monsters raids, what's new at Prestige? At this event you have increased exp up to x400. You can found there items that you do not get at the current level. At this event will fall "star" - this is a special drop-item from which we can obtain extra jewels.





- Event relies on the survival of a certain time and killing monsters, what this gives us? Increased jewel drop up to 15% of each monster. Prize is 15% chance to get an ANCIENT item.




- Event held on the map Kanturu Relics, which consists of eliminating a given amount of mobs, then 2 defenders of Nightmare boss, called Hands. Drop on this event is:



Random +1/2 excellent options


Maya Hand drop:

- Ashcrow Set

- Elipse Set

- Iris Set

- Valiant Set

- Glorius Set

- Ancient Set

- Sacred Set ( no weapons )

Nightmare drop:



- pedants

- rings





8. Pouch of Blessing (Hunt Event) - special boss "Pouch of blessing" are at 4 different spots, they are similar to running gifts that do not attack, but they have a lot of HP and DEF. Will appear 4 monsters - Tarkan1, Tarkan2, Aida1, Kanturu1 and each drops:


-Blue Luck Pouch

-Red Luck PouchOut of each monster you will get 2 boxes, each of them may drop a Silver or Gold key needed to open a Sealed box.




- at each map we can get a "Cherry Blossom Box" which will drop one of three branches for which you may get:




10 xWhite =random jewel


25 x Red =random exe k1 to k3

255 x Golden = red fenrir






The whole invasion is happening in Devias 4 (up from spawn), 4 princesswill spawn, from which we can obtain the precious objects, which are present only with the invasion, nowhere else!

Ice Princess have a very large amount of HP & DEF.

Respawn every 4 hours.





The invasion takes place on the AIDA map - in 3 different places we can find the boss (random position, 1 monster), which will as strong as Kundun or Selupan. Drops 3 x random BOK +3/4/5.

Spawn every six hours.




The invasion takes place on 3 different maps - Devias Lorencia Noria - respawn randomly all over the map.

Each dragon drops 3 random Jewels!

Spawn every five hours.




The invasion takes place on the Swamp of Calmness map, which consists of finding the Medusa and killing her!

Regarding the drop of the invasion, there will be a little custom.

Drop from it will be items from k3 to 380 exe, but only Armors and Helmets + 1/2 options, Jewels / Talismans.

Spawn every six hours.




The invasion takes place on the Kalima 7 map, which consists of reaching the very end of the Kalima and killing a powerful boss which is Kundun.

As in the case of Medusa, it has a custom drop.

Drop from it will be Pants and Shoes + 1/2 options from k3 to 380 exe.

Spawn every six hours.




The invasion takes place on the LaCleon map, which consists of reaching Raklion2 - the entrance to the Selupan portal, then follows killing of "Eggs" and the emergence of a strong boss.

Drop is customed as in the above cases.

Drop from it will be Weapons + Gloves from k3 to 380 exe +1/2 options.

Respawn every 6 hours!






All values below are with luck!+10 = 90 % success chance

+11 = 90 % success chance

+12 = 70 % success chance

+13 = 60 % success chance

+14 = 50 % success chance

+15 = 50 %success chance

Fenrir = 40 % success chance

3rd Feather = 60 % success chance

3rd Wings = 40 % success chance

Horse = 60 % success chance

Raven = 60 % success chance

m9hxKPv.pngJevel of Bless = 100 % success chance

Jevel of Soul = 60 % success chance

Jevel of Soul + Luck = 85 % success chance

Jevel of Life = 50 % success chance

Jevel of harmony = 50 % success chance


HW14wBR.pngHead Administrator: MEN



Admin Assistant: Remik








  • KVM OpenStack
  • SLA 99.99%
  • 4 vCores
  • 2,4 GHz
  • 24 GB RAM
  • 100 GB
    High Availability (Ceph)

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