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Oblivion MU Season 2 Plus,Hard, SEM RESET, SEM PAY2WIN.

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Versão: Season 2 Plus (Hard~PvP)

Level Máximo: 400 - Sem Reset

Bot Oficial (Mu Helper)

DL e MG: Podem ser criados no Level 1


Distribuir pontos: /addstr /addagi /addvit /addene /addcmd

(é necessário relogar para atualizar a distribuição de pontos)


Limpar PK: /pkclear








Experiência: 60x - Drops: 30%

Elf Soldier Max Level: 180


Rate Jewel of Soul +0 ~ +9 (Com Luck): 80%

Rate Jewel of Soul +0 ~ +9 (Sem Luck): 60%

Rate Jewel of Life: 70%


Invasão de Goldens: 2 em 2 horas

Drop: Box of Kundun


Invasão de White Wizards: 2 em 2 horas

Drop: Pack 10 Jewel of Life





•10 Lucky Coins:

Panda Ring

Skeleton Ring

Pack 10 Jewel of Life

Pack 10 Jewel of Chaos

Box of Kundun +1

Box of Kundun +2


•20 Lucky Coins:

Loch's Feather

Crest of Monarch

Pack 10 Jewel of Soul

Pack 10 Jewel of Bless

Box of Kundun +3

Box of Kundun +4


•30 Lucky Coins:

Talisman of Chaos Assembly

Pack 10 Jewel of Creation

Pack 10 Jewel of Guardian

Box of Kundun +5




Pet Panda

Pet Skeleton

Pet Demon

Pet Spirit Angel

Pet Rudolf

Pet Unicorn

Jewel of Life

Lucky Coin




30 Lucky Coins (Party = 30 pra cada da party)

Experiência Elevada




Drop de Ancientes (50% de chance de drop)

Experiência Elevada





•Kanturu Event (MAYA):

:: Hands: Sword, Bow, Scepter, Staff Divine Archangel

:: Nightmare: Itens 380 (Swords, Bow, Scepter, Staff, Armors & Pants)


•Illusion & Relics of Kundun (Kalima 6 e 7) - Respawn 8 horas

:: 3 drops (aleatório): Itens Ancientes e Itens 380 (Swords, Bow, Scepter, Staff & Armors)


•Balgass (Crywolf Event) - Sábados, às 19h 45m

:: Itens 380: Swords, Bow, Scepter, Staff


•Erohim (Land of Trials) - Respawn 6 horas

Excellent Daybreak

Excellent Sword Dancer

Excellent Shining Scepter

Excellent Albatross Bow

Excellent Platina Staff

Excellent Ashcrow Set

Excellent Eclipse Set

Excellent Iris Set

Excellent Valiant Set

Excellent Glorious Set





•Zaikan & Death Beam Knight (Tarkan 2) - Respawn 3 horas

Excellent Daybreak

Excellent Sword Dancer

Excellent Shining Scepter

Excellent Albatross Bow

Excellent Platina Staff

Pack 10 Jewel of Life

Pack 10 Jewel of Soul

Pack 10 Jewel of Bless

Pack 10 Jewel of Creation

* Este BOSS tem 10% de chance de falha no drop.


•Phoenix of Darkness (Icarus) - Respawn 3 horas

Excellent Knight Blade Sword

Excellent Great Lord Scepter

Excellent Viper Bow

Excellent Kundun Staff

Excellent Black Reign Blade

Pack 10 Jewel of Life

Pack 10 Jewel of Soul

Pack 10 Jewel of Bless

Pack 10 Jewel of Creation

* Este BOSS tem 10% de chance de falha no drop.


•Hell Maine (Aida 2) - Respawn 5 horas

Excellent Divine Sword Archangel

Excellent Divine Scepter Archangel

Excellent Divine Crossbow Archangel

Excellent Divine Staff Archangel

Pack 10 Jewel of Life

Pack 10 Jewel of Soul

Pack 10 Jewel of Bless

Pack 10 Jewel of Creation

* Este BOSS não falha o drop.





➀ Item Mix +10 = 95%

➁ Item Mix +11 = 70%

➂ Item Mix +12 = 50%

➃ Item Mix +13 = 40%

* Rates definidos para itens Com Luck & Sem Luck.

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