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Waypoints Free - Pacc All Citys


Posts Recomendados

- Mount Sternum



+ Darashia Wasp Towers

- Dara wasp tower(honeycombs)[script]

- dara wasp rune maker [script]


+ Darashia Rotworm Caves:

- North west Rotworms in Darashia [script]

- all dara rots!!! [script]

- Mostly Of The Rots I Have Done This Far! [script]

- West Dara Rots [script]

- No Questions Just WayPoint! [script]

- West Darashia roots [script]

- GS Rots [script]

- Darashia rotcave waypoints [script]

- Northern Darashia Rotworms [About 8k/Hour] [script]

- N darashia rotz first floor [script]


+ Darashia Minotaur Tower:

- Darashia Mino Temple. [script]


Liberty Bay


+ Laguna Islands/Caves:

- 45-55k/hour [script]

- 25k - 35k Turtle Script [script]

- Second Tortoise island, ground and -1.

- Toads and Tortoises [script]

- Turtles ground level and -1 (island 3)

- All tortoise islands Ground Floor. [script]

- Thornbacks [script]

- 3rd Island of Turtles Newest and edited script [script]

- New Turtle Script [script]

- 3rd island turtles second floor [script]

- All Toads&Tortoises Isles - Groundfloors [script]

- Turtles 2nd floor [script]

- Solution of the "shovel problem" + New full Thornback waypoints

- second land 1st floor [script]

- [WPT] First Laguna Island (18k-25k/h) [script]


+ Liberty Bay Rotworm Caves:

- 15k-20k/h Liberty Bay Rotworms [script]

- Mostly Of The Rots I Have Done This Far! [script]

- My Liberty Rots [script]




+ Ab'Dendriel Troll Caves:

- Ab'Dendriel Trolls Floor 1-3 Perfect. [script]


+ Ab'Dendriel Wasp Caves:

- Ab Wasps with fishing delay [script]

- Ab'Wasps [script]




+ Kazordoon Dwarf Caves:

- Dwarf Script~[script]

- Fresh Dwarf Cave Scripts! [script]

- Waypoint Kazordoon, Mine Dwarf - Soldier [script]

- Very Good Dwarf Mines [script]

~~All of dwarf mines! (COMBINED)~~ [script]

- dwarfs [script]


Port Hope


+ Port Hope Swamp Trolls

- port hope swamp trolls [script]




+ Ankrahmun Larva/Scarab Caves:

- Hidden Scarabs - Third Floor [script]

- East larva's ank desert [script]

- South-West Larvas v1.0 (Experienced) [script]

- Larva Waypoint [script]

- Hidden Larva Cave 13k/h [script]

- West Scarab 1,2,3 floors [script]

- 2nd floor west scarabs! [script]


+ Ankrahmun Tombs:


++ Peninsula Tomb:

- Penesuela tomb 2nd floor

- Pennisula 1st floor [script]


++ GS Tomb:

- Better GS Tomb (1st Floor) [script]

- My GS TOMB script for mages or low lvl knights ;] [script]


++ Shadow Tomb:

- Shadow Tomb[script]




- Cyclopolis. All Floors. No 3 Fe. [script]


+ Edron Rotworm Caves:

- Edron Rots Cave [script]

- Mostly Of The Rots I Have Done This Far! [script]


+ Edron Goblin Caves:

- Edrons troll and goblins [script]


+ Edron Troll Caves:

- Edrons troll and goblins [script]




+ Venore Orcs:

- Venore Orcs Perfect!!! [script]

- Untested-Venore-Orcs [script]


+ Venore Swamp Troll Cave:

- Venore swamp trolls [script]

- PERFECT Venore Swamp Troll [script]


+ Venore Rotworm Caves:

- Venore Rots [script]




+ Fibula Rotworm Caves:

- New Fib Cave [script]

- Mostly Of The Rots I Have Done This Far! [script]

- My first script, Fibula rots [script]

- Fibula Rotworms (Yes, another one) [script]




- Rookgaard Scripts [script]

- Premium Rook [script]

- Premmy Side Troll Cave - Rook - [script]

- Troll Rook [script]

- Rookgard script about 3k / hour [script]


+ Al Dee's Rat Cave

- Al'Dees Rats and Bugs(Experienced) [script]

- Al Dee's Rats No Bugs [script]

- [WPT] Al Dee's Rats & Bugs (2k/h) [script]

- Al Dee Bugs and Rats after update [sCRIPT]

- Aldees rats + Bugs 7.92 version [script]


+ Chickens

- Premmy chickens rook [script]

- Chickens in rook [script]

- FACC + PACC Chicken Waypoint!! [script]


Random Waypoint Scripts


- all my travel scripts. [script]

- Trolls east of Dwarf Bridge [script]

- Dark Cathedral

- Dark Cathedral [script]

- Chakoyas -3 [script]


-barbariam small camp

For H lvls;

-Sea serpents with soft refiller, depositer and mana refiller AND task hunter


-heros/necros with depositer and mana refiller

-Mutated Rat's Yalahar with TASKS maker, refiller, depositer.

-Fenrock dragonlair depositer

-Liberty Bay Wyrms - SMALL SPAWN - Depositers/Refiller

-Yalahar Arena 90-110k/h Master Sorcerer 80 LVL depositer/refiller.

-Liberty Bay Earth Elementals & Nightstalkers -1 = refiller/depositer

-Darashia Dragons + sb refil + depositer + mf buyer + rare depositer

-Mutated Rats/Bat/Tigers @ Yalahar Arena MONEYMAKER!!

-Blue djins with depositer and mana refiller

-Mutated Rats/Tigers/Bats Yalahar Arena 100% AFK for PALADIN

-Barbarians Krimhorn (BIG camp+Tower)

-Okolnir South-West Mage + Depositer + Refiller (100+ / 180k/hr)

-Cave Worker Golems 100 % AFK ! REFiller 100k/h DEPOSITER ! FOR PALLYS !

-Mutated Rat Towers 100~~130k/h 100% AFK (depositer,refil,...)

-Mutated Arena 100~~125k/h 100% AFK (depositer,refil,...)

-Sea Serpents SVAR 130~~180k/h 100% AFK (depositer,refil,...)

-LB NightStalkers 90~~110k/h 100% AFK (depositer,refil,...)

-Yalahar Cults 120~~130k/h 100% AFK (depositer,refil,...)

-Giant Spider Yalahar 90~~120k/h 100% AFK (depositer,refil,...)

-Edron Dragons 70~~90k/h 100% AFK (depositer,refil,...)

-Necro/Hero Yalahar West 90~~120k/h 100% AFK (depositer,refil,...)

-Haunted Treeling Yalahar/Vengoth 100~~140k/h 100% AFK (depositer,refil,...)

-Necro Goroma (Ramoa) 90~~120k/h 100% AFK (depositer,refil,...)

-Darashia Dragons 90~~110k/h 100% AFK (depositer,refil,...)

-Dark Cathedral [ 100% AFK ]

-water elementals refiller + rox targeting.

-Full banuta's ground + towers -perfect depositer-

-Venore Orc Tower + Gold Depositer

-Malada Quara Scouts (80-150k/h)

-Edron d lair,perfect poh with depositer good items and manarestore

-yalahar cults (100k/h) profit - with everything

-LB nighstalker (80k/h) profit

-Workers golem (100-150k/h) - profit depend on luck - with everything

-Apes (60 - 80k/h) - big profit

-Yalahar Arena (90-110kh) always profitable - with everything

-Darashia Dragons (80-100kh) - profit big, with everything

-Water Elemtanls (140-160k/h) - profit

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