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Gagong Syndra [21/11//2014] v1.0.5

' Noob

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1. Use Q

2. Use W

3. Use E (logic: E only if there are orbs, but will cast E if target is killable by combo)

4. Use R (logic: Will be used only if target is killable, Won't be used if can be killed by QWE or if target is stunned and target can be killed by Q but is on cooldown that is less than 2seconds, it will wait for Q instead of bursting with R)

5. Use QE

6. Smart DFG by default (logic: Use dfg if you can kill a target with DFG+QEW or DFG+ QREW, doesn't use DFG if can be killed by QEW alone)

7. Smart R by default (logic: Also if you turned on R only if QWE on CD, it will be used after Q if target is killable but you can't do the full combo because of mana limitations )

8. Override Smart DFG and R by pressing combo key + harass key at the same time (logic: it will try to use all the skills on the target, regardless if the target is killable or not)

9. Combo Sequence is DFG Q R E W by default

10. Auto Ignite

11. By default, Current Mana is Used on Combo Calculations




1.Use Q

2.Use Q when enemy AA you

3.Use W

4.Use E

5.Use QE

6.Harass Mana Level

7.Harass Key Press

8.Harass Toggle Key


Função de KS


1.Use Q

2.Use W

3.Use E

4.Use R

5.Use QE

6.Auto KS Toggle Key


Auto KS with Flash:


1.If can be killed with QE

2.If can be killed with DFG+R

3.If enemies within 1000 range of target is less than or equal to custom # of enemies (note: includes the target)

4.Flash Kill only for selected targets




1.Anti Gap Closer

2.Auto Interrupter


QE Settings:


1.Set custom delay for QE

2.QE to mouse position


R Settings:


1.Only R if all other skills that are ready can't kill the target and target is killable by R (logic: if turned off, If target is killable with R even if you can kill the target with Q E or W, + AA it will use R)

2.Don't R on selected targets

3.Over Kill with R selected targets by xx% of current HP *new

4.Doesn't Ult targets that are invulnerable (tryndamere & kayle's SS)


Drawings with customizable colors:


1.Q range

2.W range

3.E range

4.R range

5.QE range

6.QE to cursor

7.Enemy HP after Combo indicator with visual colors to indicate if can be killed by Q after full combo


É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.



Kortatu's Original Syndra Assembly

Rio Syndra for the inspiration

Syndra Mod by XSalice (Modded Eskor's Syndra I think)


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