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[Download] BlackdTools (Bot Pago Do Tibia)


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Blackd Proxy provides you the following features:


* Quality. All the cheats offer the highest possible performance. No chance of crashes or memory leaks after the loading.

* Safety. This is a legal company and we won't hack our customers.

* Direct customer support between you and me. I always answer customer emails. Your opinion is always listened.

* Shoot runes by name or shoot to last attacked. By ID (always-hit shoots) or by position (this allow to shoot out of screen)

* Fast combos by channel or simply instant combos by mc. Allow to choose a trusted leader. Password protected orders.

* Magebomb. Connect as many characters as you want at the same time and get them attacking as soon server allows that.

* UHbomb. Automatic heal friends. It is very hard to die when several allies have this option enabled.

* Smart cavebot totally customizable. Easy to use. Best exp/h . Fastest looting. No programming skill required.

* Trainer, anti afk kick, autorecharge items, automake lootbags

* Automatic pickup spears, pickup other items, or just pick anything around (fast hands) * Automatic fishing and fish stacking, around the sea or while caveboting. Increased success rate at fishing.

* Instant healing with spells or runes. New and classic modes.

* Many options to deal with gms and CMS. Avoid bans and deletions!

* Automatic mana drinker.

* Easy autoresponders and customizable actions for lots of events.

* Hundreds of powerfull commands. Set any keys for your favourites.

* Customizable light intensity.

* Display all invisible creatures, gms, cms and gods.

* Advanced packet log and packet commands for persons who want to make their very own cheats.

* Customizable sound alerts for messages, players on screen, gms, cms, kicks, deaths, and whatever you want.

* Optional zero fps option to decrease CPU usage when using lots of mcs

* Smart relog after server save and kicks.

* Easy module for rune maker, mana trainer, auto eater.

* See through floors, walls and ceilings. Inspect items that you would not be able to see without cheats.

* Show experience needed for next level. By command or always in tittle bar.

* Ultrafast fishing with a single hotkey. Bot warns you when there are no fishes left.

* Plot your position and your friends positions in a big map.

* Easy and friendly GUI. Combine safely any cheat. You can get all them working together with no problems.

* No crashes or debugs after loading. No memory leaks.

* High compatibility with all windows versions: 95,98,2000,2003,se,me,xp,vista.

* Low minimum requirements: Tested sucesfully in a machine of 75mhz with 64mb ram (tibia worked at 2.5fps)

* Low recommended requirements: Optimal results from 1500mhz, 512mb of ram


Exori vis bot and more!

The new awaited update is finally ready!

Druids and sorcerers can now bot with auto exori vis (setExoriVis creaturename) , and knights can use another new command to auto avoid front waves (setAvoidFront creaturename) . There are also a lot of new improvements besides that. What are you waiting for? Just update to 9.5 or buy Blackd Proxy today if somehow you still don't have it !


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