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cheats Mega Tutorial.Como usar um Injector.


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Hack's para Server's Piratas.


Introdução: Aqui vou disponibilizar os arquivos,comandos e comentários sobre os Hack's para server's piratas que possuo.

Como Utilizar:Aqui um SUPER Tutorial Criado por CaraLoko01 de como usar um injector.



DLL Nº1:ChaosX.dll

Alt + M = Insane Massives

Alt + G = Godmode

Alt + F = Flipmower

Alt + D = Lungemower

Alt + L = Lawnmower

Alt + S = Continiously Shot spam (Lags)

Alt + Y = Medickits will spawn under your last attacker

Alt + Q = Create Female Character name is defined in szCharName.txt in your Gunz folder

Alt + W = Create Male Character name is defined in szCharName.txt in your Gunz folder

Alt + E = Speedhack (Slow)

Alt + P = Powerlevel (Get killed by your last attacker)

Alt + F1 = Dash Aura (Doesn't work in DGunz)

Alt + F2 = Force someone to join your clan (Clan name defined in Clan.txt , Victim's name defined in szjoinName

It will only work when u press Alt + F2 multiple times.

Numpad 1 = Rocket Spam (Not Continiously)

Numpad 2 = Grenade Spam (Dc's when not having any of the three grenades in slot 1)

Numpad 3 = Grenade Spam (Dc's when not having any of the three grenades in slot 2)

Numpad 6 = Aimed Shot Spam (Not Continiously) (THANKS BRANDON-BMX FOR HELPING ME WITH THESE 4 HACKS)

Numpad 7 = Medication

Numpad 8 = Clientsided level-up

Numpad 9 = Regenerate

Numpad 0 = Penwrite (Medickits)

Numpad + = In-Game spam (defined in Spam.txt)

Numpad - = Leave Room without Timer

Numpad / = Rejoin room / antikick

Tab + 0 = Anti-kick / room lagger

Tab + 5 = Own last attacker

Tab + E = Name ESP

Tab + N = Ninja jump

Tab + Z = Follow last attacker

Tab + I = Infinite block

Tab + C = Sword crosshair

Tab + P = Wallhack

Tab + K = Speed hack(ULTRA FAST)

Tab + Y = Anchor

Tab + R = Respawn

Tab + F = Flip hack (Press F to flip)

F2 = Bot last attacker

F3 = Aimed shot spam (hold it it will spawn ammo too) (less lagg than Shot Spam)

F5 = Spam current channel defined in Spam.txt

F7 = Laugh Spam

F8 = Cry Spam

F9 = Cry+Laugh Spam

Page Up = Teleport Up

Page Down = Teleport Down

Delete = Prevent from falling further than the point you set

Arrow keys = Directional Teleport


@ commands


@admin_wall <message> = All channel message

@massives = Insane massives

@lawn = Lawnmower

@god = Godmode

@lunge = Lungemower

@flameon = Flame hack

@lagmower = Lags people in your room

@overrun = Bot last attacker (only 1 message)

@rspam = Rocket spam (Continiously) (LAGS VERY HARD)

@hotkeys = Puts out most hotkeys

@commands = Puts out most commands

@regenerate = Reset HP & AP

@aplock = Ap lock

@macro<1-16> = Puts out an emote once example : @macro4

@ammo = Spawn a bulletkit

@servercrash = Might work didn't test yet on other servers than DarkGunz


DLL Nº2: Euro.dll


Home = Save Location

End = Teleport to saved location

ALT + Q = Create Female character from the text file "szCharName" in your gunz folder

ALT + W = Create Male character from the text file "szCharName" in your gunz folder

ALT + M = Insane Massives, Spams massives REALLY fast

ALT + L = Lawnmower, Slashes really fast

ALT + F = Flipmower, flips really fast

ALT + G = Godmode, locks your HP to 200

ALT + B = Bot last attacker, Shows an annoying message to your attacker and doesn't let them do anything!

ALT + Y = Fake hacker on attacker, Spams Ammo and meds under the person who last attacked you(It won't change on who it spams it on unless you re-activate)

ALT + T = Show useless ID infos, Just to benifit me :P

ALT + I = Show help menu

ALT + S = Shot Spam!, Shoots, spams ammo, and Taunt Spam

CONTROL + C = Taunt spam!

PageUp = Teleport Up

PageDown = Teleport Down

Arrowkeys = Teleport Sideways

Delete = Prevent falling at current Z, Activate it where you don't want to fall at.

NumberPad + = Buffer-overrun(Crash people. only in rooms!) -- It will also crash you because your client isn't protected against buffer-overruns.

NumberPad 1 = Melee Weapon Attack, ZPostShot(7,7)

NumberPad 2 = Shoot Gun #1, ZPostShot(8,7)

NumberPad 3 = Shoot Gun #2, ZPostShot(9,7)

NumberPad 4 = Deploy Kit #1, ZPostShot(10,7)

NumberPad 5 = Deploy Kit #2, ZPostShot(11,7)

NumberPad 6 = Clear fShotTime, ZPostShot(1,2)

NumberPad - = Instant Room Leave

ALT + E = Speed Hack

ALT + R = Wall Hack / Walk through walls

ALT + P = Plvl with your attacker!

ALT + N = Auto-Questing on!

Shift + Ctrl + Tab = Activate Tofu Hotkey

Tab = Spam tofu when activated



Importante: Os "virus" são para funcionamento dos arquivos.


AhnLab-V3 / Trojan/Injecter.196608

AntiVir / SPR/Tool.Injector

Antiy-AVL / HackTool/Win32.Injecter.gen


Injetar Hack Tool ou injectar ferramenta Hack coisa parecida...

Resumo o arquivo é ilegal então ele é considerado um virus.



É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.





É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.



É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.



É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.


Uma parceria Aliel e CaraLoko01


site de aliel mas caraloko01:

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Editado~~Agora ta muito melhor...^^


Editado 2~~

Lembrando que nao funciona em todos os server's mais muito util nos server's brasileiros que volte e meia alguem posta ai...


Verdade Cara O Post Muito Ultil, Mais Não Funciona Ne Todos Servs Legal Cara bom Trabalho!

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  • 3 semanas atrás...
nuss xeio de virus nunca vo baixar isso


Todos os Injectors foram testados por mim CaraLoko01 pelo aliel nao sei mais TODOS FORAM TESTADOS E TODOS FUNCIONAN independente de apontar virus ou nao...


E os virus sao para funcionamento do arquivo.


AhnLab-V3 / Trojan/Injecter.196608

AntiVir / SPR/Tool.Injector

Antiy-AVL / HackTool/Win32.Injecter.gen



Injetar Hack Tool ou injectar ferramenta Hack coisa parecida...

Resumo o arquivo é ilegal então ele é considerado um virus.

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  • 2 meses depois...
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a-squared 2009.12.06 -

AhnLab-V3 2009.12.05 Win-Trojan/Injecter.196608

AntiVir 2009.12.05 SPR/Tool.Injector

Antiy-AVL 2009.12.04 HackTool/Win32.Injecter.gen

Authentium 2009.12.02 W32/AdAgent.H.gen!Eldorado

Avast 4.8.1351.0 2009.12.05 Win32:Trojan-gen

AVG 2009.12.05 BackDoor.Generic12.DEJ

BitDefender 7.2 2009.12.06 Virtool.8310

CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.12.05 HackTool.Injecter.l (Not a Virus)

ClamAV 0.94.1 2009.12.04 PUA.Packed.ASPack212

Comodo 3103 2009.12.01 Heur.Packed.Unknown

DrWeb 2009.12.06 Trojan.Click.28002

eSafe 2009.12.03 Win32.Injecter.l

eTrust-Vet 35.1.7159 2009.12.04 -

F-Prot 2009.12.05 W32/AdAgent.H.gen!Eldorado

F-Secure 9.0.15370.0 2009.12.03 Virtool.8310

Fortinet 2009.12.06 HackerTool/Injecter

GData 19 2009.12.06 Virtool.8310

Ikarus T3. 2009.12.05 HackTool.Win32.Injecter

Jiangmin 13.0.900 2009.12.02 HackTool.Injectes

K7AntiVirus 7.10.912 2009.12.05 Trojan.Win32.Malware.1

Kaspersky 2009.12.06 HackTool.Win32.Injecter.l

McAfee 5823 2009.12.05 Generic.dx

McAfee+Artemis 5823 2009.12.05 Artemis!1C7437741B2F

McAfee-GW-Edition 6.8.5 2009.12.06 Riskware.Tool.Injector

Microsoft 1.5302 2009.12.05 Tool:Win32/Injecter.gen!A

NOD32 4663 2009.12.05 Win32/HackTool.CheatEngine

Norman 6.03.02 2009.12.05 W32/Inject.GBG

nProtect 2009.1.8.0 2009.12.05 -

Panda 2009.12.05 Trj/Downloader.MDW

PCTools 2009.12.05 Backdoor.Trojan

Prevx 3.0 2009.12.06 -

Rising 2009.12.06 RootKit.Win32.Agent.GEN

Sophos 4.48.0 2009.12.05 Troj/Virtum-Gen

Sunbelt 3.2.1858.2 2009.12.05 Adware.NetAdware.Gen

Symantec 2009.12.06 Hacktool

TheHacker 2009.12.05 Trojan/Hacktool.Injecter.l

TrendMicro 2009.12.05 PAK_Generic.001

VBA32 2009.12.03 Backdoor.Win32.Hupigon.aspg

ViRobot 2009.12.4.2072 2009.12.04 -

VirusBuster 2009.12.05 HackTool.Injecter.ABF



Puro virus nem da pra baxa issu

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