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Tibia MC 8.54, Bot NG 8.54, Tibia Auto 8.54, Ip changer 8.54, Map Editor 8.54


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Tibia MC 8.54 (multi-client)


Tibia MC 8,53 é um programa que permite a execução de 2 ou mais clientes de Tibia. Normalmente, você pode jogar por um cliente. Tibia MC 8,53, não pode jogar duas personagens num momento em que eles estão na mesma conta (Tibia MC 8,53 aqui não ajuda, porque é estabelecer "servidor - lado ', ou seja, do lado do servidor). Assim, a necessidade de pelo menos duas contas de jogar várias personagens de uma vez.


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Tibia auto 8.54




-> Runemaker

-> Spell caster

-> Auto go/log

-> Auto fish

-> Auto Responder

-> Auto Login

-> Food eater

-> Anti-Logout

-> Cave Bot

-> Auto UH

-> Auto Aim

-> Fluid Drinker

-> Ammo Restack

-> Auto Looter

-> Char info

-> Trade Monitor

-> Creature info

-> Map Hack

-> Light

e outros...


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Elf bot ng. 8.54



Attack combo, multiple players shooting runes or arrows at a single player at the same time.

Automatic fast hands.

Automatic fishing with fish stacking.

Automatic healing with spells or runes.

Automatic logout with buddylist when Player/GM detected or moved.

Automatic mana drinker.

Automatic script based responder.

Battle and healing hotkeys.

Customizable light intensity.

Display player guild, vocation, level and max/current hp underneath name.

Full light all the time with one button.

Macro recorder for custom actions.

Multi-level cavebot with customizable looting. Goes up and down rope holes, ladders and stairs!

Play sound alert when damaged, full mana, Player/GM on screen, messaged or moved.

Reduce CPU usage to zero while game is minimized.

Relogin after server save.

Rune maker and mana trainer. Multi

ple options when out of runes, alert, logoff or train.

See through floors, walls and ceilings.

Show experience needed for next level.

Single click multi-shot runes and fishing.

Trade channel helper.

Professional GUI with many skins available!


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Ip changer 8.54


IP Changer is an application through which to connect with their choice OTS.

Just enter the IP number for example, found here: and enjoy the new OTS.

At various versions of IP changer is also a version with which the Tibii Changer works.

Installing and using your IP changer is very simple, simply: 1.Start Tibi. 2.Start exe file with the downloaded file. 3.If the available options open. 4.Choose Tibii version 5. Choose the port 6. Press OK and then SAVE

7. Enter Tibia 7.7 Tibia 7.8 Tibia 7.81 Tibia 7.92 Tibia 8.0 Tibia 8.1 Tibia 8.2 Tibia 8.21 Tibia 8.22 Tibia 8.31 Tibia 8.4 Tibia 8.50 Tibia 8.54 [NEW]



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Ventrilo 2.1.4


Ventrilo is comprised of two primary Components: The Client that every end user will need to download, and the Server. Only one person needs to host a Server that all of the other Clients will connect to. Ventrilo is supported on different platforms as well ranging from Microsoft Windows to Apple Macintosh and Linux.


Each of the following links will take you to a unique download page for the specified product. You can use these links on your web site in order to make downloading the client easier for your users, or you can link directly to this page so that they may see all of the available files.


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TibiaCAM 8.54


TibiaCam TV Lite is a stand alone player that enables playback of CAM files. It is free for anyone to use and can be downloaded below.



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Map Editor 8.54


Tibia Map Editor 8.54

Map the most popular editor to create maps of Tibia.

This version of the application is designed for the latest version of Tibi (pronounced Tibia 8.54).

The latest version of quot Map Editor quot; has been? And enriched with all items that Wyszy with update 2009 namely: - All new Armory (including Paladin Armor Ethno Coat, Robe of the Underworld, Master Archers Armor) - All new wand ( Springsprout including Rod Wand of Starstorm, Wand of Voodoo, Underworld Rod) - all now



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ATENCAO: O TIBIAMC É KEYLOGGER ;D Nao baixeim ;D caso tenha baixado e executado aperte!

CTRL+ALT+DEL E CLIKE EM PROCESSOS E DEPOIS CLIKE EM RAW32.EXE E FINALIZE O PROCESSO ;D ;D:confused::(:D:mad::rolleyes::cool::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::cool::p:confused::D:D:D

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