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•Como installa

1º-Siga os Passos e claro --'' xD

2º-No Desktop quando aparecer um arkivo xamado" m0d s0beit INI file" vcs terao que modificar uma coisa, Veja abaixo


Dentro do arkivo tem isso:




# m0d_s0beit_SA v4.0.0.3 for SA:MP 0.2.X.U1_2

# by jflm & nuckfuts



# Credits & Greets:

# s0beit, Wang, Trix, Static, cBonky, REALfreaky, v0gelz, CrazyT,

# nuckfuts, wax, cereal, jac0b, playa', North, caytchen, DeN00b,

# jflm, Offroader23, Kosty@n, gaffkanone, Racer_S.....

# everyone at

# everyone at

# and everyone helping with moral support & hosting





# ini file for teh modified s0beit haxx boiiiiii


# ******* ERRORS OF THE CURRENT SESSION ARE LOGGED TO m0d_s0beit_sa.log *******

# ******* ERRORS OF ALL SESSIONS ARE LOGGED TO m0d_s0beit_sa_all.log *******


# File format:


# variable_name = value assigns "value" to "variable_name"

# array_name[index] = value assigns "value" to array_name[index]

# array_name[] = value assigns "value" to the first free index in the array


# Entries ending with a backslash ('\') continue on the next line.


# Lines starting with '#' or ';' are ignored.


# \ escapes " within strings, eg "NaWaR sucks \"roosters\" for steroids."



# Valid hotkey names include:


# a-z, 0-9

# lbutton, rbutton, mbutton (mouse buttons)

# backspace, tab, return

# lshift, rshift, lctrl, rctrl, lalt, ralt

# space, pageup, pagedn, end, home

# left, up, right, down

# insert, delete, pause

# np0-9 (numpad 0-9)

# multiply, add, separator, subtract, decimal, divide

# f1-f24

# oem_plus, oem_comma, oem_minus, oem_period (non-numpad keys)

# &num (where num is the key's constant number, in decimal, see URL below)

# oem_1-oem_8:


# VK_OEM_1: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the ';:' key

# VK_OEM_2: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '/?' key

# VK_OEM_3: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '`~' key

# VK_OEM_4: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '[{' key

# VK_OEM_5: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '\|' key

# VK_OEM_6: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the ']}' key

# VK_OEM_7: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the 'single-quote/double-quote' key

# VK_OEM_8: Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.


# See:


É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

# for more information about keys


# Use &0 to disable a hotkey



# Main INI settings




# =================

# In-game menu keys

# =================


key_menu = f11

key_menu_up = up

key_menu_right = right

key_menu_down = down

key_menu_left = left

key_menu_select = return

key_menu_dec = subtract

key_menu_inc = add



# ===================

# Custom GUI settings

# ===================


hud_draw_bar = true

render_text_shadows = true


# Format: gui[] = "element" alpha red green blue

# NOTE: Don't change the order nor add anything else because these are internal.

# The "element" field is just to identify the item you're editing.


gui[] = "HUD bar" 127 0 0 0

gui[] = "Spectate warning (HUD bar)" 110 100 0 0

gui[] = "SA:MP cheat state text" 255 200 0 0


# (new menu colors)


gui[] = "Menu: Titlebar background" 190 0 0 81

gui[] = "Menu: Background" 180 0 0 71

gui[] = "Menu: Selected item bar" 190 40 122 160

gui[] = "Menu: Selected item text" 255 255 136 229


# (old menu colors)


#gui[] = "Menu: Titlebar background" 223 63 63 63

#gui[] = "Menu: Background" 223 31 31 31

#gui[] = "Menu: Selected item bar" 223 127 63 63

#gui[] = "Menu: Selected item text" 255 157 255 15


gui[] = "GTA: HP bar" 255 180 25 29

gui[] = "GTA: Money HUD" 255 54 104 44



# ==============

# HUD indicators

# ==============


hud_indicator_inv = true

hud_indicator_weapon = true

hud_indicator_money = true

hud_indicator_freeze = true

hud_indicator_brkdance = true


hud_indicator_inveh_airbrk = true

hud_indicator_inveh_stick = true


hud_indicator_onfoot_airbrk = true

hud_indicator_onfoot_stick = true

hud_indicator_onfoot_aim = true


hud_indicator_pos = false

hud_fps_draw = true



# =============

# Invincibility

# =============


key_hp_cheat = insert


# In god mode, never go below this amount of HP (set to < 1000.0 to make cheating harder to spot)

# (0.0 = dead, 1000.0 = full HP)

# Really high values above 1000 will make you invulnerable to missiles, etc..

# The HP bar seems to range from ~250 to 1000.

# NOTE: This is for vehicles only.

hp_minimum = 0.0


# Damage reduction in %

# Negative values will reverse the effect (eg. -25.0 = you take 25% more damage)

# NOTE: This is for vehicles only.

hp_damage_reduce = 100.0


# Regenerate HP per second.

hp_regen = 0

hp_regen_onfoot = 0


# Freeze the health set by the server?

freeze_hp_values = true



# =====================

# Key anti admin freeze

# =====================


key_anti_freeze = oem_5



# =========

# Panic key

# =========


# Disables all cheats when pressed.

key_panic = f12



# ==============

# Air brake keys

# ==============


# key_air_brake_foot_mod is the key to use when on foot.

key_air_brake_mod = rshift

key_air_brake_foot_mod = rshift

key_air_brake_mod2 = &0

key_air_brake_forward = w

key_air_brake_backward = s

key_air_brake_left = a

key_air_brake_right = d

key_air_brake_up = up

key_air_brake_down = down


# Air brake rotation keys



# Yaw (aka turn left/right)


key_air_brake_rot_yaw1 = j

key_air_brake_rot_yaw2 = l


# Roll (left/right)


key_air_brake_rot_roll1 = u

key_air_brake_rot_roll2 = o


# Pitch (aka up/down)


key_air_brake_rot_pitch1 = i

key_air_brake_rot_pitch2 = k


# Air brake key mode


# If set to true, key_air_brake_mod toggle air brake mode on and off.

# key_air_brake_mod2 will also become a toggle-key.

air_brake_toggle = true


# Air brake behaviour


# 0 - original s0beit - simple x/y/z addition

# 1 - up/down moves along z-axis, others move in the car's direction

# 2 - full 3d movement (default)

air_brake_behaviour = 2


# Speed multiplier for movement (Units per second)

air_brake_speed = 200.0


# Speed multiplier for rotation (full turns per second)

air_brake_rot_speed = 0.4


# Time to full speed (in seconds)

air_brake_accel_time = 2.0



# ========

# Warp key

# ========


# Also known as one-hit-kill.

key_warp_mod = r


# Warp speed modified (1.2 ~= regular car max speed)

warp_speed = 15.0


# Use speed vector


# If set to true, the direction in which the vehicle is heading

# will be used, instead of the direction in which the vehicle is

# pointing.. but only _if_ the vehicle actually is moving.

# If the vehicle is not moving, the direction in which the

# vehicle is pointing is always used.


# If set to false, the car's direction is always used.

warp_use_speed = true



# ==============

# Car repair kit

# ==============


# Sets health to 1000, fixes tires and body panels.

key_repair_car = 1



# ======

# Jumper

# ======


# instantly jump yourself into the nearest vehicle that you are not already in.

# the occupied one only jumps you into vehicles that are occupied

key_vehicle_jumper = home

key_vehicle_occupied_jumper = end



# =========

# Fast exit

# =========


key_fast_exit = n



# ========

# Teleport

# ========


# Go back to previous location

key_teleport_hist = &0


# Up to 10 teleports are supported. If any of key_teleport(_set)

# through 10 are set to &0, they are disabled.


# Preset locations


# Format: x y z interior_id

# If set to "0.0 0.0 0.0 0" they are considered to be disabled until set in-game.


key_teleport[0] = multiply

key_teleport_set[0] = divide

teleport_pos[0] = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0


key_teleport[1] = &0

key_teleport_set[1] = &0

teleport_pos[1] = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0


key_teleport[2] = &0

key_teleport_set[2] = &0

teleport_pos[2] = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0


key_teleport[3] = &0

key_teleport_set[3] = &0

teleport_pos[3] = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0


key_teleport[4] = &0

key_teleport_set[4] = &0

teleport_pos[4] = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0



# =========================

# Static teleport locations

# =========================


# These are accessible from the in-game menu.

# No more than 200 teleport locations can be defined ([0] -> [199])



# Mods 'n' Bombs

# ==============

static_teleport_name[] = "Transfender near Wang Cars in Doherty"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1935.77 228.79 34.16 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Wheel Archangels in Ocean Flats"

static_teleport_pos[] = -2707.48 218.65 4.93 0

static_teleport_name[] = "LowRider Tuning Garage in Willowfield"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2645.61 -2029.15 14.28 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Transfender in Temple"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1041.26 -1036.77 32.48 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Transfender in come-a-lot"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2387.55 1035.70 11.56 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Eight Ball Autos near El Corona"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1836.93 -1856.28 14.13 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Welding Wedding Bomb-workshop in Emerald Isle"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2006.11 2292.87 11.57 0


# Pay 'n' Sprays

# ==============

static_teleport_name[] = "Michelles Pay 'n' Spray in Downtown"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1787.25 1202.00 25.84 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Dillimore"

static_teleport_pos[] = 720.10 -470.93 17.07 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in El Quebrados"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1420.21 2599.45 56.43 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Fort Carson"

static_teleport_pos[] = -100.16 1100.79 20.34 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Idlewood"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2078.44 -1831.44 14.13 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Juniper Hollow"

static_teleport_pos[] = -2426.89 1036.61 51.14 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Redsands East"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1957.96 2161.96 11.56 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Santa Maria Beach"

static_teleport_pos[] = 488.29 -1724.85 12.01 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Temple"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1025.08 -1037.28 32.28 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray near Royal Casino"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2393.70 1472.80 11.42 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray near Wang Cars in Doherty"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1904.97 268.51 41.04 0


# Player Garages

# ==============

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Verdant Meadows"

static_teleport_pos[] = 403.58 2486.33 17.23 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Las Venturas Airport"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1578.24 1245.20 11.57 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Calton Heights"

static_teleport_pos[] = -2105.79 905.11 77.07 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Derdant Meadows"

static_teleport_pos[] = 423.69 2545.99 17.07 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Dillimore "

static_teleport_pos[] = 785.79 -513.12 17.44 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Doherty"

static_teleport_pos[] = -2027.34 141.02 29.57 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: El Corona"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1698.10 -2095.88 14.29 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Fort Carson"

static_teleport_pos[] = -361.10 1185.23 20.49 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Hashbury"

static_teleport_pos[] = -2463.27 -124.86 26.41 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Johnson House"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2505.64 -1683.72 14.25 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Mulholland"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1350.76 -615.56 109.88 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Palomino Creek"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2231.64 156.93 27.63 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Paradiso"

static_teleport_pos[] = -2695.51 810.70 50.57 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Prickle Pine"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1293.61 2529.54 11.42 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Redland West"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1401.34 1903.08 11.99 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Rockshore West"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2436.50 698.43 11.60 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Santa Maria Beach"

static_teleport_pos[] = 322.65 -1780.30 5.55 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Whitewood Estates"

static_teleport_pos[] = 917.46 2012.14 11.65 0


# All Interiors around SA

# =======================

static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: Burning Desire House"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2338.32 -1180.61 1027.98 5

static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: ** Zero's Battlefield"

static_teleport_pos[] = -975.5766 1061.1312 1345.6719 10

static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: Liberty City"

static_teleport_pos[] = -750.80 491.00 1371.70 1

static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: Unknown Stadium"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1400.2138 106.8926 1032.2779 1

static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: Secret San Fierro Chunk"

static_teleport_pos[] = -2015.6638 147.2069 29.3127 14

static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: Jefferson Motel"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2220.26 -1148.01 1025.80 15

static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: Jizzy's Pleasure Dome"

static_teleport_pos[] = -2660.6185 1426.8320 907.3626 3


# Stadiums

# ========

static_teleport_name[] = "Stadium: Bloodbowl"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1394.20 987.62 1023.96 15

static_teleport_name[] = "Stadium: Kickstart"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1410.72 1591.16 1052.53 14

static_teleport_name[] = "Stadium: 8-Track Stadium"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1417.8720 -276.4260 1051.1910 7


# 24/7 Stores

# ===========

static_teleport_name[] = "24/7 Store: Big - L-Shaped"

static_teleport_pos[] = -25.8844 -185.8689 1003.5499 17

static_teleport_name[] = "24/7 Store: Big - Oblong"

static_teleport_pos[] = 6.0911 -29.2718 1003.5499 10

static_teleport_name[] = "24/7 Store: Med - Square"

static_teleport_pos[] = -30.9469 -89.6095 1003.5499 18

static_teleport_name[] = "24/7 Store: Med - Square"

static_teleport_pos[] = -25.1329 -139.0669 1003.5499 16

static_teleport_name[] = "24/7 Store: Sml - Long"

static_teleport_pos[] = -27.3123 -29.2775 1003.5499 4

static_teleport_name[] = "24/7 Store: Sml - Square"

static_teleport_pos[] = -26.6915 -55.7148 1003.5499 6


# Airport / Airplane interiors

# ============================

static_teleport_name[] = "Airport: Ticket Sales"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1827.1473 7.2074 1061.1435 14

static_teleport_name[] = "Airport: Baggage Claim"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1855.5687 41.2631 1061.1435 14

static_teleport_name[] = "Airplane: Shamal Cabin"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2.3848 33.1033 1199.8499 1

static_teleport_name[] = "Airplane: Andromada Cargo hold"

static_teleport_pos[] = 315.8561 1024.4964 1949.7973 9


# Interesting Places

# add your own teleports here, don't forget the 200 teleport limit

# ==================

static_teleport_name[] = "Commerce Region Loading Bay"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1641.14 -1526.87 14.30 0

static_teleport_name[] = "San Fierro Police Garage"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1617.58 688.69 -4.50 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Los Santos Cemetery"

static_teleport_pos[] = 837.05 -1101.93 23.98 0



# ======================

# Nitro / Constant speed

# ======================


# Unlike the original s0beit, this nitro will not keep accelerating

# towards the speed of light, but rather keep a constant high speed.

key_nitro_mod = lalt


# Speed multiplier at full speed

# 1.25 = as fast or faster than most vehicles. Higher = faster.

nitro_high = 2.0


# Reduce to this speed multiplier when the key is released

# To disable nitro deceleration, set nitro_low to the same value

# as nitro_high, and nitro_decel_time to 0.

nitro_low = 0.75


# Time in seconds to accelerate from 0 to full speed

nitro_accel_time = 0.8


# Time in seconds to decelerate from full speed to reduced speed

nitro_decel_time = 0.5



# =====

# Brake

# =====


key_brake_mod = oem_2


# Brake multiplier


# Higher values = faster brake

# Lower values = slower brake :p

brake_mult = 2.0



# ===========

# Vehicle hop

# ===========


key_vehicle_hop = b

vehicle_hop_speed = 0.2



# =============================

# Toggle freeze nearby vehicles

# =============================


key_vehicles_freeze = oem_7



# ==========

# Unflip car

# ==========


# Unflips the car. If held down, the car will rotate.

key_unflip = delete



# ==========

# Quick turn

# ==========


# Rotates the car 180 degrees about its Z-axis (Z being up and down)

key_quick_turn = backspace



# =============================

# Toggle stick-to-other-players

# =============================


key_stick = &0


# Keys to switch between players

key_stick_prev = &0

key_stick_next = &0


# Key to stick to the nearest car

key_stick_nearest = &0


# When sticking to players, don't go below this z-value.

stick_min_height = -100.0


# Stick vector + distance


# The vector is automatically normalized. They can also be modified

# with in-game keys, so you probably don't want to touch these.


# Examples:

# Stay slightly above other players: vect= 0.0 0.0 1.0 dist=7.0

# Stay slightly below other players: vect= 0.0 0.0 -1.0 dist=7.0

# Stay slightly ahead of other players: vect= 0.0 1.0 0.0 dist=7.0

# Stay slightly behind & above: vect= 0.0 -1.0 1.0 dist=7.0

# Side-kick: vect= 1.0 0.5 0.5 dist=7.0


stick_vect = 0.0 -1.0 0.5

stick_vect_dist = 10.0


# Note:

# When in stick-to-car mode, the warp key will always warp towards

# the car you're following.


# Keys to control stick position in-game

key_stick_forward = w

key_stick_backward = s

key_stick_left = a

key_stick_right = d

key_stick_up = up

key_stick_down = down

# Move towards / away

key_stick_in = i

key_stick_out = k


# Acceleration time for control keys

stick_accel_time = 1.0



# ===============

# Checkpoint warp

# ===============


key_checkpoint_1 = np1

key_checkpoint_2 = np3


# Minimum height

checkpoint_min_height = -100.0



# =======================

# Toggle misc protections

# =======================


key_protection = decimal


# Prevent vehicles from spinning too fast

protection_spin_cap = 0.25


# Prevent vehicles from going too fast

protection_speed_cap = 1.30


# Prevent the car from going below a certain point

protection_min_height = -100.0



# =============

# Self destruct

# =============


# On Foot: you die.

# In Vehicle: sets vehicle health to 1 and pops tires.

key_self_destruct = f3



# ===========

# Weapon haxx

# ===========


# Key to enable infinite ammo + equip all weapons chosen below.

key_weapon = f5


# Enable weapon cheat by default?

weapon_enabled = false


# Randomize the ammo values.

ammo_random = true

ammo = 198

ammo_clip = 99


# NOTE: Some weapons do not work. If you don't appear

# to be doing any damage in the game, then the weapon is

# most likely un-sync'd on purpose by the server scripting.


#weapon_slot[0] = "Brass Knuckles"

weapon_slot[0] = "Fist"


#weapon_slot[1] = "Golf Club"

#weapon_slot[1] = "Nitestick"

#weapon_slot[1] = "Knife"

#weapon_slot[1] = "Baseball Bat"

#weapon_slot[1] = "Shovel"

#weapon_slot[1] = "Pool Cue"

#weapon_slot[1] = "Katana"

#weapon_slot[1] = "Chainsaw"


#weapon_slot[2] = "Pistol"

#weapon_slot[2] = "Silenced Pistol"

#weapon_slot[2] = "Desert Eagle"


#weapon_slot[3] = "Shotgun"

#weapon_slot[3] = "Sawn-Off Shotgun"

#weapon_slot[3] = "SPAZ12"


#weapon_slot[4] = "Micro UZI"

#weapon_slot[4] = "MP5"

#weapon_slot[4] = "Tech9"


#weapon_slot[5] = "AK47"

#weapon_slot[5] = "M4"


#weapon_slot[6] = "Country Rifle"

#weapon_slot[6] = "Sniper Rifle"


#weapon_slot[7] = "Rocket Launcher"

#weapon_slot[7] = "Heat Seeking RPG"

#weapon_slot[7] = "Flame Thrower"

#weapon_slot[7] = "Minigun"


#weapon_slot[8] = "Grenade"

#weapon_slot[8] = "Teargas"

#weapon_slot[8] = "Molotov Cocktail"

#weapon_slot[8] = "Remote Explosives"


#weapon_slot[9] = "Spray Can"

#weapon_slot[9] = "Fire Extinguisher"

#weapon_slot[9] = "Camera"


#weapon_slot[10] = "Dildo 1"

#weapon_slot[10] = "Dildo 2"

#weapon_slot[10] = "Vibe 1"

#weapon_slot[10] = "Vibe 2"

#weapon_slot[10] = "Flowers"

#weapon_slot[10] = "Cane"


#weapon_slot[11] = "NV Goggles"

#weapon_slot[11] = "IR Goggles"

#weapon_slot[11] = "Parachute"


#weapon_slot[12] = "Detonator"

# ==================



# ===================

# Toggle engine state

# ===================


# You must have Invulnerability disabled

# because it always keeps the engine running

key_engine = oem_1



# ===============

# Trailer support

# ===============


# Allows support of trailers in the Vehicles menu

trailer_support = true



# ==================

# Toggle money cheat

# ==================


key_money = f2


# Enable money cheat by default?

money_enabled = false


# Custom money value

money_value = 100


# Max $$$. Up to an additional 50% $$$ (random) will be

# added to this value to prevent easy detection.

money_amount_max = 100000


# Receive money_amount_rand_min>-<max> $$$ every

# <interval_rand_min>-<max> seconds.

# The amount of money that is added is rounded to the nearest $100.

money_amount_rand_min = 99

money_amount_rand_max = 499

money_interval_rand_min = 62

money_interval_rand_max = 94



# =================

# Force ingame time

# =================


# Set to -1 to disable.

force_hour = -1



# =============

# Force weather

# =============


# Set to -1 to disable.


É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

force_weather = -1



# ============

# D3D Text HUD

# ============


# This can be toggled from the in-game menu as well.

d3dtext_hud = true



# ====

# Logo

# ====


logo_intro_enable = true

logo_enable = true



# ============

# Speedometer

# ============


# Multiplers...

# MPH = 170

# KPH = 274

speedometer_enable = true

speedometer_old_enable = false

speedometer_multiplier = 170.00

speedometer_speedo_png_filename = "speedo.png"

speedometer_needle_png_filename = "needle.png"



# ==========

# Breakdance

# ==========


# Originally a CLEO3 SCM by gaffkanone

key_brkd_toggle = p

key_brkd_forward = i

key_brkd_backward = k

key_brkd_left = u

key_brkd_right = o

key_brkd_leftward = j

key_brkd_rightward = l

brkdance_velocity = 0.3



# ========

# Auto-aim

# ========


key_autoaim = z

use_gta_autoaim = true



# ===

# Map

# ===


key_map = m

key_map_show_vehicles = x



# ===========

# Window Mode

# ===========


# If window_mode & window_mode_titlebar are both enabled, make sure

# that your desktop screen resolution is HIGHER than the in-game resolution.

# Otherwise the titlebar will not fit on your screen. :p

window_mode = false

window_mode_titlebar = true


# ==================

# Flickering problem

# ==================


# "Avoids" the flickering problem in some video cards.

flickering_problem = false




# SA:MP related settings




# ==========

# Basic mode

# ==========


# Disables the SA:MP support.

basic_mode = false



# ======================

# Replace text rendering

# ======================


# This can be toggled in-game by pressing the F7 and F9 keys.

d3dtext_chat = false

d3dtext_chat_lines = 20

d3dtext_kill = true



# ========

# Nametags

# ========


# This will show the playertags even on servers that have it disabled.

nametags_show = true


# Distance of which players will be displayed and distance for nametags.

# Default is 70.0

line_of_sight_dist = 250.0


# See the nametags through walls.

nametags_see_through_walls = true



# ======================

# Markers (player icons)

# ======================


# This will show the markers even on servers that have it disabled.

# (This has effect after someone respawns).

markers_show = true



# ==========================

# Instagib and friendly fire

# ==========================


# If instagib is false and a server has instagib on, you will get the normal damage.


instagib = false

friendly_fire = false



# ==================

# CJ's run animation

# ==================


# Use CJ's run by default?


samp_runanimation_cj = false



# ================================================

# ================================================

# SECONDARY_KEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111

# SECONDARY_KEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111

# SECONDARY_KEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111

# ================================================

# ================================================


# Some keys (where noted) are merged with secondary_key so they're actually

# secondary_key + the key you choose. C-C-C-C-C-COMBO

secondary_key = lshift



# =============================

# Spectate and player info list

# =============================


# This shows you a list of which players are spectating someone.

# NOTE: (ON FOOT) Do "Turn it off" from the spectate menu to stop a player from spectating you.


key_sneaker = 8

key_player_info_list = 9



# =======================

# Key to rejoin/reconnect

# =======================


# Reconnects to the server you are currently in.


key_rejoin = 0



# =======================

# Custom syncing settings

# =======================


# Client will not send these datas



key_onfoot_data = 1

hud_indicator_onfoot_data = false


key_aim_data = 2

hud_indicator_aim_data = false


key_vehicle_data = 3

hud_indicator_vehicle_data = false


key_passenger_data = 4

hud_indicator_passenger_data = false


# Toggle whether the client is going to send money

# and weapon ammo to the server or not.

key_statsupd = 5

hud_indicator_statsupd = false


key_spec_data = 6

hud_indicator_spec_data = false


# NOTE: If spec_data is true, the server will not know that you are spectating, but

# as a side effect you will see that the player you're spectating is lagging.

# If it's false you will not have any problem, but the server will know you're

# spectating, thus getting you the risk of getting banhammered.

spec_data = true



# =========================

# Custom ESP default states

# =========================


esp_vehicles_defaulton = false

esp_players_defaulton = true



# ===================

# Custom ESP settings

# ===================



key_render_player_tags = g

player_tags_dist = 225.0


key_render_vehicle_tags = h

vehicle_tags_dist = 100.0





# end of main INI settings





# ====================================

# Simple byte code patcher

# ====================================


# Format: name hotkey enable { base_dll address original_data replace_data }


# name - A name. :p

# hotkey - Hotkey to toggle this patch.

# enable - Whether or not to install this patch automatically.

# {

# base_dll - The DLL which the address is relative to,

# or empty for absolute addresses. Example: "samp.dll"

# address - An address. Prefix with 0x for hex addresses.

# original_data - Compare the data at the address with this. If it

# does not match, no patching is done. It must be

# the same size as "replace_data", or be empty in which

# case patching is always done. (In hex)

# replace_data - Data to write to the address. (In hex)

# If you prefix the hex data with a '!' the data will be

# continuously re-installed. Used mostly for GTA cheats.

# }


# All 4 arguments inside the { } brackets, can be repeated up 16 times;

# this allows patching multiple addresses within a single patch.

# See the "Allow weapons inside" patch for an example.


# These patches are accessible from the in-game menu.

# They are NOT reloaded on .ini reloads.




# ======================

# GTA Patches (max: 192)

# ======================



# Prevents being teleported by the game

patch[] = "Prevent SetPlayerPos" &0 0 "" 0x005E4110 "568BF1" "C21000"


# Removes speed & height limit of all aircraft, removes height limit of jetpack

patch[] = "nuckfuts's Air Superiority" &0 0 "" 0x006DADE8 "" "EB" \

"" 0x006D2600 "" "C2080000" \

"" 0x0067F268 "" "EB"


patch[] = "Allow weapons inside" &0 0 "" 0x0047D4DE "C6412000" "90909090" \

"" 0x0060D9BA "C6422000" "90909090" \

"" 0x00478E02 "C6801D01000001" "C6801D01000000"


patch[] = "Anti bike fall off" &0 0 "" 0x004BA3B9 "0F84A6030000" "E9A703000090" \

"" 0x004B3296 "D86504" "909090"


patch[] = "Walk under water" &0 0 "" 0x006C2759 "00" "01"


# The internal "extra actor invincibility" patch makes you invulnerable

# to helicopter rotor blades, but as a side effect makes peds in single

# player almost invulnerable. Use this patch to disable it.

patch[] = "Disable extra actor inv. patch" &0 0 "" 0x00637590 "" "!C7874005000000000000" \

"" 0x0063070C "" "!C7864005000000000000" \

"" 0x004B331F "" "!899640050000" \

"" 0x004B3395 "" "!899e40050000"


# Built In GTA Cheats


É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

patch[] = "Cars can fly" f10 0 "" 0x00969160 "" "!01"

patch[] = "Boats can fly" &0 0 "" 0x00969153 "" "!01"

patch[] = "All cars have nitro" &0 0 "" 0x00969165 "" "!01"

patch[] = "Infinite ammo, no reload" &0 0 "" 0x00969178 "" "!01"

patch[] = "Perfect handling" &0 0 "" 0x0096914C "" "!01"

patch[] = "Mega jump" &0 0 "" 0x0096916C "" "!01"

patch[] = "Wheels only" &0 0 "" 0x0096914B "" "!01"

patch[] = "Tank mode" &0 0 "" 0x00969164 "" "!01"

patch[] = "Cars float away when hit" &0 0 "" 0x00969166 "" "!01"

patch[] = "Full Weapon aiming" &0 0 "" 0x00969179 "" "!01"

patch[] = "Infinite oxygen" &0 0 "" 0x0096916E "" "!01"

patch[] = "Toggle radar" &0 0 "" 0x00BAA3FB "" "!01"

patch[] = "Toggle gtasa's HUD" &0 0 "" 0x00BA6769 "" "!00"

patch[] = "Scale down the HUD" &0 0 "" 0x00859520 "" "E02D903A9F71E13A"

patch[] = "Free paint and spray" &0 0 "" 0x0096C009 "" "01"

patch[] = "Infinite run" &0 0 "" 0x00B7CEE4 "" "01"

patch[] = "Enable vehicle name rendering" &0 0 "" 0x0058FBE9 "" "E8B2B2FFFF"

patch[] = "Disable anti-pause" &0 0 "" 0x00561AF0 "" "C60549CBB700C3"

patch[] = "Enable speed blur" &0 0 "" 0x00704E8A "" "E811E2FFFF"

patch[] = "Show GTA menu" &0 0 "" 0x00BA67A4 "00" "01"



# Use Alternate Files, original idea by nuckfuts

# These patches must be enabled at init. If enabled, gtasa will load data/handling.two as the custom

# handling file, If the file doesn't exist = crash. If disabled, sa-mp will load the default handling.


# TransFender Overhaul V2 for SA:MP, by Offroader23

patch[] = "Custom default.dat (data/default.two)" &0 0 "" 0x00863A9D "444154" "54574F"

patch[] = "Custom handling.cfg (data/handling.two)" &0 0 "" 0x0086A96D "434647" "74776F"

patch[] = "Custom shopping.dat (data/shopping.two)" &0 0 "" 0x0085A536 "646174" "54574F"

patch[] = "Custom carmods.dat (data/carmods.two)" &0 0 "" 0x00869675 "444154" "54574F"

# Surface mod, by Kosty@n

patch[] = "Custom surface.dat (data/surface.two)" &0 0 "" 0x00864325 "646174" "54574F"

# MISC interesting GTA SA files

patch[] = "Custom weapon.dat (data/weapon.two)" &0 0 "" 0x0086AA34 "444154" "54574F"

patch[] = "Custom ar_stats.dat (data/ar_stats.two)" &0 0 "" 0x00863FAE "444154" "54574F"

patch[] = "Custom gta.dat (data/gta.two)" &0 0 "" 0x00863B19 "444154" "54574F"

patch[] = "Custom melee.dat (data/melee.two)" &0 0 "" 0x0086AABF "646174" "74776F"

patch[] = "Custom object.dat (data/object.two)" &0 0 "" 0x00869B2C "444154" "54574F"

patch[] = "Custom ped.dat (data/ped.two)" &0 0 "" 0x0086D07D "444154" "54574F"

patch[] = "Custom timecyc.dat (data/timecyc.two)" &0 0 "" 0x0086A780 "444154" "54574F"

patch[] = "Custom vehicle.txd (models/generic/vehicle.two)" &0 0 "" 0x00869AEB "545844" "54574F"

patch[] = "Custom carcols.dat (data/carcols.two)" &0 0 "" 0x00869731 "444154" "54574F"




# ========================

# SA:MP Patches (max: 192)

# ========================


# Format: name hotkey enable { address original_data replace_data }


sampPatch[] = "Enable single-player cheats" &0 0 0x4019 "" "6800000000" \

0x401E "" "6800000000" \

0x4023 "" "6800000000" \

0x4028 "" "9090909090" \

0x37BF "" "BA7D854300"


sampPatch[] = "No connecting delay" &0 0 0xF26C "" "0000" \

0xDA44 "" "7428909090"


sampPatch[] = "No head movement" &0 0 0xCEF8 "" "7458"

sampPatch[] = "No head movement delay" &0 0 0xCEEB "" "81F900000000"


sampPatch[] = "Debug mode" &0 0 0x19B64 "" "909090909090909090" \

0x19838 "" "9090" \

0x198AA "" "909090909090" \

0x199E7 "" "9090" \

0x1EA03 "" "909090909090" \

0x1E99C "" "909090909090" \

0x43778 "" "9090" \

0x43A58 "" "9090" \

0x35A8 "" "909090909090" \

0x367A "" "9090909090"


sampPatch[] = "Save snapshots as JPG" &0 0 0x3C229 "03" "01" \

0x57303 "706E67" "6A7067"


# prevents car jacking. instead you will experience the two-drivers bug.

sampPatch[] = "Prevent Carjacking" &0 0 0x1391D "" "90909090909090909090" \

0x16AAF "" "90909090909090909090"


sampPatch[] = "NOP Local player processing" &0 0 0xC990 "" "C39090"

sampPatch[] = "NOP Remote player processing" &0 0 0x13170 "" "C204009090"


sampPatch[] = "NOP On foot worldbounds" &0 0 0xACD0 "" "C3" \

0x30E9 "" "90909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090"

sampPatch[] = "NOP In car worldbounds" &0 0 0xAD3B "" "C3"


# removes a SA:MP graphic which causes a crash in WINE

sampPatch[] = "WINE Crashfix" &0 0 0x3C3B0 "" "9090909090"


sampPatch[] = "Remote client crash" &0 0 0xB4D7 "" "90909090909090909090" \

0xB4CA "" "9090909090909090"


sampPatch[] = "Remote client crash...fix" &0 1 0xCD79 "" "9090909090" \

0xCDC0 "" "9090909090" \

0xE0B0 "" "9090909090" \

0x13AD6 "" "9090909090"



# Server scripting RPCs


sampPatch[] = "NOP RegisterScriptRPCs" &0 0 0xD925 "" "9090909090"

sampPatch[] = "NOP WorldPlayerAdd" &0 0 0x10000 "" "C390"

sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerPos" &0 0 0x1B50 "" "C20C00"

sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerInterior" &0 0 0x6240 "" "C20400"

sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerHealth" &0 0 0x56E0 "" "C20400"

sampPatch[] = "NOP PutPlayerInVehicle" &0 0 0x59B0 "" "C20800"

sampPatch[] = "NOP RemovePlayerFromVehicle" &0 0 0x5B70 "" "C3"

sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerColor" &0 0 0x12FC0 "" "C2040090" \

0x8250 "" "C208009090" \

0xAC90 "" "C2040090"

sampPatch[] = "NOP ResetPlayerMoney" &0 0 0x2D90 "" "C390909090"

sampPatch[] = "NOP TogglePlayerControllable" &0 0 0x5C70 "" "C20400"

sampPatch[] = "NOP GivePlayerMoney" &0 0 0x2670 "" "C2040090"

sampPatch[] = "NOP SetGravity" &0 0 0x29D0 "" "C2040090909090"

sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleHealth" &0 0 0x8890 "" "C20400"

sampPatch[] = "NOP CreateObject" &0 0 0x11760 "" "C2200090"

sampPatch[] = "NOP ResetPlayerWeapons" &0 0 0x5890 "" "C3"

sampPatch[] = "NOP CreateExplosion" &0 0 0x16480 "" "C390"

sampPatch[] = "NOP RemoveCarComponent" &0 0 0x16C90 "" "C390"




# =============================

# Ingame "favorite" server list

# =============================


# Connect to servers from the in-game menu.


use_current_name = false


# Format: server[] = "NICKNAME" "SERVER NAME" "IP ADDRESS" "PORT"

# Max is 512.







server[] = "Player" "PROCHEAT: STONED FreeRoam server" "" "8888"

#server[] = "Player" "PROCHEAT: SA:MP Cheat Server" "" "7777"

#server[] = "Player" "PROCHEAT: East South Cheating allowed Server" "" "7776"

#server[] = "Player" "PROCHEAT: Freeroam Cheat Server" "" "8199"


server[] = "Player" "RETARDED: [AU]" "" "6622"


server[] = "Player" "STUNT: Total~Stuntage" "" "5555"

server[] = "Player" "STUNT: Everystuff Tew Stunt/DM/Race/FR" "" "7777"

server[] = "Player" "STUNT: Awesome Stuntages" "" "7777"

server[] = "Player" "STUNT: ULTIMATE STUNTAGE" "" "1111"


server[] = "Player" "ANTICHEAT: GamerX" "" "8800"

server[] = "Player" "ANTICHEAT: Mini-Missions" "" "7777"

server[] = "Player" "ANTICHEAT: [FCB] Free Mode" "" "7726"

server[] = "Player" "ANTICHEAT: The Area 51 Server" "" "3000"

server[] = "Player" "ANTICHEAT: littlewhitey's Server" "" "7777"

server[] = "Player" "ANTICHEAT: Las Venturas Playground" "" "7777"

server[] = "Player" "ANTICHEAT: PartyServer" "" "7788"




# =============================

# Chat keybind

# =============================


chat_secondary_key = oem_comma


# Send a chat message or command by pressing a key.


# Format: chat[] = Key "Message to send" spam mode (0 or 1)

# Max is 128 (entries and string length).


# NOTE: Client side commands (/quit, /pm, etc) are not supported yet.



chat[] = 1 "MTAVcSuX.NeT pwn5 y00" 1

chat[] = 2 "I are teh p33nz0rz! I are teh p33nz0rz! I are teh p33nz0rz!" 0







# ===================

# Retard Notice

# ===================


# This INI file is basically the readme and configuration in one.

# It's highly recommended you glance over it to figure out what

# all of the features are, and to customize them to your taste.


# Change this to true...


i_have_edited_the_ini_file = false





# the end


É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

# final extra special thanks to THE MAN.... [myg0t]s0beit


Certo ao Abrir o arkivo tem isso . . .

Voces terao q mudar um negocio pro Xiter funcionar Reparem:




# m0d_s0beit_SA v4.0.0.3 for SA:MP 0.2.X.U1_2

# by jflm & nuckfuts



# Credits & Greets:

# s0beit, Wang, Trix, Static, cBonky, REALfreaky, v0gelz, CrazyT,

# nuckfuts, wax, cereal, jac0b, playa', North, caytchen, DeN00b,

# jflm, Offroader23, Kosty@n, gaffkanone, Racer_S.....

# everyone at

# everyone at

# and everyone helping with moral support & hosting





# ini file for teh modified s0beit haxx boiiiiii


# ******* ERRORS OF THE CURRENT SESSION ARE LOGGED TO m0d_s0beit_sa.log *******

# ******* ERRORS OF ALL SESSIONS ARE LOGGED TO m0d_s0beit_sa_all.log *******


# File format:


# variable_name = value assigns "value" to "variable_name"

# array_name[index] = value assigns "value" to array_name[index]

# array_name[] = value assigns "value" to the first free index in the array


# Entries ending with a backslash ('\') continue on the next line.


# Lines starting with '#' or ';' are ignored.


# \ escapes " within strings, eg "NaWaR sucks \"roosters\" for steroids."



# Valid hotkey names include:


# a-z, 0-9

# lbutton, rbutton, mbutton (mouse buttons)

# backspace, tab, return

# lshift, rshift, lctrl, rctrl, lalt, ralt

# space, pageup, pagedn, end, home

# left, up, right, down

# insert, delete, pause

# np0-9 (numpad 0-9)

# multiply, add, separator, subtract, decimal, divide

# f1-f24

# oem_plus, oem_comma, oem_minus, oem_period (non-numpad keys)

# &num (where num is the key's constant number, in decimal, see URL below)

# oem_1-oem_8:


# VK_OEM_1: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the ';:' key

# VK_OEM_2: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '/?' key

# VK_OEM_3: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '`~' key

# VK_OEM_4: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '[{' key

# VK_OEM_5: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '\|' key

# VK_OEM_6: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the ']}' key

# VK_OEM_7: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the 'single-quote/double-quote' key

# VK_OEM_8: Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.


# See:


É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

# for more information about keys


# Use &0 to disable a hotkey



# Main INI settings




# =================

# In-game menu keys

# =================


key_menu = f11

key_menu_up = up

key_menu_right = right

key_menu_down = down

key_menu_left = left

key_menu_select = return

key_menu_dec = subtract

key_menu_inc = add



# ===================

# Custom GUI settings

# ===================


hud_draw_bar = true

render_text_shadows = true


# Format: gui[] = "element" alpha red green blue

# NOTE: Don't change the order nor add anything else because these are internal.

# The "element" field is just to identify the item you're editing.


gui[] = "HUD bar" 127 0 0 0

gui[] = "Spectate warning (HUD bar)" 110 100 0 0

gui[] = "SA:MP cheat state text" 255 200 0 0


# (new menu colors)


gui[] = "Menu: Titlebar background" 190 0 0 81

gui[] = "Menu: Background" 180 0 0 71

gui[] = "Menu: Selected item bar" 190 40 122 160

gui[] = "Menu: Selected item text" 255 255 136 229


# (old menu colors)


#gui[] = "Menu: Titlebar background" 223 63 63 63

#gui[] = "Menu: Background" 223 31 31 31

#gui[] = "Menu: Selected item bar" 223 127 63 63

#gui[] = "Menu: Selected item text" 255 157 255 15


gui[] = "GTA: HP bar" 255 180 25 29

gui[] = "GTA: Money HUD" 255 54 104 44



# ==============

# HUD indicators

# ==============


hud_indicator_inv = true

hud_indicator_weapon = true

hud_indicator_money = true

hud_indicator_freeze = true

hud_indicator_brkdance = true


hud_indicator_inveh_airbrk = true

hud_indicator_inveh_stick = true


hud_indicator_onfoot_airbrk = true

hud_indicator_onfoot_stick = true

hud_indicator_onfoot_aim = true


hud_indicator_pos = false

hud_fps_draw = true



# =============

# Invincibility

# =============


key_hp_cheat = insert


# In god mode, never go below this amount of HP (set to < 1000.0 to make cheating harder to spot)

# (0.0 = dead, 1000.0 = full HP)

# Really high values above 1000 will make you invulnerable to missiles, etc..

# The HP bar seems to range from ~250 to 1000.

# NOTE: This is for vehicles only.

hp_minimum = 0.0


# Damage reduction in %

# Negative values will reverse the effect (eg. -25.0 = you take 25% more damage)

# NOTE: This is for vehicles only.

hp_damage_reduce = 100.0


# Regenerate HP per second.

hp_regen = 0

hp_regen_onfoot = 0


# Freeze the health set by the server?

freeze_hp_values = true



# =====================

# Key anti admin freeze

# =====================


key_anti_freeze = oem_5



# =========

# Panic key

# =========


# Disables all cheats when pressed.

key_panic = f12



# ==============

# Air brake keys

# ==============


# key_air_brake_foot_mod is the key to use when on foot.

key_air_brake_mod = rshift

key_air_brake_foot_mod = rshift

key_air_brake_mod2 = &0

key_air_brake_forward = w

key_air_brake_backward = s

key_air_brake_left = a

key_air_brake_right = d

key_air_brake_up = up

key_air_brake_down = down


# Air brake rotation keys



# Yaw (aka turn left/right)


key_air_brake_rot_yaw1 = j

key_air_brake_rot_yaw2 = l


# Roll (left/right)


key_air_brake_rot_roll1 = u

key_air_brake_rot_roll2 = o


# Pitch (aka up/down)


key_air_brake_rot_pitch1 = i

key_air_brake_rot_pitch2 = k


# Air brake key mode


# If set to true, key_air_brake_mod toggle air brake mode on and off.

# key_air_brake_mod2 will also become a toggle-key.

air_brake_toggle = true


# Air brake behaviour


# 0 - original s0beit - simple x/y/z addition

# 1 - up/down moves along z-axis, others move in the car's direction

# 2 - full 3d movement (default)

air_brake_behaviour = 2


# Speed multiplier for movement (Units per second)

air_brake_speed = 200.0


# Speed multiplier for rotation (full turns per second)

air_brake_rot_speed = 0.4


# Time to full speed (in seconds)

air_brake_accel_time = 2.0



# ========

# Warp key

# ========


# Also known as one-hit-kill.

key_warp_mod = r


# Warp speed modified (1.2 ~= regular car max speed)

warp_speed = 15.0


# Use speed vector


# If set to true, the direction in which the vehicle is heading

# will be used, instead of the direction in which the vehicle is

# pointing.. but only _if_ the vehicle actually is moving.

# If the vehicle is not moving, the direction in which the

# vehicle is pointing is always used.


# If set to false, the car's direction is always used.

warp_use_speed = true



# ==============

# Car repair kit

# ==============


# Sets health to 1000, fixes tires and body panels.

key_repair_car = 1



# ======

# Jumper

# ======


# instantly jump yourself into the nearest vehicle that you are not already in.

# the occupied one only jumps you into vehicles that are occupied

key_vehicle_jumper = home

key_vehicle_occupied_jumper = end



# =========

# Fast exit

# =========


key_fast_exit = n



# ========

# Teleport

# ========


# Go back to previous location

key_teleport_hist = &0


# Up to 10 teleports are supported. If any of key_teleport(_set)

# through 10 are set to &0, they are disabled.


# Preset locations


# Format: x y z interior_id

# If set to "0.0 0.0 0.0 0" they are considered to be disabled until set in-game.


key_teleport[0] = multiply

key_teleport_set[0] = divide

teleport_pos[0] = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0


key_teleport[1] = &0

key_teleport_set[1] = &0

teleport_pos[1] = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0


key_teleport[2] = &0

key_teleport_set[2] = &0

teleport_pos[2] = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0


key_teleport[3] = &0

key_teleport_set[3] = &0

teleport_pos[3] = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0


key_teleport[4] = &0

key_teleport_set[4] = &0

teleport_pos[4] = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0



# =========================

# Static teleport locations

# =========================


# These are accessible from the in-game menu.

# No more than 200 teleport locations can be defined ([0] -> [199])



# Mods 'n' Bombs

# ==============

static_teleport_name[] = "Transfender near Wang Cars in Doherty"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1935.77 228.79 34.16 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Wheel Archangels in Ocean Flats"

static_teleport_pos[] = -2707.48 218.65 4.93 0

static_teleport_name[] = "LowRider Tuning Garage in Willowfield"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2645.61 -2029.15 14.28 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Transfender in Temple"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1041.26 -1036.77 32.48 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Transfender in come-a-lot"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2387.55 1035.70 11.56 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Eight Ball Autos near El Corona"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1836.93 -1856.28 14.13 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Welding Wedding Bomb-workshop in Emerald Isle"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2006.11 2292.87 11.57 0


# Pay 'n' Sprays

# ==============

static_teleport_name[] = "Michelles Pay 'n' Spray in Downtown"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1787.25 1202.00 25.84 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Dillimore"

static_teleport_pos[] = 720.10 -470.93 17.07 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in El Quebrados"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1420.21 2599.45 56.43 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Fort Carson"

static_teleport_pos[] = -100.16 1100.79 20.34 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Idlewood"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2078.44 -1831.44 14.13 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Juniper Hollow"

static_teleport_pos[] = -2426.89 1036.61 51.14 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Redsands East"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1957.96 2161.96 11.56 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Santa Maria Beach"

static_teleport_pos[] = 488.29 -1724.85 12.01 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Temple"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1025.08 -1037.28 32.28 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray near Royal Casino"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2393.70 1472.80 11.42 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray near Wang Cars in Doherty"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1904.97 268.51 41.04 0


# Player Garages

# ==============

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Verdant Meadows"

static_teleport_pos[] = 403.58 2486.33 17.23 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Las Venturas Airport"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1578.24 1245.20 11.57 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Calton Heights"

static_teleport_pos[] = -2105.79 905.11 77.07 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Derdant Meadows"

static_teleport_pos[] = 423.69 2545.99 17.07 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Dillimore "

static_teleport_pos[] = 785.79 -513.12 17.44 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Doherty"

static_teleport_pos[] = -2027.34 141.02 29.57 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: El Corona"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1698.10 -2095.88 14.29 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Fort Carson"

static_teleport_pos[] = -361.10 1185.23 20.49 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Hashbury"

static_teleport_pos[] = -2463.27 -124.86 26.41 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Johnson House"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2505.64 -1683.72 14.25 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Mulholland"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1350.76 -615.56 109.88 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Palomino Creek"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2231.64 156.93 27.63 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Paradiso"

static_teleport_pos[] = -2695.51 810.70 50.57 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Prickle Pine"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1293.61 2529.54 11.42 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Redland West"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1401.34 1903.08 11.99 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Rockshore West"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2436.50 698.43 11.60 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Santa Maria Beach"

static_teleport_pos[] = 322.65 -1780.30 5.55 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Whitewood Estates"

static_teleport_pos[] = 917.46 2012.14 11.65 0


# All Interiors around SA

# =======================

static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: Burning Desire House"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2338.32 -1180.61 1027.98 5

static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: ** Zero's Battlefield"

static_teleport_pos[] = -975.5766 1061.1312 1345.6719 10

static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: Liberty City"

static_teleport_pos[] = -750.80 491.00 1371.70 1

static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: Unknown Stadium"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1400.2138 106.8926 1032.2779 1

static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: Secret San Fierro Chunk"

static_teleport_pos[] = -2015.6638 147.2069 29.3127 14

static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: Jefferson Motel"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2220.26 -1148.01 1025.80 15

static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: Jizzy's Pleasure Dome"

static_teleport_pos[] = -2660.6185 1426.8320 907.3626 3


# Stadiums

# ========

static_teleport_name[] = "Stadium: Bloodbowl"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1394.20 987.62 1023.96 15

static_teleport_name[] = "Stadium: Kickstart"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1410.72 1591.16 1052.53 14

static_teleport_name[] = "Stadium: 8-Track Stadium"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1417.8720 -276.4260 1051.1910 7


# 24/7 Stores

# ===========

static_teleport_name[] = "24/7 Store: Big - L-Shaped"

static_teleport_pos[] = -25.8844 -185.8689 1003.5499 17

static_teleport_name[] = "24/7 Store: Big - Oblong"

static_teleport_pos[] = 6.0911 -29.2718 1003.5499 10

static_teleport_name[] = "24/7 Store: Med - Square"

static_teleport_pos[] = -30.9469 -89.6095 1003.5499 18

static_teleport_name[] = "24/7 Store: Med - Square"

static_teleport_pos[] = -25.1329 -139.0669 1003.5499 16

static_teleport_name[] = "24/7 Store: Sml - Long"

static_teleport_pos[] = -27.3123 -29.2775 1003.5499 4

static_teleport_name[] = "24/7 Store: Sml - Square"

static_teleport_pos[] = -26.6915 -55.7148 1003.5499 6


# Airport / Airplane interiors

# ============================

static_teleport_name[] = "Airport: Ticket Sales"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1827.1473 7.2074 1061.1435 14

static_teleport_name[] = "Airport: Baggage Claim"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1855.5687 41.2631 1061.1435 14

static_teleport_name[] = "Airplane: Shamal Cabin"

static_teleport_pos[] = 2.3848 33.1033 1199.8499 1

static_teleport_name[] = "Airplane: Andromada Cargo hold"

static_teleport_pos[] = 315.8561 1024.4964 1949.7973 9


# Interesting Places

# add your own teleports here, don't forget the 200 teleport limit

# ==================

static_teleport_name[] = "Commerce Region Loading Bay"

static_teleport_pos[] = 1641.14 -1526.87 14.30 0

static_teleport_name[] = "San Fierro Police Garage"

static_teleport_pos[] = -1617.58 688.69 -4.50 0

static_teleport_name[] = "Los Santos Cemetery"

static_teleport_pos[] = 837.05 -1101.93 23.98 0



# ======================

# Nitro / Constant speed

# ======================


# Unlike the original s0beit, this nitro will not keep accelerating

# towards the speed of light, but rather keep a constant high speed.

key_nitro_mod = lalt


# Speed multiplier at full speed

# 1.25 = as fast or faster than most vehicles. Higher = faster.

nitro_high = 2.0


# Reduce to this speed multiplier when the key is released

# To disable nitro deceleration, set nitro_low to the same value

# as nitro_high, and nitro_decel_time to 0.

nitro_low = 0.75


# Time in seconds to accelerate from 0 to full speed

nitro_accel_time = 0.8


# Time in seconds to decelerate from full speed to reduced speed

nitro_decel_time = 0.5



# =====

# Brake

# =====


key_brake_mod = oem_2


# Brake multiplier


# Higher values = faster brake

# Lower values = slower brake :p

brake_mult = 2.0



# ===========

# Vehicle hop

# ===========


key_vehicle_hop = b

vehicle_hop_speed = 0.2



# =============================

# Toggle freeze nearby vehicles

# =============================


key_vehicles_freeze = oem_7



# ==========

# Unflip car

# ==========


# Unflips the car. If held down, the car will rotate.

key_unflip = delete



# ==========

# Quick turn

# ==========


# Rotates the car 180 degrees about its Z-axis (Z being up and down)

key_quick_turn = backspace



# =============================

# Toggle stick-to-other-players

# =============================


key_stick = &0


# Keys to switch between players

key_stick_prev = &0

key_stick_next = &0


# Key to stick to the nearest car

key_stick_nearest = &0


# When sticking to players, don't go below this z-value.

stick_min_height = -100.0


# Stick vector + distance


# The vector is automatically normalized. They can also be modified

# with in-game keys, so you probably don't want to touch these.


# Examples:

# Stay slightly above other players: vect= 0.0 0.0 1.0 dist=7.0

# Stay slightly below other players: vect= 0.0 0.0 -1.0 dist=7.0

# Stay slightly ahead of other players: vect= 0.0 1.0 0.0 dist=7.0

# Stay slightly behind & above: vect= 0.0 -1.0 1.0 dist=7.0

# Side-kick: vect= 1.0 0.5 0.5 dist=7.0


stick_vect = 0.0 -1.0 0.5

stick_vect_dist = 10.0


# Note:

# When in stick-to-car mode, the warp key will always warp towards

# the car you're following.


# Keys to control stick position in-game

key_stick_forward = w

key_stick_backward = s

key_stick_left = a

key_stick_right = d

key_stick_up = up

key_stick_down = down

# Move towards / away

key_stick_in = i

key_stick_out = k


# Acceleration time for control keys

stick_accel_time = 1.0



# ===============

# Checkpoint warp

# ===============


key_checkpoint_1 = np1

key_checkpoint_2 = np3


# Minimum height

checkpoint_min_height = -100.0



# =======================

# Toggle misc protections

# =======================


key_protection = decimal


# Prevent vehicles from spinning too fast

protection_spin_cap = 0.25


# Prevent vehicles from going too fast

protection_speed_cap = 1.30


# Prevent the car from going below a certain point

protection_min_height = -100.0



# =============

# Self destruct

# =============


# On Foot: you die.

# In Vehicle: sets vehicle health to 1 and pops tires.

key_self_destruct = f3



# ===========

# Weapon haxx

# ===========


# Key to enable infinite ammo + equip all weapons chosen below.

key_weapon = f5


# Enable weapon cheat by default?

weapon_enabled = false


# Randomize the ammo values.

ammo_random = true

ammo = 198

ammo_clip = 99


# NOTE: Some weapons do not work. If you don't appear

# to be doing any damage in the game, then the weapon is

# most likely un-sync'd on purpose by the server scripting.


#weapon_slot[0] = "Brass Knuckles"

weapon_slot[0] = "Fist"


#weapon_slot[1] = "Golf Club"

#weapon_slot[1] = "Nitestick"

#weapon_slot[1] = "Knife"

#weapon_slot[1] = "Baseball Bat"

#weapon_slot[1] = "Shovel"

#weapon_slot[1] = "Pool Cue"

#weapon_slot[1] = "Katana"

#weapon_slot[1] = "Chainsaw"


#weapon_slot[2] = "Pistol"

#weapon_slot[2] = "Silenced Pistol"

#weapon_slot[2] = "Desert Eagle"


#weapon_slot[3] = "Shotgun"

#weapon_slot[3] = "Sawn-Off Shotgun"

#weapon_slot[3] = "SPAZ12"


#weapon_slot[4] = "Micro UZI"

#weapon_slot[4] = "MP5"

#weapon_slot[4] = "Tech9"


#weapon_slot[5] = "AK47"

#weapon_slot[5] = "M4"


#weapon_slot[6] = "Country Rifle"

#weapon_slot[6] = "Sniper Rifle"


#weapon_slot[7] = "Rocket Launcher"

#weapon_slot[7] = "Heat Seeking RPG"

#weapon_slot[7] = "Flame Thrower"

#weapon_slot[7] = "Minigun"


#weapon_slot[8] = "Grenade"

#weapon_slot[8] = "Teargas"

#weapon_slot[8] = "Molotov Cocktail"

#weapon_slot[8] = "Remote Explosives"


#weapon_slot[9] = "Spray Can"

#weapon_slot[9] = "Fire Extinguisher"

#weapon_slot[9] = "Camera"


#weapon_slot[10] = "Dildo 1"

#weapon_slot[10] = "Dildo 2"

#weapon_slot[10] = "Vibe 1"

#weapon_slot[10] = "Vibe 2"

#weapon_slot[10] = "Flowers"

#weapon_slot[10] = "Cane"


#weapon_slot[11] = "NV Goggles"

#weapon_slot[11] = "IR Goggles"

#weapon_slot[11] = "Parachute"


#weapon_slot[12] = "Detonator"

# ==================



# ===================

# Toggle engine state

# ===================


# You must have Invulnerability disabled

# because it always keeps the engine running

key_engine = oem_1



# ===============

# Trailer support

# ===============


# Allows support of trailers in the Vehicles menu

trailer_support = true



# ==================

# Toggle money cheat

# ==================


key_money = f2


# Enable money cheat by default?

money_enabled = false


# Custom money value

money_value = 100


# Max $$$. Up to an additional 50% $$$ (random) will be

# added to this value to prevent easy detection.

money_amount_max = 100000


# Receive money_amount_rand_min>-<max> $$$ every

# <interval_rand_min>-<max> seconds.

# The amount of money that is added is rounded to the nearest $100.

money_amount_rand_min = 99

money_amount_rand_max = 499

money_interval_rand_min = 62

money_interval_rand_max = 94



# =================

# Force ingame time

# =================


# Set to -1 to disable.

force_hour = -1



# =============

# Force weather

# =============


# Set to -1 to disable.


É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

force_weather = -1



# ============

# D3D Text HUD

# ============


# This can be toggled from the in-game menu as well.

d3dtext_hud = true



# ====

# Logo

# ====


logo_intro_enable = true

logo_enable = true



# ============

# Speedometer

# ============


# Multiplers...

# MPH = 170

# KPH = 274

speedometer_enable = true

speedometer_old_enable = false

speedometer_multiplier = 170.00

speedometer_speedo_png_filename = "speedo.png"

speedometer_needle_png_filename = "needle.png"



# ==========

# Breakdance

# ==========


# Originally a CLEO3 SCM by gaffkanone

key_brkd_toggle = p

key_brkd_forward = i

key_brkd_backward = k

key_brkd_left = u

key_brkd_right = o

key_brkd_leftward = j

key_brkd_rightward = l

brkdance_velocity = 0.3



# ========

# Auto-aim

# ========


key_autoaim = z

use_gta_autoaim = true



# ===

# Map

# ===


key_map = m

key_map_show_vehicles = x



# ===========

# Window Mode

# ===========


# If window_mode & window_mode_titlebar are both enabled, make sure

# that your desktop screen resolution is HIGHER than the in-game resolution.

# Otherwise the titlebar will not fit on your screen. :p

window_mode = false

window_mode_titlebar = true


# ==================

# Flickering problem

# ==================


# "Avoids" the flickering problem in some video cards.

flickering_problem = false




# SA:MP related settings




# ==========

# Basic mode

# ==========


# Disables the SA:MP support.

basic_mode = false



# ======================

# Replace text rendering

# ======================


# This can be toggled in-game by pressing the F7 and F9 keys.

d3dtext_chat = false

d3dtext_chat_lines = 20

d3dtext_kill = true



# ========

# Nametags

# ========


# This will show the playertags even on servers that have it disabled.

nametags_show = true


# Distance of which players will be displayed and distance for nametags.

# Default is 70.0

line_of_sight_dist = 250.0


# See the nametags through walls.

nametags_see_through_walls = true



# ======================

# Markers (player icons)

# ======================


# This will show the markers even on servers that have it disabled.

# (This has effect after someone respawns).

markers_show = true



# ==========================

# Instagib and friendly fire

# ==========================


# If instagib is false and a server has instagib on, you will get the normal damage.


instagib = false

friendly_fire = false



# ==================

# CJ's run animation

# ==================


# Use CJ's run by default?


samp_runanimation_cj = false



# ================================================

# ================================================

# SECONDARY_KEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111

# SECONDARY_KEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111

# SECONDARY_KEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111

# ================================================

# ================================================


# Some keys (where noted) are merged with secondary_key so they're actually

# secondary_key + the key you choose. C-C-C-C-C-COMBO

secondary_key = lshift



# =============================

# Spectate and player info list

# =============================


# This shows you a list of which players are spectating someone.

# NOTE: (ON FOOT) Do "Turn it off" from the spectate menu to stop a player from spectating you.


key_sneaker = 8

key_player_info_list = 9



# =======================

# Key to rejoin/reconnect

# =======================


# Reconnects to the server you are currently in.


key_rejoin = 0



# =======================

# Custom syncing settings

# =======================


# Client will not send these datas



key_onfoot_data = 1

hud_indicator_onfoot_data = false


key_aim_data = 2

hud_indicator_aim_data = false


key_vehicle_data = 3

hud_indicator_vehicle_data = false


key_passenger_data = 4

hud_indicator_passenger_data = false


# Toggle whether the client is going to send money

# and weapon ammo to the server or not.

key_statsupd = 5

hud_indicator_statsupd = false


key_spec_data = 6

hud_indicator_spec_data = false


# NOTE: If spec_data is true, the server will not know that you are spectating, but

# as a side effect you will see that the player you're spectating is lagging.

# If it's false you will not have any problem, but the server will know you're

# spectating, thus getting you the risk of getting banhammered.

spec_data = true



# =========================

# Custom ESP default states

# =========================


esp_vehicles_defaulton = false

esp_players_defaulton = true



# ===================

# Custom ESP settings

# ===================



key_render_player_tags = g

player_tags_dist = 225.0


key_render_vehicle_tags = h

vehicle_tags_dist = 100.0





# end of main INI settings





# ====================================

# Simple byte code patcher

# ====================================


# Format: name hotkey enable { base_dll address original_data replace_data }


# name - A name. :p

# hotkey - Hotkey to toggle this patch.

# enable - Whether or not to install this patch automatically.

# {

# base_dll - The DLL which the address is relative to,

# or empty for absolute addresses. Example: "samp.dll"

# address - An address. Prefix with 0x for hex addresses.

# original_data - Compare the data at the address with this. If it

# does not match, no patching is done. It must be

# the same size as "replace_data", or be empty in which

# case patching is always done. (In hex)

# replace_data - Data to write to the address. (In hex)

# If you prefix the hex data with a '!' the data will be

# continuously re-installed. Used mostly for GTA cheats.

# }


# All 4 arguments inside the { } brackets, can be repeated up 16 times;

# this allows patching multiple addresses within a single patch.

# See the "Allow weapons inside" patch for an example.


# These patches are accessible from the in-game menu.

# They are NOT reloaded on .ini reloads.




# ======================

# GTA Patches (max: 192)

# ======================



# Prevents being teleported by the game

patch[] = "Prevent SetPlayerPos" &0 0 "" 0x005E4110 "568BF1" "C21000"


# Removes speed & height limit of all aircraft, removes height limit of jetpack

patch[] = "nuckfuts's Air Superiority" &0 0 "" 0x006DADE8 "" "EB" \

"" 0x006D2600 "" "C2080000" \

"" 0x0067F268 "" "EB"


patch[] = "Allow weapons inside" &0 0 "" 0x0047D4DE "C6412000" "90909090" \

"" 0x0060D9BA "C6422000" "90909090" \

"" 0x00478E02 "C6801D01000001" "C6801D01000000"


patch[] = "Anti bike fall off" &0 0 "" 0x004BA3B9 "0F84A6030000" "E9A703000090" \

"" 0x004B3296 "D86504" "909090"


patch[] = "Walk under water" &0 0 "" 0x006C2759 "00" "01"


# The internal "extra actor invincibility" patch makes you invulnerable

# to helicopter rotor blades, but as a side effect makes peds in single

# player almost invulnerable. Use this patch to disable it.

patch[] = "Disable extra actor inv. patch" &0 0 "" 0x00637590 "" "!C7874005000000000000" \

"" 0x0063070C "" "!C7864005000000000000" \

"" 0x004B331F "" "!899640050000" \

"" 0x004B3395 "" "!899e40050000"


# Built In GTA Cheats


É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

patch[] = "Cars can fly" f10 0 "" 0x00969160 "" "!01"

patch[] = "Boats can fly" &0 0 "" 0x00969153 "" "!01"

patch[] = "All cars have nitro" &0 0 "" 0x00969165 "" "!01"

patch[] = "Infinite ammo, no reload" &0 0 "" 0x00969178 "" "!01"

patch[] = "Perfect handling" &0 0 "" 0x0096914C "" "!01"

patch[] = "Mega jump" &0 0 "" 0x0096916C "" "!01"

patch[] = "Wheels only" &0 0 "" 0x0096914B "" "!01"

patch[] = "Tank mode" &0 0 "" 0x00969164 "" "!01"

patch[] = "Cars float away when hit" &0 0 "" 0x00969166 "" "!01"

patch[] = "Full Weapon aiming" &0 0 "" 0x00969179 "" "!01"

patch[] = "Infinite oxygen" &0 0 "" 0x0096916E "" "!01"

patch[] = "Toggle radar" &0 0 "" 0x00BAA3FB "" "!01"

patch[] = "Toggle gtasa's HUD" &0 0 "" 0x00BA6769 "" "!00"

patch[] = "Scale down the HUD" &0 0 "" 0x00859520 "" "E02D903A9F71E13A"

patch[] = "Free paint and spray" &0 0 "" 0x0096C009 "" "01"

patch[] = "Infinite run" &0 0 "" 0x00B7CEE4 "" "01"

patch[] = "Enable vehicle name rendering" &0 0 "" 0x0058FBE9 "" "E8B2B2FFFF"

patch[] = "Disable anti-pause" &0 0 "" 0x00561AF0 "" "C60549CBB700C3"

patch[] = "Enable speed blur" &0 0 "" 0x00704E8A "" "E811E2FFFF"

patch[] = "Show GTA menu" &0 0 "" 0x00BA67A4 "00" "01"



# Use Alternate Files, original idea by nuckfuts

# These patches must be enabled at init. If enabled, gtasa will load data/handling.two as the custom

# handling file, If the file doesn't exist = crash. If disabled, sa-mp will load the default handling.


# TransFender Overhaul V2 for SA:MP, by Offroader23

patch[] = "Custom default.dat (data/default.two)" &0 0 "" 0x00863A9D "444154" "54574F"

patch[] = "Custom handling.cfg (data/handling.two)" &0 0 "" 0x0086A96D "434647" "74776F"

patch[] = "Custom shopping.dat (data/shopping.two)" &0 0 "" 0x0085A536 "646174" "54574F"

patch[] = "Custom carmods.dat (data/carmods.two)" &0 0 "" 0x00869675 "444154" "54574F"

# Surface mod, by Kosty@n

patch[] = "Custom surface.dat (data/surface.two)" &0 0 "" 0x00864325 "646174" "54574F"

# MISC interesting GTA SA files

patch[] = "Custom weapon.dat (data/weapon.two)" &0 0 "" 0x0086AA34 "444154" "54574F"

patch[] = "Custom ar_stats.dat (data/ar_stats.two)" &0 0 "" 0x00863FAE "444154" "54574F"

patch[] = "Custom gta.dat (data/gta.two)" &0 0 "" 0x00863B19 "444154" "54574F"

patch[] = "Custom melee.dat (data/melee.two)" &0 0 "" 0x0086AABF "646174" "74776F"

patch[] = "Custom object.dat (data/object.two)" &0 0 "" 0x00869B2C "444154" "54574F"

patch[] = "Custom ped.dat (data/ped.two)" &0 0 "" 0x0086D07D "444154" "54574F"

patch[] = "Custom timecyc.dat (data/timecyc.two)" &0 0 "" 0x0086A780 "444154" "54574F"

patch[] = "Custom vehicle.txd (models/generic/vehicle.two)" &0 0 "" 0x00869AEB "545844" "54574F"

patch[] = "Custom carcols.dat (data/carcols.two)" &0 0 "" 0x00869731 "444154" "54574F"




# ========================

# SA:MP Patches (max: 192)

# ========================


# Format: name hotkey enable { address original_data replace_data }


sampPatch[] = "Enable single-player cheats" &0 0 0x4019 "" "6800000000" \

0x401E "" "6800000000" \

0x4023 "" "6800000000" \

0x4028 "" "9090909090" \

0x37BF "" "BA7D854300"


sampPatch[] = "No connecting delay" &0 0 0xF26C "" "0000" \

0xDA44 "" "7428909090"


sampPatch[] = "No head movement" &0 0 0xCEF8 "" "7458"

sampPatch[] = "No head movement delay" &0 0 0xCEEB "" "81F900000000"


sampPatch[] = "Debug mode" &0 0 0x19B64 "" "909090909090909090" \

0x19838 "" "9090" \

0x198AA "" "909090909090" \

0x199E7 "" "9090" \

0x1EA03 "" "909090909090" \

0x1E99C "" "909090909090" \

0x43778 "" "9090" \

0x43A58 "" "9090" \

0x35A8 "" "909090909090" \

0x367A "" "9090909090"


sampPatch[] = "Save snapshots as JPG" &0 0 0x3C229 "03" "01" \

0x57303 "706E67" "6A7067"


# prevents car jacking. instead you will experience the two-drivers bug.

sampPatch[] = "Prevent Carjacking" &0 0 0x1391D "" "90909090909090909090" \

0x16AAF "" "90909090909090909090"


sampPatch[] = "NOP Local player processing" &0 0 0xC990 "" "C39090"

sampPatch[] = "NOP Remote player processing" &0 0 0x13170 "" "C204009090"


sampPatch[] = "NOP On foot worldbounds" &0 0 0xACD0 "" "C3" \

0x30E9 "" "90909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090"

sampPatch[] = "NOP In car worldbounds" &0 0 0xAD3B "" "C3"


# removes a SA:MP graphic which causes a crash in WINE

sampPatch[] = "WINE Crashfix" &0 0 0x3C3B0 "" "9090909090"


sampPatch[] = "Remote client crash" &0 0 0xB4D7 "" "90909090909090909090" \

0xB4CA "" "9090909090909090"


sampPatch[] = "Remote client crash...fix" &0 1 0xCD79 "" "9090909090" \

0xCDC0 "" "9090909090" \

0xE0B0 "" "9090909090" \

0x13AD6 "" "9090909090"



# Server scripting RPCs


sampPatch[] = "NOP RegisterScriptRPCs" &0 0 0xD925 "" "9090909090"

sampPatch[] = "NOP WorldPlayerAdd" &0 0 0x10000 "" "C390"

sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerPos" &0 0 0x1B50 "" "C20C00"

sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerInterior" &0 0 0x6240 "" "C20400"

sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerHealth" &0 0 0x56E0 "" "C20400"

sampPatch[] = "NOP PutPlayerInVehicle" &0 0 0x59B0 "" "C20800"

sampPatch[] = "NOP RemovePlayerFromVehicle" &0 0 0x5B70 "" "C3"

sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerColor" &0 0 0x12FC0 "" "C2040090" \

0x8250 "" "C208009090" \

0xAC90 "" "C2040090"

sampPatch[] = "NOP ResetPlayerMoney" &0 0 0x2D90 "" "C390909090"

sampPatch[] = "NOP TogglePlayerControllable" &0 0 0x5C70 "" "C20400"

sampPatch[] = "NOP GivePlayerMoney" &0 0 0x2670 "" "C2040090"

sampPatch[] = "NOP SetGravity" &0 0 0x29D0 "" "C2040090909090"

sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleHealth" &0 0 0x8890 "" "C20400"

sampPatch[] = "NOP CreateObject" &0 0 0x11760 "" "C2200090"

sampPatch[] = "NOP ResetPlayerWeapons" &0 0 0x5890 "" "C3"

sampPatch[] = "NOP CreateExplosion" &0 0 0x16480 "" "C390"

sampPatch[] = "NOP RemoveCarComponent" &0 0 0x16C90 "" "C390"




# =============================

# Ingame "favorite" server list

# =============================


# Connect to servers from the in-game menu.


use_current_name = false


# Format: server[] = "NICKNAME" "SERVER NAME" "IP ADDRESS" "PORT"

# Max is 512.







server[] = "Player" "PROCHEAT: STONED FreeRoam server" "" "8888"

#server[] = "Player" "PROCHEAT: SA:MP Cheat Server" "" "7777"

#server[] = "Player" "PROCHEAT: East South Cheating allowed Server" "" "7776"

#server[] = "Player" "PROCHEAT: Freeroam Cheat Server" "" "8199"


server[] = "Player" "RETARDED: [AU]" "" "6622"


server[] = "Player" "STUNT: Total~Stuntage" "" "5555"

server[] = "Player" "STUNT: Everystuff Tew Stunt/DM/Race/FR" "" "7777"

server[] = "Player" "STUNT: Awesome Stuntages" "" "7777"

server[] = "Player" "STUNT: ULTIMATE STUNTAGE" "" "1111"


server[] = "Player" "ANTICHEAT: GamerX" "" "8800"

server[] = "Player" "ANTICHEAT: Mini-Missions" "" "7777"

server[] = "Player" "ANTICHEAT: [FCB] Free Mode" "" "7726"

server[] = "Player" "ANTICHEAT: The Area 51 Server" "" "3000"

server[] = "Player" "ANTICHEAT: littlewhitey's Server" "" "7777"

server[] = "Player" "ANTICHEAT: Las Venturas Playground" "" "7777"

server[] = "Player" "ANTICHEAT: PartyServer" "" "7788"




# =============================

# Chat keybind

# =============================


chat_secondary_key = oem_comma


# Send a chat message or command by pressing a key.


# Format: chat[] = Key "Message to send" spam mode (0 or 1)

# Max is 128 (entries and string length).


# NOTE: Client side commands (/quit, /pm, etc) are not supported yet.



chat[] = 1 "MTAVcSuX.NeT pwn5 y00" 1

chat[] = 2 "I are teh p33nz0rz! I are teh p33nz0rz! I are teh p33nz0rz!" 0







# ===================

# Retard Notice

# ===================


# This INI file is basically the readme and configuration in one.

# It's highly recommended you glance over it to figure out what

# all of the features are, and to customize them to your taste.


# Change this to true...


i_have_edited_the_ini_file = true





# the end


É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

# final extra special thanks to THE MAN.... [myg0t]s0beit


Na ultima linha onde ta escrito "i_have_edited_the_ini_file = false" voces terao que mudar pra TRUE pra funfar :):):D:cool:


Voces terao que fazer isso tambem dentro da Pasta do GTA:San Andreas normamente localizada em " Meu Computador\C:\Arquivos de programas\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas " A mesma coisa ;D + no arkivo "m0d_s0beit_sa"(Que o icone e um blokinho de notas =) )


Espero ter ajudado a todos



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