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Quem souber tira bug LVL 1010 E 1200 ADD SKYPE AEW MORAL



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  • Velha Guarda Ex-Staffer

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Motivo: Área Errada

Antes de criar um tópico leia a descrição da área onde está postando. Tópicos em área errada desorganizam o fórum e deixam a área suja, dificultando a procura de conteúdos de qualidade.


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Mas eu botei n resolveu nd uso rele do secrets of destiny!!!


Vá em hooks.cpp, na parte das declarações que é algo mais ou menos assim.


void DoDirections()


// Hook in default TMSrv Loop

SetJMP(0x0044A4B0, (INT32)&NKD_LoopTMSrv, 6);

*(DWORD*)(0x0044A44E) = 500; // Time in ms, default: 500


// Negative points

Hook((DWORD)0x004020C2, (DWORD)NKD_FixPoints, 5);


// Extern hook to teleport functions

JMP_NEAR(0x428A9D, NKD_Gate);


// Hook to Packet Control

SetJMP(0x0044AF6B, (INT32)&NKD_Packets, 6);


// Hook when player send a command

JNZ_NEAR(0x434DD8, NKD_Command);


// Hook in BeastMaster transforms

Hook((DWORD)0x00406f64, (DWORD)NKD_BM, 5);


// Remove "Invalid Packet" error when movement with incorrect pets

*(BYTE*)0x004438D2 = 0xEB;


// When player with level bigger than 355 dies, your exp doesn't set to 0

memset((void*)0x45B50E, 0x90, 10);


// Remove the limit of experience to level 355

*(DWORD*)(0x41C448+3) = 420;

*(DWORD*)(0x41C451+3) = 420;

*(DWORD*)(0x40F1EA+3) = 420;


// Change the verification of max level to earn exp

*(DWORD*)(0x45B00C+1) = 420;

*(DWORD*)(0x45C1A5+1) = 420;


// Remove logs of TMSRV

JMP_NEAR(0x00401519, (void*)0x00458DA2);


// Player with level bigger than 355 dies now

*(WORD*)0x045B010 = 1000;


// Set server drop

for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {

*(unsigned short*)(0x04C91B8 + (i * 4)) = 1;




você declara no meio disso, isso aqui,

*(INT8*)0x00421D00 = 0xC3;


ficando assim:


void DoDirections()


// Hook in default TMSrv Loop

SetJMP(0x0044A4B0, (INT32)&NKD_LoopTMSrv, 6);

*(DWORD*)(0x0044A44E) = 500; // Time in ms, default: 500


// Negative points

Hook((DWORD)0x004020C2, (DWORD)NKD_FixPoints, 5);


// Extern hook to teleport functions

JMP_NEAR(0x428A9D, NKD_Gate);


// Hook to Packet Control

SetJMP(0x0044AF6B, (INT32)&NKD_Packets, 6);


// Hook when player send a command

JNZ_NEAR(0x434DD8, NKD_Command);


// Hook in BeastMaster transforms

Hook((DWORD)0x00406f64, (DWORD)NKD_BM, 5);


// Remove "Invalid Packet" error when movement with incorrect pets

*(BYTE*)0x004438D2 = 0xEB;

*(INT8*)0x00421D00 = 0xC3;


// When player with level bigger than 355 dies, your exp doesn't set to 0

memset((void*)0x45B50E, 0x90, 10);


// Remove the limit of experience to level 355

*(DWORD*)(0x41C448+3) = 420;

*(DWORD*)(0x41C451+3) = 420;

*(DWORD*)(0x40F1EA+3) = 420;


// Change the verification of max level to earn exp

*(DWORD*)(0x45B00C+1) = 420;

*(DWORD*)(0x45C1A5+1) = 420;


// Remove logs of TMSRV

JMP_NEAR(0x00401519, (void*)0x00458DA2);


// Player with level bigger than 355 dies now

*(WORD*)0x045B010 = 1000;


// Set server drop

for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {

*(unsigned short*)(0x04C91B8 + (i * 4)) = 1;



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