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cfna the end of 2011



' legal weekly "chief reporter Zhu Chun first text / Chart These are two original irrelevant figure. 17 years ago Hulian You were first arrested, Zheng Hang just a ordinary police, and the body of hundreds of kilometers away in neighboring counties. 2006 Hulian You first time that they have been "illegal detention" regarding the petition, the Public Security Bureau, political commissar Zheng Hang is Ningyuan. But two people are still incredibly linked to together and become the focus of widespread topic of concern. Hunan East County Public Security Bureau, Zheng Hang indicted 59-year-old farmer Hulian You, Internet search engines is now the high-frequency entries. July 7, 2011, East County Public Security Bureau to "post slander the reputation of others" as an excuse to Hulian You and Wei Aiguo (another petitioners) Two detained for 10 days. Day, Zheng Hang, who submitted to the court from two criminal complaint, sued Hu Wei duo slander. Hulian You said it was his years as chief Zheng Hang, "because of the fifth petition detainees"; while Zheng Hang view, was indicted Hulian You in the day, is to disassociate himself suspected of abuse of public power. People suing government officials are not uncommon, but the officer accuses China are rare. Recently, the "Legal Weekly" reporter, respectively, in Changsha and Yongzhou, in the event the two parties face to face interviews, trying to unlock it from the many mysteries behind the hot events. 17 years ago, "illegal detention" March 20, 2012, Hu Lianyou carrying a paper bag in front of reporters, face sickly. He gently removed from the bag neatly stack of printed materials. Clearly,

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, years of petitioning management materials has made him become "experts" - meticulous, minutes without chaos. "These materials are able to explain the reasons for all these years my petition." Hulian You put the material placed on the table a copy of the order handed reporters. In dozens of materials, the earliest in 1995 in a hospital in East County ECG report card, November 7, 1995 East County Public Security Bureau released the review certificate, as well as Huyong Long, Li Kui congruent to prove it is "illegal detention" of forensic materials. "In early 1995, I reported a good cup of State police deputy mayor in the previous period, together with other township officials misappropriated national disaster relief fund things, the results of reprisals." Hulian You said, "October 3, 1995, in my no suspects in the case, Emily did not produce any good cup of legal documents, in the village clinic door hold on me, and illegal detention. "Hulian You said the detention of 36 days, 'cause my body with multiple injuries , and later sold for the treatment of my housing and private small businesses where all mechanical equipment, spend all possessions, also owed more than 30 million in debt, a homeless person,
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, only in lengshuitan begging. "2000 April, Hu Lianyou suspicion of drug trafficking, was again the East County Public Security Bureau Detention. For the foregoing detained twice, giving reporters Zheng Hang argument is: in 1995, because Hulian You put up posters, framed misappropriation of relief funds and local government, and lead the masses know the truth impact government agencies, police xinxu review its asylum. During this time, Hu's a relative of a traffic accident, unattended. Public security organs so lifted his review. "The second time was Hulian You trafficking 48 grams of opium were seized, after failing to reach the standard against (the law standard 50 g) was released." Hulian You: "Why detention normal petition " Zheng Hang told reporters, Hulian You appeal petition was not until the "2007 National Public Security during the great liberating, Hulian You Hunan Public Security Bureau petition to reflect beaten while in detention, requiring compensation and disposition at the time police investigators. " At that time, forwarded to the Provincial Public Security Bureau Public Security Bureau of Yongzhou City Commission for Discipline Inspection, requiring coordination process. "At the time of the PUC Commission for Discipline Inspection to the county Public Security Bureau to understand the situation and put forward opinions: 'Taking into account the actual situation at home Hulian You give ten thousand yuan of economic compensation, drug trafficking during the post 4000 yuan bail payments are to be refunded' . "Zheng Hang, said the program was overall not agree that there was connivance suspected of crime, mediation is not successful. "Soon it to the Council for Conciliation, Hulian You wrote an interest rate v. visit after the agreement,
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, the county bureau agreed to the Council's implementation of the program." "At this point,
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, Hu Lianyou petition event has three end. Logically speaking, he should not be re- the petition, but the August 12, 2008, Hu Lianyou and petition the first is to the county to hardship grounds of quarreling, the county did not meet his unreasonable demands. Provincial Public Security Bureau also did not make the end result of the petition event The new instructions, Hulian You began to Beijing to appeal. "" From 2008 to play in the end of 2011, Hu Lianyou abnormal petition more than 20 times as many. every country has important meetings or events, he will petition the series as part of collective households petition, each to require the Secretary, Political Commissar personally pick him back, County Public Security Bureau takes this year more than 20 million. "to Beijing to appeal for their own facts Hulian You do not deny, but in times and was taken back after , the two men say quite different. Hulian You admit that in any county police chief Zheng Hang period, he had been to Beijing to appeal for the first time was in June 2011, was Dongan police after being detained for 10 days to pick up; second visit to Beijing to petition due to sudden sick, his back to Changsha, "they want to detain me 10 days"; Third, "to Beijing after being East County Public Security Bureau sent people to Beijing in a hotel ......" "I am a normal petition, why should they detain me "Hulian You who still indignant. Zheng Hang: "Not according to the law that is dereliction of duty," June 13, 2010, the Public Security Bureau, political commissar of Ningyuan Zheng Hang tune Ren Dongan County Public Security Bureau. 10 days after June 23, Zheng Hang is the office office Hulian You and Wei Aiguo sudden knock on the door to enter. Zheng Hang detail described to reporters the day situation. Hulian You: "You are the police chief " Zheng Hang: "I am, what I do for you " "A few words, Hu Wei duo presented their demands. Hulian You put forward three demands, first, to me open identification of the book, the second is to compensate for the losses, third is to punish the police. "Zheng Hang recalls," I do not quite understand their situation,
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, so they say, if you really exist about by the circumstances, I will deal with the police . "" If not resolved, I will treat you like a treat predecessors. "Zheng Hang told reporters before leaving Hulian You told him so. Two left, Zheng Hang looking police to understand the situation, they'll want to know how to do, the police told him that the two approaches is posted on the Internet. "June 24, 2010, two of them went to Beijing, in Zhongnanhai, Beijing police have been registered around the admonishment. Hulian You are to take back after we gave custody for 10 days treatment, the end of 2011, Hu Lianyou has several times by Dongan Police take back from Beijing, as long as admonished by Beijing police registered a, we have made a detention process. "Zheng Hang, said Hu Lianyou petition in 2011 to more than 10 times, but only a few times in detention. "According to state regulations, the end of the three petitions, to Tiananmen Square, as well as embassies near Zhongnanhai illegal petition petition, all admonished to be registered, and the petition is registered admonished illegal parties have been detained." "Do not according to the law, I just dereliction of duty. "Zheng Hang said. "Private criminal prosecution, is to distance themselves from the use of public power is suspected of" Hang Cheng told reporters that he usually only on public security within the network, rarely on the internet, posting in the major forum for Hulian You aggressive behavior, he began did not know, "others Tell me, I discovered that not only the major forums have their posts, and in some news behind also have their thread, that I care Black Mafia. "Zheng Hang, said July 7, 2011, Hu Lianyou etc. people to the East County Public Security Bureau, political commissar Chen Yijiang office shouting, Chen Yijiang immediately reported, finally, Hulian You and Wei Aiguo by law in administrative detention for 10 days. Earlier, Hu Lianyou detained in reference to the details of that day, when presented to reporters a written decision of administrative detention, says the grounds of detention as "two in the number of domestic websites defamatory Zheng Hang, Chen Yijiang two reputations post "basis for punishment is" the "PRC Public Security Administration Punishment Law" Article 42, paragraph II. " "Administrative detention, public security organs according to law they are, and sue them for libel, it is our personal behavior." Zheng Hang this interpretation. "They can BS-ing, that I care black gangs, beyond the bottom line for me as a police, guard black gangs is a serious crime." Zhenghang Jiang stressed that he was an ordinary citizen to prosecute, the purpose is to Leaving aside the police chief this identity, but also distance themselves from the abuse of public power this behavior. Zheng Hang's claim for the two points: one, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility Hulian You and Wei Aiguo; Second, Hulian You and Wei Aiguo public apology, to clarify the facts, words and deeds on the Internet to eliminate its adverse impact. It is worth mentioning that, Hulian You did not deny that they post online behavior, but he argued that he was in the "Report" Zheng Hang. February 16, 2012, East County Court Zheng Hang sued Hulian You a case such as police conducted trial, Hulian You did not appear in court. "I had already bought 15 February to Dongan tickets, lawyers also asked a good result before departure became ill in the hospital transfusion." Hulian You say, "In the know to take five or six hours to reach the car after , the doctor advised me not to go, afraid of my body too much, so I did not participate in the hearing. "Hulian You recalled that on February 7 received a court summons, he received a law firm pro bono legal aid Luomou. "15 pm, I called the East County People's Court trial court supervisor, said he could not appear in court due to illness, ask your attorney whether you can come, the answer is not." Hu Wei duo were due to appear in court, the court canceled. Whether the respondent to appear in court for the next hearing problems, Hulian You said, "Zheng Hang was police chief, I do not believe the court would fair trial, I asked offsite court, as long as I am not within the scope of Yongzhou court." The reporter after that knowledge, East County Court has yet to determine the exact date the next hearing. As to whether the off-site trial, currently lack relevant authorities given argument. Zheng Hang with Hulian You will face a battle of wits between what the outcome, the public still have to wait.




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