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Experts say Vietnam has tempted me rendering fishing event marine law


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According to incomplete statistics, in 2012 there are 303 Vietnamese fishing vessels illegally entered China Xisha waters,

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, for the maintenance of the overall situation of Sino-Vietnamese military relations, China Vietnamese illegal fishing vessels never implemented arrest.

interest attempts.

Left Liping stressed: "Japan are highly provocative and deceptive manifestations, can not prevent the international community to prevent the historical tragedy." Vietnam is no different.

Sino-Japanese relations initiative,

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Third, the Japanese rendering of the event, you can blur the focus, to divert attention, to reduce the Diaoyu Islands,

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, Japan's unilateral provocative actions caused tensions responsibility and pressure, thereby obtaining the Japanese public to its tough policy toward China and the expansion program of public support, control

Chinese Defense Ministry said that China did not use shipborne radar fire control radar, the Japanese side of the argument does not fit the facts.

's territorial waters against illegal fishing vessels repeatedly advised Vietnam, asking them to leave.

overlord, but also for the future of Sino-Japanese "misfires" manufacturing excuses.

(Original title: Expert denounced Vietnamese fishing boat incident otherwise rendering intent lies behind the "desperate")

However, this argument has been China's rebuttal.

Wang Xiaopeng said,

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, first of all, law enforcement forces in the China Sea backdrop of deep integration, Vietnam has tempted Chinese marine law enforcement underlined intent; secondly, the event just occurred at the beginning of the official Vietnam only as a fisheries disputes,
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, but the 25th was "changed

In the whistle, yelling, hand flag guidelines and other means repeatedly advised invalid case, I launched two naval-air hair red flares be warned, aerial flares burn off.

constant threat of Japanese people's lives and property,

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. "


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, it also Japanese Peace Constitution, the expansion of the army, lifting the "collective self-defense" excuse manufacturing strategy, prompting the United States to Japan in the political and military implementation of the "relaxed", that Japan does not allow the U.S. constitution, no military buildup,
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, there is no

China advocates the expense of the Blue Book is set, claiming Diaoyu line "inherent territory of Japan," and asked China to maintain "restraint."

Humanitarian playing card ", apparently hoping observing the situation, to win international sympathy, by the South China Sea region outside power to put pressure on China; addition, with the South China Sea fishing season ended, Vietnam also has to create trouble," scare "Chinese fishermen over access to economic

Coincidentally, another neighboring Japan has insisted that at the beginning, the Japanese "Xi Li" frigate and military helicopters targeted by Chinese warships fire control radar.

In this regard, the Asia-Pacific Committee of the Security Council China, military experts Zhang community believe that Japan speculation "radar radiation incident" is one of its "desperate", which sought to convey to the United States, Japan by the Chinese threat signal, so that the United States made it clear sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands

Left Li Ping pointed out that for such an event,

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, China on the one hand to achieve rational, beneficial, on the other hand to be alert, ready to deal with emergencies at sea, preparations for military struggle.

dispute over support for Japan.

The use of weapons did not exist,

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, and the more boats fire shooting problems.

For the Japanese side repeated false information released to the media, constantly distorted to discredit the Chinese army combat readiness training activities normally not responsible for speech, Chinese military experts from a number of historical and professional point of view that Japan should not only contain contain China, striving to Asian maritime

Chinese Navy Department official also said that China's inherent territory since ancient times Paracel Islands, but in recent years the Vietnamese fishing boats often illegal entry.

France to get security, the Japan-US alliance can not be achieved, thus the United States and Japan-US alliance kidnapping,

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, coercion U.S. support for its modification peace constitution.

After a lapse of two months, the Japanese government has recently announced to the media in 2013 edition of "Diplomatic Blue Book,

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," a draft again to even mention China and Chinese naval marine development strategy "radar illumination" event, exaggerating the "China threat," said China's development "

Chinese naval vessels expelled boats illegally entered China's territorial waters, safeguard national territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, is entirely legitimate in.

In this regard,

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, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Wang Xiaopeng waters scholars pointed out that the incident was deliberately provocative and post-Vietnam official rendering, where another meaning.

Naval Military Academic Research Fellow left Liping this event with the Japanese government in the history of actions linked to create disturbances that many of them concealed, even war excuse evil intentions.




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