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the same dose of nitrite adult consumption may fine


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's mother Ms. Chu said that this year April 21 at 3 pm, already pregnant aunt took her and the children went to Ming Ming Fen village market, and to children to buy a chicken nuggets. Once home, they ate fried chicken. About half an hour later, the child purple lips, kept crying, and increasingly severe, the child will be taken to the hospital. On the road,

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, they also spit. 7 o'clock that evening, the children after she died. Ming Ming's father, Xu said that doctors had told him that the child stomach nitrite content than the standard 70%, suspected poisoning. Xu report, the sale of fried chicken Zhang deposit was arrested. After testing, involving fried chicken nitrite content of more than 150 times the national standard,
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, Ming Ming is in line to take foods containing nitrite poisoning death. Yesterday, the child's parents raised 66 million yuan of civil compensation. Zhang kept saying, no savings, so he went out after selling blood to lose, bow and apologize to the families. Counsel submits that the lack of evidence yesterday, Zhang saved defender, said Zhang presence of nitrite incident the same day using the previous method and measured no different, but no other people there poisoning. Ming Ming in the incident that day also ate dumplings and roasted sweet potatoes, which are not containing nitrite test. Counsel that the case is the lack of evidence, Zhang deposit shall be deemed guilty. Prosecutors claimed that,
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, according to the 307 Hospital drug-testing laboratory director's testimony confirmed that the symptoms of eating nitrite intake according to the size, measured in accordance with a person's weight,
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, the same dose of nitrite adult consumption may fine, but children may be toxic if eaten . And testified, Zhang kept making fried chicken, nitrite found excessive. Mingming morning after eating other foods no adverse reactions,
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, half an hour after eating fried chicken accident. Prosecutors believe,
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, can be identified Zhang deposit constitutes negligence causing death, was sentenced to recommend two to three years. In this regard, Zhang said did not expect to keep out of such event. With the feeling of additives put 33 year old Zhang is from Henan deposit, in 2009 and has been in Beijing to sell fried chicken for the industry. This year twenty-first month or so, he was in Fen village market rent, began operating chicken food store. He did business license and health permit. Zhang deposit said he every day at noon to buy frozen chicken, marinated after arriving home, "salt,
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, MSG, Shi Sanxiang other spices, in order to let the meat cooked quickly, but also put a food additive called nitrite." Chicken marinated After cooked, then wrapped in fried starch, you can sell it. For nitrite, he said it was from the regular sales of food additives to buy the company, although the packaging says the amount is one percent to three percent, but he never weighed. "Every time I put it by feel, about 100 pounds of meat production, put a teaspoon of nitrite." According to Zhang kept saying that he engaged in this industry for two years, has been doing fried chicken, eat nobody complained that question. Until the evening of April 21 this year, the police found him, he said it was selling fried chicken to eat after poisoning. â–* reporter visited nitrite mature food "condiments" Yesterday, the reporter visited a number of Fengtai District Liuliqiao vendors selling cooked meat,
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, have to sell fried chicken, but also sell pork skewers and sauce. Whether for the production of added nitrite, traders almost always denied, but when being questioned why some particularly bright color when cooked,
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, there are vendors on frankly "really put a point," and then added something like "little more freely, eat right. " There are traders told reporters, do not cooked this line does not Gaja nitrate,
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, first, to mention attractive colors, in addition to meat cooked quickly, can also play the role of anti-corrosion. For the amount of additive problems, traders said basically the feel that they can make people aware of nitrite poisoning, not put in more. There are still ways to buy nitrite nitrite Zhang deposit is located in the South Fourth Ring Majialou Qiaoxinanjiao Beijing North Xiaguang Food Additive Co., Ltd. to buy. Yesterday, the reporter to the identity of the customer came to this company,
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, the door on the left there is a high risk of food additives sales area, but no nitrite. Store staff said that nitrite out of stock, since the girls to eat fried chicken cause nitrite poisoning incident, the Trade and Industry conducted a thorough investigation. End of May, and self-employed individuals can not buy a nitrite. Buy now required to provide high-risk food additives business registration license, tax registration certificate, national industrial production permit and the purchaser's identity,
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, the record before buying. "Without these cards, you can take someone else's. Documents Qi can sell it to you, buy back how to use, it does not matter with us." Staff said that a lot of people are also entrusted others to buy. Glossary >> nitrite mainly refers to sodium nitrite, appearance and taste with the salt similar to that in industry, construction is widely used in meat products also allows limited use as a coloring agent. Nitrite poisoning caused by a higher risk, and the rapid onset, usually 1-3 hours incubation. Ingestion 0.3 to 0.5 grams of nitrates can cause poisoning, about 3 grams can be lethal. Edition have written our reporter Liu Wei Yuan Guoli




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