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Beijing freight vehicles allowed into the rings is expected to condit


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's Congress,

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, Beijing Wuzi University, Professor Zou America has been concerned about "Express vehicles into the city difficult," and that "on the Beijing Express Services Legal Services to provide policy recommendations." Industry Status courier vehicle passenger mix according to the traffic control department of the city, in addition to freight vehicles with permits, other freight vehicles shall enter Wuhuanyinei road during the day, while the courier industry to use freight vehicles belong to the scope of control during the day can not be into the center of the city limit line area. "As early as 7:00 to 10:00, 18:00 to 9:00, our company is sending and receiving the express peak hours, but the two periods is also forbidden line time." Beijing person in charge of a courier company, courier companies earn is space and time, money, and in order not to conflict with the forbidden line, they can only be converted into vans and vehicles IVECO trucks to transport the shipment. But the emergence of a contradiction: According to Beijing's road traffic regulations, passenger vehicles is not permitted laden. Reporters learned that Beijing's express delivery business vehicles, as long as the city,
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, are modified by the passenger vehicles, "van responsible for suburban lines, Wuhuanyinei are converted buses." A courier company official said. Municipal People's Congress Zou said the United States, because the city is difficult, courier companies, especially private express delivery companies, often through "passenger mix," secretly Chaigai delivering the express passenger seat, etc., which is a violation of the "traffic law" requirement. Not only is the traffic police investigation, transport regulators are also punished. The general use of the van courier services, the prices of only six or seven million. Due to fear of police investigation courier driver, causing speeding, illegal Bypass road traffic safety problems, while violation courier vehicles were seized, then enable consumers to express detained, retention, backlog, delays. According to the traffic control department, due to the braking system of buses and trucks are not the same, so non-passenger cargo. A courier company official said, "If the traffic police seized, fined $ 100, transport regulators found, frequently fined thousands." Crowding out the negative effects of road vehicles aliquots of the modified passenger load is limited, courier companies only recipient able to use more than one vehicle dispensing, especially before the holiday, some units that blow thousands of gift boxes, if a car can Zhuangwan van, but with the Iveco van or,
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, at least four vehicles,
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, Beijing a courier company official said, "For example, the Zhongguancun area larger shipments, if you can apply for vans, one day I will be able to solve a car, but now I have to invest in the region forty-five Iveco Daily." In this regard, Zou said the United States,
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, more than one car handling, will not only increase the company's transportation costs, is not conducive to environmental protection, but also crowding out the road resources. In addition, even with the modified passenger cars to freight, according to Beijing to implement provisions of the limit line of motor vehicles, there are two daily courier vehicles can not enter into rings. With the exception of the case of postal EMS express special vehicles can pass a vehicle, all vehicles have no private courier companies this privilege, according to Beijing Express Association statistics, private express courier market, mainland enterprises have occupied nearly 70% share. â–* Experience express reference to an open car, according to Beijing Logistics Association overseas precedents introduced earlier this year, Jiangsu Province, issued "on the strengthening of courier companies to transport vehicles management notice" on the courier service vehicles spraying unified identity scope, content, location and text size and shape to provide for the same time, the protection of express transportation vehicle traffic into the city to achieve a breakthrough, to engage in express transport, special car sprayed with courier logo 12 the following passenger cars, passenger freight and other reasons not to be punished. Do need to access the forbidden line sections of urban courier vehicles, the local public security organs traffic management departments have agreed, under the premise of ensuring safety can pass. Meanwhile, courier companies if it proves necessary to use trucking shipment can be made to the local public security organs traffic management departments to apply for the permits. Prior to this, Sichuan, Guangdong, Shanghai and other places are also introduced to the open delivery vehicles into the city over the relevant regulations. â–* reporter's notes sparse block contradictions reporter himself is a online shopping activists, bored on the site every day collecting various "baby", then waiting for courier to send home. The rise of online shopping, the city greatly increased consumer demand for courier companies, of course, is a good thing,
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, business volume, mean income. Can Beijing increasingly severe traffic congestion, but also greatly reduces the efficiency of distribution. The courier companies to improve the quality of service delivery to meet the delivery requirements, but also need to redouble our investment in delivery vehicles, vehicle inputs exacerbated traffic congestion, this contradiction in the eyes of logistics experts,
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, called urban logistics "obstruction", a phenomenon is particularly prominent in the holidays. For trucks can into the city, in the eyes of all traffic participants, attitudes also showed polarization, why would you want to ban,
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, because trucks into the city to increase the urban road congestion and bring traffic hazard; now requires "lifted" , but also to sparse block to ease the pressure on urban traffic. It seems to solve the "sparse" and "blocking" is not a simple "no" and "release", handled properly will fall into the cycle. Food market impact van transporting vegetables boost vegetable Previously, Municipal People's Congress, the new hair chairman Zhang Yuxi also pointed out that as Beijing's "big trucks can not challenge" policy implications, vegetable trucks can only choose originally used to transport people the van, and the resulting additional costs will surely ultimately reflected in the price, boosting the "vegetable" gains. According to reports, there will be thousands of vehicles every day after midnight Gold Cup car starting from the new hair to the market, this mixed passenger and freight vehicles are in fact illegal. The key is in addition to a small aliquot of the additional costs of bread, after the traffic control department of the fines, will eventually be passed on to consumers. "Originally, the cost of a dime, and now want to add two San Mao Mao five or even five." Representatives suggestions courier vehicles should be classified as support vehicles postal administrations to strengthen coordination with the relevant government departments to promote the delivery vehicle as a special vehicle or City Life support vehicles to manage, and gradually resolve courier vehicles entering the city traffic and stop problems, and actively promote the construction of society,
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, intensive urban green courier transport system. There is no car passes issued to the courier, according to the relevant provisions of the limit line, only the normal production and living materials protection of urban transport vehicle may be carnet, unrestricted line constraints,
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, courier vehicles not in its columns. The Government will sound out the delivery vehicle transportation standards reporter learned from the Municipal Transportation Committee, introduced in April this year, "the seventh stage of sparse block scheme", the special mention promote urban logistics distribution system, which is to develop a city center area assumed distribution of goods freight business standards and vehicle models, appearance, safety, environmental and other standards, the progressive realization of standardization and normalization. And select the drug distribution, distribution and other refined oil for the pilot, explore the establishment of the central area of ​​logistics and distribution model, based on the results achieved during the year, and to other cities in the production of daily necessities transport promotion. Municipal Transportation Commission Transportation Authority responsible person said that the current urban distribution vehicle standards have been submitted to the relevant departments for approval, the standard official release, freight vehicles meet the standards can enter the Fifth Ring Road operations. "Model Regulation to implement urban centers and distribution of goods, in accordance with the requirements to develop model standards, criteria, including appearance, condition and environmental standards, standards officially released, you'll be taken to an open, fair, bidding forms, standards-compliant vehicles can hit the road operations. "




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