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Criando um Game Master (GM)


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Bom, depois de aprendermos a criar um servidor, vamos aprender a configurar o hotuk.ini para colocar gms.


Configurando o Hotuk.Ini

Primeiramente você terá que ter uma conta(obivio^^), depois abra o hotuk, va la embaixo e você vera isso:


*DEBUG_ID vitor





*ADMIN_LOGIN "vitor"








Ali onde está¡ vitor você coloca seu login, onde está, você coloca seu ip e onde ta SpyLord você coloca o nome do seu char.


Comandos de GM

Agora que você já tem um GM vamos aprender os comandos:

Para os comandos funcionarem digite antes ~/;NOMEDOSEUPERSONAGEM Hello3. Ex.: ~/;SpyLord Hello3


/expup "Number" ;Expup is used to gain exp ingame but causes error due to gaining exp to rapidly.

/field "1-31" ;Field command is used to teleport between maps at anytime. A list of all map numbers is below.

~/get_event_level ;Get Event Level command's purpose is not yet known.

~/get_guid ;Get Guid command returns clan information for the server.

~/dm_info ;DM Info command's purpose is not yet known.

~/get_money ;Get Money Command returns a message with total gold on server in players accounts.

~/show ;Makes admin character visable after using the Hide command.

~/hide ;Makes admin character invisable.

~/free_blackuser "Accname" ;Unblocks specifyed account from ban.

~/reset_blackuser ;Clears all blocked users in server.

~/show_blackuser ;Returns a list of all blocked accounts on server.

~/set_castle_tax "0-10" ;Set Blesscastle Tax.

~/reset_fountain_time ;Resets Mana fountain in bless castle.

~/get_fountain_info ;Returns message with information about amount of mana taken from the mana fountain.

~/get_castle_info ;Returns message with bless castle information.

~/set_castle_master "GuildName" ;Sets Blesscastle leaders.

~/set_castle_time "Number" ;Set duration of Bless Castle siege.

~/easy_castle ;Easy Castle command begins bless castle event but with no castle NPC's.

~/end_castle ;End Bless Castle siege.

~/start_castle ;Begin Bless Castle siege.

~/area_monster ;Area_monster command's purpose still unknown.

~/event_monster ;Begins a monster event on the chosen map.

~/mymonster "monster" ;Spawns a neutral monster.

~/monster "Monster" "number" ;Spawns number of monsters chosen.

~/arena_monster ;Arena monster command's purpose is unknown.

~/area_users ;Displays users connected to current area server.

~/player_sight "Number" ;Changes client - monster spawn seeing sight.

~/set_absorb "Number" ;Sets players absorb to the given number.

~/talk "Npc/Monster/player name" ;Makes chosen PC speak your message. ;

~/user ;Unknown.

~/where "Username" ;Possibly takes GM to chosen player.

~/call "Username" ;Teleports Chosen player to your location.

~/near ;Unknown Command.

~/username ;Unknown Command.

~/userid ;Unknown Command.

~/insert ;Unknown Command.

~/shutdown ;Begins 9 minute shutdown of server.

~/open_warehouse ;Displays your warehouse at your location.

~/kill "Username" ;Kills Chosen player.

~/kick "Username" ;Kicks Chosen Player.

~/netlog ;Unknown Command.

~/get_potion ;Displays amount of potions in server.

~/comic_player "Username" ;Gives chosen player BigHead mode.

~/@put "Item Name Or Code" ;Puts chosen item in your inventory.

~/@get "Item Name Or Code" ;Drops chosen item at your feet.

~/get_currency ;Unknown Command

~/get_forceorb ;Possibly displays amount of force orb's in server.

~/get_bosstime ;Displays time before next boss spawns.

~/localtime ;Displays clients local time.

~/sod_enter ;Teleports you into SoD arena.

~/sod_view ;Shows SoD Status.

~/time ;Unknown Command.

/LeeShotKeyReset ;Resets skill shortcuts.

/LeeForce ;Does'nt seem to do anything.

/LeeResetRankUp ;Resets your char back to Tier 1.

/LeeHelpMeStat ;Resets your stats.

/LeeHelpMeSkill ;Resets your skills.

/LeeWhereIs "Username" ;Maybe shows location of chosen user.

/LeeResetQuest ;Resets Quests.

/Lee3thRankUp ;Clears 3rd Rankup Quest.

/Lee4thRankUp ;Clears 4th Rankup Quest.

/PassRankUp ;Ranks Your Character up.


O comando /field para mover seu personagem, na frente do comando você terá¡ que colocar o numero do mapa pra que você quer mover:


0 - Acasia Forest

1 - Bamboo Forest

2 - Garden of Freedom

3 - Ricarten Town

4 - Refuge of the Ancients

5 - Castle of the Lost

6 - Ruinen Village

7 - Cursed Land

8 - Forgotten Land

9 - Navisko Town

10 - O a s i s

11 - Battlefield of the Ancients

12 - Forbidden Land

13 - Ancient Prison 1F

14 - Ancient Prison 2F

15 - Ancient Prison 3F

16 - Checker Room (PCRoom)

17 - Forest of Spirits

18 - Land of Dusk

19 - Valley of Tranquillity

20 - Road to the Wind

21 - Pillai Town

22 - Cursed Temple 1F

23 - Cursed Temple 2F

24 - Cave of Mushrooms

25 - Cave of Beehive

26 - Sanctuary of Darkness

27 - Railway of Chaos

28 - Heart of Perum

29 - Eura

30 - S O D Heaven Stage

31 - Gallubia Valley

32 - Tier 4 Rank Up Arena

33 - Bless Castle

34 - Greedy Lake

35 - Ice 2

36 - Kelvezu's sweet home

38 - Lost Temple

39 - Fall Game

40 - Endless Tower 1º andar

41 - Endless Tower 2º andar


O comando /@get dropa um item no chao, na frente dele você deverá por o ID do item, vai em GameServer/OpenItem lá¡ dentro vai ter muitos arquivos com letras e numeros, essas letras e numeros são os ids dos itens, por exemplo, o id do ruah robe é DA223 , se você digitar /@get DA223 vai dropar ruah robe no chão.


OBS.: Para entrar de GM você precisa do Patch de GM, breve postarei ele:



Tópico sobre GM feito por buiabrbr:

É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.


Créditos: Kazuki (SpyLord)


Apenas retirei alguns erros!

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