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[Duvida] Openkore Louco !



Bom gente, estou jogando um private server. e quero por ele pra loot Box Of Trunder..(Caixa do Trovão)

Então, ele cata as box normalmente. mais na hora de usar o comando @storage, ele não usa e se auto-desconecta do servidor! alguem me ajuda?

então eu puis assim na minha config / itens control.

Config :


storageAuto 1


storageAuto_distance 5

storageAuto_npc_type 3

storageAuto_npc_steps c r1 n


storageAuto_keepOpen 0

storageAuto_useChatCommand @storage

relogAfterStorage 0

minStorageZeny 50

Item Control :

# In this file you can control which items to put in storage,

# to sell, or to leave in the inventory.


# Syntax:

# (item name) (minimum) (auto-store) (auto-sell) [put in cart] [get from cart]

# item name : Name of the item.

# miminum : The minimum amount of this item that you want to keep in inventory.

# autostore : Set to 1 to walk back to a Kapra NPC to put in storage.

# autosell : Set to 1 to sell item at a buy/sell NPC.

# put in cart : Set to 1 to automatically put this item in cart.

# get from cart : Set to 1 to automatically get this item from cart.


# The example below will sell all jellopies, store all knifes and puts

# all flowers in cart:

# Jellopy 0 0 1

# Knife 0 1 0

# Flower 0 0 0 1


# This example will get Red Potions from cart if you have less than 25

# of them in your inventory:

# Red Potion 25 0 0 0 1


# The item name isn't case sensitive. Only items found in this file will

# be stored or sold.


# If auto-store and auto-sell are 1, Kore will do storage first (unless

# storage is full) then sell.


# Kore will not sell or store equipped items. For example, if you're using

# a knife and you have a line to auto-sell all knives, kore will sell any

# extras it picks up, not the knife it's using.


# Don't forget to set the storageAuto, sellAuto and related configuration

# options in config.txt, or this file won't have any effect.


# An auto-sell list and auto-storage list is provided by default, modify it

# as you see fit.


# All items not mentioned in this file will be automatically stored in storage.

all 0 1 0


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