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Ms. season with a skin scratches


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's wife and mother season was rushed to the hospital, though not injured,

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, but still frightened Ms. quarter shortness of breath, trembling lips when speaking. Yesterday afternoon, Ms. quarter surviving to Morning News reporters Hui Yi and Le Shangwu happen that scene, 72-year-old mother is constantly wiping away tears. 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, reporters rushed to the Cao Yang Road 303, Lane district, the incident in Building 37,
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, Room 101. Although the scene cordon has been removed, but many residents are still discussing the roadside breathtaking scene occurred at noon. Soon, the reporter met in front of Building 37 season and her mother. Lee's mother trembled open the door, the mother and daughter in a messy home interview. This home has been turned upside down too, smashed furniture everywhere, almost no foot land. An approximately 2-meter-high bell lying on the floor, the clock face glass broken, twisted pointer to unrecognized angle. "It is estimated that he moved over to block the door, do not let the police come." 21-year-old daughter, Miss Lee calls the "he" is his father,
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, his mother and grandmother also hijack people. Lee lived in this house Liangshiliangting wife, daughter and Lee's mother. Lee Long-term drug use,
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, possession of drugs in 2003 but had been sentenced to prison,
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, in December 2010 was released from prison. [Event Restore] â–* 17 æ—¥ 23 points and daughter after a fight, he was emotionally unstable "at 23:00 on the 17th and more, to see his daughter again in drugs, they earnestly advised him not to suck, and then suck it into a basket case As a result, father and daughter had a big one, my daughter went out the night shift. "daughter left, Lee's mood has been very stable. "He kicked me, saying that my daughter and collusion, to the police arrest him." â–* 18 æ—¥ 4 点 relying want to die with a knife at 4:00 on the 18th and more, emotional control, Lee suddenly rushed into the knife its 72-year-old mother-room. Ms. Ji said: "He threatened my mother not to leave the door step, otherwise they kill her. Later rushed to my room, took a fruit knife, respectively, and a knife against my neck, if I'm out Sound will knife stabbing me. "elderly mother was scared lip color blue, one dare not move. From 4:00 to 9:00 of this time, Lee has been in extreme emotional chaotic situation. "He would say that they live in hell, one would then rummaging through his own clothes are turned out, said to be packaged and fled. After a few minutes, but said police have surrounded the fantasy around, to die." â–* 18 at 12 point communication without fruit, daughter alarm at 9:00 on the 18th, Lee's daughter came home from work, open the door only to find the door blocked. "He would not let me how the door, I had to find the uncle to help." Miss Lee mouth uncle is Lee's brother. However, this is still to no avail. Over time,
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, fearing the safety of the mother and grandmother Miss Lee call 110. â–* 18 æ—¥ 13 点 Tiaohulishan "release" special police from entering 12:30, Putuo Branch and other units rushed to the scene disposal. Police surrounded the house,
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, ready to storm. 13:00 pm, police and Lee Gechuang exchanges. "Huji Jing Chen officer made him a man came in, but he did not agree." Ms. Ji said, when her husband has been completely lost, "he warned the police not to strong red, or three seconds down one." Just two sides deadlocked,
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, the lady sitting Chuangjiao quaternary vaguely see outside through the balcony windows police had been "pressure" in the window, and through gestures she opened the window latch. "My mind a move, he went to the door and lie Chen officer to speak." Ms. quarter this "Tiaohulishan" Count very successful, Lee out of the door, the lady then poke quarter window latch, dragged her to a police immediately out of the window and into the house homeopathy, will be Lee control. Subsequently, the police at another house in the quarter's mother rescued. They do not hurt, Ms. season with a skin scratches, its mother no injuries, but the two frightened not small. It is understood that the police entered the house after the drugs found on the bed in the bedroom of the tools used. Another room on the floor, placed five knives of varying lengths. â–* They say he ...... wife: the original feeling pretty good quarter, said Ms. fact the couple had good feelings,
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, his poor health,
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, often need to go to the hospital. Lee, accompanied by her husband every time patience. "Later he gambling, and drug use in prison. Came out, there is no proper job and now the family four, thanks to his daughter at the bar waiter income and rental 3000 yuan rent life." Neighbors: mother says Lee had threatened her with a knife, according to neighbors Cheng, yesterday 9:00 and more, through the kitchen window he saw a man who was passing vaguely Room 101 windows (Note: This man is Lee's brother), and inside the what people talked. "Inaudible specific content,
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, but can hear 101 indoor answer is a woman, but has not seen her husband out." Cheng said, the night before I heard the 101 indoor heated argument coming from the sound,
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, "seems to be daughter and dad fight, say what drugs. " He said, weekdays often see Lee out, but it does not and neighbors Winded. "Speaking of his mother-in-law always frowning." Cheng said to his wife,
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, Li Mouyue her mother had said, before Lee had threatened her with a knife moves. Yesterday 13:00 and more, from the outside back Cheng suddenly discovered that actually cordoned off in front of their own, and even alerted the police. "I knew that he abducted his wife and mother." In this case, the police continued to persuade Lee put down the tool room. Subsequently, the police diversion from the back door breakthrough, successfully rescued trapped Lee wife and wife's mother, and sent 120 emergency vehicles for inspection.




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