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cfna Insiders said the new doping into the common phenomenon of Thai rice



's e-mail, "Government assistance to farmers so that the price of rice rose. Chuang Liang Qi said, "support" is a new policy introduced by the new Prime Minister of Thailand, the British pull - the minimum purchase price of rice increased by 50%. "Jasmine rice sold to the government, then the price will be rushed 1500 US dollars per ton." November 15, business in Shenzhen Thailand Basmati Rice Group Lianyi manager Huang Jinglun so predict. Climate pressure, but more of a policy of pressure. Chuang Liang Qi said, "flood-affected the larger is central to create more arable land, the average loss made rice yield, and other northeastern, northern jasmine rice origin instead abounds." Huang Jinglun also said that the middle of the main producing areas planted Baton meters "and" Thai white rice, fragrant rice producing areas in the northeast, the impact is relatively small; believe this year's "Baton meters" and "Thai white rice production will be greatly reduced, the price advantage will be affected by a larger test . On the topic of prices, domestic importers of Thai rice and do not want to talk about. On November 16, the newspaper reporter called a leading enterprise in Shenzhen, the staff answered the phone said the person in charge is not something that needs the next day contact. November 17, the reporter again went electric, with a staff replied: "The person in charge of our company refused to accept such an interview, do not call back. Production price Supremacy costs withstand scrutiny argument is just a argument with the status quo, while the next year, there may be another excuse. "an explanation of rice in Thailand is quite subtle. People in the industry who requested anonymity, said: "In the past there was a saying that Thai rice has less than $ 80 (10 kg packing). Certainly raised the price bottom line." In The Insiders predict years, according to the current trend, the export price of Thai jasmine rice will rise further to more than $ 1300, plus customs duties, value added tax, customs clearance, freight equivalent cost to the domestic price of 9800-9900 yuan per tonne - - "The price is just the raw material price of rice,

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, but also non-packaging, equipment, labor, logistics, marketing costs, channels reasonable profit." display data from the Shenzhen Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, the Shenzhen Port in the first ten months of imports rice,
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, 290,
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,000 tons, 194,500 tons of Thai rice, a year-on-year growth of 41.92%. The data also show that since 2006, Thai rice inspection price all the way up from the 2006 average price of $ 390.56 per ton, up to 2007 the average price of $ 454.20 per ton, the average price in 2008 was $ 650.42 per ton, 2009 The average price of the year compared to $ 780.89 per ton.报检 average price of Thai rice up to last year, per ton, nearly $ 1,000, a 2011 inspection of the new rice prices have been as high as $ 1,172 per ton. Push down to $ 1,172, which means that on the terminal market Thai rice at least to sell to more than 10 yuan per kilogram. From the supermarket existing data, most of the Thai rice,
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, 10 kg packed in around $ 120, but in the face of the wholesale segment of the bulk of customers, the price of Thai rice has extraordinary general. The name of the school canteen purchases, the reporter picked several wholesalers to contact. And Sheng dealer Mr. Lee claimed that the pure original imported Thai rice, the price per ton ranging from 3000-4000 yuan, Thai jasmine rice for 3800 yuan. Fei Wang Thai rice offer 4,000 yuan per ton. More than two wholesalers refused inspection requirements, but stressed the need to leave the address can be directly delivered to your door. November 15, the reporter visited Fukuda approved farmers market. Agri street sales personnel will have more than 200 yuan, only 150 yuan a bag (25 kg) of the high-grade Thai rice, a little Thai rice. In bulk rice samples display cases, the column of Thai rice stuck a price tag of 3.4 yuan / kg, the price tag on the field adjacent to the river sago says 3.2 yuan / kg. The price of 4000 yuan mean Inspection in accordance with the $ 1,
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,172 price, which means that the market Thai rice price is only about half of the declared price of imports. Does not seem difficult to find the answer. The Wilmar food Yejing 25 kg packaging Thai rice prices ranging from 150 to 200 yuan, the price level is mainly to see the level of Thai rice content doped. Manager Ye also said that the company's wholesale Thai rice is well packed bags of rice instead of bulk meters, the first manufacturers inspection. Quality chaos fragrant rice label spectrum, Guangdong is the most important sales region for the Chinese market for Thai rice, digest here about 70% of imports. The figures provided by the inspection and quarantine departments also said that the share of imported rice in the Shenzhen Port is about 70% of the country's first source of Thailand. Rice in Thailand, the domestic market is also the most confusing area. At least, Thai rice strict classification system here has gone haywire. Jasmine rice, Pathum rice, Thai white rice, which is the classification of Thai rice. "Jasmine rice" in the top floor has a strict country of origin labeling use management regulations, exporters need to be registered with the Thai government "national agricultural commodities and food standards Ministry before use, and requires the pure of not less than 92% - that at least 92 of the 100 for fragrant rice. Baton meters, although it has also rice, but the Thai statements have consciously played down the identity of the "rice". Zhuang Yu Qi explanation, although both difficult to discern in appearance, but the taste and aroma of the difference between great differences in production processes, jasmine rice is a one-year build, Baton meters three times a year made. As for the price, the market price of jasmine rice per ton than the Baton meters high on the 200-300 U.S. dollars. The Huang Jinglun is a joke. In accordance with the literal understanding of jasmine rice is rice with jasmine, the earliest counterfeiters has made mistakes - ordinary rice mixed with jasmine flavors. In fact,
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, the "jasmine rice" refers to the cooked rice, showing white jasmine. As for the domestic market, jasmine rice or in most high-end the Baton rice is also known as Thai rice, more complex called Thai fragrant rice. Thai rice with Thai rice, fragrant rice. "Ridicule by Insiders say," Thai fragrant rice is a "taste of Thai rice rice. Insiders of anonymity due respect, doping is a common phenomenon in the Thai rice industry, this doped called "reconciliation". The industry source said that some Thai rice cross-doped, there is the incorporation of Vietnamese fragrant rice or domestic fragrant rice, the most direct domestic fragrant rice labeled as Thai rice. Of course, these domestic fragrant rice do with Thai rice descent,
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, jasmine rice seeds, these domestic version called "Waiyin the 7th in the industry. In a number of wholesale markets, this is an open secret: Thai rice around 4,000 yuan per ton, origin identification Jiangxi. Shape and jasmine rice, Waiyin No. 7 in Shenzhen used mixed with Thai jasmine rice, but not much. "This person further said that the Shenzhen market," Made in China "Thai rice multi label 923 or 926 Jiang sago, Xiangwanxian 13, Hunan meters as well as Jianzhen 2 Hubei meters. "Most of these meters the price per tonne between 5600-5800 yuan, 4,000 yuan and jasmine rice difference price differences exist huge profit margins, typical seventy-three reconcile the law, one ton is more than 1000 yuan of profits. "and who is also pointed out that:" Vietnamese fragrant rice price gap is $ 300, about half the price of Thai white rice only jasmine rice. "Anything Thai rice must be fragrant rice,
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, you can find Thai white rice Vietnamese fragrant rice it I do not believe that the market has such a good digestion. "with a former official of the doubt, this reporter visited several supermarkets, found marked with the identity of Thai white rice or Vietnamese fragrant rice is indeed difficult to find. The data from the Shenzhen Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, the first ten months of this year, Vietnam imported rice amount to 94,000 tons, imports amounted to 3.9 times in the same period last year. The data also show that the third quarter of the Vietnamese rice imports again surged, accounted for 50% of total imports, breaking the Thai rice has long absolute monopoly. In reply to the Shenzhen Daily, Shenzhen Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau personnel, said: "Vietnam's rice imports surge closely related to Thai rice price factors. Market trends may bid farewell to the immature "We know that as part of the mercenary business, but it can not prevent its development." Chuang Liang Qi in reply, said that the aim of the company is to choose the "cooperation of importers, the registered brand jasmine meters of the original packaging input. And very similar to Zhuang reply the Huang Jinglun business focus is now looking for partners in the imports of pure aromatic rice. An interview with the Shenzhen Daily, Huang Jinglun sent their own rice award certificate, that is the title of the best rice "from the World Assembly of the rice industry. Beginning in 2004, Huang Jinglun start dealing and the Chinese market despite the best knowledge of the industry insider, but Huang Jinglun expression is intriguing: "This is an immature market, immature market is certainly flawed. International market prices, only a few country can bear a high price, the quality certainly will be in the second place. phenomenon will happen. "In his eyes, the Thai rice market is" open ", but" the lack of industry self-regulatory capacity. Prices may be bid farewell to a premature start, Huang Jinglun prophecy which will directly lead to a reshuffle, only those enterprises can focus on the brand and quality may persevered. As for the time, his forecast is 5 years. In the eyes of many people in the industry, the Thai rice with the flood prices, and to some extent also the move to guarantee quality,
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, the importance of brand will be rewarded those who hold the bottom line of the enterprise. Thai rice prices,
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, the Chinese fragrant rice will usher in opportunity The existence of the price difference, Chinese fragrant rice market space. Meters market in a small package,
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, the price closest to the Thai rice northeast fragrant rice, 10 kg of Arowana the original fragrant rice price is 118 yuan. Wal-Mart, this reporter visited the Rainbow, Vanguard, supermarket clerk domestic fragrant rice sales better than Thai rice. Northeast fragrant rice is rice, Thai rice indica rice, which is a different market. "Huang Jinglun seems, has a memory of the taste buds on the tongue of the Chinese people will not easily change the meters, especially favorite indica rice Southerners. For those Thai rice "domestic", Huang Jinglun not underestimate the quality: "I ran across Jiangxi, Hunan, such as 923 of fragrant rice is very good, good brand protection, you should be able to occupy the mid- market. "brand protection, the soft underbelly of this is the Chinese fragrant rice. Take jasmine rice, green logo is a seal can not tolerate any moisture. Chuang Liang Qi's reply mentioned: "If there is an offense and will be subject to the criminal at the crime"; Huang Jinglun reply is: "for the interests of the moment, to destroy 30 years of the brand, not worth it." In the industry view, domestic jasmine rice flag exists market opportunity. 885 at the beginning of the bar code, jasmine rice, green logo, these so-called original logo, in fact, we can get them. "The practitioner also mentioned the CCTV this year" 15 "special investigation, the identity of Thai rice problem almost a clean sweep of the well-known brand. "M not only the integrity of the industry. Fragrant rice market in China, bad money drives out good money danger has emerged." The insiders such statements on condition of anonymity. Media exposure quality problems rice, Thai rice imports, Wuchang rice, homemade Panjin rice, the Maba oil stick. More black humor thing: last year's signing of the Declaration on the integrity of the Wuchang rice manufacturers, and some will still be selling knockoff. Related links to buy original the fragrant rice identity cohabitation of the market can be tracked, the original Thailand meters buy genuine need little expertise. Shenzhen Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau staff to identify and provide some suggestions can be tracked. Thai rice imports points fragrant rice and Baton rice, white rice, glutinous rice. Thai rice was divided into pre-packaged and non-pre-packaged. The so-called pre-packaged is imported directly on the shelves to consumers, major brand Koko,
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, Leung Kee JINLUN series, Meng Pottinger LAI, accounting for about 30% of the imports of Thai rice. Sales of non-pre-packaged is not directly on the shelves, to be done to further processing of raw materials listed on the Thai fragrant rice, domestic enterprises to import packaging raw materials fragrant rice in Thailand is divided into a small package. Thai jasmine rice is almost all imported pre-packaged form, and strict rules only fragrant rice purity more than 92% in order to use the name of Thai jasmine rice (Thai Hom Mali Rice). Members of the public to determine whether the original imported Thai rice, can be identified based on the following information: First, look at the origin registered trademark. Ministry of Commerce of Thailand 外贸厅 registered Thai jasmine rice quality standard certification mark is a green circular logo. Correspondingly, commodities strip line code, the bar code 885 at the beginning of the Thai Country of Origin Packaging, the domestic packaging barcode is 69 at the beginning,
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, this is the most simple method of identifying. The second is to look at the shelf life. Normal in less than 14% of the original imported Thai jasmine rice moisture, long shelf life, shelf life of two years; instead of the original imported Thai jasmine rice generally more than 16% moisture, shelf life is generally less than one year . The fragrant rice purity is also important to identify the logo. The original imported Thai jasmine rice must be marked with fragrant rice purity of 92% or more, "reconcile meters" fragrant rice purity "92%" is not marked. The third is to look at the label. The original imported Thai jasmine rice must be approved by the port inspection and quarantine in China issued a "health certificate" does not exist on the QS certification CCIC inspection identifies the original meters bags on, show that already Wuzhou test (Thailand) Co., Ltd. inspection. Domestic packaging and processing of the so-called "Thai rice, you must to have market access QS signs.

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