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these families whether there are security risks



's Daily, January 5 (Reporter Shen Yaxin Zhao Enze) reporter learned from the people of the the Kaifeng Municipal Propaganda Department, responsible for "1.4" fire accident occurred in Lankao County, YUAN powerful all child adoptions have already been sent to Kaifeng City orphanage, seven of whom are attending school, the relevant departments will be as soon as possible in Kaifeng contact the new school to address these children's reading problems. Interview, the reporter found that Yuan powerful adoptions things are not cases of abandoned babies, Lankao also there are some other folk adoption outcast family, these families whether there are security risks,

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, the procedures are legitimate yet to relevant departments to confirm. Neighbors restore the scene of the fire cause of the fire is suspected electric heater ignited the fire room for a big house in the middle, and the house in addition to a warming himself heater Nothing else can lead to fire. Powerful to take care of the children "often help Yuan the Lee Sau Court,
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, not far away, and fire to, she guessed that the cause of the fire is the locals commonly known as "Little Sun" electric heater ignited. "Small ten rescued in Kaifeng, was found in the kitchen, he burns was relatively light, so it is not possible to the fire in the kitchen with Lee Sau Court said he and Yuan powerful peacetime good relationship, often in a She sometimes in the past to help take care of the next child. 4, the fires this day, Yuan powerful send several older children go to school, she is at home to feed the pigs. Natural and man-made disasters ah! "Lee Sau Court side Then while weeping, a few days ago, Yuan powerful mother-in-law died,
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, the powerful husband and son go Xinxiang funeral home less a man to take care of this thing did not expect to occur. "Would send their children to school a little while," Lee Sau Court heard Yuan powerful side to drive home barefoot and shout her "aunt, fire in your home, go and put out the fire", she looked up and saw the direction of the Yuan powerful home to take smoke. Near neighbor also told reporters about the time the fire scene, powerful Yuan daughter, son-in-law was first discovered fire, began to call for help went out, the neighbors noticed the fire, all dial 110, the site was burned to death are age , the child can not move, the larger point of the 20-year-old child, climbed to the second floor, died of smoke asphyxiation,
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. "The streets are too narrow,
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, not get in fire engines, a hose connected to a water pipe, and only then into the waterway." One woman said of the scene witnessed the entire rescue process. Fire two floors of the hospital director to lend Yuan powerful live, good internal decoration, walls are flexible packaging,
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, resulting in fire particularly fast. The scene of the fire as of now, still be martial law. Reporter climbed over the wall next door to see the little two-story house basic all burnt, the entrance is a narrow alley. The Lankao Civil Affairs Bureau to change saying "illegal adoption" is replaced by "unauthorized adoptions" the deputy secretary of the Bureau of Civil Affairs in charge of relief work in Lankao Li Meijiao, in an interview with People's Daily reporter, saying the "illegal adoption" is changed to "unauthorized adoptions, when asked since the distinction, Lee Mi Jiao said, if it is against the law for public security, civil affairs, planning and other departments to jointly ruled. Previously, Lankao County Civil Affairs Bureau Yang Peimin said in an interview with the media, in accordance with the provisions of the Adoption Act, Yuan powerful do not have to adopt eligible can not afford no conditions adoptions abandoned baby,
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, there is no relevant procedures, illegal adoptions. Lee Meijiao today quoted Adoption Act adoptee should have "no children, rearing and educating the adoptee's ability, not suffering in medicine that should not adopt a child disease, aged 30 years of age", 4 conditions, and adoptee can only adopt one child. "But the adoption of abandoned babies, can be exempted from the adoptee childless and adopt one limit." She said, Yuan powerful specific ability to adopt several abandoned babies, and sometimes difficult to measure, because her income is changing,
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. "The reason has not been able all abandoned children received temporary relief stations, mainly because Yuan powerful strongly resisted and an altercation, and later, in order to avoid the intensification of conflicts, not to take coercive measures, prepare batches the Graded then children then away. "the response of the Bureau of Civil Affairs Lankao, users believe that is trying to distance themselves from responsibility. Yuan powerful the monthly subsistence allowances 1,740 yuan masses deny Reporter sell abandoned baby money found in the street selling breakfast Yuan powerful sister, she told reporters, Yuan powerful adoptions abandoned baby for almost 30 years, placed near the hospital stalls, so from time to time will be able to pick up the abandoned baby, her eye is good, how is a life, picked up the others to throw the child could not bear to discard,
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. "fire incidents, many nearby villagers gathered to Yuan powerful near the door, many emotion "Yuan powerful is a good man, too poor, and now no one has her pain." for a reporter asked about the existence of the spread of the Yuan powerful cheat subsistence allowances, selling children to do to make money "the nearby masses attitude suddenly excited,
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," no thing,
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, others do not give, how could sell! "last year spent more than 6000 to treat a child, are flowers of their own money." Lankao Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, also said there is no evidence that the Yuan powerful rely abandoned babies to make money, the Civil Affairs Bureau of Lankao give YUAN of powerful couples and 18 abandoned babies subsistence allowances, 87 yuan per person per month. The basis of this calculation, her family a month to receive 1740 yuan guaranteeing income. Yuan powerful in Lankao not the case folk outcast adoptions to be standardized reporter Yuan powerful eldest son doorstep encounters Yuan powerful daughter, she rode the electric tricycle, girl and car full of daily living supplies, see The door was locked, only answered one today, did not see the Yuan powerful, they turned around and left. Yuan powerful daughter-in-law is also to assist the police investigation. Yuan powerful accompany seriously injured ten small, to the Kaifeng Second People's Hospital intensive care treatment, the message has yet taken away by public security. Lee Sau Court said that separate from the hospital, you no longer see her,
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, her son and daughter had not been able to see her,
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. This reporter has learned, Lee Sau Court himself also adoptive three abandoned babies up to 7 years, Yuan powerful in Lankao is not the case, but also there are some other folk adoption outcast family. The masses, the help Yuan powerful look after the old lady of the family of his own, adopted two orphans. Family of orphans procedures are legitimate,
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, the living environment is safe, still need the relevant departments of the specification. (Original title: Lankao Civil Affairs Bureau said the adoption if it is against the law to be confirmed the neighbors deny Yuan severe sell abandoned baby)

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