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Zenos Engine


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Ae gente esse CE eh mto bom serve pra tricster, bots, gunz, entre outros jogos e acompanha um monte de hacks para os jogos citados. laugh.gif


ZenosEngine 2.5




General Settings:

Marque todos exceto Address list specific


Scan Settings:

[ ] Fast scan on by default

[x] Enable hyperscan when possible

[ ] Don't scan memory that is protected with the No Cache Option

[ ] Keep low memory usage when doing an "Unknown Initial Value scan" with Hyper Scan





[X] Run scan in seperate thread.



File Associations:

Não precisa marcar nada


Code Finder:

[x] Use Debug Registers

[ ] Memory Access Exceptions

[x] Try to prevent detection of the debugger

[ ] Handle breakpoints not caused by CE



[x] Show disassembler

[x] Show debugger options

[x] Use hardware breakpoints

[ ] Use int3 instructions for breakpoints

[x] Replace incomplete opcodes with nops

[x] Ask for replace with nop

[x] Try to prevent detection of the debugger



[ ] Query memory region routines

[x] Read/Write process memory

[x] Open Process


[ ] Use APC to inject dll's

[ ] Use APC to create new threads

[ ] Undo changes to CE

[ ] Force memory to be writable in case the standard method is blocked

[x] Enable use of Process Watcher

[x] Use kernel debugger options when possible


[ ] Stealth mode (Usermode)

[ ] Stealth mode (Kernelmode)


by Zenos


Qndo for abrir o Bots n precisa selecionar processo pq ele faiz issu automatico.


aki o scan:


STATUS: STOPPEDService is stopped in this moments. Scanning of your sample has not been finalized and results has been lost. If you wish to scan it, please send it again.


Antivirus Version Update Result

AntiVir 01.09.2007 no virus found

Authentium 4.93.8 01.10.2007 no virus found

Avast 4.7.892.0 12.30.2006 no virus found

AVG 386 01.10.2007 no virus found

BitDefender 7.2 01.11.2007 no virus found

CAT-QuickHeal 9.00 01.10.2007 no virus found

ClamAV devel-20060426 01.11.2007 no virus found

DrWeb 4.33 01.10.2007 no virus found

eSafe 01.10.2007 no virus found

eTrust-InoculateIT 23.73.111 01.10.2007 no virus found

eTrust-Vet 30.3.3318 01.11.2007 no virus found

Ewido 4.0 01.10.2007 no virus found

Fortinet 01.10.2007 no virus found

F-Prot 3.16f 01.10.2007 no virus found

F-Prot4 01.10.2007 no virus found

Ikarus T3.1.0.27 01.09.2007 no virus found

Kaspersky 01.11.2007 no virus found

McAfee 4936 01.10.2007 no virus found

Microsoft 1.1904 01.11.2007 no virus found

NOD32v2 1971 01.11.2007 no virus found

Norman 5.80.02 01.10.2007 no virus found

Panda 01.10.2007 no virus found

Prevx1 V2 01.11.2007 no virus found

Sophos 4.13.0 01.10.2007 no virus found

Sunbelt 2.2.907.0 01.05.2007 no virus found

TheHacker 01.08.2007 no virus found



Aditional Information

File size: 7727573 bytes

MD5: 302136833fc138a800165b0ccff872f3

SHA1: 5ae8e8917a32097360c7b2e1b1f85e2b17fac0de



Espero ter ajudado! XD

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