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[Brincadeira] - Me conte uma mentira?


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Eu nunca minto ... nem de brincadeira.



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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Eu vi um dinossauro dirigindo um carro conversível, ouvindo Restart no último volume



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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Eu tenho um chupa-cabra de animal de estimação.





Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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Eu doei meu rim para uma topeira que estava precisando. :bonzinho:



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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Eu sou uma mulher fruta.





Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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Está chovendo dinheiro aqui na rua



Bonds are ties to each other. I don’t think little of that. But the futures we’re meant to walk won’t come to us with bonds alone. You’re responsible with living your own life. We’re simply stepping onto the next stage, is all.

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Hoje todas as pessoas estão escolhendo, pessoas capacitadas para governá-las, e amanha teremos uma quantidade gigantesca de Cavaleiros Brancos defendendo os nossos direitos!

“O problema do mundo de hoje é que as pessoas inteligentes estão cheias de dúvidas, e as pessoas idiot4s estão cheias de certezas...”


- Charles Bukowski

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