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Oi gente,sei que area errada,mais hoje quando fui entrar no site da dxt me deparei com essa foto


E essa mensagen:Estamos tristes em dizer adeus, o nosso pequeno experimento foi divertido enquanto durou, e gostaríamos de agradecer a todos

que fizeram isso acontecer. Chris Gordon, Wendy King, tanto de você me é cara e perto do meu coração, e é com

o coração pesado que eu digo isso. FUCK YOU?! LOL Espero que você tenha se divertido tanto quanto nós.


Sera que a DXT faliu?

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Olá amigo, desculpe informar, mas seu tópico encontra-se em Área Errada.

Área correta para a postagem do mesmo seria em: Bate Papo

Leia as Regras do Fórum, e as regras da área onde você se encontra.



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Não era o site da DXT que você viu, era um site falso que criaram.H

Há uma nota no próprio site da DXT sobre o assunto:



It has been brought to my attention that you have stolen Dxt's images, recreated a fake site, and slandered my business. What makes you any better? You need to go learn how to code before your even on my level! And for your petty slanders at the owners here at Dxt. Did you forget I am a legit business and your just an immature young adult that will get sued for your online defamation of my business and my character. Keep harassing my business and see were you end up!


Funny how google checkout thinks i sell tobacco - who's lying on that note? There is a reason why Dxt has been here for years, The member base speaks for itself. I did not have to edit images to advertize on another site, nor try to take out my competitors. If you could do what I have done, you wouldn't have to slander my business, so do us all a favor go back to your hole you came out of, I mean go back home to your mommy's house and cry because you fail at life. You wish you had Dxt's success and it kills you that you can't.


Get off my nuts, quit bragging about me and do something for yourself - create your own website without slandering mine and lets see how far you get, owe that's right you can't code any programs to sell, get my name out your mouth bitches! I wonder what its like to get up everyday and go hmm wonder what cobra has done today. This is my life and my business, if your not apart of it move on with your life, why do I matter to you so much, if i am the person you make me out to be.


All Dxt Users have a choice to be here or not, they do not need anyone to tell them or explain anything about Dxt, they are not forced to be here, but you try so hard to force them away, you are not god and never will be!! Cry on someone else's shoulder about how you fail, we will prevail!


Fuck you haters - DXT 4 LIFE!!!!!

Colem no Google tradutor e vejam :)

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Sera que vai Acabar mesmo ? se for acabar vai ser uma Beleza.

pointblank_img_patentes_14.gifHSimp KD : 58% HS : 27% XP: 195261

Horas Jogadas/DIA : 2>3hrs ~ Horas Jogadas TOTAL : 64:33

Media P/Dia 3,951XP/Hr ~ Meta de Patente: pointblank_img_patentes_42.gif XP 546100

XP ate meta: 385100 XP ~ Ate Meta : 3,951 XP/H ~ 82h

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