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Como configurar meu bot?



opa galera queria configurar meu bot , tipo ja fiz ele ficar catando morango em payon dai como faço pra quando ele tiver pesadao , ir guardar os morangos na kafra ou alguma carta se dropar e o resto vender no npc alguem me ensina?Brigadão

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15 respostass a esta questão

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antes de mais nada vc tem que configurar essas linhas no config.txt:


storageAuto 0 <0 desliga e 1 liga a função de guardar itens>

storageAuto_npc <mapa e coordenadas exatas da kafra onde o bot deve guardar os itens no modelo: pay_fild02 102 394>

storageAuto_distance 5 <distancia que o bot deve estar da kafra

storageAuto_npc_type 1


storageAuto_password <senha do armazém>

storageAuto_keepOpen 0 <0 fexa o armazém depois de usar, 1 mantém aberto>


relogAfterStorage 1 <1 reloga depois de guardar itens 0 não reloga (sugiro que mande ele relogar pra prevenir bugs no bot>

minStorageZeny 50 <dinheiro minimo pro bot usar o armazém>


depois, vc vai precisar configurar o itensontrol.txt

esse é o tutorial


esse arquivo diz ao bot como ele deve agir com relação a cada item

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storageAuto_npc <mapa e coordenadas exatas da kafra onde o bot deve guardar os itens no modelo: pay_fild02 102 394>

storageAuto_distance 5 <distancia que o bot deve estar da kafra


essa parte eu n etendi como eu vo marcar a distancia da kafra?e kafra ta em payon n teria como eu marcar um pay_fild ... seria payon e as coordenadas to certo? me desculpe a ignorancia..

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no caso da localização seria sim em payon, mas eu botei outro mapa pra vc não pensar que as coordenadas que eu mostrei estavam certas

e essa linha: storageAuto_distance 5 esse 5 é a distancia que o bot vai ficar da kafra pra clicar na npc

ele ai andar até ficar a essa distancia da kafra

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no caso da localização seria sim em payon, mas eu botei outro mapa pra vc não pensar que as coordenadas que eu mostrei estavam certas

e essa linha: storageAuto_distance 5 esse 5 é a distancia que o bot vai ficar da kafra pra clicar na npc

ele ai andar até ficar a essa distancia da kafra


a ta vlws cara me ajudo d mais =p

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tudo o que estiver entre <> é pra vc deletar e substituir quando for configurar o arquivo


no caso do moncontrol (que no seu caso não é necessário configurar), vc deve fazer algo assim:


All 0 0 0

Jibóia 0 1 0

Esporo 1 0 0

Poring 0 0 1


sempre mantenha a variável all para indicar o que deve ser feito com os outros monstros q vc não especificou.

lembrando que isso é um exemplo, não coloque-o noseu moncontrol

o mesmo vale para o itenscontrol

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meu item control ta assim:


# In this file you can control which items to put in storage,

# to sell, or to leave in the inventory.


# Syntax:

# (item name) (minimum) (auto-store) (auto-sell) [put in cart] [get from cart]

# item name : Name of the item.

# miminum : The minimum amount of this item that you want to keep in inventory.

# autostore : Set to 1 to walk back to a Kapra NPC to put in storage.

# autosell : Set to 1 to sell item at a buy/sell NPC.

# put in cart : Set to 1 to automatically put this item in cart.

# get from cart : Set to 1 to automatically get this item from cart.


# The example below will sell all jellopies, store all knifes and puts

# all flowers in cart:

# Jellopy 0 0 1

# Knife 0 1 0

# Flower 0 0 0 1


# This example will get Red Potions from cart if you have less than 25

# of them in your inventory:

# Red Potion 25 0 0 0 1


# The item name isn't case sensitive. Only items found in this file will

# be stored or sold.


# If auto-store and auto-sell are 1, Kore will do storage first (unless

# storage is full) then sell.


# Kore will not sell or store equipped items. For example, if you're using

# a knife and you have a line to auto-sell all knives, kore will sell any

# extras it picks up, not the knife it's using.


# Don't forget to set the storageAuto, sellAuto and related configuration

# options in config.txt, or this file won't have any effect.


# An auto-sell list and auto-storage list is provided by default, modify it

# as you see fit.



# All items not mentioned in this file will be automatically stored in storage.

all 0 1 0




# Adjust these to your needs


Butterfly Wing 10 1 0

Fly Wing 100 1 0


Blue Potion 0 1 0

Condensed Red Potion 50 1 0

Condensed White Potion 50 1 0

Condensed Yellow Potion 50 1 0

Green Potion 0 1 0

Red Potion 25 1 0

Orange Potion 25 1 0

White Potion 25 1 0

Yellow potion 25 1 0


##### ARROWS #####

# You may want to modify these if you're an archer/hunter


Arrow 3000 1 0





##### SELLING ITEMS #####





# Worthless gears which are sold by default


Adventurer's Suit 0 0 1

Bandana 0 0 1

Biretta 0 0 1

Boots 0 0 1

Buckler 0 0 1

Cap 0 0 1

Chain Mail 0 0 1

Circlet 0 0 1

Coat 0 0 1

Coat [1] 0 0 1

Cotton Shirt 0 0 1

Cotton Shirt [1] 0 0 1

#Crystal Pumps 0 0 1

Diamond Ring 0 0 1

Diver Goggles 0 0 1

Eye Patch 0 0 1

Flower Ring 0 0 1

Flu Mask 0 0 1

Full Plate 0 0 1

Gangster Mask 0 0 1

Gemmed Sallet 0 0 1

Glasses 0 0 1

Gold Ring 0 0 1

Guard 0 0 1

Hair Band 0 0 1

Hat 0 0 1

Helm 0 0 1

High Heels 0 0 1

Hood 0 0 1

Hood [1] 0 0 1

Jacket 0 0 1

Jacket [1] 0 0 1

Manteau 0 0 1

Mantle 0 0 1

Mantle [1] 0 0 1

Mirror Shield 0 0 1

Mr. Smile 0 0 1

Muffler 0 0 1

Padded Armor 0 0 1

Pantie 0 0 1

Ribbon 0 0 1

Ribbon [1] 0 0 1

Rosary 0 0 1

Saint's Robe 0 0 1

Sandals 0 0 1

Sandals [1] 0 0 1

Scapulare 0 0 1

Shackles 0 0 1

Shield 0 0 1

Shoes 0 0 1

Silk Robe 0 0 1

Silver Ring 0 0 1

Silver Robe 0 0 1

Silver Robe [1] 0 0 1

Skull Ring 0 0 1

Thief Clothes 0 0 1

Tights 0 0 1

Turban 0 0 1

Wooden Mail 0 0 1

Wooden Mail [1] 0 0 1




# Worthless weapons which are sold by default


Arbalest Bow [1] 0 0 1

Arc Wand 0 0 1

Arc Wand [1] 0 0 1

Axe 0 0 1

Axe [3] 0 0 1

Axe [4] 0 0 1

Bastard Sword 0 0 1

Bastard Sword [2] 0 0 1

Battle Axe 0 0 1

Battle Axe [3] 0 0 1

Battle Axe [4] 0 0 1

Belt [1] 0 0 1

#Bible [2] 0 0 1

Bill Guisarme 0 0 1

Blade 0 0 1

Blade [3] 0 0 1

Blade [4] 0 0 1

Bow 0 0 1

Bow [3] 0 0 1

Bow [4] 0 0 1

Broad Sword [1] 0 0 1

Buster 0 0 1

Buster [1] 0 0 1

Chain [2] 0 0 1

#Chemeti Whip 0 0 1

Claw [1] 0 0 1

Claw [2] 0 0 1

Claymore 0 0 1

Club 0 0 1

Club [3] 0 0 1

Club [4] 0 0 1

Composite Bow 0 0 1

Composite Bow [3] 0 0 1

Cross Bow 0 0 1

Cross Bow [2] 0 0 1

Cutter 0 0 1

Cutter [3] 0 0 1

Cutter [4] 0 0 1

Dagger 0 0 1

Dagger [2] 0 0 1

Dagger [3] 0 0 1

Damascus [1] 0 0 1

Dirk 0 0 1

Dirk [2] 0 0 1

Dirk [3] 0 0 1

Falchion 0 0 1

Falchion [3] 0 0 1

Finger [1] 0 0 1

Finger [2] 0 0 1

Fist 0 0 1

Fist [1] 0 0 1

Flail [2] 0 0 1

Flail [3] 0 0 1

Flamberge 0 0 1

Gakkung Bow [1] 0 0 1

#Girl's Diary [1] 0 0 1

Gladius 0 0 1

Gladius [2] 0 0 1

Glaive 0 0 1

Glaive [2] 0 0 1

Glaive [3] 0 0 1

Great Bow 0 0 1

Great Bow [2] 0 0 1

Great Bow [3] 0 0 1

Guisarme 0 0 1

Guisarme [2] 0 0 1

Guitar 0 0 1

Guitar [1] 0 0 1

Gumoongoh [1] 0 0 1

Gumoongoh [2] 0 0 1

Haedonggum [1] 0 0 1

Hallberd [1] 0 0 1

Hallberd [2] 0 0 1

Hammer 0 0 1

Hammer [2] 0 0 1

Hammer [3] 0 0 1

Harp [1] 0 0 1

Harp [2] 0 0 1

Jamadhar 0 0 1

Javelin 0 0 1

Javelin [3] 0 0 1

Javelin [4] 0 0 1

Jur [2] 0 0 1

Katana 0 0 1

Katana [3] 0 0 1

Katana [4] 0 0 1

Katar [1] 0 0 1

Knife 0 0 1

Knife [3] 0 0 1

Knife [4] 0 0 1

Knuckle Dusters [2] 0 0 1

Knuckle Dusters [3] 0 0 1

Lance 0 0 1

#Lariat Whip 0 0 1

Lute [2] 0 0 1

Lute [3] 0 0 1

Mace 0 0 1

Mace [3] 0 0 1

#Mace [4] 0 0 1

Main Gauche 0 0 1

Main Gauche [3] 0 0 1

Mandolin [2] 0 0 1

Mandolin [3] 0 0 1

Morning Star [1] 0 0 1

Morning Star [2] 0 0 1

Novice Armlet [1] 0 0 1

Novice Breastplate [1] 0 0 1

Orcish Axe 0 0 1

Orcish Sword 0 0 1

Partizan 0 0 1

Partizan [1] 0 0 1

Partizan [2] 0 0 1

Pike 0 0 1

Pike [3] 0 0 1

Rante Whip 0 0 1

Rante Whip [1] 0 0 1

Rapier 0 0 1

Rapier [2] 0 0 1

Rapier [3] 0 0 1

Repeating Crossbow [1] 0 0 1

Ring Pommel Saber [2] 0 0 1

Rod 0 0 1

Rod [3] 0 0 1

#Rod [4] 0 0 1

Rope [3] 0 0 1

#Rope [4] 0 0 1

Saber [2] 0 0 1

Scimiter [2] 0 0 1

Scimiter [3] 0 0 1

Slayer 0 0 1

Slayer [2] 0 0 1

Slayer [3] 0 0 1

Smasher [2] 0 0 1

Smasher [3] 0 0 1

Spear 0 0 1

Spear [3] 0 0 1

Spear [4] 0 0 1

Staff 0 0 1

Staff [2] 0 0 1

Stiletto 0 0 1

Stiletto [2] 0 0 1

Stiletto [3] 0 0 1

Studded Knuckles [2] 0 0 1

Studded Knuckles [3] 0 0 1

Sword 0 0 1

Sword [3] 0 0 1

Sword [4] 0 0 1

Sword Mace 0 0 1

Tail Whip [1] 0 0 1

Tail Whip [2] 0 0 1

Trident 0 0 1

Trident [2] 0 0 1

Tsurugi 0 0 1

Tsurugi [1] 0 0 1

Tsurugi [2] 0 0 1

Two-handed Axe 0 0 1

Two-handed Axe [1] 0 0 1

Two-handed Sword 0 0 1

Two-handed Sword [1] 0 0 1

Violin [3] 0 0 1

#Violin [4] 0 0 1

Waghnak [3] 0 0 1

Waghnak [4] 0 0 1

Wand 0 0 1

Wand [2] 0 0 1

Wand [3] 0 0 1

#War Axe [1] 0 0 1

Whip [1] 0 0 1

Whip [2] 0 0 1

Whip [3] 0 0 1

Wire Whip [2] 0 0 1

Wire Whip [3] 0 0 1



##### STANDARD LOOT #####

# Useless items that are sold by default


Acorn 0 0 1

Ancient Lips 0 0 1

Ancient Tooth 0 0 1

Animal Poop 0 0 1

Animal Skin 0 0 1

Anolian Skin 0 0 1

Antelope Horn 0 0 1

Antelope Skin 0 0 1

Ant Jaw 0 0 1

Apple 0 0 1

Apple Juice 0 0 1

Bacillus 0 0 1

Banana 0 0 1

Banana Juice 0 0 1

Barren Trunk 0 0 1

Bear's Footskin 0 0 1

Bee Sting 0 0 1

Bill of Birds 0 0 1

Black Hair 0 0 1

Black Ladle 0 0 1

Blue Hair 0 0 1

Bouquet 0 0 1

Brigan 0 0 1

Broken Liquor Jar 0 0 1

Broken Shell 0 0 1

Broken Shuriken 0 0 1

Broken Sword 0 0 1

Broken Turtle Shell 0 0 1

Bug Leg 0 0 1

Burning Hair 0 0 1

Burning Heart 0 0 1

Burning Horseshoe 0 0 1

Burnt Tree 0 0 1

Cactus Needle 0 0 1

Carrot 0 0 1

Carrot Juice 0 0 1

Cheese 0 0 1

China 0 0 1

Chonchon Doll 0 0 1

Chrysalis 0 0 1

Chung Jah 0 0 1

Clam Flesh 0 0 1

Clam Shell 0 0 1

Claw of Desert Wolf 0 0 1

Claw of Monkey 0 0 1

Claw of Rat 0 0 1

Clover 0 0 1

Cobweb 0 0 1

Cogwheel 0 0 1

Conch 0 0 1

Coral Reef 0 0 1

Cotton Mat 0 0 1

Coupon 0 0 1

Crab Shell 0 0 1

Crystal Mirror 0 0 1

Cultish Masque 0 0 1

Cyfar 0 0 1

Daenggie 0 0 1

Dark Mask 0 0 1

Dead Medusa 0 0 1

Decayed Nail 0 0 1

Destroyed Armor 0 0 1

Detonator 0 0 1

Dokebi Horn 0 0 1

Dragon Canine 0 0 1

Dragon Scale 0 0 1

Dragon Skin 0 0 1

Dragon Tail 0 0 1

Earthworm Peeling 0 0 1

Elder Pixie's Moustache 0 0 1

Emveretarcon 0 0 1

Fabric 0 0 1

Falcon Food 0 0 1

Fang 0 0 1

Feather 0 0 1

Feather of Birds 0 0 1

Fin 0 0 1

Fine-grained Trunk 0 0 1

Fine Grit 0 0 1

Fine Sand 0 0 1

Fish Tail 0 0 1

Flower 0 0 1

Fluff 0 0 1

Fragment 0 0 1

Frill 0 0 1

Frozen Rose 0 0 1

#Garlet 0 0 1

Gill 0 0 1

Glass Bead 0 0 1

Glitter Shell 0 0 1

Glossy Hair 0 0 1

Golden Hair 0 0 1

Grasshopper's Leg 0 0 1

Grit 0 0 1

Harpy Feather 0 0 1

Harpy Talon 0 0 1

Heart of Mermaid 0 0 1

Horn 0 0 1

Horrendous Hair 0 0 1

Horrendous Mouth 0 0 1

Horseshoe 0 0 1

Ice Cubic 0 0 1

Immortal Heart 0 0 1

Insect Feeler 0 0 1

Invite for Duel 0 0 1

Jack o' Pumpkin 0 0 1

Jasmine 0 0 1

Jellopy 0 0 1

Lantern 0 0 1

Large Jellopy 0 0 1

Lava 0 0 1

Live Coal 0 0 1

Manacles 0 0 1

Mane 0 0 1

Maneater Blossom 0 0 1

Maneater Root 0 0 1

Mantis Scythe 0 0 1

Matchstick 0 0 1

Meat 0 0 1

Memento 0 0 1

Metal Fragment 0 0 1

Milk 0 0 1

Mould Powder 0 0 1

Mole Claw 0 0 1

Mole Whiskers 0 0 1

Monster's Feed 0 0 1

Moth Dust 0 0 1

Mother's Letter 0 0 1

Moth Wings 0 0 1

Mud Lump 0 0 1

Mushroom Spore 0 0 1

Needle of Alarm 0 0 1

Nightmare 0 0 1

Nine Tails 0 0 1

Nipper 0 0 1

Nose Ring 0 0 1

Nut Shell 0 0 1

Ogre Tooth 0 0 1

Oil Paper 0 0 1

Old Frying Pan 0 0 1

Old Shuriken 0 0 1

Orc Claw 0 0 1

Orcish Voucher 0 0 1

Orc's Fang 0 0 1

Osiris Doll 0 0 1

PecoPeco Feather 0 0 1

PecoPeco Food 0 0 1

Pencil Case 0 0 1

Phracon 0 0 1

Piece of Bamboo 0 0 1

Piece of Egg Shell 0 0 1

Piece of Shield 0 0 1

Pointed Scale 0 0 1

Poisonous Powder 0 0 1

Poisonous Toad Skin 0 0 1

Poison Spore 0 0 1

Porcupine Quill 0 0 1

Poring Doll 0 0 1

Powder of Butterfly 0 0 1

Pumpkin 0 0 1

Puppet 0 0 1

Raccoon Leaf 0 0 1

Racoon Doll 0 0 1

Ragnarok T-shirt 0 0 1

Rainbow Shell 0 0 1

Rat Tail 0 0 1

Raw Fish 0 0 1

Red Frame 0 0 1

#Red Stocking 0 0 1

Reins 0 0 1

Reptile Tongue 0 0 1

Resin 0 0 1

Rice Cake 0 0 1

Rocker Doll 0 0 1

Root of Stone 0 0 1

Rotten Bandage 0 0 1

Rouge 0 0 1

Round Shell 0 0 1

Sand Clump 0 0 1

Scale Shell 0 0 1

#Scell 0 0 1

Scorpion Claw 0 0 1

Scorpion Nipper 0 0 1

Scorpion Tail 0 0 1

Sea-otter Fur 0 0 1

Sharp Leaf 0 0 1

Sharp Paper 0 0 1

Sharp scale 0 0 1

Shell 0 0 1

Shining Scale 0 0 1

Shining Spear Blade 0 0 1

Shoot 0 0 1

Short Daenggie 0 0 1

Silk Mat 0 0 1

Single Cell 0 0 1

Skel-Bone 0 0 1

Skull 0 0 1

Slick Paper 0 0 1

Snail's Shell 0 0 1

Snake Scale 0 0 1

Soft Apron 0 0 1

Solid Shell 0 0 1

Solid Trunk 0 0 1

Songpyun 0 0 1

Spawn 0 0 1

Spoon Stub 0 0 1

Spore Doll 0 0 1

Squid Ink 0 0 1

Stem 0 0 1

Sticky Mucus 0 0 1

Sticky Webfoot 0 0 1

Stiff Horn 0 0 1

Stinky Scale 0 0 1

Stone 0 0 1

Stone Fragment 0 0 1

Stone Heart 0 0 1

Sushi 0 0 1

Tail of Steel Scorpion 0 0 1

Talon 0 0 1

Tattered Clothes 0 0 1

Tendon 0 0 1

Tengu Nose 0 0 1

Tentacle 0 0 1

Tiger Skin 0 0 1

Tongue 0 0 1

Tooth of Bat 0 0 1

Tough Scalelike Stem 0 0 1

Tree Root 0 0 1

#Tribal Solidarity 0 0 1

Turtle Shell 0 0 1

Venom Canine 0 0 1

Wedding Bouquet 0 0 1

Wing of Dragonfly 0 0 1

Wing of Red Bat 0 0 1

Witherless Rose 0 0 1

Wolf Claw 0 0 1

Worm Peeling 0 0 1

Worn-out Kimono 0 0 1

Worn Out Page 0 0 1

Worn-out Prison Uniform 0 0 1

Yam 0 0 1

Yarn 0 0 1

Yellow Plate 0 0 1

Young Twig 0 0 1

Yoyo Doll 0 0 1

Yoyo Tail 0 0 1

#Zargon 0 0 1

Zenorc's Fang 0 0 1




"Bowman Scroll 1" 0 0 0

"Bowman Scroll 2" 0 0 0

"Bowman Scroll 3" 0 0 0

"Bowman Scroll 4" 0 0 0

"Bowman Scroll 5" 0 0 0

"Bowman Scroll 6" 0 0 0

"Bowman Scroll 7" 0 0 0

"Bowman Scroll 8" 0 0 0

"Bowman Scroll 9" 0 0 0

"Bowman Scroll 10" 0 0 0

"Fencer Scroll 1" 0 0 0

"Fencer Scroll 2" 0 0 0

"Fencer Scroll 3" 0 0 0

"Fencer Scroll 4" 0 0 0

"Fencer Scroll 5" 0 0 0

"Fencer Scroll 6" 0 0 0

"Fencer Scroll 7" 0 0 0

"Fencer Scroll 8" 0 0 0

"Fencer Scroll 9" 0 0 0

"Fencer Scroll 10" 0 0 0

"Spearman Scroll 1" 0 0 0

"Spearman Scroll 2" 0 0 0

"Spearman Scroll 3" 0 0 0

"Spearman Scroll 4" 0 0 0

"Spearman Scroll 5" 0 0 0

"Spearman Scroll 6" 0 0 0

"Spearman Scroll 7" 0 0 0

"Spearman Scroll 8" 0 0 0

"Spearman Scroll 9" 0 0 0

"Spearman Scroll 10" 0 0 0

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vc pode deletar tudo e configurar como vc quiser.


não se esqueça que certos itens não podem ser vendidos nem guardados no armazém, vc tem que configurar pro bot não tentar guarda-los/vende-los se não ele fica tentando sem parar e acaba não fazendo mais nada

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afs vei eu so azarado agora meu bot paro de funcionar eu inicio o poseidon e ele fexa acontece comigo mesmo alguem sabe oq pode ser dessa vez?af pqp... e eu uso windows xb32bits tava funfando certinho ontem e agora da isso do nada..

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faça tudo do 0

tira os arquivos da pasta do rag, desinstala o perl, deleta o openkore, reinicia o pc e se souber como, restaura o sistema pra antes de vc começar a usar o bot.

depois baixa tudo novamente e reinstala

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