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duvida Erro Universe Gunz (Euro Gunz)


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Olá Amigo,aqui segue os erros no gunz.


<!-- Connection, Login -->

<STR id="10000">You have entered an incorrect password. Please check your password and try again.</STR>

<STR id="10001">This ID is already in use.</STR>

<STR id="10002">The client version does not match the server.</STR>

<STR id="10003">The server is full.</STR>

<STR id="10004">This ID is banned from Gunz online.</STR>

<STR id="10005">Authentication failed.</STR>

<STR id="10006">You have been Disconnected.</STR>

<STR id="10007">Connection failed. Please try again later.</STR>

<STR id="10008">Failed to retrieve the account information. Please try again later.</STR>

<STR id="10009">Wrong client version. Please run 'Repair' from the Ijji Reactor or reinstall the GunZ client.</STR>

<STR id="10010">Please wait while the game attempts to connect.</STR>

<STR id="10011">Your IP address is from an area we don't support.</STR>

<STR id="10012">Your log-in information is outdated or unavailable. Please restart the Ijji Reactor.</STR>

<STR id="10014">Your Computer Has Been Hardware Id Banned.</STR>

<STR id="10015">Your Computer Has Been Internet Protocal Banned.</STR>

<STR id="10016">Your Client is outdated please close and run the launcher.</STR>


Ou seja,tem que atualizar seu gunz.


Agradeça não cai o dedo :D


Olá Amigo,aqui segue os erros no gunz.[/color][/size]


<!-- Connection, Login -->

<STR id="10000">You have entered an incorrect password. Please check your password and try again.</STR>

<STR id="10001">This ID is already in use.</STR>

<STR id="10002">The client version does not match the server.</STR>

<STR id="10003">The server is full.</STR>

<STR id="10004">This ID is banned from Gunz online.</STR>

<STR id="10005">Authentication failed.</STR>

<STR id="10006">You have been Disconnected.</STR>

<STR id="10007">Connection failed. Please try again later.</STR>

<STR id="10008">Failed to retrieve the account information. Please try again later.</STR>

<STR id="10009">Wrong client version. Please run 'Repair' from the Ijji Reactor or reinstall the GunZ client.</STR>

<STR id="10010">Please wait while the game attempts to connect.</STR>

<STR id="10011">Your IP address is from an area we don't support.</STR>

<STR id="10012">Your log-in information is outdated or unavailable. Please restart the Ijji Reactor.</STR>

<STR id="10014">Your Computer Has Been Hardware Id Banned.</STR>

<STR id="10015">Your Computer Has Been Internet Protocal Banned.</STR>

<STR id="10016">Your Client is outdated please close and run the launcher.</STR>


Ou seja,tem que atualizar seu gunz.


Agradeça não cai o dedo :D


malz ai, fonte


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